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35. Fetch = go and get

36. Flaunt = exhibit , show off
1. Abuse = neglect , violence
37. Flimsy = fragile
2. Accelerated = speed up
38. Fragile = easily broken , weak
3. Admonish = give a warning
39. Fraternity = union , organization
4. Adoration = devotion , worship
40. Futile = useless , a waste of time
5. Anxiety = nervousness
41. Gown = dress , robe
6. Avenue = way , road
42. Grief = unhappiness
7. Bloodshed = killing , violence
43. Hose = pipe , tube
8. Boycott = stay away from , reject
44. Hostile = aggressive
9. Brigade = team , taskforce
45. Hypocrisy = dishonesty
10. Brutally = harshly
46. Ignite = put a match to, set fire to
11. Charitable = bountiful
47. Illiterate = uneducated , ignorant
12. Cluster = crowd together
48. Implementation = Accomplishment
13. Commemorate = venerate , remember
49. Inferno = fire , flames
14. Contribution = donation
50. Intensity = force , power , strength
15. Cordon = line , row , chain
51. Laden = overloaded , burdened
16. Crest = top , summit , peak
52. Limp = shamble , walk lamely
17. Crockery = dinner service , dishes
53. Meditation = rumination
18. Decoded = made out
54. Melancholy = depressed , sad
19. Decorum = good behavior , modesty
55. Methodically = precisely , logically
20. Delirious = restless
56. Mischief = disobedience
21. Derive = originate
57. Modesty = humility , reserve
22. Destitute = penniless , poor
58. Peppering = showering , interrupting ,
23. Deviating = conflicting , opposing
24. Discomfort = soreness
59. Persecution = harassment
25. Dispute = argument
60. Piety = holiness
26. Envy = be jealous of
61. Pious = virtuous
27. Equivalent = comparable
62. Pledge = assurance
28. Exempt = free from
63. Pledge = oath
29. Exodus = evacuation , migration 64. Poverty = poorness
30. Experience = occurrence 65. Prestige = reputation
31. Explode = get angry , burst out 66. Prosper = grow ,flourish
32. Expulsion = removal 67. Reconcile = bring together
33. Extent = coverage , level 68. Remuneration = payment
34. Felicity = happiness 69. Revival = recovery
70. Righteousness = morality
71. Robust = healthy
72. Sacrifice = give up
73. Sacrilegious = profane
74. Selfless = altruistic
75. Simultaneously = all together , at once
76. Sluggish = lethargic
77. Snaking = twisting , windy
78. Squatter = unlawful treatment or resident
79. Stable = secure , established
80. Steadfast = firm
81. Stumble = slip, fall, falter
82. Thicket = undergrowth
83. Threat = peril
84. Toddler = child ,kid
85. Treatment = dealing
86. Ungodly = irreligious
87. Unlawful = prohibited
88. Valid = suitable
89. Vulnerable = defenseless , weak
90. Warped = perverted , out of shape
91. Welfare = happiness , benefit
92. Misery = Unhappiness , sadness
93. Aggravate = worsen , heighten
94. Ply = carry out , harass
95. Blatantly = obviously, deliberately
96. Mess = confusion , disorder
97. Alleviate = improve, lighten
98. Confiscate = remove , take away
99. Concern = worry ,fear

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