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Personal Development

Professional Business

This workshop reviews the key elements of
communication from the participants’ perspective
and gives practical ideas on how to get more from
interaction with clients and colleagues

Target Audience & Size

Any – 12 Max

1-2 days
By the end of the workshop participants will have; o Introduction and Objectives
3 Identified ways to develop their o Challenges in communication
knowledge of professional business
communication o Barriers to communicating
3 Reviewed the impact of communication skills in
dealing with clients & colleagues o Framework for developing
3 Reviewed the different communication styles business communication
3 Improved their skills
o Model to explain & understand
3 Developed personal action plans different communication styles
• Looking at our own style
Workshop Style
• Reviewing the style of others
The workshop is highly participative using a
combination of formal input, discussion, role play &
o Adapting our style to others
o Impact of body language
Pre Workshop Task
o Improving listening skills
Participants answer a pre course questionnaire on
their communication challenges
o Professional behaviour in a client
Post Workshop Task
Emailed action points o Subtleties in communication

o Workshop Summary
Participants could achieve a level 8 on the 1-10 o Personal Actions
MIRTEX scale = ‘Actions implemented from the
training have significantly improved performance’ +44 (0) 870 777 6734

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