A Randomized Controlled Trial On The Beneficial Effects of Training Letter-Spealing

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A Randomized Controlled Trial on The

Beneficial Effects of Training Letter-Speech
Sound Integration on Reading Fluency in
Children with Dyslexia
Gorka Fraga González1,2*, Gojko Žarić3,4, Jurgen Tijms1,2,5, Milene Bonte3,4,
Leo Blomert3†, Maurits W. van der Molen1,6
1 Department of Developmental Psychology, University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam, The Netherlands,
2 Rudolf Berlin Center, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 3 Department of Cognitive Neuroscience, Faculty of
Psychology and Neuroscience, Maastricht University, Maastricht, The Netherlands, 4 Maastricht Brain
Imaging Center, Maastricht University, Maastricht, The Netherlands, 5 IWAL Institute, Amsterdam, The
Netherlands, 6 Amsterdam Brain and Cognition, University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam, The Netherlands

† Deceased.
* G.FragaGonzalez@uva.nl


Citation: Fraga González G, Žarić G, Tijms J, Bonte

M, Blomert L, van der Molen MW (2015) A Abstract
Randomized Controlled Trial on The Beneficial
Effects of Training Letter-Speech Sound Integration A recent account of dyslexia assumes that a failure to develop automated letter-speech
on Reading Fluency in Children with Dyslexia. PLoS sound integration might be responsible for the observed lack of reading fluency. This study
ONE 10(12): e0143914. doi:10.1371/journal. uses a pre-test-training-post-test design to evaluate the effects of a training program based
on letter-speech sound associations with a special focus on gains in reading fluency. A
Editor: Sygal Amitay, MRC Institute of Hearing sample of 44 children with dyslexia and 23 typical readers, aged 8 to 9, was recruited. Chil-
dren with dyslexia were randomly allocated to either the training program group (n = 23) or a
Received: March 9, 2015 waiting-list control group (n = 21). The training intensively focused on letter-speech sound
Accepted: November 10, 2015 mapping and consisted of 34 individual sessions of 45 minutes over a five month period.
Published: December 2, 2015 The children with dyslexia showed substantial reading gains for the main word reading and
spelling measures after training, improving at a faster rate than typical readers and waiting-
Copyright: © 2015 Fraga González et al. This is an
open access article distributed under the terms of the list controls. The results are interpreted within the conceptual framework assuming a multi-
Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits sensory integration deficit as the most proximal cause of dysfluent reading in dyslexia.
unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any Trial Registration: ISRCTN register ISRCTN12783279
medium, provided the original author and source are

Data Availability Statement: The data set contains

confidential clinical information and is not suitable for
public deposition. Data are available from the
Department of Developmental Psychology for
researchers who meet the criteria for access to Introduction
confidential data according to the Ethics Review
Board of the Faculty of Social and Behavioral Dyslexia is a specific reading and spelling disability with a neurobiological basis and prevalence
Sciences of the University of Amsterdam. Requests estimates between 3% and 10% depending on the study and precise assessment criteria [1,2].
for data may be sent to Ellen Buijn (E.Buijn@uva.nl). The most characterizing symptom is a persistent failure to develop fluent reading skills [3,4].
Funding: This project is part of the research program These impairments can have severe academic, economic and psychosocial consequences, thus
“Fluent reading acquisition neurocognitively requiring clinical intervention [5].

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Letter-Speech Sound Training for Dyslexia

decomposed: The case of dyslexia” funded by the During the last decades, research focused on the phonological theory of dyslexia. Accord-
Netherlands Initiative Brain and Cognition, a part of ingly, the ability to attend to and manipulate speech sounds, referred to as phonological aware-
the Organization for Scientific Research (NWO)
ness, is impaired in dyslexic readers, hindering the acquisition of reading skills [4,6].
under grant number 056-14-015. The funders had no
role in study design, data collection and analysis, Nonetheless, concerns can be raised regarding the causal role of phonological awareness in dys-
decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript. lexia [7,8]. Firstly, as concluded in a review of the pertinent literature by Castles & Coltheart
(2004) [9], there is still no convincing evidence that phonological awareness precedes and
Competing Interests: The authors have declared
that no competing interests exist. directly influences reading acquisition. The results of a study in which a group of preliterate
children was provided with either phonemic awareness training, letter awareness training or a
control task, followed by teaching the alphabetic principle and decoding skills are in line with
this conclusion [10]. The results of this study revealed that, although phonemic awareness
training was successful in itself, it had no effect on the subsequent acquisition of reading skills.
Along similar lines, Blomert & Willems (2010) [8], showed that only a small part of preliterate
children at risk for dyslexia present phonemic awareness problems in kindergarten, and that
80% of the at-risk children who later develop a reading deficit do not reveal a phonemic aware-
ness problem in kindergarten. Secondly, phonological awareness has been shown to develop as
a consequence rather than as a precursor of reading acquisition [7,11–14], but see [15]. Thirdly,
a phonological awareness deficit fails to explain why, especially for (semi-) transparent lan-
guages, dysfluent reading is the most persistent symptom of dyslexia, and why, even when pho-
nological awareness and visual word decoding skills are adequate, dyslexic reading remains
dysfluent [16,17].
A rapidly growing body of research thus focuses on a letter-speech sound binding deficit as
the most proximal cause for dyslexia [18–22]. The development of grapheme-phoneme associ-
ations is considered essential for the acquisition of fluent reading skills [23,24]. Accordingly,
knowledge of these correspondences is used to link spelling of written words to their pronunci-
ation and meaning. This enables sight word learning, that is, automatic and accurate word
reading from memory [23]. If the grapheme-phoneme mapping is not correctly automatized,
acquiring normal levels of fluency in word reading may require much more time and practice
[25]. Moreover, these associations may support the development of phonological awareness for
isolated speech sounds during reading acquisition. Additionally, previous studies suggested
that temporal processing (unimodal and cross-modal) may contribute to reading deficits in
dyslexia, emphasizing speed of integration as a critical factor [26,27].
Neuroimaging studies suggested that the network for multimodal processing in left tem-
poro-parietal brain regions is involved in letter-sound integration [17,28–31]. It has been sug-
gested that this network develops first during reading acquisition and then supports the
subsequent specialization of occipito-temporal areas for visual word recognition [17,32,33].
Dysregulation in the temporo-parietal and occipito-temporal networks for reading have been
found in dyslexics [4,30,34–38]. Interestingly, deviant processing of letters and speech sounds
in the multisensory temporo-parietal brain areas has been reported in dyslexic children even if
they attained adequate knowledge about letter-speech sound correspondences [30,39]. Addi-
tionally, activation in these brain areas correlates to the speed of performance in letter-speech
sound matching tasks [30]. In yet another study, reduced activation in integration areas was
observed to be directly associated with a deficit in the auditory processing of speech sounds,
which in turn predicted performance on phonological tasks [40]. Similarly, brain studies exam-
ining preliterate children at risk of dyslexia suggested that neural deficits in auditory processing
in temporal and parietal areas could be used as early predictors of reading impairments
Collectively, the findings reviewed above support the notion that reduced letter-sound
integration qualifies as the proximal cause of the reading failure in dyslexics. Comparable
results have been reported in a cognitive study by Aravena et al. (2013) [43], who developed a

