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SPE 109818

Effective Matrix Acidizing in High-Temperature Environments

Ricardo Aboud, Kern Smith, and Leandro Forero, BJ Services, and Leonard Kalfayan, Kalfayan Production Enhancement

Copyright 2007, Society of Petroleum Engineers

acidizing can be applied successfully to stimulate high-
This paper was prepared for presentation at the 2007 SPE Annual Technical Conference and temperature oil & gas wells and geothermal wells. These types
Exhibition held in Anaheim, California, U.S.A., 11–14 November 2007.
of wells have some common features, but they also have
This paper was selected for presentation by an SPE Program Committee following review of
information contained in an abstract submitted by the author(s). Contents of the paper, as
significant differences (e.g., completions, mineralogy,
presented, have not been reviewed by the Society of Petroleum Engineers and are subject to formation fluids and formation flow) that influence
correction by the author(s). The material, as presented, does not necessarily reflect any
position of the Society of Petroleum Engineers, its officers, or members. Papers presented at stimulation designs and fluid choices.
SPE meetings are subject to publication review by Editorial Committees of the Society of
Petroleum Engineers. Electronic reproduction, distribution, or storage of any part of this paper
for commercial purposes without the written consent of the Society of Petroleum Engineers is This paper summarizes best practices for designing matrix
prohibited. Permission to reproduce in print is restricted to an abstract of not more than
300 words; illustrations may not be copied. The abstract must contain conspicuous acidizing treatments and choosing stimulation fluids for high-
acknowledgment of where and by whom the paper was presented. Write Librarian, SPE, P.O.
Box 833836, Richardson, Texas 75083-3836 U.S.A., fax 01-972-952-9435.
temperature oil & gas wells and geothermal wells. Included
are case histories from Central America. Lessons learned
Abstract about differences and commonalities between stimulation
World demand for energy is substantial and continues to grow. practices in these well types are also discussed.
By 2020, it is expected that the world will need approximately
40% more energy than today, for a total of 300 million barrels Introduction
of oil-equivalent energy every day. Meeting higher energy As today’s rate of finding new reserves is lower than in
demands will require a portfolio of energy-generation options previous decades, exploration has turned more to deeper
including but not limited to oil, natural gas, coal, nuclear, basins. Deeper wells are typically hot (greater than 250º F, for
steam, hydro, biomass, solar and wind. example). Permeabilities are also often lower and occasionally
are the result of a network of natural fissures. Offshore wells
New horizons are being explored. Wells are drilled in greater in the Gulf of Mexico are now reported to reach bottomhole
water depths. Drilling units are continually upgraded to target temperatures of 500º F. Recently discovered gas fields
deeper hydrocarbon-bearing zones. Wellbore tubular offshore Brazil have bottomhole temperatures ranging from
metallurgy is continually upgraded. Drilling, completion and 350 to 400º F.
stimulation fluids are being developed for extreme
temperature and pressure environments. Over the past years, great improvements in matrix acidizing
have taken place, parallelling the developments in hydraulic
As the preferred technology to enhance "oilfield" energy fracturing. Provided that the forecasted production/injection
production, well stimulation has and will continue to have an results make economic sense, matrix acidizing is still simpler,
important role in fulfilling the world’s future energy needs. often less risky, and more economic to implement than
Well stimulation generally uses fluids to create or enlarge hydraulic fracturing. Sophisticated laboratory equipment,
formation flow channels, thereby overcoming low expertise, and well testing software can help the engineer
permeability, as in “tight” formations, and formation damage, diagnose production or injection damage effects and
which can occur in any formation type. A common and very mechanisms – making it easier to select proper well candidates
successful stimulation option, matrix acidizing, utilizes acids and optimize job design. Treatment placement is better
that react to remove mineral phases restricting flow. ensured through the use of chemical or mechanical diversion
Depending on the formation and acid type, flow is increased methods and technologies, and placement tools (coiled tubing,
by removing pore-plugging material; or by creating new or straddle packers, etc.). On-site quality control is enabled by
enlarged flow paths through the natural pore system of the modern sensors, monitors and software, enabling the engineer
rock. However, higher-temperature environments present a to determine the evolution of skin with time, and radius of
challenge to matrix acidizing effectiveness. High temperatures formation treated. Modern blending and pumping equipment
can negatively affect stimulation fluid properties and certain have provided the means to mix acid continuously without the
acid reactions. Thus, careful fluid choice and treatment need for pre-blending fluids. This eliminates the need for
designs are critical to successful high-temperature matrix mixing tanks on location, and enhancing safety on location 10.
Matrix acidizing treatments are designed to remove or bypass
With proper fluid selection, design, and execution, matrix formation damage by injecting fluids of low pH into the
2 SPE 109818

