Industrial Revolution Reaction Paper

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Liezel C.

dela Pena Comstud 50 – Gg

Reaction Paper

Humans made a great leap. The fruits of the mind and labor that no one could

ever imagine. A change that made a great difference. Industrial Revolution finally made

its catwalk on the red carpet.

A change that meets no ends: From machines to factories, Coal to steams, steel to

ships, and discoveries to mass production. No one could ever imagine how great minds

work to make these things possible. We could now enjoy things that we could never

have before. We can eat many things, play with things and humans can produce a lot of

stuffs. Humankind made a great use of the natural resources and producing it to things

useful to everyone.

The Opium war of the British traders and the Japanese made a great example

how someone with industrialized things could win over swords that can kill 5 people in

one slashing and a country with 300 million people is residing. Another example is the

war between The Industrial North vs. The Agrarian South Americans. Yes, they both

have guns but they differ in speed and ammunitions.

A devastating amount of people died of bacteria over the past centuries. No one

knows the cause. John Snow and Alexander Fleming made a great impact by their

brilliant experiments. A Million lives saved after their discovery. They stopped the

bacteria’s infestations on human bodies and they can never be more proud of that by

being doctors.

A whole lot of change can be seen in our world as of the present but nothing can

really surpass the start of everything, the start of the Industrial Revolution.

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