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Letter-Speech Sound Training for Dyslexia

task for letter-speech sound learning in an artificial script. The results of this study showed
that children with dyslexia attained levels of letter-speech sound knowledge comparable to
those of their normal reading peers, but their level of letter-speech sound mapping fluency
was significantly lower than that of normal reading children. These results indicate that let-
ter-speech sound knowledge is not sufficient to develop automated letter-speech sound inte-
gration, and suggest that children with dyslexia have a specific deficit in this speeded
integration [43].
Current interventions for dyslexia show that reasonable levels of accuracy in reading may be
attainable [44–47]. However, they still do not provide an effective remediation for the lack of
reading fluency [3,48–53]. A typical example is the study of Torgesen and colleagues, in which
dyslexic children received 67.5 hours of treatment on phonemic awareness and phonemic
decoding skills [54]. Results revealed large effects on reading accuracy, children’s average
scores on accuracy were within the average range after treatment. In contrast, dyslexics’ stan-
dard scores in reading fluency were virtually unchanged, 96% to 100% of the children were still
below the average range on after treatment [54]. Importantly, the training specific effects on
addressing the ‘fluency barrier’ in dyslexia are still unclear (see review in [55]). As concluded
by Elliott & Grigorenko (2014) [56], training of alphabetic principle and decoding skills,
despite long-lasting assumptions to the contrary, does not appear to lead to improved reading
fluency (p. 171).
Inspired by the multisensory integration deficit account (e.g., [17]), assuming a failure to
develop automatic letter-speech sound integration in dyslexia, the present study will examine a
cognitive training focusing on the development of automated letter-speech sound integration.
The current training provides for systematic practice on regular and irregular letter-speech
sound mappings at increasing levels of complexity. Importantly, the attainment of these corre-
spondences is facilitated by intensive exposure to ensure the automation of letter-speech sound
mapping and, thus, reading fluency. Furthermore, we used a randomized-controlled trial
(RCT) design, including waiting-list dyslexic readers besides age-matched typical readers, and
a wide range of outcome measures, for both accuracy and speed, including word reading, spell-
ing and letter-speech sound mapping. This should allow for a detailed assessment of training
The present evaluation will consist of the following steps. First, we will perform a baseline
analysis on test scores to obtain a complete assessment of reading deficits in the dyslexic groups
vis-a-vis the typical readers. Subsequently, we will compare reading gains in trained vs.
untrained dyslexics in terms of test scores, while accounting for potential group differences in
initial performance. Secondly, we will identify latent factors to assess the relation between out-
come measures. The latent factors emerging from the principal component analysis (PCA) will
be used in the subsequent analyses to facilitate the interpretation of potential effects of training
on reading fluency. Thirdly, we will assess baseline differences and training effects between the
dyslexic groups in terms of factor scores. This analysis will be followed by a mixed-model anal-
ysis to assess between-groups differences relative to the typical readers, in the rate of change on
reading fluency during the intervention period. Finally, a correlational analysis will be per-
formed to examine the relation between initial letter-speech sound mapping skills and the
development of reading fluency.
In brief, the overall objective of the current study is to broaden our insights in how to rem-
edy reading fluency problems in children with dyslexia. We aim to contribute to current
research on remediation programs on dyslexia by providing a detailed window on the relation
between training letter-speech sound mappings and reading fluency, using a large number of
outcome measures, a strictly controlled and systematized training procedure, and a RCT

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Letter-Speech Sound Training for Dyslexia

The study was an open randomized controlled trial comparing an intervention addressing let-
ter-speech sound integration to a waiting list control group (allocation ratio 1:1). The approval
for the research was obtained from the local ethical committee of the Developmental Psychol-
ogy department of the University of Amsterdam. All parents or caretakers signed informed
consent before the children participated in this study. The protocol for this trial and the sup-
porting CONSORT checklist are available as supporting information; see S1 Checklist and S1
Protocol. This study is registered as ISRCTN12783279 (www.isrctn.com). This trial was regis-
tered retrospectively due to the fact that it was not a mandatory requirement to have it regis-
tered by our approving Ethical Committee board. The authors confirm that all ongoing and
related trials for this intervention are registered.

The inclusion period for the trial was from October 2011 to December 2011. The flow of partic-
ipants in the study is presented in Fig 1. Third-grade children with the diagnosis of dyslexia
(N = 44; 8.86 ± 0.43 years old, 24 boys and 20 girls) were recruited from a nation-wide center
for dyslexia in the Netherlands. To be eligible the children had to have a percentile score of 10
or lower on standard reading measures, and to be referred to the center because of persistent
and specific reading problems. They were randomly allocated to either the training program
group (N = 23; 8.94 ± 0.44 years old, 11 boys and 12 girls) or to a waiting-list control group
(N = 21; 8.77 ± 0.41 years old, 13 boys and 8 girls). Participants allocated to the waiting-list
control condition received the intervention program after the waiting period had elapsed. Par-
ticipants were randomized using a computerized random number generator by a staff member
not involved in training or testing. Simple randomization was used with no restrictions (e.g.,
blocking or stratification). A group consisting of 23 third-grade, typical readers (8.67 ± 0.34
years old, 9 boys and 14 girls) was recruited from several primary schools attended by children
with the same sociodemographical background as the dyslexic group (see Table 1 for group
characteristics). To be eligible, they had to have no history of reading difficulties, and a percen-
tile score of 25 or higher on standard reading tests (see below). One child of the waiting-list
control group dropped out, resulting in a sample of 20 children for the post-test measures. The
post-test scores for the 3DM word-reading task were discarded for one child of the training
group who obtained extremely low accuracy scores (below 3 x Inter Quartile Range). Addi-
tional missing values in some of the outcome measures were due to computer failure (see foot-
notes in the corresponding tables).
All participants were native Dutch speakers, received two and a half years of formal reading
instruction in primary education. The RAVEN Coloured Progressive Matrices (RAVEN CPM)
was used as a control non-verbal measurement of IQ to obtain an estimate of fluid intelligence
[57]. Additionally, the Child Behavior Checklist (CBCL) was completed by the parents to
exclude any additional behavioral problems [58]. Children with below average IQ (IQ < 85 on
a non-verbal IQ-test), uncorrected sight problems, hearing loss, diagnosis of ADHD or other
neurological or cognitive impairments were excluded. Both the clinical center and the schools
participating were located in the Amsterdam area.
Sample size calculation (Power & Precision V4 software; [59]) indicated that a sample size
of n  20 per intervention condition would be required for a power of at least 0.80 to detect an
intervention effect of medium to large effect size for gains in reading fluency, for an ANCOVA
with 1 factor (intervention condition) and 1 covariate (pre-test level, R2 = .37, based on previ-
ous intervention studies), and α = 0.05.

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Letter-Speech Sound Training for Dyslexia

Fig 1. Participant flow diagram.


Table 1. Descriptive statistics showing demographics and IQ.

Typical Readers Dyslexics Control Dyslexics Training group


M (SD) M (SD) M (SD) F p-value

N 23 21 23
Sex ratio (m:f) 9:14 13:8 11:12
Age 8.68 (0.34) 8.82 (0.33) 8.94 (0.44) 2.76 .071
RAVEN—IQ test [C]a 7.19 (1.48) 6.80 (1.50) 7.48 (1.35) 1.24 .297
C scores (M = 5, SD = 2).