reservoir below fracturing pressure. In sandstones, the primary are becoming more common as the oil industry searches for
objective is to remove any existing formation damage and newer hydrocarbon production opportunities in deeper
restore the reservoir permeability (in the near-wellbore region) horizons. In addition to greater depths, more wells are now
to its original state or as close as possible. This process results drilled and completed in increasingly hostile downhole
in matrix flow with a flow capacity approaching the environments.
undamaged well (skin = 0). Similarly, in limestones, the
primary objective of a matrix acidizing treatment is to bypass The advent of HPHT wells has resulted in a step change in the
formation damage through the formation of channels, called metallurgy required for high-pressure completion tubulars and
wormholes. This process results in “true” stimulation (or equipment. It is not possible to simply increase the API tensile
stimulation of the formation radially from the wellbore) — grade of the tubulars, since HPHT wells usually contain some
thus the potential for negative skin — and the possibility of a amount of hydrogen sulfide (H2S), carbon dioxide (CO2),
flow capacity greater than in the undamaged well. corrosive brine, or combinations that can be extremely
corrosive. High-alloy steels are now the standard metallurgy
Properly designed and executed acid treatments provide a used in oil & gas production wells drilled into deep, hot
method for improving the productivity of oil and gas wells and reservoirs. Alloyed steels used in the petroleum industry are
injectivity of injection wells. The success of these treatments called corrosion-resistant alloys (CRA). The most commonly
depends to a great extent upon proper acid selection and used CRAs are the chromium alloys, such as 13Cr and duplex
treatment design. stainless steels. In extreme environments, highly alloyed
nickel austenitic stainless steels, such as inconel, incoloy, and
Today, with the increasing shift to unconventional sources of hastelloy, are used.
hydrocarbon and energy, there is an increasing application of
matrix acidizing for stimulation of wells in very high- There is increasing concern when the wellbore contains high-
temperature environments. For example, some reservoirs in alloy metals, such as stainless and duplex steels, as they are
the Gulf of Mexico have bottomhole temperatures up to 500º susceptible to hydrogen embrittlement and chloride stress
F, and more recently a new gas field offshore Brazil has cracking. When combined with the possibility of erosion
temperatures up to 400º F. In general, this environment corrosion caused by high production rates, acidizing HPHT
requires greater due diligence because of the unique wells poses further risk.
complexities associated with use of acids at elevated
temperatures. Geothermal wells
Geothermal energy is today an important energy resource.
Technological and process improvements over the years Regions where geothermal energy sources occur generally lie
haveenabled the oil service industry to provide fit-for-purpose along boundaries of tectonic plates of the earth. Given the
matrix acidizing solutions for high-temperature environments. rising cost of conventional hydrocarbon resources, geothermal
Compared to hydraulic fracturing, matrix acidizing can be a energy today is a viable option in some areas. Currently,
much simpler, more economical and at times a relatively geothermal resources provide energy for direct heat and
lower-risk stimulation technique. Sophistication with electric power generation in over 30 countries including
laboratory equipment, well testing software and technical United States, Italy, Iceland, Azores (Portuguese islands),
expertise allows a greater number of practitioners to properly Turkey, Russia, China, Japan, Indonesia, New Zealand,
select well candidates and optimize job design. Improved Philippines, Mexico, Nicaragua, El Salvador, Guatemala, and
quality assurance of job execution can also be realized through Costa Rica. For example, in the Philippines, geothermal
improvements in the reliability of placement tools rated for production provides 27% of the country's total electrical
high-temperature use (coiled tubing, straddle packers, etc.) generation. In the U.S., electrical energy generated from
Modern process-controlled acid blending and pumping geothermal resources is more than twice that from solar and
equipment has elevated on-site quality control and safety wind combined. In 1972, the worldwide capacity of
management. Along with the quality improvements from geothermal power plants was about 800 MW. Today it is 8900
modern sensors, monitors and software, skin evolution MW21.
(changes) can be assessed in real time and changes in One major advantage of geothermal energy is that it is a
treatment volumes can be made "on the fly."
renewable energy source that does little damage to the
environment. Geothermal power plants emit only about 1 to
This paper discusses matrix acidizing of sandstone reservoirs 3% of the sulfur compounds and < 1 to 4% of carbon dioxide
in High-Pressure/High-Temperature (HPHT) wells, producing
(C02) emitted by coal- and oil-fired power plants. Certain
geothermal wells and Steam/Hot Water Injection (SHWI) binary cycle geothermal power plants have no emissions at all.
wells. Despite the focus on sandstone matrix acidizing, most
of the challenges here are equally applicable to limestone Geothermal energy originates from heat contained in the
formations. earth’s crust. When magma (molten rock) come quite close to
the surface where the crust has been thinned, faulted, or
High-Pressure/High-Temperature (HPHT) wells fractured by plate tectonics, heat is transferred to water and
Wells with pressures and temperatures exceeding 10,000 psi forms steam, hot water or a mixture of both. Once the
(69 MPa) and 300° F (149° C), respectively, are generally temperature of a hydrothermal resource is around 220 °F and
termed High-Pressure/High-Temperature (HPHT). Such wells above, it can be used to generate electricity. Most electricity-
SPE 109818 3

