Test 15 Syllabus: Science and Technology

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Group 1 Mains Test Series Kalam Vision Academy 2019

Test 15


Science and Technology

- Science and Technology – Role, Achievements and Developments

- Their applications and effects in everyday life

‐ Energy ‐ Conventional and Non-conventional

- Advancements in the fields of

• I.T.,
• Space,
• Computers,
• Robotics,
• Nano-Technology

‐ Mobile Communication - Remote sensing and its benefits.

What and where to Study?

• This subject is mostly current affairs based. Don’t spend too much time in
reading static science. Give importance to last 1 year current affairs regarding
science and tech
• Science and Tech current affairs covering last 1 and half years will be uploaded
in the app. Check under the ‘Group 1 Mains current affairs course → Science and
Technology folder’.

Applications of Science and Tech in everyday life

Read from School books, in TN school books there are many examples given for science
with real-life application. Read those things only. Read the ‘Why’ questions given in
science lessons. For example: ‘Why the carbonated drinks are stored in a pressurized
container?’. Throughout our 11th and 12th books there are many such ‘why’ questions
given in the lessons with explanations. Must read it.

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Energy -Conventional and Non-conventional:

Read from any Science book. (Buy TMH Science and Technology book or study from
google search.)

Read about the latest non-conventional energy generation methods, their advantage. Read
the related current affairs news. For eg., Hydrogen powered train in Germany, ‘Shakthi
Sthala’ solar park in Karnataka, etc.,

Advancements in the fields of IT, Space, computers, nano-tech, robotics, Mobile

Communication - Remote sensing and its benefits.:

For Space → Read about latest and upcoming missions of ISRO and around the world.
(More resources given in the app)

For other topics → Read the current affairs related to these topics. (Start reading current
affairs daily, starting from today, cover the old current affairs side-by-side). (Remote
sensing and its benefits - we already covered in geography tests, so revise it again)

Test 15

Applications of Science and Tech in everyday life

Section A (3 marks)

1. Hard water produces less foam with detergents. Do you know why?
2. Why the carbonated drinks are stored in a pressurized container?
3. Why do stars twinkle?
4. Why a charged comb attracts an uncharged piece of paper?
5. Why deep-sea divers use air diluted with helium gas in their air tanks?
6. Why do liquids like water, mercury etc. form drops?
7. Bananas are not kept in refrigerator why?
8. Why do sky appear blue?
9. Sun appears reddish at sunrise and sunset, why?
10. Why colloidal system in gas in gas does not exist?
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11. Why do we have seasons in earth?

12. A capacitor blocks DC but it allows AC. Why? and How?
13. When you walk on the tiled floor where water is spilled, you are likely to slip. Why?
14. Why there are no lunar eclipse and solar eclipse every month?
15. Why gas bubbles rise up in soda water?
16. A drop of oil placed on the surface of water spreads out. But a drop of water place on
oil contracts to a spherical shape. Why?
17. Why a spanner with a long handle is preferred to tighten screws in heavy vehicles?
18. While catching a cricket ball the fielder lowers his hands backwards. Why?
19. Why is tungsten metal used in bulbs, but not in fuse wires?
20. Why does an empty vessel produce more sound than a filled one?
21. Cell phone towers should be placed far away from the residential area – why?
22. Why does iron rust on its exposure to water or air?
23. Why does rainbow have 7 colours?
24. Why does heat always flows from a state of higher temperature to one of lower
temperature and not in the opposite direction?
25. Why do solids have fixed shape?
26. Why do liquids doesn’t have fixed shape?
27. Why do gas doesn’t have fixed shape?
28. Why do solids have fixed shape?
29. Why do solids have fixed volume?
30. Why do liquids have fixed volume?

(Answers for the above questions available in our TN School books, 10 th ,11th new
books. Download the PDF books and search the words. A few of them covered in our
Group 2 mains tests also, to get our g2 mains tests contact us in

Energy -Conventional and Non-conventional, Advancements in the fields of IT,

Space, computers, Nano-tech, robotics, Mobile Communication - Remote sensing and
its benefits.:

Section A (3 marks)

(Read the Current affairs PDf materials given in the app under ‘Group 1 mains current
affairs → Science and Technology → Science and Tech PDF current affairs’)