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Letter-Speech Sound Training for Dyslexia

Outcome measures
A series of tests was used to assess the reading skills of the participants. In accordance with our
main objective, we considered reading fluency scores as our primary outcome measure, and
the other scores as secondary outcome measures. The 3DM battery of tests (test reliability and
normative sample information available in Differential Diagnosis; 3DM [60]) contains word
reading, phonological awareness, naming speed and letter-speech sound association tasks. This
battery is administered individually using a computer and a specialized response-box records
reaction time with millisecond accuracy. The scores of the following 3DM subtests have been
used in the present study.
Word reading task. This task includes three different subtasks containing high-frequency
words, low-frequency words and pseudowords. The mean frequencies of the high-frequency
words are between 790 and 45810 and for the low-frequency words they range between 6 and
342 (CELEX‐database;[61]). There are 75 words for each level (5 screens with 15 items each).
The difficulty of each level increases systematically from monosyllabic words without conso-
nant clusters to 3 or 4 syllabic words with consonant clusters at the fifth level. The participants
are asked to read accurately as many words as possible. When they finish reading one screen
the experimenter presses a button to continue until the time limit of 30 seconds per subtask is
reached. The number of words read correctly within 30 seconds determines the reading fluency
score per subtask (r = .91-.93 for the subtasks, and r = .95 for total task, test-retest). The pro-
portion of correctly read words within the time limit accounts for the reading accuracy scores
(r = .73, test-retest).
Letter-speech sound (LSS) association tasks. Two tasks were used to measure accuracy
and automation of letter‐speech sound (LSS) mapping; LSS identification and LSS discrimina-
tion. LSS identification requires a child to match a speech sound to one of four presented letter
(combinations) by pressing the corresponding button (e.g. /b/ and ‘b’ ‘d’ ‘t’ ‘p’). LSS discrimina-
tion asks a child to judge whether a speech sound and letter are congruent or incongruent (e.g.
/ui/ and ‘oe’). Accuracy (% correct) as well as response time (sec/item) is measured (LSS identi-
fication: r = .72 for accuracy and r = .90 for response time; LSS discrimination: r = .82 for accu-
racy and r = .96 for response time, internal consistency).
Computerized spelling. A word is presented aurally (over headphones) as well as visually
(at the computer screen). In the visually presented word, a letter (combination) is missing and
the child is instructed to choose the missing part out of four visually presented options by
pressing the corresponding button (e.g. auditory stimulus /boom/ (tree), visual stimulus
‘b__m’, options ‘oo’ ‘o’ ‘a’ ‘aa’). Words are spelled either phonetically (18 items) or contain
Dutch spelling rules (36 words). Word frequencies are varied systematically. Accuracy (% cor-
rect) as well as response time (sec/item) is measured (r = .80 for accuracy and r = .94 for
response time, internal consistency).
Rapid naming task. The rapid naming (RAN) task consisted of three subtasks: letters, dig-
its and objects. Each subtask contains 5 items repeated six times, distributed in two screens of
15 items. Participants are instructed to name the items as fast and accurate as possible. The
score per subtask was determined by taking the mean response time of the two screens (r = .80
for letters, r = .83 for digits, and r = .71 for objects, split-half reliability).
Phonological awareness (PA). An estimate of phonological awareness is obtained by
using a phoneme deletion task presenting 23 pseudowords with a CVC or CCVCC structure.
The participant must omit a consonant that is either at the beginning or at the end of a word or
within a consonant cluster as fast as possible. The score is determined by the percentage of cor-
rect responses. (r = .85, internal consistency).
In addition to the 3DM battery the following tests were used.

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Letter-Speech Sound Training for Dyslexia

Word reading fluency. The Dutch version of the One-minute test (Een-Minuut-Test;
[62]), was used to provide an additional estimate of word reading skills. It is a time-limited test
consisting of a list of 116 unrelated words of increasing difficulty. The number of correctly read
words within 1 minute serves as reading fluency score (r = .90, test-retest).
Text reading fluency. The text-reading fluency test consists of a coherent text of increas-
ing difficulty. The child is asked to read the text out loud within one minute (Schoolvaardigh-
eidstoets Technisch Lezen; [63]. Again, the number of correctly read words within 1 minute
serves as reading fluency score (r = .88, test-retest).

The study used a pre-test-training-post-test design. Pre-test (period: December 2011 to Januari
2012) and post-test (period June 2012 to July 2012) were administered at either the clinical cen-
ter for the dyslexic children or at school for the normal readers during a session of approxi-
mately one hour. Children are tested individually in a silent room.
The training-program group received an average of 33.65 ± 0.83 sessions while the other
two groups received no training. The average number of weeks between pre- and post-test
measurements was 22.92 ± 3.51 across the three groups; 20.17 ± 1.56 for typical readers,
25.70 ± 3.33 for the training-program group and 23.26 ± 3.08 for the waiting-list control
group. The number of weeks between tests differed between the three groups, F (2, 63) = 22.07,
p = < .001, η2 = 0.41. Post-hoc comparisons revealed the differences between the two dyslexic
groups in the number of weeks was statistically significant, p = .015. Thus, comparisons
between groups will take into account the difference in the number of weeks elapsing between
pre- and post-test.

Dyslexic children followed an intensive tutor and computer-assisted training program. The
program was provided by well-instructed junior psychologists, on a one-to-one basis during
45-min sessions. The training frequency was two sessions per week.
The training is constructed in accordance with general skill acquisition paradigms [64,65],
which basically implies that each (letter-speech sound) element is taught explicitly at first and
consequently repeated intensively in order to obtain a transition from accurate, controlled to
associative, automatic processing. Accordingly, a previous study showed that massive exposure
to letter-speech sound correspondences is substantially more effective in automatizing letter-
speech sound integration when it is preceded by explicit teaching of these correspondences
than when it is presented on its own [43]. Sessions consist therefore in an instruction part and
a practice part. In the instruction part the letter-speech sound correspondences are explicitly
taught aiming at accurate mastery of the learned associations. During the practice part, the
computer training provides a high exposure to the specific letter speech sound associations
that were taught during the instruction part, to stimulate the automatic integration of letters
and speech sounds.
The training started with the tutor explaining consistent letter-speech sound correspon-
dences. First, the standard letter—speech sound correspondences are being trained and, subse-
quently, the irregular letter—speech sound mappings. To do so, a reconfigured touchscreen
was used that consists of buttons for each Dutch speech sound (see S1 Fig for an illustration of
the touchscreen buttons). Each button shows the standard letter or letter-cluster of the corre-
sponding speech sound. In addition, the touchscreen includes several icons to indicate the type
of phoneme (e.g., ‘long vowel’), syllable icons (e.g., ‘stressed syllable’) and rule icons to perform
operation (e.g., delete a selected grapheme; see kernel algorithm below). During instruction,

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Letter-Speech Sound Training for Dyslexia

the tutor asks the child to pronounce the corresponding speech sound, which is presented not
only in isolation but also within the context of a (visual) word. Subsequently, the child is asked
to identify the item both orally and by pressing the corresponding buttons in the touch screen.
When the child presses a button the computer produces the corresponding speech sound (by a
natural voice). This is done to ensure that attention is directed to the matching of letters and
speech sounds. Throughout the session, the tutor corrects the child if the response would be
wrong. Similarly, the computer screen provides performance feedback following erroneous
button presses. The letter-speech sound couplings are taught step-by-step, e.g., first the short
vowels, then long vowels, and later on diphthongs.
Dutch orthography is considered to be of intermediate complexity (e.g., [66]), which implies
that the one-to-one mapping between letters and speech sounds can be broken. To learn these
inconsistent correspondences, phonological-orthographic mapping operations are introduced
during the second part of the program. These operations follow a uniform inferential algorithm
that constitutes the kernel of the present training, i.e.:
IF p=# 2 PithenOðpÞ ! g 2 G:

When the terminal phonic element p of a syllable belongs to the ith category of phonetic ele-
ments Pi then the result of an operator O on p will be mapped onto a graphic element g that
need not be the standard mapping.

