Teaching Practice Task 2

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Teaching Practice Task 2: Monitoring the Learning

Grade Level: 4 MST Name: Gailien

For each lesson taught Tools used to monitor the Explain why you used that tool and reflect on how
learning (rubric, notes, successful it was
1 Lesson 1: Check list During the activity, I use a checklist
Subtract fractions to see who understand the outcome
with the same and who need help. Checklist helps
denominator. me to go back and see who need
2 Lesson 2: In this lesson teacher During the activity, I check students
multiply fractions use multiply chart. answers by multiple charts, it was
fast to check their answer.

3 Lesson 3: Asking questions During the activity, I ask questions to

model decimals students to see are they understand
and fractions what they are doing, asking
questions to help me to see what
student’s misconception and Correct
is it.

4 Lesson 4: Taking notes During the activity, I take notes about

Round Fractions same students, to see who working
and who playing, who need help so in
next time I will change students a
place to make sure they all working
and not playing.
5 Lesson 5: Add Observing During the activity, I observe the
Decimals. students see what is helpful for them
hand on activity or worksheet so in
next lesson I will do it, I found they
like the hand on activity and they
learn fast when they do hand on
activity and they engage.
6 Lesson 6: Explain what you are During the activity, I ask students to
compare and doing. explain what they are doing, to make
ordering decimals sure they are in the right way and
doing what I ask for and my
instructions were clear, or I have to
explain more.
7 Lesson 7: Students self- After the lesson, I give a Students
Round Fractions assessment self-assessment for each student to
test their self and give me the paper,
because I think they will Honest by
themselves if they need help, they
will but I don’t get it so I can help

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