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1. Which is the place of the mouth?

It is located in the head and is part of the oral cavity.

2.How does the mucous membrane qualify?
In three types:
Simple of revetment
3. How much do types of papillae differ in the tongue?
There are three types:
4. How much do bones shape the mouth?
The are six bones:

Maxillary bone
Palatine bone
Temporary bone
Jaw bone
Sphenoid bone
Hyoid bone
5. How much regions does it have the gum?
There are two regions, the free gum and the inserted gum.
6. Who corresponds central muscular portion of the lips?
This is the voluntary striated muscle.
7. Which are the characteristics of the palate?
This presents, a greasy area and a glandular area.
The hard palate is richly innerved.

8. Which are the parts of a typical tooth?

The parts are a crown, a root, dentin, cement and cavity pulpar.

9. What types of functions does the mouth have?

These are:
To chew
To salivate
Sense of the taste
10. Tell what types of phenomena found in the mouth and a definition on
We find the physical phenomena and chemical phenomena.

11. Which is the purpose of the GCP in the masticating?

It is to generate rhythmic motor behavior.
12. What type of role does saliva?
The functions of the saliva are principally to soften and to dampen the food.
13. How is the oral cancer defined?
It is defined as the uncontrollable growth of cells.
14 . What are the symptoms of the oral cancer?
These are:

Inexplicable numbness
Loss of sensibility or pain
15. What can I do to prevent the oral cancer?
I should not smoke and should eat a balanced diet.

1. ADENOMERE: It is a set of epithelial cells.

2. TONSILLECTOMY: It consists of surgical removal of the tonsils.

3. HISTATINS: they are a family of antimicrobial peptides.

4. CYSTATIN: They are a family of phosphoproteins.

5. REMINERALIZATION: it is a process in which minerals are returned to

the tooth.

6. DEXTRINS: produced by the hydrolysis of starch.

7. MUMPS: which it is below the ear and behind the lower jaw.

8. HYDROXYAPATITE: it consists of crystalline calcium phosphate.

9. MALTOSE: composed of two glucose molecules.

10. EXOCRINE GLAND: gland into the blood pouring their secretions.

11. ACINAR CELL: any of the cells that form the tiny lobes of a gland

12. IMMUNOGLOBULIN E (IGE): is a type of antibody present only in


13. PEROXIDASE: This enzyme uses as heme cofactor.

14. BACTERIAL FLORA: set of bacteria living in the gut.

15. VIRUCIDAL: treatment capable of killing the virus.

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