The basic principles of the Dutch written language can be structured within a learning sys-
tem incorporating five types of operations as a consequence of five types of terminal phonic
elements; long vowels, short vowels, unvoiced consonants, sonic vowels and unstressed mor-
phemes. For example, in Dutch, voiced consonants (/d/ and /b/) lose the voice property at the
terminal position, which is not reflected in their orthographic representation. Consequently,
the algorithm prescribes: if the last speech sound in a syllable is an unvoiced consonant then
extends the word (operation) and if this results in a voiced consonant the voiced consonant
graph should be written (e.g., paard [IPA: part]–paarden [pardən] (English: horse—horses)),
otherwise the standard consonant (e.g., kat [kαt]–katten [kαtən] (cat—cats)). All these rules
and elements are incorporated in the touchscreen (see S1 Fig). Thus, the essential terms in the
algorithm have an explicit and exhaustive description in the program with regards to the set of
speech sounds, the categories of speech sounds, the corresponding orthographic elements, and
the mapping operations. Consequently, the focus of attention remains continuously on the
integration of letters and speech sounds.
Along with the learning of both consistent and inconsistent letter-speech sound mappings,
the computer training provides a high exposure to letter-speech sound mappings at increasing
levels of complexity. A typical example of an exercise during practice refers to the projection of
individual words, speech sound by speech sound, on the computer screen under (progressive)
time demands (see Fig 2). The child is asked to pronounce the word sound by sound (and in
the end the whole word), guided by the time-constraints of the graphemic presentation rate.
During presentation, the whole word is projected faintly on the screen to allow anticipation
(cf., [67]). During a practice session, specific letter-speech sound mappings or clusters of map-
pings (e.g., all long vowels) are presented, matching those addressed in the preceding instruc-
tion part (but in a different body of words from those used during instruction). Practice is
adjusted to the individual rate of acquisition by adapting time-constraints to the level of the
child’s performance. When at least 80% of the items are correctly executed the participant
moves to the next step of the training.

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Letter-Speech Sound Training for Dyslexia

Fig 2. Example of a practice item. The presentation of the word schreeuw [sxreːu] (English: shout) under time-demanding conditions. The visual
presentation is sound by sound: s[s] _ ch[x] _ r[r] _ eeuw[eːu]. (IPA symbols in brackets). The participant must pronounce the corresponding (visually
presented) sounds and in the end the whole word.

The current training is an adaptation of an existing intervention program. The adaptation

consists of an exclusive focus on letter-speech sound mapping integration. An extensive
description, including a more detailed illustration of the tutor-participant interaction during
sessions, can be found in Tijms et al. (2007) [44].

Statistical analysis
For the AN(C)OVAs (see below), standardized scores were used instead of raw scores, in order
to assess the child’s position within the distribution of a normative sample. For the latent factor
analysis, factor scores were obtained from raw scores. In addition, due to reduced variance, no
reliable norm scores were available for the accuracy measures of the three subtasks of the 3DM
word reading; thus raw scores were used for these measures. The evaluation of potential train-
ing effects comprised the following sequence of steps.
First, one-way ANOVAs were performed to examine baseline differences. The outcome of
this analysis should provide a first impression of group differences before evaluating training
effects. Planned comparisons were then performed between typical readers and the dyslexic
groups, and between the two dyslexic groups at pre-test. Then, in order to test potential train-
ing effects, ANCOVAs were performed comparing the two groups of dyslexics, using post-test
scores as dependent variables and the corresponding pre-test scores as covariate (one-tailed p
values are reported). This approach was selected because of its higher statistical power in ran-
domized studies relative to other methods of analysis [68]. In order to account for potential
effects of between group differences in pre- to post-test interval, an additional control analysis
was performed including the number of weeks between tests as a covariate. The pattern of
results did not differ between the two analyses, thus we will report only the results of the
ANCOVA with pre-test scores as a covariate.
Subsequently, Principal Component Analysis (PCA), with varimax rotation, was performed
in order to reduce the number of outcome variables by taking into account the relations
between measures. This should facilitate the interpretation of the potential training effects [69].
The analysis was performed including pre-test data from the entire sample consisting of the

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Letter-Speech Sound Training for Dyslexia

main 3DM fluency and accuracy scores associated with word reading (high frequency, low fre-
quency and pseudowords), spelling and LSS identification and discrimination. Only the 3DM
scores were used as they are part of the assessment battery that is most used in diagnosis of dys-
lexia in the Netherlands and constitute the primary measures in the current study. Factors
were extracted using the eigenvalue-one procedure. We obtained factor scores (with mean
zero) weighted by regression coefficients obtained by multiplying the inverse of the variables
correlation matrix by the matrix of factor loadings. The same procedure was applied to post-
test data to obtain factor scores used in the subsequent analyses. Baseline differences between
groups and potential training effects were examined by submitting the factor scores to, respec-
tively, one-way ANOVA and ANCOVA.
Additionally, we used a mixed model to evaluate rate of change on the extracted factor
scores between pre and post-test between the three groups. This allows for examining the rela-
tionship between covariate and dependent variables across groups [70]. In addition, it is suited
for longitudinal data analysis and can handle missing values (see participants section for details
about attrition and missing values). The present analysis used a random intercept model
including three groups and accounting for significant baseline differences between typical read-
ers and dyslexics. The fixed part of the model included the factor group, time (pre-post-test)
and their interaction. The factor scores were used as dependent variable. The analysis focused
on the fixed effects estimates for the interaction of each group with the factor time. The group
of typical readers was used as a reference, as they are expected to having attained high levels of
reading fluency and therefore to exhibit the lowest improvement rate. The estimates for dyslex-
ics training and dyslexics control were then compared to those of the typical readers group.
Finally, we examined the relationship between letter-speech sound mapping skills and read-
ing improvement. For this purpose, partial correlations were performed between the pre-test
letter-speech sound fluency factor score and the post-test word reading fluency scores (con-
trolled for pre-test differences).