producing geothermal resources have temperatures from 300 case of geothermal wells, reinjection of geothermal fluids
to 700 °F, but can up to 1,000°F in some areas. (non-steam phase) is often necessary to miminize land
subsidence tendencies, recharge the reservoir, and manage
Geothermal wells are relatively shallow, with well depths disposal of large produced volumes of brine over the longer
typically ranging from 5,000 to 9,000 ft. Reservoirs are term. It is not uncommon for an individual geothermal
normally underpressured relative to a full column of fresh injection well to dispose of heat-depleted brine at rates up to
water. And wells are produced at maximum attainable rates 100,000 bbls per day. Therefore, most of these injection wells
through either open hole, slotted liner or casing strings are completed with large-diameter wellbores.
(tubing-less) to minimize friction loss. A well life of 20 years
is normally considered adequate for geothermal wells. Injectivity decline may occur, especially if fluids are not
handled properly before injection. Even with the best brine-
However, through acidizing, wells may be able to safely
handling conditions, long-term injectivity loss may still occur.
produce for considerably longer and at higher commercial
In geothermal wells, reduced well injectivity is usually
rates. Geothermal field performance can also be enhanced
associated with scale deposition inside the surface injection
through stimulation of injection wells; given the importance of line, well completion tubulars and perhaps in the formation
injectors, this will be discussed separately in the next section. (natural fractures). The most common scales are quartz (silica
The most common workover operation in geothermal wells is and silicates), carbonates and sulphates. Loss of injectivity can
cleaning mineral deposits from inside the well casing. Most also be related to reservoir interference of neighboring
common deposits are calcite, silica and silica-rich sulfide injection wells or mechanical integrity problems in the
deposits, and various mixed scales. Drill cuttings removal completion tubulars.
(from natural fractures) in new producers and injectors may
also be a need. Geothermal wells generally produce from Suspended solids and corrosion products in injection wells
naturally fractured andesite formation rock (volcanic quartz) usually require special surface processing and acidizing
although certain fields produce through the primary rock treatments to make large-scale reinjection or water disposal
permeability. Therefore, acidizing in geothermal wells is most plans viable.
closely analogous to sandstone acidizing. However, the fluid
system to be used and the treatment method may greatly differ Challenges in HPHT Well Acidizing
depending on the type and magnitude of the rock permeability. As the search for oil & gas continues in deeper horizons, there
are evolving factors that must be considered with respect to
Despite the existence of a great number of geothermal wells in acid stimulation:
the world, the number of wells stimulated is relatively low
when compared to their oil and gas counterparts. Among the • Complex completions — Completion designs are
different stimulation techniques in oil and gas wells, only continually advanced to meet a number of challenges,
matrix acidizing can be considered useful in geothermal wells, such as higher temperatures, higher bottomhole pressures,
and relatively speaking, it has been the predominant more severe well trajectories, and, of course, well
stimulation method attempted. This is mainly due to: economics. The use of completion tools to perform
multiple services (such as gravel packing and stimulation
• Advances in acid chemistry 1,4 in a single trip) has become common in some offshore
• More detailed investigations of the interactions between basins. Under this scenario, completion tools must be
acid systems and rocks (and scales) with different designed to present low-torque valves and long endurance
mineralogies 14, 5 against erosion and corrosion. These completions must
• Inability to achieve formation parting pressure during address future well interventions, preferably rigless.
fluid injection into geothermal wells (thermal effects)
• Formations are typically naturally fractured • High-pressure matrix injection limitation — HPHT wells
• Limited budget assigned to stimulation (largely normally possess a high fracturing gradient, indicative of
considered unconventional in geothermal fields) low formation matrix permeability. Acid stimulation of
either producer or injectors requires a high injectivity rate
Nevertheless, broad implementation of acid stimulation in in order for the formation to “accept” acid. Proper acid
geothermal fields has not been established. However, its chemistry is necessary; viscous acid sytems, for example,
production enhancement potential is considerable. In recent may require a high injection surface pumping pressure. If
years, there have been a few papers reporting success with not considered in advance, there may be undesirable
matrix acidizing of geothermal wells 3, 10. Most geothermal consequences, such as inordinately long pumping time
wells continue to produce without stimulation, other than in (and greater exposure of tubulars to acid), and higher
few selected areas. safety risk (acid remains longer in surface pumping lines,
under high pressure).
Steam and Hot Brine Injection Wells
Injection wells are an important part of a geothermal project or • Treatment placement / diversion limitations — Chemical
enhanced oil recovery / steam-stimulation project. Maintaining diverters are limited in temperature, typically up to about
injection is essential for long-term, economic operation. In the 250° F. High temperatures and deep environments limit
4 SPE 109818

