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Cambaliza, Carl Robert T.


A Review Paper on the talk “Power of Fitness” by Vincent Lam

Vincent Lam started the talk by introducing himself and making it clear to people that fitness isn’t a
choice, it is a lifestyle. Vincent gave the viewers and listeners an exceptional point about why one should be
taking proper exercise, nutrition and healthy food choices which I find interesting. Since Vincent said that
an average person should be taking 30 minutes of workout for five days in a week, which knocked me out so
hard because a lot of people I know do not even give some of their spare time in doing exercises. One of
these people is also myself, the reason why I do not do exercise is that when I got home to school, I always
end up lying down in my bed and just focus on what I need to do for academics.

Vincent Lam focused on five major points in his talk that stuck to my head hard. First, he said that
with doing more exercise guarantees you a lesser health problem which is true in the first place. Meanwhile,
exercise acts as a form of natural prevention that can keep diseases. Of course, you need to have a proper diet
to reach the peak of effectiveness. Moving forward, Mr. Lam’s second point is that exercise alone is not
enough, one must also eat right if you want your work out to work well. Third point is about exercising boost
brain functions though I beg to differ since when I do exercise, I always feel tired and I think this effect will
only take effect when time comes and doing it in a long run. In his fourth main point, he said that doing
exercise improves the mental health of an individual. This can go part ways, first is that doing exercises as a
way of channelling negative emotions and the second is doing exercise to escape from negative emotions. In
his last point, he said that exercise will boost one’s self confidence. This seems to be so true because sometimes
when I do, I always have the feeling that I am the most superior when I walk, and I always smile after every
exercise I do.

To sum it up, Vincent Lam had a great and interesting talk even though he eventually looks at his
phone for some notes, I guess. All in all, Lam had a great talk which is worth watching and is worth sharing
to people who struggles doing it.

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