Psychrometry Questions

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Psychrometry and Air-conditioning

1. Air at 32 C is saturated with water vapour at a barometric pressure of 1.013 bar.
Calculate: (i) partial pressures of vapour and dry air, (ii) volume of mixture per kg of
dry air, (iii) mass of dry air per kg of vapour, (iv) specific humidity, (v) relative
humidity. [0.04754 bar; 0.9655 bar; 29.57 m3; 32.6 kg; 0.031; 100%].

2. The pressure of water vapour in an atmosphere which is at 32 C and 1.013 bar is 0.02063
bar. Calculate: (i) degree of superheat of water vapour, (ii) specific humidity, (iii)
relative humidity, (iv) the temperature to which the air must be cooled for it to become
just saturated. If the air is cooled to 10 C from its original condition, calculate the
mass of condensate formed per kg of dry air. [14 K; 0.01292; 43.4%; 18oC; 0.0053 kg].
3. An air and water vapour mixture at 1 bar and 26.7 C has a specific humidity of 0.0085.
Calculate the percentage saturation. [37.7%].

4. An air and water vapour mixture at 1.013 bar and 16 C has a dew point temperature of
5 C. Calculate the relative and specific humidities. [48%; 0.0054].

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5. The temperature in a room of volume 38 m is 25 C and the pressure is 1.013 bar; the
dew point of the air in the room is 14 C. If a vessel containing water is placed in the
room calculate the maximum that can be lost by evaporation. Assume the pressure in the room
remains constant. [0.433 kg].

6. (a) An air-conditioned room is maintained at a temperature of 21 C and a relative
humidity of 55% when the barometric pressure is 740 mm Hg. Calculate: (i) the specific
humidity, (ii) the temperature of the inside of the windows in the room if moisture is just
beginning to form on them. [0.00874; 11.62oC].
(b) For the room in(a) what mass of water vapour per kg of dry air must be removed from
the mixture in order to prevent condensation on the windows when their temperature drops to
4 C, and what is the initial relative humidity to satisfy this condition when the room
temperature remains at 21 C ? [0.0035 kg; 32.7%].

(7) For the mixture of problem (6) calculate: (i) the specific volume of the vapour, (ii)
the heat rejected per kg of mixture when the mixture is cooled at constant volume until
condensation just begins, (iii) the dew point of the mixture at this condition, (iv) the
pressure in the room after cooling. [99.3 m3; 7 kJ; 11.35oC; 0.954 bar].

(8) The readings taken in a room from a sling psychrometer give a dry and a wet bulb
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temperature of 25 C and 19.9 C. Using the psychrometric chart, taking the atmospheric
pressure as 1.01325 bar, calculate: (i) the specific humidity, (ii) the percentage
saturation, (iii) the dew point, (iv) the specific volume of the mixture,(v) the specific
enthalpy of the mixture. [0.0125; 62%; 17.4oC; 0.861 m3/kg; 57 kJ/kg].

(9) It is required to maintain the air in a building at 20 C and 40% saturation when the
outside conditions are 28 C, 50% saturation with a barometric pressure of 1.01325 bar. The
total heat gains to the room (sensible plus latent) are 15 kW, and the latent heat gains
are 3 kW. There is no recirculation and the fresh air passes over a cooling coil to
dehumidify it, and then a heater, before entering the room. The cooling coil by pass factor
is 0.2; the volume flow of fresh air is 5 m /s. Calculate: (i) temperature of air leaving
the coil, (ii) refrigeration load for the coil, (iii) the heat supplied in the heater.
[6.6oC; 219 kW; 66 kW].

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