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Acidizing Concepts-

Matrix vs. Fracture Acidizing

George E. King, SPE, Amoco Production Co.

Summary. Acidizing involves a wide range of stimulation treatments that can yield impressive production
increases in many wells if properly applied. Acidizing treatments are divided into two categories: matrix
acidizing and fracture acidizing. To use either treatment properly, an understanding is required of what the
treatments do and what is necessary to stimulate the well.

Matrix Acidizing Fracture Acidizing

In matrix acidizing, the intent is to improve or to restore Fracture acidizing is a hydraulic fracturing treatment for
the permeability of the region very near the wellbore (a carbonate formations in which acid-etched channels serve
radius of 8 to 24 in. [20.3 to 61 cm]) without fracturing as very-high-conductivity flow paths along the face of the
the producing formation. The increase in permeability will fracture. HCI of 15 to 28 % strength is used in acid frac-
decrease the pressure drop associated with the produc- turing at volumes of 100 to 500 gal [1.24 to 6.2 m 3 ] of
tion or the injection of fluids by enlargement of the pore acid per foot [meter] of producing formation. Hydraulic
throats or by removal of formation permeability damage fracturing actually breaks the formation with pump- and
created by drilling or completion fluids. The amount of hydrostatically produced pressures. The pressure parts the
production increase that is created by a matrix acid job formation and produces a crack along which the acid
will depend on the reservoir pressure and whether the for- flows. The acid reacts with the carbonate, removes part
mation permeability next to the wellbore is damaged. In of this reactive rock, and leaves channels along the face
an undamaged formation, the production increase from of the crack. For the channels to form, the formation must
a matrix acidizing job is very low. However, if the for- be limestone, dolomite, or chalk with a total carbonate
mation permeability near the wellbore is reduced as a re- content of at least 60 %.
sult of damage from natural causes or completion fluids, Productivity increases that are available from acid frac-
the production can be increased considerably (i.e., 10 to turing depend on many of the same conditions as water
100 times) by removing the damage. In a producing well, and proppant fracturing. These conditions are permeabil-
a zone of damaged permeability near the wellbore chokes ity, pressure, viscosity of produced fluid, and length and
the converging radial flow and can decrease production conductivity of the fracture. In undamaged, low-
severely. permeability formations with equal reservoir pressures,
To determine the extent of permeability damage (skin fracturing will increase production far more than matrix
damage), a pressure-buildup test must be run. Not all acidizing.
causes of permeability damage are acid-soluble. For ex- Higher-viscosity fluids (such as oil) can flow much more
ample, sulfate scales, paraffin, tar, water blocks, and most easily down the high-conductivity acidizing fracture than
emulsions are largely unaffected by mineral or organic through a high-permeability matrix. The length of an acid-
acids. These problems require special treatment in addi- ized fracture is limited, however, by the rate at which acid
tion to (or instead ot) acid treatments. Also, not all damage is spent on the carbonate and by the increasing fluid
shown by a buildup test is true formation permeability leakoff. The acid-etched fracture will extend only as far
damage. Results of inadequate or too few perforations will as unspent acid has penetrated. The acid reactivity is a
appear in the total formation damage that is calculated function of several variables, the most important of which
from the test. If there is doubt about the quality of perfo- are temperature and the area/volume ratio (i.e., the ratio
rations, it is often more economical to reperforate than of the area of reactive formation in the matrix or fracture
to acidize. to the volume of acid in contact with that area). The higher
Matrix acid treatments use from 15 to 200 gal [0.19 this ratio (more surface area), the faster the acid will be
to 2.5 m 3] of acid per foot [meter] of producing forma- spent (penetration of live acid is reduced). In the forma-
tion. The acid is injected at pressures less than the pres- tion matrix of a low-permeability carbonate, the
sure that will cause the formation to fracture. area/volume ratio can be over 30,000: 1. In a hydrauli-
Hydrochloric acid (HCl) in strengths from 5 to 15 % is cally created fracture, the value will be about 100: 1. This
commonly used to remove carbonate and iron scales and ratio is a description of the formation or fracture condi-
as a preflush for HC1/hydrofluoric (HF) acid. To treat tions, and very little can be done to alter it.
clay damage and to remove drilling mud, HF at a strength Fluid lost from the acid in the fracture also decreases
of 1.5 to 3 % is used with the HCl. the possible fracture length because less fluid is left to
extend the fracture. Leakoff from the acid volume in the
main fracture is increased by the reaction of the acid,
which increases the permeability of the leakoff zones.
Copyright 1986 Society of Petroleum Engineers Leakoff is so severe a problem in most acid fracturing
Journal of Petroleum Technology, May 1986 507
treatments that it is considered to be the main fracture- be expressed in a short paper. To obtain a successful
length-limiting condition. To extend fracture length, fluid- stimulation, (1) obtain the best information possible about
loss additives are used to slow the fluid leakoff into natural the well, (2) carefully design ajob to remove damage or
fractures or thief zones. Calculations from dozens of stimulate the well, and (3) exercise sufficient quality con-
buildup tests show that typical acid fracture lengths range trol to ensure that the job goes as planned.
from 30 to 200 ft [9.1 to 61 m]. The longer fractures are
usually in cooler, lower-permeability formations. JPT
Conclusions This paper is SPE 15279. Technology Today Series articles provide useful summary
information on both classic and emerging concepts in petroleum engineering. Pur-
The decision whether to use a particular acid stimulation pose: To provide the general reader with a basic understanding of a significant con-
treatment should be based on more information than can cept, technique, or development within a specific area of technology.

508 Journal of Petroleum Technology, May 1986

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