Baseline. The results of the ANOVAs performed on the pre-test standard scores in read-
ing accuracy and speed measures are displayed in Table 2. Levene’s test was significant for the
accuracy measures of the 3DM word reading tasks (high frequency words, F (2, 64) = 11.42, p
= .000, low frequency words, F (2, 64) = 11.67, p = .000, pseudowords, F (2, 64) = 4.71, p = .012
and overall score, F (2, 64) = 3.57, p = .034), as well as for the accuracy scores associated with
letter-speech sound identification; F (2, 64) = 3.74, p = .029. So in the first contrast (dyslexics
vs. typical readers) the degrees of freedom for these measures were adjusted from 64 to 43.01,
49.21, 62.96, 56.41 and 60.90, respectively. In the second contrast (dyslexics training vs. wait-
ing-list group) the adjusted degrees of freedom were 38.01, 41.73, 41.03, 40.15 and 41.37. The
table shows a deficit in dyslexics that is mainly manifested by large differences in the reading
fluency measures. Overall, the three groups attained reasonably high levels of accuracy, with
the exception of the spelling task where dyslexics performed on average below the 10th percen-
tile. For the majority of the tests, the two dyslexic groups showed significantly lower levels than
those of the typical readers. With regard to the 3DM letter-speech sound measures, the results
are somewhat more diffuse. The scores of the two dyslexic groups were significantly below
those of the typical readers for most tasks with the exception of the fluency score associated
with letter-speech sound discrimination (p = .347) and the accuracy scores associated with let-
ter-speech sound identification (p = .100). In addition, the results showed differences between
the two dyslexic groups in letter-speech sound fluency scores, but not in the accuracy scores.

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Table 2. Descriptive statistics showing reading accuracy and fluency scores at pre-test.

T DC DT Contrasts

N = 23 N = 21 N = 23 DT & DC: T DC:DT

M SD M SD M SD t p-value Cohen's d t p-value Cohen's d

3DM Word reading—accuracy
High Frequencyd 99.15 1.10 94.34 4.51 92.62 6.98 6.24 .000 1.34 0.98 .498 0.29
Low Frequencyd 97.40 3.15 86.41 12.86 84.59 15.31 5.35 .000 1.17 0.43 .806 0.13
Pseudowordsd 87.99 9.13 69.88 17.14 73.03 16.13 5.24 .000 1.23 -0.62 .718 -0.19
Total [T]b,d 50.13 8.66 31.62 9.92 33.96 13.58 6.84 .000 1.66 -0.66 .718 -0.20
3DM Word reading—fluency [T]
High Frequency 52.83 7.11 32.00 5.88 31.04 5.35 13.42 .000 3.34 0.51 .752 0.17
Low Frequency 54.09 8.54 31.43 5.64 32.09 6.30 12.44 .000 3.04 -0.31 .857 -0.11
Pseudowords 52.48 9.13 29.81 6.36 31.13 5.63 11.84 .000 2.85 -0.61 .718 -0.22
Total 53.52 8.82 30.76 4.62 30.52 5.41 13.48 .000 3.19 0.12 .934 0.05
One-Minute Test -fluency [SS]c 11.35 2.67 3.76 2.00 3.65 1.87 13.40 .000 3.34 0.16 .934 0.06
Text Reading—fluency[T]1 54.04 7.82 33.11 5.82 33.83 6.06 11.86 .000 2.97 -0.35 .851 -0.12
3DM Spelling–accuracy[T] 50.43 8.54 35.57 6.08 36.87 8.31 7.11 .000 1.79 -0.55 .741 -0.18
3DM Spelling—fluency[T] 54.30 8.25 36.05 6.36 40.78 8.46 7.93 .000 1.96 -2.01 .092 -0.63
LSS identification—accuracy[T]d 47.52 7.50 40.71 10.35 45.13 12.87 1.96 .100 0.45 -1.26 .347 -0.38
LSS discrimination—accuracy[T]2 50.74 9.05 41.55 8.34 46.52 9.47 2.88 .011 0.72 -1.81 .131 -0.56
LSS identification—fluency [T] 52.57 6.66 41.48 7.71 46.17 7.35 4.69 .000 1.19 -2.15 .070 -0.62
LSS discrimination—fluency[T]2 50.43 7.70 44.45 9.12 50.96 8.48 1.25 .347 0.29 -2.53 .029 -0.74
3DM phoneme deletion—accuracy[T]3 53.09 7.57 40.38 7.26 37.90 0.12 6.71 .000 1.76 1.01 .498 0.31
3DM Naming speed scores[T]3
Letters 49.65 7.59 37.48 7.85 37.22 7.75 6.19 .000 1.58 -0.11 .934 0.03
numbers 50.43 11.32 38.81 8.35 36.61 8.77 5.15 .000 1.28 0.76 .653 0.26
objects 50.70 7.07 41.43 11.77 41.56 9.42 3.75 .000 1.03 0.05 .962 -0.01
Total 49.96 8.08 36.05 8.78 35.56 9.04 6.36 .000 1.66 0.18 .934 0.05

T = typical readers; DT = dyslexics-training; DC = dyslexics control; LSS = Letter-speech sound.

Raw scores.
T scores (M = 50, SD = 10).
SS scores (M = 10, SD = 3).
Statistics for equal variances not assumed (p < .05 in Levene's test).
Data missing for 2 participants: NDC = 19.
Data missing for 1 participant: NDC = 20.
Data missing for 2 participants NDT = 21.
False Discovery Rate (FDR) correction for multiple comparisons was applied to the p values.


Training. The two dyslexic groups were compared with regard to their post-test scores,
including pre-test scores as covariate. The results are displayed in Table 3. Importantly, the
table shows that the training-group dyslexics outperformed waiting-group dyslexics after the
letter-speech sound training program. The most substantial differences were present in reading
fluency, as expressed by the large effect size of the gains in total reading fluency. This gain in
reading fluency holds for high frequency, low frequency and pseudowords. Obviously, training
effects were less pronounced for reading accuracy. This absence of substantial effects was to be
expected in view of the relatively high accuracy scores prior to training. The training-group
dyslexics outperformed waiting-list controls in total reading accuracy score but significance

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Table 3. ANCOVA comparing dyslexics training and control group in post-test scores with pre-test as covariate.

Dyslexics control Dyslexics training ANCOVA (pre-test as covariate)

N = 21 N = 23

M SD M SD F p-value (one-sided) η2
3DM Word reading—accuracy a,1,2
High Frequency 94.68 4.02 97.55 2.91 9.21 .006 0.19
Low Frequency 91.27 8.69 93.42 7.90 1.21 .161 0.03
Pseudowords 71.76 18.35 81.82 14.23 3.27 .062 0.08
Total [T]b, 32.85 10.23 41.32 12.81 4.49 .040 0.10
3DM Word reading—fluency [T]1,2
High Frequency 32.85 5.66 37.36 6.56 14.28 .001 0.27
Low Frequency 30.25 5.02 36.55 6.13 25.39 .001 0.40
Pseudowords 28.25 5.36 33.91 6.63 8.46 .008 0.18
Total 29.60 4.15 35.36 6.40 30.30 .001 0.44
One-Minute Test -fluency [SS]c,1 3.20 1.94 4.09 2.41 3.91 .080 0.09
Text Reading—fluency[T]3 33.10 5.51 35.04 6.68 1.92 .116 0.05
3DM Spelling–accuracy[T]1 37.25 6.16 44.91 10.08 10.48 .004 0.21
3DM Spelling—fluency[T]1 35.20 8.45 44.39 10.23 5.15 .035 0.11
LSS identificacion—accuracy[T]4 44.00 10.26 46.22 7.84 0.09 .384 0.00
LSS discrimination—accuracy[T] 43.58 8.14 47.78 9.50 1.20 .161 0.03
LSS identificacion—fluency [T]4 40.74 11.28 48.83 9.50 3.86 .052 0.09
LSS discrimination—fluency3 48.21 10.15 54.22 9.82 0.61 .236 0.02

LSS = Letter-speech sound.