use of placement techniques such as packer systems and to reduce temperature, preferably to the 200 ºF range, where
sometimes coiled tubing. corrosion inhibition can easily last for the duration of the acid
treatment. Corrosion may also be induced by the production
• Special tubular metallurgies and corrosion — Protection fluid itself (especially hot brine). Therefore, some completions
of completion and production equipment is a primary may require a post-flush containing corrosion inhibitor or even
concern during HPHT acidizing operations. This concern continuous injection of corrosion inhibitor.
increases when the wellbore contains high-alloy metals,
such as stainless and duplex steels, that are susceptible to Placement/diversion method limitation — Placing acidizing
hydrogen embrittlement and chloride stress cracking. The fluids in geothermal wells must be done by “bullheading” or
higher the temperature, the more difficult it is to protect through coiled tubing. Bullheading necessarily requires high
metal against corrosion, and the more required inhibitor pumping rates, as the acid does spend faster under high
loadings increase, resulting in greater likelihood of temperatures. In some cases, when acid stimulation is
formation damage. In addition, protection times are preceded by a mechanical clean-out with workover rig, the
reduced dramatically, which can limit well stimulation acid is placed through drill pipe. High treatment rates are
treatments (for example, fluid volumes caused by pump normally required — and are beneficial — for stimulation of
time limitations). These problems become increasingly the long intervals and natural fractures typically encountered
severe in formations with bottomhole temperatures in geothermal formations. This differs from typical oil- and/or
greater than 250 oF (l20 oC). However, a combination of gas-bearing sandstone formations, in which acid is injected
organic acids (acetic and formic) can be used instead of into small pore spaces (matrix conditions) and across
HCl in HPHT applications to minimize corrosion and relatively short intervals. Injection pressure is not an issue, as
stress cracking problems. Although the base cost of an wells often take fluid on vacuum. The injection rate (and acid
organic acid blend is higher than that of HCl, reduction in volume) is of greater importance. Because oil is not present in
inhibition costs can result in a final acid blend that is both geothermal wells, there are no issues related to wax, paraffin,
technically and economically acceptable. Alternatively, a asphaltene or emulsions. Therefore, simplified treatments
modestly reducing acid concentration, minimizing contact (reduced additives, larger volumes, fewer steps) are applicable
time, or using cooling preflushes may also be feasible in geothermal wells. Single-step acid treatments are possible
options. HPHT wells are typically expensive, and well because conventional preflushes (including acid) and
metallurgies have been continually upgraded in order to overflushes are not necessary. Recent experiences with
maximize well life. Extensive lab testing is required to geothermal well stimulation in Central America have proven
ensure acid corrosion protection before a final acid that using special acid systems with complexation chemistry
formulation is chosen. (in HCl or HF systems), as well as HF systems with low total
acidity, have been very successful. Application has been
• Flowback of acid treatment — When flowing back through bullheading (even at low rates) down production
producer wells after acid treatment, there is a risk that tubing.
unspent or partially spent acid may return to surface. This
requires special HSE procedures and practices to handle Treatment diversion has proven to be ineffective in
flowback fluid, such as proper return tanks in which the geothermal wells. Open-hole or slotted liner completions are
return fluids can be neutralized and properly discharged. common, with the intervals exceeding several hundred meters.
High-temperature foam systems may improve zone coverage,
• Perceived risk — Sometimes the dispersant package but not reliably or extensively. Gelling agents for thickening
included in corrosion inhibitors can increase the tendency acid are not effective in geothermal liner completions. High-
for acid/oil emulsions to form in areas in which the rate acid injection has proven to be the only reliable method
formation crude contains high concentrations of paraffin for effective acid placement, but this technique is limited to
or asphaltene. wells with one production zone. If a well has more than one
zone, selective acid stimulation is required. In such cases,
Challenges in Geothermal Well Acidizing preliminary well logging (spinner and temperature surveys) is
Geothermal wells present special acidizing challenges. Matrix necessary to evaluate and design the best placement
acidizing treatments must address the following issues: procedure.

