FPD - Assessment Strategy

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PLANNED ASSESSMENT - 1 formal assessment that links to a key understanding or learning point, develops higher order thinking skills

and comprehensively assesses

student learning.
C1 Through Baptism people became members of God’s family
This activity used as a summative assessment at the completion of the C1
understanding about Baptism. Students complete activity by listing five people or
symbols that are used and seen at a Baptism (God, Godparents, water, white gown,
candle, priest, parents,). Students will also draw a picture of Baptism and fill in blank
spaces to complete the sentence the priest says during Baptism (“I baptize you in the
name of the ____, and of the ___, and of the ___ ____.”

Students will be marked using a Marking Key:

Number of items
Student Name: listed for Baptism Picture Completed Comments:
1-5 text
Student a

Student b

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