Raw scores.
T scores (M = 50, SD = 10).
SS scores (M = 10, SD = 3).
Data missing for 1 participant: NDC = 20.
Data missing for 1 participant: NDT = 22.
Data missing for 3 participants: NDC = 18.
Data missing for 2 participants: NDC = 19.
False Discovery Rate (FDR) correction for multiple comparisons was applied to the p values.


was absent for the three word-type subtests. Finally, with regard to the letter-speech sound
mapping tasks, the training-group dyslexics showed significant gains in spelling accuracy,
spelling fluency, and fluency associated with letter-speech sound identification relative to the
control-group dyslexics.

Latent factors analysis

The PCA with varimax rotation was conducted on speed and accuracy measures associated
with word reading (high frequency, low frequency and pseudowords), spelling, and letter-
speech sound identification and discrimination. Three factors were extracted using the eigen-
value-one procedure. The factors (Eigenvalues = 7.34, 2.18 and 1.28) accounted for, respec-
tively, 38.33%, 21.26% and 17.58% of the variance. The factor loadings are shown in Table 4.
The scores that loaded highly on Factor 1 were related to word reading speed and accuracy
measures, thus this factor was labelled ‘word reading’. The scores that loaded highly on Factor
2 were related to spelling fluency and fluency associated with letter-speech sound association

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Letter-Speech Sound Training for Dyslexia

Table 4. Varimax Rotated Factor Loadings.

Measure Factor 1 Factor 2 Factor 3

Word reading mapping fluency mapping accuracy
Word reading—accuracy—Total .96 .01 .15
Word reading—accuracy—Low Frequency .92 .05 .06
Word reading—accuracy—Pseudowords .78 .07 .27
Word reading—accuracy—High Frequency .76 -.19 .04
Word reading—fluency- Low Frequency .73 -.44 .43
Word reading—fluency- Total .71 -.47 .45
Word reading—fluency—Pseudowords .69 -.41 .45
Word reading—fluency—High Frequency .65 -.52 .44
LSS identificacion—fluency -.12 .87 -.09
Spelling—fluency -.33 .86 -.01
LSS discrimination—fluency .18 .74 .09
LSS identificacion—accuracy .02 -.01 .79
LSS discrimination—accuracy .22 .09 .75
Spelling—accuracy .51 -.19 .61

LSS = Letter-speech sound. Factor loadings >. 60 are in boldface. All pre-test raw scores from 3DM test. Factor 1 accounted for 38.33% of the variance,
Factor 2 accounted for 21.26% of the variance and Factor 3 accounted for 17.58% of the variance, after rotation of Sums of Squared Loadings. Note that
LSS fluency scores refer to reaction times while word reading fluency scores refer to number of words per minute.


(identification and discrimination). Thus, this factor was labeled ‘mapping fluency’. Finally,
scores related the accuracy of identification and discrimination and spelling accuracy loaded
highly on the Factor 3, which was then labeled ‘mapping accuracy’.
Group performance in terms of the latent factors loadings is presented in Table 5. The
results are clear-cut. That is, the results for all three factors are similar for the two dyslexic
groups; both groups differ significantly from the typical readers. The training effects are pre-
sented in Table 6. It can be seen that the training-group dyslexics improved significantly with
regard to the word reading factor relative to the waiting-list group who showed little if any
improvement. The dyslexic groups did not differ with regard to the two mapping factors.

Mixed model analysis

A mixed model with a random intercept and fixed factors Time and Group was performed.
The t-test results in fixed effects estimates for the interaction between Group and Time are

Table 5. Descriptive statistics showing baseline differences in factor scores.

T DC1 DT Contrasts

N = 23 N = 21 N = 23 DT & DC: T DC:DT

M SD M SD M SD t p-value Cohen's d t p-value Cohen's d

Word reading .77 0.39 -.26 0.85 -.54 1.09 -6.88 .000 1.57 0.94 .354 0.29
Mapping fluency a -.73 0.61 .61 0.95 .20 0.93 -5.92 .000 -1.4 1.42 .162 0.44
Mapping accuracy .52 0.69 -.44 0.85 -.14 1.17 -3.34 .001 0.91 -1.06 .293 -0.33
Statistics for unequal variances (p < .05 in Levene's test).
Data missing for 1 participant: NDC = 20.
Abbreviations: T, typical readers; DT, dyslexics-training; DC, dyslexics control.


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Letter-Speech Sound Training for Dyslexia

Table 6. ANCOVA comparing dyslexics training and control group in post-test factor scores with pre-test as covariate.

DC DT ANCOVA (pre-test as covariate)

N = 21a N = 23 b

M SD M SD F p-value (one-sided) η2
Word reading -.58 1.26 -.16 0.94 3.42 .037 0.09
Mapping fluency -.72 1.19 -.18 0.78 1.27 .133 0.03
Mapping accuracy -.48 0.97 -.07 1.09 0.57 .228 0.02

DT = dyslexics-training; DC = dyslexics control.

Valid cases for DC = 17.
Valid cases for DT = 22.


presented in Table 7. The results show that the slope of the word-reading factor associated with
the training-group dyslexics was significantly different from that associated with typical read-
ers, whereas the slopes did not differ between untrained dyslexics and typical readers. The
slopes of the average of all the scores that loaded highly on the word-reading factor are plotted
in Fig 3.

Correlational analysis
An important aspect to consider when interpreting the training effects is that of the individual
differences in reading gains. It is of interest to consider whether individual differences in letter-
speech sound mapping are associated with variation in reading-fluency gains between pre- and
post-test. Partial correlations were performed between the baseline factor scores associated
with mapping fluency and post-test word reading fluency scores (controlled for pre-test differ-
ences in word reading fluency). The results are displayed in Table 8.
Significant negative correlations between (baseline) mapping fluency and gains in reading
fluency were found for waiting-list dyslexics for the main word reading scores, with the excep-
tion of low frequency word and pseudo-word reading scores. These results indicate that poorer
initial mapping fluency is associated with lower gains in reading fluency in the untrained
group. Significant correlations were absent for the typical readers group and further, initial
mapping fluency was unrelated to reading fluency gains in the training dyslexics, i.e., partici-
pants in that group benefitted from the training regardless of their fluency in letter-speech
sound mapping starting point. Notably, for both untrained dyslexics, trained dyslexics and

Table 7. Estimates of fixed effects for a random intercept model including time and group as fixed

Fixed effect estimates

Group—time interactions

DT : T DC : T

t p-value t p-value
Word reading 2.55 .013 0.45 .654
Mapping fluency -1.18 .239 -0.08 .939
Mapping accuracy 0.70 .487 0.58 .566

T = typical readers; DT = dyslexics-training; DC = dyslexics control.


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Letter-Speech Sound Training for Dyslexia

Fig 3. Group slopes for word reading. The figure displays the changes from pre- to post-test in the average of all test scores (accuracy and fluency) that
loaded highly in the word-reading factor.

Table 8. Partial correlations with Letter-speech sound fluency factor score and post-test scores in reading fluency (pre-test controlled).

Partial correlations with the factor LSS fluency

Typical readers Dyslexics control Dyslexics training

(N = 23) (N = 21)c (N = 23)d

r p r p r p
3DM Word reading—fluency [T]
High Frequency 0.16 .468 -0.49 .037 0.39 .079
Low Frequency 0.07 .756 -0.42 .080 -0.01 .971
Pseudowords -0.19 .403 -0.11 .650 -0.15 .504
Total 0.11 .632 -0.60 .008 0.03 .876
One-Minute Test—fluency [SS]b 0.41 .060 -0.59 .010 0.18 .431
T scores (M = 50, SD = 10).
SS scores (M = 10, SD = 3).
Valid cases for DC = 20 (attrition of one subject).
Valid cases for DT = 22.