Corrosion of completion — Corrosion in geothermal • Flowback of acidizing fluids — As acidized production

environments, in which all conditions for severe wells are returned to production, there are naturally
electrochemical reactions exist, is recognized as a major environmental concerns. Geothermal fields are often near
problem, except for wells producing dry steam. The effect of populated areas, and wells are tested and flowed to the
300 to 700 °F temperatures and an aqueous environment atmosphere. Noise and odors affecting the local
makes corrosion protection a big issue. Metallurgies become population are of concern for the geothermal operators
more difficult to inhibit against acid corrosion as temperature when flowing back wells after stimulation. Over-
increases. Corrosion can result in a series of undesirable displacement of acid (on the order of thousands of cubic
reaction products, which can cause plugging in the formation meters) is very effective in minimizing this situation.
(iron sulfides are among the most notorious). Acidizing Generally, wells are allowed to heat up after acidizing,
geothermal wells requires large water cooldown pads in order but that can take from several days to several weeks
SPE 109818 5

before well production testing can be conducted. The The inhibitors in use are typically polyacrylate,
combined effects of over-displacement and heat-up time – polymaleic acid or phosphonates. Their application
in conjunction with improved fluid designs – can typically requires a threshold dosage of about 2 to 10
minimize or eliminate flowback odors and population- mg/kg. A chemical metering pump on the surface can be
related problems. Air compresion equipment may be used to introduce the treatment via a ¼ or ½-in.
needed to pressurize wells that are unable to flow by corrosion-resistant capillary string to a depth below the
themselves after acidizing. Operators must be aware of flashing level in the well.
this need before intervention. Erosion of production lines
may occur if drill cuttings are produced back during • Invasion of drill cuttings to formation natural fractures —
blowdown of a well after stimulation. Care must be taken Geothermal well production intervals are normally below
in this regard. A temporary flow line may be required the water gradient and are usually drilled using air, foam,
until solids production has ceased. mud, water or combinations. In any case, drill cuttings
invasion into the natural fractures may impair the flow
• Various/mixed scales — The main damage mechanism in capacity of the natural fractures and limit production
geothermal wells is scale deposition (commonly in the below natural capacity. Additional damage can be created
wellbore or in liner slots/perforations). Scales are by the use of damaging additives in the mud system. It is
deposited by different causes, including incompatibility of challenging to dissolve cuttings and remove mud damage.
invading fluids (completion, acidizing, drilling fluids) and Proper laboratory acid dissolution tests are required to
produced fluids (water with high content of dissolved establish appropriate acid design.
minerals, hot brine). Also, natural pressure drops in the
reservoir or wellbore can result in carbonate scale • Limited Information — Geothermal operation practices
formation. As fluids cool, saturated levels of dissolved differ from oilfield operations in that most geothermal
silica become over-saturated, and silica scale can drop out operators do not take steps to obtain, store, analyze and
regardless of reservoir fluid type (hot water, or dry steam, track individual well information and performance trends.
or combination of both). In general, these scale deposits Coring, production tests, injection tests, build-up and
are more common and severe in geothermal operations drawdown tests, and other information that could be
than in oilfield operations. Although the scale deposits important and useful is usually partially or totally
encountered are basically similar, the following missing. A change in the mind of the geothermal industry
parameters result in some important differences: is necessary in this regard. The benefit of acid stimulation
of geothermal wells is apparent even with the minimal
1) Reservoirs with “exotic” mineralogies information available. Imagine the potential if the
2) High temperatures (up to 700 °F) with relatively low gathering of such information were standard practice.
reservoir pressures
3) High mass flow rates There is a considerable upside in production enhancement
potential in geothermal fields if a broader implementation of
Some of the most commonly encountered scales are acid stimulation takes place. Proper maintenance and
barium sulfate, heavy metal sulfides from large operation of geothermal wells is of vital importance in the
temperature drops; pressure-sensitive scales such as success of a geothermal project. The worldwide geothermal
calcium sulfate; calcium carbonate (CaCO3) from CO2 industry has been growing modestly in the last two decades.
flashing; and silicon oxides (quartz, SiO2) and barium These assets are now aging and in some cases, repairs or
sulfate (BaSO4) from ion-rich brine that deposits these rebuilding are necessary to extend their life and maintain
compounds upon cooling in the wellbore. generation capacity. Geothermal wells are a reliable source of
power and it is best if the wells can be allowed to run
Also, as mentioned before, since the mass flow rate in continuously. Considerable experience has been gained in how
geothermal wells is usually very high, massive amounts best to operate and maintain the geothermal wells.
of scale deposits can accumulate over short periods of
time. The acceleration of deposition usually increases Variations of Acid Treatment Design
once the process starts, and tubular (orifice) decreases as for Geothermal Wells and Oil & Gas Wells
scale builds within. Also, reservoir pressure declines
with time and cumulative production may exacerbate the While sandstone acidizing in oil and gas wells has advanced,
conditions leading to scale formation. As a result, the and geothermal well acidizing has taken advantage of those
flow restriction caused by scaling deposits has a greater advancements and knowledge, certain methods and rules of
influence than that seen in most oilfields. Some scaling thumb do not apply to (and should not be applied in)
may be so intensive or so hard that a mill or high- geothermal wells. Consider the following:
pressure jetting nozzle may be required.
• Acid designs based on formation mineralogy — Due to
Injecting a scale inhibitor downhole can mitigate scale the volcanic nature of the rock, geothermal mineralogy
buildup by “coating” the calcite crystals with a long differs in complexity and acid reactivities. Sometimes
molecule polar substance as they form, thus preventing geothermal formations contain iron minerals (chlorite,
them from adhering to each other and to the tubulars.
6 SPE 109818

