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Homework: Graphing Polynomials Name ______________________

1. In this problem you’re going to graph the function f(x)=x3+4x2-12x without a calculator.
a. Start by factoring out an x, because you should ALWAYS look for common factors FIRST!

b. What you’re left with, after you factor out that x, is a quadratic function. Factor that.

c. You should now be able to express f(x) as the product of three different factors. Based on that,
write its three roots.

d. On the graph paper below, graph those three points. (Remember that you know both their x-
values and their y-values!)
e. Now, test each region between all the zeros to determine whether the function is positive or
negative in each?

f. Can you predict which way the ends will be heading?

g. Now fill in the graph by connecting those points.

h. Finally, graph the function on your calculator. If it doesn’t match the general shape of the graph
you drew, don’t just fix your graph; figure out what went wrong! If it does, fill in the y-values on
your graph, so your axes has the scale of the actual function.
2. Now you’re going to graph the function P(x)=x3+6x2+5x-12 without a calculator.
a. This one does not have a common factor, so you’re going to have to write all the possible rational
roots of this function in the space below.

b. Prove that x=–3 is a root of this function by plugging in x=-3 and seeing what you get.

c. Based on your answer to Part (a), you know that ____________ is a factor of f(x).
d. Use polynomial long division to divide f(x) by the factor you wrote in Part (b). There should be no
remainder. (Why? Because, as you said, it’s a factor!)

e. What you’re left with is a quadratic function. Factor that and then write P(x) in factored form.

f. Now proceed with the graphing as you did on problem

number one of this assignment, including checking it
using your calculator or Desmos.

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