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Your answer should be in a CASE STUDY FORMAT. Please make sure of it.

1. Write an overview of the organisation.

i. Choose a trading company.


2. Write an explanation on the purpose of HR functions and they key roles and
responsibilities of the HR functions applicable to workforce planning and resourcing
the organisation.

i. EXPLAIN purpose of HR functions. (Recruitment and Training, Payroll

and benefits etc.)
ii. EXPLAIN the roles and responsibilities of HR functions for workforce
planning and resourcing the organisation.
3. Explain the strengths and weaknesses of different approaches to recruitment and
selection. And offer your recommendation by evaluating the strengths and
weaknesses of each approach supported by specific examples.

i. There are different approaches to recruitment and selection. Those approaches

have strengths as well as weaknesses. Now, EXPLAIN the strengths and
weaknesses for each of those approaches that you choose. Choose at least 3
ii. The second part of the question is for M2. In the first part you just explain the
strengths and weaknesses of those approaches whereas in the second part you
need to EVALUATE with examples.

4. Relating to both employer and the employee within the selected organisation,
explain the benefits of different HRM practices with reference to specific examples.

i. You need to answer this part from two perspectives. From the perspective
of the employer and from the point of view of the employee.
ii. You need to know about different HRM practices.
iii. You need to write down benefits of those HRM practices for the employer
and for the employee with the examples.

5. Produce an evaluation of the effectiveness of different HRM practices in relation to

profit and productivity.

i. The key word over here is EVALAUATION and EFFECTIVENESS.

ii. You need evaluate how effective are different HRM practices for profit
and productivity of the organisation that you have chosen.
iii. You can also give examples of other organisations.

6. Referring to an organizational context, make a critical evaluation of HRM practices

using a range of specific examples. 

i. You need to firstly understand what it means to critically evaluate.
ii. You need to then critically evaluate different HRM practices with examples.




1. Referring to some cases, analyze the importance of employee relations in respect to

influencing HRM decision making. 

i. The key word here is ANALYZE.

ii. Understand employee relations.
iii. Understand HRM decision making.
iv. Then analyze the importance of employee relations and how they
influence in decision making in relation to HR.
v. You need to give examples on your analysis based on real cases.

2. With reference to employment legislation, identify the key elements and its impact
upon HRM which the organization must work.

i. Write down the key elements of employment legislation.

ii. Key word IDENTIFY; IMPACT.
iii. Then write down the elements that you have identified have impacted the
HRM of the organization.

3. Make an evaluation of the key aspects of employee relations management and

employment legislation that affect HRM decision making. 

i. Key word EVALUATION.

ii. What are key aspects of employee relations management and employee
legislation and how to those aspects impact HRM decision making. (evaluate
the impact)


i. You will work in a team (3-4). Still you will create an individual
ii. You will understand what is the meaning of document portfolio.
iii. The answer to the below questions will be in the portfolio.

1. The design of a job specification for one of a number of given positions in the


i. You need to design a job specification for a position in the organization.

ii. You need to understand what is a job design and how to design it.

2. A CV for each student, tailored to apply for one of the positions advertised by

another team. 

i. You need to make your CV for a position that the other team have created.
Consult and coordinate with each other.

3. Documentation of preparatory notes for interviews, interview notes based on

selection criteria 
 and a justified decision of the candidate selected. 

i. Firstly, when you conduct a interview you are going to have some notes
with you for you to ask questions. Make such notes.
ii. Then, you are going to hire one of the candidate (your friend from other
team). JUSTIFY why you have hired that individual for the job.

4. A job offer to the selected candidate. 

i. Understand what is a job offer.

ii. Learn how to create one.
iii. Then produce a job offer for the candidate you have selected for the
position you have created.

Note: Produce a written description which illustrates the application of HRM practices in this

Section 3

1. With reference to the group activity, write a critical evaluation of the process
and the rationale for conducting appropriate HR practices that influence in
decision making.

i. In section 2 you worked in a group, now CRITICALLY EVALUATE the

whole PROCESS and the RATIONALE for conducting appropriate HR
practices that influence decision making.

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