pirite, hemtite, etc.), as well as zeolites and calcite. They energy backflow from geothermal wells can blow out damage
are often present as fracture-filling minerals, rather than that was not dissolved by acid. Plugging material that was
as grains or as pore-filling mineral phases. Therefore, softened, broken up or detached from downhole tubulars and
geothermal well acid designs based on oil and gas fracture channels can be produced back through a large-
sandstone mineralogy guidelines have usually resulted in diameter casing completion.
poor or limited stimulation response. Field experiences in
Central America geothermal acidizing candidates have General Geothermal Well Acidizing Procedures
shown outstanding results using HCl-complexing agent
solutions and high HF concentration/low total acidity Successful acid treatment prodcedures for Central America
solutions (also containing complexation agent). geothermal wells are summarized below. In Central America,
bullheading procedures have been developed. Treatment
• Acid fluid design — With geothermal acidizing, most designs are based on the objective(s) of the particular acid job.
treatments can be effectively addressed by using HCl and
HCl:HF acid systems. HCl systems are used alone to • New Wells: New wells are stimulated just after drilling
remove calcite scale inside tubulars, or as a preflush for in order to maximize production/injection potential
HCl:HF acid treatments. Rock/acid solubility tests are from the outset. Jobs are conducted with a drilling rig.
recommended to evaluate the use (or not) of HCl preflush, For these wells, the volume of HCl acid preflush is
if actual formation (core) sample is available. HCl:HF calculated based on core sample solubility tests. Table 1
systems are used to enhance injection/production by summarizes the basic procedure.
removing damage created during the drilling process and
to dissolve silica scale for injections wells. High HF Treatment Stage Treatment Volume & Rate
concentrations (5% to 9% HF) have proven to be effective
in geothermal well stimulation. 1. Preflush and cooling Fresh water: High rate using rig
pumps to cool wellbore below
• Treatment volumes — Oil and gas sandstone acidizing is 200 °F.
usually performed in wells with known intervals, and 2. Preflush: 10% HCl – 15% 32,000 gallons @ 10-14 bpm
treatment volumes are usually expressed in gallons per HCl (with 0.2% vol HV
foot based on porosity, permeability and treating radius. Acid)
Most geothermal fields are completed in openhole or with 3. Main acid: 4% HCl-5% HF 40,000 gallons @ 10-14 bpm
slotted liners to produce from formation faults or through + organophosphonic acid
natural fractures. The effective production/injection complex (HV-acid)
interval is not always accurately known nor easily
4. Overflush: Fresh Water 40,000 gallons @ 10-14 bpm
determined. Most production/injection improvement in
geothermal wells comes from scale removal, enhanced
flow paths resulting from fracture face rock dissolution, 5. Overflush: Fresh water Several hours at low rate
depending on water supply and
removal of mineral phase from natural fractures and availability.
fissures, or drill cuttings removal. Determining proper
treatment volumes in geothermal well acidizing should Table 1: Basic acidizing treatment procedure for new
consider several factors: geothermal wells
1) Objectives: Carbonate scale removal; silica scale • Old Geothermal Production Well: Production wells
removal; cuttings removal; formation stimulation can decrease output over time as a result of scale
2) Placement method: Coiled tubing; bulheading deposition. Where severe scale deposition is present
3) Contact time required: Depends on whether objective inside the competion, a mechanical/chemical treatment
is scale removal (calcite or silica) or reservoir is preferred. When available, coiled tubing is a powerful
stimulation method for simultaneous mechanical and chemical
4) Pumping rate: Depends on placement method, removal of scale. Otherwise, mechanical clean-out can
stimulation objective (scale vs. formation treatment), be conducted with a workover rig followed by a
logistics and facilities bullheaded acid stimulation. Table 2 summarizes a basic
5) Type of well: New well, damaged old well procedure for a rig bullheading geothermal acidizing
treatment in old production wells.
Depending on these factors, volume requirements can
vary quite a bit. In general, treatment volumes are much
larger in geothermal well acidizing than in oil and gas
sandstone acidizing.

One thing geothermal wells have in their favor is that

complete damage removal is not necessary. Partial removal of
damage may eventually result in complete damage removal
when the treated well produces back. The high-rate, high-
SPE 109818 7

Treatment Stage Treatment Volume & Rate Treatment Stage Treatment Volume & Rate

1. Preflush and cooling Fresh water: Well used to be 1. Preflush and cooling Fresh water: High rate using rig
cooled down after mechanical pumps to cool wellbore below
scale removal. Wellbore below 200 °F.
200 °F.
2. Preflush: 7.5% - 10% HCl 15,000 gallons or lower
2. Preflush: 15% HCl (with 25,000 gallons and above + organophosphonic depending on scale and
0.2% vol HV Acid) depending on the injection test acid complex (HV-acid) formation solubility tests. Can be
results after the mechanical clean eliminated in single-step HF
out @ 10-14 bpm treatments.

