Combined Production Order Processing (DIMP) - SAP Blogs

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26/04/2019 Combined Production Order Processing (DIMP) | SAP Blogs

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February 3, 2014 5 minute read

Combined Production Order Processing (DIMP)

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Business Process of Order Combination:

In certain segments of industry, including the steel, paper, and textile industries, but also the tools and
special-purpose machinery sectors, the same operations are used to manufacture di erent products. These
operations may include producing a melt,continuous casting, and hot and cold rolling. The operations before
and after these identical operations are di erent for di erent products.

The order combination function allows you to combine the sequences of identical operations in a
consolidated production order.

This document shows how two production orders created for the same material are combined. However,
there is no system restriction in regard to the combination of production orders with di erent header
material or the mix of MTO and MTS orders.

Purpose: 1/17
26/04/2019 Combined Production Order Processing (DIMP) | SAP Blogs

In this scenario, a combined order is created from two individual orders using the same operations and
The con rmation and the goods issue are performed against the combined order.
The goods receipt is performed against the individual orders.
The costs of the combined order are settled to the individual orders

Bene ts:

Combining machine processes for orders that run at the same time ;ie Reduction in setup time
Settling the costs to the individual orders.



Industry Solution ECC-DIMP to be activated in SFW5

Con guration:

SPRO – Production – Shop oor control – Master data – Order – Administer selection pro le for the

Create the selection pro le as displayed below:

Process Flow:

Creation of two original production orders for finished products (CO01)
Combination of the two original production orders into one combined order (MILL_OC)
Post good issue against the combined order(MIGO)
Confirmation of the combined order(CO11N)
Post the goods receipt against individual orders.(MB31)
Technical completion of combined order.
Cost settlement of the combined order to the original orders 2/17
26/04/2019 Combined Production Order Processing (DIMP) | SAP Blogs

Process Flow with screen shots:

There are two scenarios handled in combination order process.

1. Combination of production orders belonging to same material derived from single sales order.
2. Combination of production orders belonging to same material derived from two di erent sales orders.

1. Creation of Production Orders: ( Tcode: CO01/CO41)

List of production orders created against sales order 337372

List of production orders created against sales order 337373

2. Combination of Original production orders into combined order ( Tcode : MILL_OC)

In standard MILL_OC is the tcode used for combining the production orders. More than two production
orders also can be combined. Select the plant, selection pro le and order numbers which needs to be 3/17
26/04/2019 Combined Production Order Processing (DIMP) | SAP Blogs

combined as shown below.

Various options are available like imputing sales order number or material number or production order
numbers. In the below example production orders numbers which needs to be combined are entered.

Select the orders to be combined along with one order as reference order as shown below. Click on Execute

New Pop screen will be displayed as shown below. Click OK. 4/17
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New combined production order ( 1001365) is created for qty of 6 by combining the original order 1
(337372100002 – qty 3) and original order 2 (337373100002 – qty 3) as displayed below. Release the order
and SAVE.

Observe the routing of one of the original order 337372100002. 5/17
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Observe the routing of one of the original order 337373100002.

Combination order 1001365 has same operations as original orders including the standard values like setup
time, machine time etc. 6/17
26/04/2019 Combined Production Order Processing (DIMP) | SAP Blogs

Observe the BOM of the combination order. Two negative elements are created automatically for two original
orders combined.

3. Goods issue against combined order ( Tcode : MIGO)

Good Issue to the combination order –Tcode MIGO 7/17
26/04/2019 Combined Production Order Processing (DIMP) | SAP Blogs

Material cost for the combination order.

4. Con rmation against combined order: (Tcode : CO11N)

Go to T‑code CO11N and confirm the operations of combination order 8/17
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Con rmation of rst operation 0010

5. Goods Receipt against Original Orders: (Auto GR -CO11N or MB31)

Auto GR while doing con rmation of last operation is possible.

While confirming the last operation for combination order, click on the Quantity Distribution button as shown below
to distribute the total GR quantity to original orders 9/17
26/04/2019 Combined Production Order Processing (DIMP) | SAP Blogs

Below screen will appear, showing the con rmation quantity against the individual order. Click on execute or
press F8.

Below message will appear the showing the con rmation for original orders.

