Bahan Ajar: 1. Expressing of Asking Repetition (Meminta Pengulangan)

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1. Expressing of asking repetition ( meminta pengulangan )

- What ?
- Huh ?
- Pardon?
- Can you say that again?
- What was that?
- What did you say?
- Again, please
- Say that again
- Please speak louder
- Would you mind repeating that ?
- Sorry, I can’t hear you!
- I’m sorry. I didn’t catch what you said
- Could you repeat again, please?
- Would you be louder, please?
- Sorry, what did you say?
- Sorry, repeat the last word, please!
- I beg your pardon
- I’m sorry, Can you say that again?

Example :
Tasya : You look very happy, Sita. What happend to you?
Sita : I got 9 on my last English test.
Tasya : Could you repeat again, please? It’s very noisy here. I can’t hardly hear you.
Sita : I said, “I got 9 on my last English test”.
Tasya : Really? Congratulations!
Sita : Thanks.

Gani : Since we are friends now, can I have your phone number please?
Diana : Sure, My phone number is 08216557200
Gani : I’m sorry, can you say that again?
Diana : Well, 0-8-2-2-1-6-5-5-7-2-0-0
Gani : Thankyou Diana..
Diana : My Pleasure

2. Expressing to say attention ( menyatakan perhatian)

 Oh, I see
 Well...
 Tell me more
 Really
 Has it?
 Does it?

Example :
Riana has made some fruit kebabs. She wants Angga to taste them.
Riana : Hi. Angga. Wanna taste this?
Angga : What is it? It looks so delicious!
Riana : Well, I call this fruit kebab.
Angga : Oh I see. How do you make them?
Riana : It’s easy. I saw the recipe in my mom’m magazine.
Angga : Great! Of course I will taste it.
3. Expressing to say admiration
 Wow, that’s marvellous!
 Terrific!
 How can you do that?
 Oh, lovely!
 That’s really fantastic, Sir

Example :

Riana has made some fruit kebabs. She wants Angga to taste them.
Riana : Hi. Angga. Care to taste this?
Angga : What is it? It looks so delicious!
Riana : Well, I call this fruit kebab.
Angga : Oh I see. How do you make them?
Riana : It’s easy. I saw the recipe in my mom’m magazine.
Angga : Great! Of course I will taste it.

Kosa kata terkait tema :

Misal : ( adjective ) beautiful, big, smart, tall, strong, expensive etc.
( verb ) listen, tell, get / got, hear/ heard etc.
( noun ) story, news, statement etc.

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