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UNSW Business School

Micro/Macro 1 PASS timetable

Need help with Economics (Micro/Macro 1)? Come to PASS!

— PASS (Peer Assisted Support Scheme) study groups help you improve your marks in Micro/Macro 1.
— You can come to:
– Ask questions about specific problems or concepts that you encountered in tutorials and lectures
– Work on a variety of problems with friendly and experienced leaders
– Discuss general areas of concern for first year students, such as how to prepare for exams and
manage time
– Meet other students in an informal atmosphere
— PASS begins in Week 3 and ends in Week 13. Keep in mind that you can attend any class you like!
— All PASS class times are before/after lecture slots. The schedule is as follows (you can attend any class):

ECON1102 Macroeconomics 1, Session 2, 2016

Day Time Place PASS Leader

Monday 1pm – 2pm QUAD 1001 Alan and Robert

Tuesday 10pm – 11am BUS105 Robert and Tiffany

Wednesday 1pm – 2pm Law 101 Nathan and Tiffany

Thursday 12pm – 1pm Law 276 Nathan and Tiffany

ECON1101 Microeconomics 1, Session 2, 2016

Group Time Location Leaders

Thursday 1pm – 2pm QUAD G047 Alan and Robert

Last updated: 11/07/16 CRICOS Code: 00098G

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