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Letter-Speech Sound Training for Dyslexia

typical readers, letter-speech sound mapping accuracy was not correlated with any of the read-
ing fluency gains (all r’s between -0.31 and 0.18, ps > .210), except for a significant correlation
between mapping accuracy and low frequency word scores (r = -0.53, p = .023; the poorer the
initial accuracy, the higher the reading gain) in the untrained group. This result may indicate a
less efficient identification of unfamiliar words for which effortful item-by-item decoding is
required. But such an interpretation would be inconsistent with the apparent lack of a signifi-
cant correlation between mapping accuracy and pseudowords, as the latter would arguably
require similar decoding strategies as very low frequency words.

The present RCT study examines the beneficial effects of training letter-speech sound integra-
tion on reading fluency in 3rd grade dyslexic readers. Groups were compared on a wide range
of reading and letter-speech sound mapping measures. The latent factors derived from these
measures were analyzed to evaluate training effects as well as differences in the rate of improve-
ment between dyslexics and typical readers. Finally, the relationship between letter-speech
sound mapping skills and reading improvement was examined in a correlational analysis. The
results are interpreted within the framework of a letter-speech sound integration deficit in

Baseline characteristics
Regarding the group comparisons at pre-test, the dyslexic groups showed a more severe
impairment in word reading speed measures than in accuracy. This is consistent with previous
research showing that in (semi-)transparent orthographies dyslexics may attain relatively high
levels of reading accuracy after the first years of instructions while fluency is severely impaired
[71–73]. In relation to letter-speech sound associations, the baseline group differences were
less prominent than those of word reading. The pre-test group comparisons between dyslexics
and typical readers revealed slightly larger effects on fluency than on accuracy scores, with the
exception of the 3DM discrimination task, which was not sensitive to group differences in
mapping fluency. A less pronounced deficit in mapping accuracy could be expected since chil-
dren in 3rd grade already present a reasonably advanced knowledge of letter-sound correspon-
dences, even within poor readers. In addition, a previous study suggested that the letter-speech
sound mapping accuracy deficit in dyslexics was absent after grade 2, while there was a halting
of performance speed compared to typical readers in grade 3 [74]. According to the multisen-
sory integration account, poor readers may know which letter correspond to which speech
sound but still be unable to use these associations for fluent reading [17].

Training effects on test scores

With regard to the remediation effects, the training-group dyslexics outperformed the waiting-
group dyslexics after the letter-speech sound training program. The gains in word reading after
training were more pronounced for fluency scores than for accuracy scores. Additionally, spell-
ing scores and letter-speech sound identification fluency scores also showed improvement after
training. The relatively small effects on word reading accuracy were anticipated given the high
accuracy scores at pre-test. The effects of interventions for dyslexia on reading accuracy have
been demonstrated in previous studies [49,75,76]. However, as argued in the introduction
there is still a lack of robust evidence for effective treatments in terms of reading fluency. Inter-
estingly, in the present study the largest effect sizes for gains after treatment were found in
word reading fluency measures.

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Letter-Speech Sound Training for Dyslexia

Most traditional intervention methods are based on phoneme awareness practice and pho-
nemic decoding [3,49,77] which strongly focuses on the accurate learning of letter-speech
sound correspondence rather than their automatic integration. In contrast, the present training
aims to obtain automation of grapheme-phoneme mapping besides instruction and practice of
accurate correspondences. The current results show that dyslexics are able to become more flu-
ent readers by a systematic training in the automatisation of letters-speech sound correspon-
dences. A potential confound might relate to group differences in the time between
measurements. However, the inclusion of the time between measurements as a covariate did
not change the pattern of results and the use of standardized scores controls for effects of time
of reading instruction. Moreover, deficits in dyslexia have been shown to persist without special
training [78], thus it seems unlikely that a few additional weeks of school attendance would
have a significant impact on the observed differences between the dyslexic groups.

Training effects manifested in factor scores

The results of the PCA analysis yielded three latent factors derived from the multiple outcome
measures at pre-test; word reading, letter-speech sound mapping fluency and letter-speech
sound mapping accuracy (see Table 4). The word reading measures of accuracy and speed
accounted for the largest proportion of the variance, followed by letter-speech sound mapping
fluency and accuracy, respectively. The reading speed measures also loaded on the other two
factors. This may reflect that the contribution of letter-speech sound mapping skills to reading
fluency is still relatively important in children in grade 3. This is supported by a previous study
reporting moderate correlations between letter-speech sound identification and discrimination
tasks and word reading tasks in transparent orthographies [79]. In addition, whereas letter-
speech sound association scores of fluency and accuracy loaded highly on distinct factors, this
was not the case for the word reading factor, which included both speed and accuracy scores.
The current finding of separate factors for fluency and accuracy of letter-speech sound asso-
ciations has been reported in previous studies [74]. A potential confound may relate to the dif-
ferent response formats for fluency and accuracy (i.e., reaction time and proportion correct,
respectively). But this confound would apply also to reading speed (indexed by the number of
words) and accuracy (indexed by the percentage of words read correctly), both loading high on
factor 1, which shared the highest loads. This pattern is in line with the notion that adequate
knowledge of grapheme-phoneme correspondences does not necessarily lead to effective inte-
gration and fluent word reading [17]. With regard to the observed group differences, compari-
sons at pre-test revealed a clear difference between the two dyslexic groups vs. the typical
readers for the three latent factor loadings. This was expected in view of the initial ANOVAs,
suggesting that although the deficit in dyslexics was more prominent for word reading, their
performance in letter-speech sound mapping tasks was also below the level of typical readers.
Most importantly, the analysis of training effects showed significant gains for the word read-
ing factor in the training-group relative to the waiting-list group. The current training is exclu-
sively focused on automatizing letter-speech sound mapping processes. These processes are
essential for reading acquisition [23]. After training to develop more robust and automatic let-
ter-speech sound associations, dyslexics may have been able to use these correspondences in a
more efficient way for learning automatic word reading [25]. The gains in word reading after
the current training further support the notion of a multisensory integration deficit underlying
dyslexia [17,19,30]. Finally, the groups did not differ in gains in the two letter-speech sound
mapping factors. Although there were differences present at test-level on letter-speech associa-
tion tasks, the analysis failed to reveal statistical differences at the factor level. It could be possi-
ble that this lack is partially due to indifference of the behavioral letter-speech sound mapping

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Letter-Speech Sound Training for Dyslexia

measures [74] or insufficient statistical power in the present sample. In addition, the mapping
fluency factor included the scores from letter-speech sound mapping discrimination task that,
in our baseline comparison, failed to show a dyslexic deficit while the other tasks tapping map-
ping fluency, including spelling fluency and letter-speech sound identification, did show a
moderate improvement after training in our analysis of test scores. Another plausible explana-
tion would be that the current training improved reading fluency by other processes that are
influenced by but not reflected in the letter-speech sound mapping tasks, such as visual word
specialization. This is supported by the suggestion that the earlier development of grapheme-
phoneme integration areas may support the later specialization of visual areas for fast recogni-
tion of words, which develops with increasing expertise in word reading [23,80,81].