3. Main acid: 4.5% HCl-8% 25,000 – 40,000 gallons

3. Main acid: 4% HCl-5% HF 15,000 gallons @ 10-14 bpm HF + 4% organophosphonic @ 10-14 bpm first half of the
+ organophosphonic acid (Optional Stage but acid complex (HV-acid) stage volume.
complex (HV-acid) recommended to improved @ 1 bpm second half of the
results) stage volume
4. Overflush: Fresh Water Same volume as main acid stage 4. Overflush: Fresh Water Same volume as main acid stage
or minimum 1 hour @ 10-14 bpm @ 10-14 bpm

5. Overflush: Fresh water Several hours at low rate 5. Overflush: Geothermal Geothermal injection system can
depending on water supply and Injection water be placed back on line.
Table 3: Basic treatment procedure for old injection wells
Table 2: Basic acidizing treatment procedure for old
geothermal wells Case Histories

• Old Geothermal Injection Wells: Silica scale can be a HPHT Well Example
problem in geothermal water injection wells. Injection An HPHT well located in South America was producing from
rate can be dramatically reduced by scale deposition in a sandstone reservoir consisting of 95% quartz and 4%
the formation fracture network and in the completion. kaolinite. The dominant cements in this sandstone are
Injection reduction can also originate in the injection kaolinite and silica overgrowths. Kaolinite also exists as a
surface pipe system. Scale formed inside the surface loosely packed pore filling material. Permeability ranges from
injection facilities can become broken and dislodged 70 to 300 mD, with fairly low porosity (8% to 13%).
from the pipelines when contacted by cold water, a Formation damage contributors include oil-based drilling fluid
routine occurrence. Contraction — expansion cycling effects and kaolinite and quartz fines migration. Laboratory
of the pipe due to hot/cold/hot water flow — causes this core flow tests supported pumping an unconventional 6% HF
phenomenon. If a filtering system is not installed before equivalent main acid treatment in this well.
the wellhead, the dislodged silica scale will reach the
well bottom and eventually build to reduce injection The well treatment initially increased production rate from
capacity. In cases where severe scale deposition is 2,100 to 3,700 BOPD (76% initial incremental oil production).
present inside the competion, a mechanical/chemical
treatment is preferred. When available, coiled tubing Three months after treatment, production rate increased
provides an effective mechanism to simultaneously further to over 4,000 BOPD. The treatment steps are shown in
perform mechanical and chemical treatment. Otherwise, Table 4 below:
mechanical clean-out can be conducted using a
workover rig followed by a bullheaded acid treatment. Treatment Step Volume
Several bullheaded acid jobs have been performed in (gal/ft)
Central America geothermal wells to date to improve 1) Crude Oil displacement
water injection in silica-scaled wells. Treatments have 2) Formation water displacement
been very successful. For wells with HCl/rock solubility 3) Preflush – 15% Acetic Acid 50
below 10%, a “single-step” acid treatment procedure 4) Main Acid – Acetic:6% HF 100
(using an HF acid system) is applied. Table 3 sumarizes
5) Overflush – 15% Acetic Acid 50
a basic procedure for bullheading geothermal acidizing
6) Diverter – N2 foam
treatment in silica-scaled geothermal wells.
7) Repeat steps 3-6 (4 more times)
8) Displacement – 3% NH4Cl/Diesel

The acetic/HF main acid mixture also contained a phosphonic

acid complex to stabilize acid reaction products in solution.

Fluid compatibility testing identified the potential for iron

induced acid sludging. Therefore, the tubulars were pickled
8 SPE 109818

with 7.5% HCl to remove rust and debris prior to the HF After the acid stimulation jobs, the wells were shut in for
treatment. Also, an acetic acid preflush and overflush, as well several weeks to allow temperature build-up. Table 7
as an acetic acid:HF blend were used to ensure compatibility. compares the pre- and post-job wellhead pressures (psi) and
Average injection rate during the treatment was approximately Power Generation Potential (MWe) at operational power
2 BPM with a maximum pressure of 4500 psi. Five stages conditions (100 psi).
were used to treat the interval.

