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Lingual Bony Protruberances - A Retrospective

Anuradha Navaneetham*, Jeevan Aiyappa**, Dayanand Saraswathi**, Arati K Rao+

The mandibular tori are bony protruberances present on the lingual aspect of the mandible. Most often they
pose no problems if they are small in size. However, large tori can cause various problems such as ulceration
of overlying mucosa, food retention, masticatory and speech problems, sleep apnoea, etc. We present our
experiences with mandibular tori and a brief discussion on their etiology and treatment.
Key Words : Tori, Mandible, Etiology, Speech problems, Masticatory difficulty, Surgical removal of tori.

INTRODUCTION tori had two other family members who also had
mandibular tori which measured around 0.25cm x 1cm.
T he terms tori and exostosis refer to the presence of
bony protuberances. The word tori literally means
to stand out or lump in Latin. When the bony
These two patients however reported no functional
problems associated with the presence of the tori and
chose not to get them removed (Figs. 1-3).
protuberance is present on the buccal surface of the jaws
they are referred to as exostosis. The torus mandibularis DISCUSSION
is a bony outgrowth seen on the lingual surface of the
mandible. It is usually is found above the mylohyoid
line in the region of the premolars or canines. The torus The exact cause for the development of tori still
palatinus is a growth seen on the the midline of the hard remains inconclusive. Various studies propose varied
palate 1. causes which, include
Our Experiences with Mandibular Tori z Genetic factors - some studies have suggested an
autosomal dominant mode of inheritance of tori
The following table lists our experience in the past
three years with 10 patients with mandibular tori and z Environmental factors and Dietary habits –
the most common reasons patients in our practice nutritional deficiencies (avitaminosis) 2, increased
wanted their removal. consumption of fish which have high content of vit
D, disturbances in calcium metabolism
Reason for wanting removal of tori No. of patients z Masticatory hyperfunction – habitual bruxism may
cause lower teeth to tip due to horizontal forces
Problems with phonation 2 which causes their tooth apices to exert pressure on
Problems with mastication and difficulty 3 the periodontal ligament thus, stimulating formation
in maintaining oral hygiene of new bone 3. It is of interest to note that many
Sleep apnoea 1 patients with mandibular tori exhibit presence of
abraded teeth. Some studies have also found an
Difficulty in fabricating dental Prosthesis 2
association between presence of tori with associated
TMJ dysfunction which maybe explained on the
Below are the pictures of the patient who had sleep presence of parafunctional habits.
apnoea caused due to bilateral mandibular tori z Continued growth
measuring around 3cm x 5cm. The surgical procedure
involved reflection of a full thickness mucoperiosteal
flap and the use of surgical burs and osteotomes for The incidence of torus mandibularis ranges from
excision of the tori. In the three years following surgery 0.5%-63.4%. It is seen most often in the age group of 35-
there have been no recurrences in all 8 operated cases. 60 years. A few studies have reported a greater incidence
in male patients.
The patient with sleep apnoea caused due to large
Size and Shape of Tori
*Prof. and Head; **Professor; +Lecturer, Department of Oral Haugen and Eggen et al classified tori as
and Maxillofacial Surgery- HOSMAT/Institute of Dental
Sciences-Bareilly, U.P. India. Small < 2mm

JIDA, Vol. 4, No. 12, December 2010 603

Fig. 1 : Intraoral preop view. Fig. 2 : Intraop view of tori. Fig. 3 : Excised tori.

Medium 2-4mm problems with phonation.

Large > 4mm Food Retention
Reichart classified them as Large irregular shaped tori cause problems with
Grade I – upto 3mm maintenance of good oral hygiene. Retention of food in
Grade II – upto 6mm crevices can cause foul smell.
Grade III - >6mm Fabrication of Prosthesis
Tori are usually flat, nodular, lobular or spindle It is the most common reason for removal of tori.
shaped. They maybe unilateral/bilateral, single/
Sleep Apnoea
There have been case reports implicating large tori
The most commonly seen shape is nodular and
for decrease in airway space by causing the tongue to
mandibular tori are usually bilateral.
fall back .
The diagnosis of tori is almost always incidental.
Difficult Laryngoscopy
Diagnosis is confirmed on clinical examination which
reveals a bony hard mass covered by thin mucosa. The Large tori cause difficulty in performing laryngoscopy
patients may not even be aware of the presence of small for intubation of patients requiring general anesthesia 5.
tori and will give a history of slow growth of larger tori.
Radiographs will reveal radiopaque masses. CONCLUSION
Histopathologic examination of tori reveals presence of Not all tori require removal. Based on the size of the
outer thick cortical bone and inner core of spongy bone tori and patient’s complaints a decision may be made
similar to normal bone structure. Recently tori have been regarding excision of the tori. Surgical excision is
used as a source of autogenous bone graft to augment curative and recurrence is extremely rare.
alveolar bone prior to dental implant placement 4.
Problems Caused due to Tori
1. Garcia et al.Current Status of torus palatinus and torus
The following are some of the reasons a dentist should mandibularis. Med Oral Pathol Oral Cir Buccal 2010; 1 : 15(2)
refer a patient for removal of tori. 353-60.

Ulceration of Overlying Mucosa 2. Antoniades Demetrios Z, et al. Concurrence of torus palatinus

with buccal exostoses. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral
The mucosa covering tori is thin and poorly Radiol Endod 1998; 85 : 552-7.
vascularized and is susceptible to greater sensitivity and 3. Ossenberg. Mandibular torus: a synthesis of new and
ulceration due to mastication etc. Chronic ulceration may previously reported data and discussion of its cause.
cause infection, cancerophobia in patients. Contribution to physical anthropology. 1918; 1 : 53-76.
4. Scott D. Ganz. Mandibular tori as a source for onlay bone
Inability to Masticate Food Properly graft augmentation: A surgical procedure, The implant report
Large tori may decrease masticatory efficiency 1997; 9 (9) : 974-82.
5. Takasugi et al. Difficult laryngoscopy caused by massive
mandibular tori. J Anesth 2009; 23(2) : 278-80.
Many patients with large tori come to a dentist with

604 JIDA, Vol. 4, No. 12, December 2010

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