Rate of change
The rate of improvement for the word reading factor was faster in the training dyslexic group
than in typical readers. Importantly, the rate of improvement for word reading did not differ
between the control-group dyslexics vs. typical readers. Previous studies on normal reading
development have indicated that while reading accuracy approaches ceiling levels after the first
few years of instruction, reading fluency increase remains moderate over the years [74,82]. In
view of this, low improvement in the word reading factor, which relates to both accuracy and
speed measures, may be expected in typical readers in third grade, after attaining high fluency
levels. The lack of differences between waiting-list dyslexics and typical readers suggests that
severely deficient readers do not tend to catch up with those with higher reading skills. This is
in line with previous longitudinal studies that have suggested stability in reading abilities.
These studies found high correlations between reading scores across elementary grades [83–
86]. The present results suggest that dyslexics do not overcome their deficit without special
training. Moreover, the faster rate of change in training-group underscores the need for early
and specialized intervention in dyslexia.

Relation of reading fluency with mapping initial skills

The partial correlations suggested that reading fluency gains were related to baseline differ-
ences in letter-speech sound mapping fluency, in the waiting-list group but not in the training-
group. This relation was absent in the typical readers group as well. Using the current longitu-
dinal design, we show that in untrained dyslexics, reading fluency development is constrained
by letter-speech sound association processes. This finding provides support for Blomert’s
(2011) [17], suggestion that deficits in automatizing multisensory mapping may underlie read-
ing dysfluency in dyslexia. Furthermore, this result supports the notion that training in autom-
atizing letter-speech sound correspondences reduces integration deficits in reading fluency
development. A possible interpretation of the current findings is that dyslexics at third grade
might rely strongly on phonological decoding, similarly to typical readers during the initial
stages of reading, unless specific training is provided [87].

Limitations of the current study

There are two main limitations regarding the interpretation of current results. The first one
relates to the design of the present study as only one type of intervention was tested. Conse-
quently, the current design does not allow disentangling effects due to the specifics of the cur-
rent training from those due to training in general training, such as increased reading
exposure. Although this seems to be a common limitation in many intervention studies, read-
ing dysfluency in dyslexia seems to persist even after specialized phonologically based interven-
tions that can remediate accuracy problems [88]. Thus, the current improvements observed

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Letter-Speech Sound Training for Dyslexia

after a relatively short training are unlikely to be attributed to just increased reading exposure.
A second limitation, related to the previous one, is concerned with the interpretation of our
results based on the multisensory integration hypothesis. Obviously, our results offer only par-
tial rather than decisive support for this hypothesis, as we did not find improvement in the dys-
lexics training group for the letter-speech sound mapping fluency factor. In addition, the
deficits manifested in dyslexics in mapping fluency measures seemed to be less pronounced
than in word reading. Previously, a study using these measures in a large sample of primary
school children showed a decrease in response latencies until grade 5 in typical readers whereas
in poor readers performance halted prematurely in grade 3 [60]. That study also found that
accurate identification and discrimination of letter-speech sound pairs typically develops
within the first year of instruction. Neuroimaging studies, however, showed a more prolonged
period for the attainment of automatic integration at the neural level [39,89]. This observation
may suggest that behavioral measures are not optimally sensitive to reveal the time demands of
fully automatized multisensory integration. In this regard, apparent indifference of some of our
behavioral measures may have influenced the specific patterning of the present results.

The current RCT study demonstrates that a relative short but intensive training in letter-speech
sound mapping fluency can significantly improve word reading in dyslexia. Importantly, the
effects were not limited to reading accuracy skills; they also extended to reading fluency. The
rate of improvement in the training-group was faster than both in typical readers and in dys-
lexics without special training. This is a promising result as reading fluency has repeatedly been
shown to be unsusceptible to intervention in dyslexia [3,53,56]. Furthermore, reading fluency
gains were strongly correlated to initial letter-speech sound mapping fluency in untrained dys-
lexics, suggesting that their reading fluency development is restricted by their mapping fluency.
In contrast, reading fluency gains in the training group were unrelated to their initial mapping
fluency. By systematically training fluency in grapheme-phoneme correspondences dyslexics
thus seem to overcome their initial mapping deficiency barrier and are able to improve their
reading fluency. This conclusion concurs with neurophysiological research showing that the
ability to fluently integrate cross modal letter-speech sound information is critical for the devel-
opment of a neural circuit for fast visual word recognition [17,33,90,91], as well as with reading
development models in which the attainment of fluent letter-speech sound mappings are con-
sidered a critical step in the acquisition of fluent reading [23,92]. More specifically, reading
research suggests that while children explicitly acquire initial knowledge of letter-speech sound
mappings, the consequent implicit, statistical learning of grapheme-phoneme associations by
repeated exposure drives the development towards the automatic integration of these map-
pings and their instrumental use in fluent reading [92–94]. Our results in accordance with this
view, and thus suggest that intensive training towards automation of letter-speech sound inte-
gration is an important remedial activity in addressing reading fluency in dyslexia. At the same
time, one might argue that these results provide an explanation for why interventions focusing
essentially on phoneme awareness and decoding skills fail to improve reading fluency (e.g.,
[56]), as they bolster letter-speech sound mapping accuracy but do not intensively address the
automation of letter-speech sound integration processes.
Recent neurophysiological and neuroanatomical studies have shown a deficit in the cross-
modal integration of letters and speech sounds in a temporo-parietal network in dyslexia
[17,20–22,91]. Notably, this deviant processing of letters and speech sounds in these multisen-
sory areas has been reported in dyslexic children even if they attained adequate knowledge of
letter-speech sound correspondences [30,39]. Based on these brain findings, a theoretical

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Letter-Speech Sound Training for Dyslexia

account of dyslexia has been postulated that states that a failure to develop automatic letter-
speech sound integration will first and for all result in an impairment in the acquisition of flu-
ent reading skills [17]. Using a behavioral intervention paradigm, we provided support for this
account by showing that (a) accuracy in knowledge of letter-speech sound correspondences
was not associated with reading fluency gains, (b) letter-speech sound mapping fluency was
strongly correlated with fluency gains in untrained dyslexics, but not in trained dyslexics, and
(c) an intensive training addressing the automation of letter-speech sound mappings produced
reading fluency improvements.
Attaining reading fluency is a long process and previous studies have shown that even non-
impaired readers may take years to become fluent readers [74]. The present results, together
with those reported in Aravena et al. (2013) [43], illustrate the clinical potential of the letter-
speech sound mapping framework for remediation programs in dyslexia.

Supporting Information
S1 Checklist.
S1 Fig. Touchscreen used in the training.
S1 Protocol.

We dedicate this paper to our co-author professor Leo Blomert, who passed away on Novem-
ber 25, 2012. His contributions to the initial stages of the project prior to his untimely death
were significant. We would like to express our gratitude to all the children and parents for par-
ticipating in the study. We are grateful to Suzanne van Grieken for her essential collaboration
during data collection. Finally, we would like to thank Hilde M. Huizenga for her useful meth-
odological advice.

Author Contributions
Conceived and designed the experiments: GŽ LB MB. Performed the experiments: GFG GŽ JT.
Analyzed the data: GFG JT MvdM. Contributed reagents/materials/analysis tools: LB JT
MvdM. Wrote the paper: GFG JT MvdM.

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