Assignment # 03: Entrepreneurship

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Assignment # 03


Submitted To: Mam Hira Javaid

Submitted by: Muhammad Hammad Arshad


Department: BSSE-15B

Topic: New business idea (Project Tool (PMT))

Submission Date: 17 April, 2019

PMT is a cloud-based SaaS work tracking and project management solution designed to improve
team collaboration. It enables users to create collaborative workspaces and dashboards for projects,
tasks, and conversations. In each task, users can add notes, comments, attachments, and tags, track
progress, and notify team members and managers (followers) of any status updates
PMT is a web and mobile application designed to help teams organize, track, and manage their
work. “PMT simplifies team-based work management. PMT is a software-as-a-service designed
to improve team collaboration and work management. It helps teams manage projects and tasks in
one tool. Teams can create projects, assign work to teammates, specify deadlines, and
communicate about tasks directly in PMT. It also includes reporting tools, file attachments,
calendars, and more.

PMT: SWOT Analysis (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats)

 Strengths

o Easy-to-use for novices; powerful for tinkerers

o Many built-in report formats; CSV exports
o Free for almost all private or commercial use
o Works with both free and paid PMT accounts
o No extra login/authentication required
 Weaknesses
o Requires you to be using Chrome and to install the PMT extension (but just
takes a minute)
o Doesn't give you access to the entire PMT API (but offers a lot including your
Custom Fields and subtasks)
 Opportunities
o Output your Projects, My Tasks, Search Results as cards, tables, lists, detailed
or summary
o Great way to work with others who don't use PMT
o Offers a partial replacement for Projects Dashboard
o Mind Map import and output
 Threats
o Lost time and extra effort without PMT
o Frustration with PMT's built-in all-or-nothing output
o Reluctance to use Asana when you want to because collaborators aren't PMT

Market Demand
The global project management software market is expected to witness a CAGR of 10.14% during
the forecast period of 2018–2023. The scope of this report is limited to the type of deployment
method used such as cloud-based and on-premises, size of the organization, such as small &
medium-sized enterprises and large enterprises, end-user verticals, such as BFSI, healthcare and
life sciences, manufacturing, IT & telecommunications, and retail, among others. The regions
considered in the scope of the report include North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific, Latin America,
and the Middle East & Africa.

Project Management Tool (PMT) is intended to manage work between members of a group and
enforce order in the projects they are managing. As a tool for organizing and managing work, the
use of project management software continues to grow at a rapid pace across industries. As
corporations develop in size and complexity, more all-inclusive solutions are needed to coordinate
an entire organization's portfolio of projects. These solutions help the management to shuffle plan,
workload, budgets and resources, observe projects as they develop, and report on delivery success.

Target Audience
PMT is for individuals, teams, startups, SMBs, large enterprises, and non-profit organizations. It
is beneficial to companies and businesses in many industries such as IT, software, agencies and
others with a need for task management, project tracking and real-time communication

PMT releases its API to third-party developers. PMT’s open API provides a means to
programmatically read information in PMT, input information into PMT, and create automations
within PMT. This allows customers or third-party developers to build on the PMT platform and
customize PMT to the unique way their teams work. Common use cases include automating
repetitive tasks, chaining processes, automating reporting on tasks and projects, and syncing with
databases or other tools.

The PMT API is a RESTful interface, allowing you to update and access much of your data on the
platform. It provides predictable URLs for accessing resources, and uses built-in HTTP features
to receive commands and return responses. This makes it easy to communicate with a wide variety
of environments, from command-line utilities to browser plugins to native applications.

To summarize, PMT is entering a large market with big ideas and an iterative approach. As such,
it is likely to follow one of three courses:
 Fail to gain significant traction and fold.
 Become a successful product albeit for a niche market.
 Sweep the market, become one of the standard solutions in the space.

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