Original Order 337372100002 after GR completion with delivered qty of 3 10/17
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Original Order 337373100002 after GR completion with delivered qty of 3

Documentation Referred:

Alert Moderator

874471 – Additions for installing or activating ECC­DIMP on ECC 6.0
Assigned tags

MAN Production Planning (PP) | Manufacturing | Mill Products | combination order | dimp |

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26/04/2019 Combined Production Order Processing (DIMP) | SAP Blogs

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Former Member

March 6, 2014 at 4:11 am

Very nice and useful information.. Like the way it has been presented.

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Former Member | Post author

March 6, 2014 at 6:52 am

Thanks Ajit for your comments.

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Jiaul Haque

March 31, 2014 at 8:13 am

It’s useful and informative . 12/17
26/04/2019 Combined Production Order Processing (DIMP) | SAP Blogs

We are also using the similar kind of solution in Industrial Equipment manufacturing .We named it as
Umbrella  Order .Apart from that we are using a collective report where  user will combine the order
reference to  design speci cation  , operation details of any routing .

Thanks for sharing .



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Former Member | Post author

March 31, 2014 at 12:27 pm

Thanks Haque for your feedback and sharing some valuable information.

Thanks & Regards,


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Former Member

April 1, 2014 at 3:06 pm


Have you used Process batches in DIMP solution? I am struggling to get the create process batch push
button to appear in CO11N. done all the settings as per SAP help le.

Could not gure out what the issue is. If you have used process bathes in your DIMP system, let me know.

Thanks for your document on combined order

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Former Member | Post author

April 5, 2014 at 11:50 pm

Hi Rammohan, Sorry..i did not use Process Batches.

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26/04/2019 Combined Production Order Processing (DIMP) | SAP Blogs

Former Member

April 2, 2014 at 6:11 am

Good one. Really helpful.

Thanks for sharing…….!



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Former Member | Post author

April 5, 2014 at 11:51 pm

Thanks Naresh for your feedback

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Shripad Renapurkar

April 7, 2014 at 5:06 am

Excellent Document

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Former Member | Post author

April 7, 2014 at 7:46 am

Thanks Shripad for your feedback.

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akundi venkat

April 10, 2014 at 9:10 am


Nice document and well presented

I have query in this cant we do GR for combination order instead of quantity split or else manual GR for
combination order

Venkat 14/17
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Former Member | Post author

April 10, 2014 at 9:51 am

Hi Venkat,

Thanks for your feedback. We cannot do GR for combined order. GR to be done for the orginal orders only.
Cost captured on combined order needs to be proportionally moved on orginal orders.

Thanks & Regards,


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Raghava Sadhu

May 13, 2014 at 9:14 am

Nice compilation…thanks a lot for sharing your knowledge…


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Former Member | Post author

May 14, 2014 at 10:06 am

Thanks Hari for your feedback

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Anupam Sharma

May 13, 2014 at 9:24 am

Hi Ramagiri,

Good work …Keep Sharing


Anupam Sharma

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26/04/2019 Combined Production Order Processing (DIMP) | SAP Blogs

Former Member | Post author

May 14, 2014 at 10:07 am

Thanks Anupam for your feedback. Will do.

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Former Member

March 10, 2015 at 12:07 pm


      i’m facing problem in the last step.

Auto GR is not triggered. But system is displaying the con rmation for individual order, if i check in the
individual order delivered quantity is zero.

no goods movements captured for the individual order.

please advice

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Former Member

March 10, 2015 at 4:12 pm


GR in combined order is done only against Individual order. So con rmation against Combined order will
not trigger Auto GR for Individual orders.

Hope this helps.



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Former Member

December 8, 2015 at 4:44 am

Hi, 16/17
26/04/2019 Combined Production Order Processing (DIMP) | SAP Blogs

I can use MILL_OC to create the combination order.  but the element display in MD04 is very strange .  The
Negative quantity of the component in the combination order , which are from original header material,
display in the MD04 and involved in calculation as a receipt elements.  do you know how to solve the

thank you so much.

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Andy Yeri

May 1, 2017 at 5:28 pm

Nice concept document, few questions on details from my end:

1. Does Order combining also do scheduling? Is there a way to STOP when External Scheduling (non-APO)
2. How does Combining Operations di er from Combining Orders?
3. Is a Reference Order a MUST? What is its use in creating Combined Orders?
4. What is the use of combining Operations? Potentially, all Operations on a Routing must be combined,
else how will we segregate ops within a given routing, if we combine only a few?
5. Is Order combination possible with MTO & MTS Con gurable products?


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