Wildlife Photography

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Ramachandran aka Ram (Vijay Sethupathi) is a happy-go-lucky freelance photographer.

He visits his high school during a trip and is overcome by memories. A reunion is fixed
through their school WhatsApp group. At the reunion, Murali, Subhashini, Sathish
(Ram's school friends) catch up. Murali hesitatingly mentions that Jaanu (Ram's
childhood sweetheart) is coming. Ram gets uncomfortable and walks away to be alone.
The movie shift's to Ram's 10th standard days. Jaanu is a talented singer. Ram reveals
since the earliest days of childhood, he and Jaanu have been together. Ram develops a
love for Jaanu. On the last day after exams, Jaanu sprays ink on his white shirt and
asks him not to forget her.
The scene shifts to the present. Jaanu arrives to the reunion and hesitatingly searches
for Ram. When Subha reveals Ram's presence, Jaanu gets emotional and walks
towards him. The scene shifts back to the first day of 11th Standard. It is understood
that Ram has left the school. It is revealed that Ram's father had financial difficulties and
the family relocated to Chennai. Jaanu is heartbroken and keeps away from all for the
next 2 years.

The scene shifts to the present. Ram and Jaanu find very hard to interact with each
other in the reunion. Here, it is revealed that Ram has still not married. After the
reunion, both go out on a drive. Jaanu reveals that after he left school, she could not
forget him. She narrates how circumstances got her married. Ram hesitatingly asks
Jaanu if she does not remember the day he came to her college and tried to meet her.

The scene shifts to Ram and Murali waiting in front of a ladies' college to meet Jaanu.
She refuses to meet them and they return. The scene shifts to the present Jaanu is
completely devastated. She dashes to her room. Ram follows her. In her room, Jaanu
reveals that she never saw them the other day in college. The scene shifts back when
Ram and Murali went to meet her, but shown from Jaanu's perspective. She sees her
stalker and not Ram. The scene shifts to the present. Ram reveals that except the
mistake of assuming that she hated him, he knew everything about her. Jaanu
challenges him to reveal. Ram shoots off a rapid-fire update of events in her life as he
had traced over the past years. Jaanu is absolutely shocked and amazed to hear this.
Both laugh through the memories. When Ram tells Jaanu about his presence at her
wedding, Jaanu is heartbroken, but comes to terms with it. She requests that they
continue to talk. They step out of the hotel and catch up on memories.

They enter a restaurant and meet Ram's students. They request Jaanu to share their
love story. Jaanu narrates the flashback. In this sequence, it is revealed that Ram is
waiting downstairs to see her. Jaanu mentions that from that point on, whatever
happened was something she craved that would happen in her dreams. When she saw
him downstairs, instead of asking some tough questions, she just fell into his arms. This
event never happened but was improvised by Jaanu based on the original narration by
Ram. The scene comes back to the present and the students leave. Ram requests
Jaanu to visit his home.

At his apartments, Jaanu requests Ram to marry and have a family. She expresses her
wish to pamper his kids and chokes mentioning one day, she will meet his wife. She
finally sings his favourite song that she had avoided singing in school (in spite of his in-
numerous requests), as a way of taunting him. Ram finally shows Jaanu a collection of
school memories in a suitcase (with the shirt that she had splashed with ink). When
driving back to the hotel, Jaanu gets sad, knowing that she will leave Chennai very
soon. She checks out of the hotel. At the airport,Ram escorts her till the boarding
gate.When the boarding call is announced, Jaanu holds Ram's hand and sobs
uncontrollably. She then gets into the flight. At his home, Ram sees Jaanu's clothes that
he had put to dry the previous night. He folds them neatly, puts them along with his
school memorie

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