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1. What is a Thermal battery? (World’s first ever thermal battery plant opened in
Amaravathi, recently)
2. ISRO’s YUVIKA programme
4. GSAT 31
5. BellSequana supercomputer
6. Pratyush computer
7. SpinNaker supercomputer
8. Explain the term ‘Internet of things’ (IoT)
9. What is a 3D printer?
10. Shakti microprocessor
11. What is meant by the term ‘Big Data’?
12. Digital sky platform
13. Saposhi malware
14. Gravity RAT malware
15. ToneTag technology
16. LEAP microscope
17. KATRIN experiment
18. Cyclone-30
19. India’s first engineless train
20. What is the new definition of Kilogram?
21. KalamSAT
22. CubeSAT
23. Li-fi
24. Write about the Contributions of Stephen hawking. Name the disease which affected
Stephen Hawking
25. EyeROV Tuna
26. What is GI tag?
27. What is intellectual property?
28. Write about Large Hadron Collider and its achievements
29. What are gravitational waves? What is a LIGO detector?
30. What is hyperloop transportation technology?
31. EAST reactor
32. Apsara U Reactor
33. Shakti Sthala Soalr park
34. Blood moon

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35. Space force by USA

36. National supercomputing mission in India
37. RUCO (Re-purposed used cooking oil)
38. World’s first hydrogen train
39. GRACE mission
40. RAMA (NASA’s made in space project)
41. UNNATi Programme, Samwad programme by ISRO
42. What is Chandra X-Ray Observatory?
43. 30 meter telescope
45. What is QRSAM?
46. What can quantum computers do that normal ones can’t?
47. Pinaka Mark I
48. Dhanush Artillery Gun
49. What is dark matter in space?
50. IRNSS?
51. What does Artificial Intelligence (AI) mean?
52. Write a short note on SAFAR
53. India’s first chatbot for patients – ANYA
54. India’s first privately built satellite - ExseedSAT 1
55. Write about Vorombe Titan
56. What is Coradia iLint?
57. What is ‘Tai Genomics ‘
58. What is Augmented Reality?
59. What is Virtual Reality?
60. Define Robotics.
63. James webb space telescope
64. Aditya L1
65. Parker Solar Probe
66. Advantages of Hydrogen Fuel Cells
67. Ngari observatory
68. Chandra X-Ray Obervatory
69. James Webb Space telescope
70. SPHEREx telescope

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71. ICESAT-2
72. Write about Space-X’s moon tour
73. NASA InSIght mission
74. Sophia Robot
75. What is 5G technology?
76. What is Nano technology?
77. What is cloud computing?
78. AWG (Atmospheric water generator)
79. Excitonium – new form of matter
80. Write about ISRO’s ‘Bhuvan’
81. How does Satellites helps in Disaster relief works?
82. What is a ‘Hyper spectral image’? Write about HYSIS mission
83. What is NAVSTAR System?
84. What is Global Positioning System? In what altitudes did the GPS satellites placed?
85. What is a Reusable launch vehicle? What are its advantages?
86. What is UPI (payment interface)?

Section B ( 8 or 10 marks)

87. What is Block chain technology? Write about its advantages and challenges. Explain
the term ‘Bitcoin’
88. What is space debris? What is a Graveyard orbit? Write about the problems
associated with space debris
89. What is Nano-technology? List down its applications
90. Write about A-SAT missile
91. Explain the importance of Satellites during disaster relief operations (take the case
of kerala flood)
92. Write the salient features of India’s ‘Science, technology and innovation policy
93. GAGANYAN Mission
94. Write a note on the developmental flights of GSLV Mk III, and explain why it is going
to be used for India’s manned space mission?
95. Findings of Chandrayan 1 and aim of Chandrayan 2
96. Noble Prize on Physics and chemistry for the year 2018
97. Applications of super computer
98. Write about Hubble space telescope
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99. Write a note on Indian Remote Sensing program

100. What are the advantages and benefits of Remote Sensing?

Section C (15 marks)

1. Explain about the current (2019) and future important missions of ISRO (Like Aditya,
Chandrayan, Gaganyan etc.,)
2. Explain any 5 important Current and future missions of NASA
3. Why India needs its own Satellite Navigation system? Write a note on India’s own
Satellite Navigation System IRNSS
4. What is Artificial intelligence? Write its applications. Will automation and Artificial
intelligence destroy human jobs? Discuss.
5. Mention the significance of ASTRA Missile. What is the need for having Satellite
defense system? Write about USA’s Space force.
6. What are the environmental impacts related to conventional energy generation
methods, like thermal power plants and nuclear power plants
7. Discuss some of the non-conventional ways of generating electricity without affecting
the environment to larger extent. Give some examples from around the world.
8. Write a note on Digital India mission, What are the various components of Digital India
mission and the various initiatives undertaken under this mission?

(Some of these covered in our Group 2 mains tests, contact in whatsapp/telegram to get
our group 2 mains test papers with answers)

Pick questions from the above list and write test on your own.

For paper evaluation and feedback on your answers – Scan your answer sheet in
cam scanner app and send as PDF to kalamvisionacademy@gmail.com or whatsapp
to 8610112702

Test Schedule and study plan – Click here

For any doubts – Contact 8610112702 in whatsapp/Telegram

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