Geothermal Well Example Generation

MWe WHP (psi)
Potential (MWe)
WELL Increase
Two geothermal production wells in Central America were (%) Pre Post Pre Post
treated to remove damage created during the drilling process.
Both wells were considered to have high calcite deposition
1 322 % 48 131 2.2 7.1
potential. Neither was able to reach and maintain flowing
conditions, and they were thus shut for 8 and 11 years,
respectively. Very limited information on rock mineralogy
was available and only a few drill cuttings were sent to the lab Not Not
2 340 % 113 3.4
to test for acid solubility testing. Table 5 sumarizes the stable stable
average solubility per well and acid system. Acid stimulation
treatments were performed by bullheading acid through the
wellhead to avoid extra rig costs. Table 7: Pre- and Post-Treatment Well Comparison

Geothermal wells were successfully stimulated with new

Test 15% HCl 5% SSA % technology HT acidizing fluids, with cost-effective procedures
WELL Temp AVERAGE AVERAGE SOLUBILITY based on experience in geothermal acidizing. After years of
(˚F) SOLUBILITY SOLUBILITY TOTAL shut in, both wells improved dramatically and could establish
flowing conditions sufficient to be placed online to the
1 194 27.75 % 50 % 77.75 % geothermal power generation plant.

Steam Injection Well Examples

Two geothermal injection wells in the Asia Pacific region
2 194 9.2 % 26.1 % 35.3 %
were treated in 2006 to remove large deposits of high-silica-
content scale in slotted liner, liner/formation annulus and in
formation fractures. Given the relative absence of calcite
Table 5: Acid Solubility of Drill Cuttings material present, these jobs were conducted with a single-step,
buffered 9% HF treatment.
Based on the HCl solubility and the previously known calcite
deposition problems, it was decided to use both HCl and HF The procedure for scale removal involved a three-step
acid systems. The HCl acid system formulation included an approach to assess the efficacy of different scale removal
organophosphonic acid complex (ion-complexation agent, HV techniques:
acid). This system is designed to remove carbonate and iron- ƒ 1st Step – Scale drill-out (SDO)
containing scales and inhibit re-precipitation or re-scaling in ƒ 2nd Step – High-efficiency jetting nozzle (on drill
one step. The HF formulation involves controlled in-situ pipe) that includes stress cycles with water
generation of HF based on the organo-phosphonic acid ƒ 3rd Step – High-efficiency jetting nozzle (on drill
complex acidity and hydrogen ion release characteristics. pipe) that includes stress cycles with 9% Single-Step
Table 6 sumarizes the treatment designs. HF

The results from these treatments are shown below with the
15% HCl with 0.2% 4% HCl-5% HF +
Fow Rate vol 1.5%
injectivity after each stage. Incremental increases were
WELL realized with each technique; however, the greater benefit was
(bpm) organophosphonic organophosphonic
acid Volume acid Volume seen with the use of the acid treatment.

1 14 26,418 gal 18,493 gal Injectivity Well 1 Well 2

Pre-Job Injectivity (kg/hr) 300 255
After SDO (kg/hr) 472 280
After Jetting w/water (kg/hr) 634 338
2 14 26,418 gal 15,851 gal After Jetting w/9% HF (kg/hr) 924 436

Table 6: Acid Treatment Volumes & Pumping Rate

SPE 109818 9

Conclusions 5. Morgenthaler, L.N., Zhu, D., Mou, J., Hill A.D. ‘Effect of
Reservoir Mineralogy and Texture on Acid Response in
Very high-temperature oil and gas wells and geothermal wells Heterogeneous Sandstones’, paper SPE 102672 presented at the
can be acidized successfully. 2006 SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition held in
San Antonio, TX, 24-27 September.
HPHT wells and geothermal wells can be stimulated
6. Hashem, M.K., Nasr-El-Din, H.A., Hopkins, J.A., ‘An Experience
successfully utilizing unique HF systems with higher HF in Acidizing Sandstone Reservoirs: A Scientific Approach’, paper
concentrations. SPE 56528 presented at the 1999 SPE Annual Technical
Conference and Exhibition held in Houston, TX, 3-6 October.
Experience in acidizing geothermal wells in Central America
7. Al Mutairi, S.H., Nasr-El-Din, H.A., ‘Tube Pickling Procedures:
indicates that understanding mechanisms restricting Case Studies’, paper SPE 95004 presented at the 2005 SPE
production (or injection), and understanding treatment European Formation Damage Conference held in Scheveningen,
objective(s) are the keys to success. The Netherlands, May 30-June1.

8. Thomas, R.L., Nasr-El-Din, H.A., Lynn, J.D., Mehta, S., Muhareb,

Acid stimulation of geothermal wells, in particular, is under- M., Ginest, N., ‘Channel vs. Matrix Sandstone Acidizing of a
utilized. The potential production enhancement benefit is HT/HP Reservoir in Saudi Arabia’, paper SPE 73702 presented at
tremendous but can only be accomplished through broader the 2002 International Symposium on Formation Damage Control
implementation of acidizing in geothermal fields. held in Lafayette, LO, 20-21 February.

9. Al-Dahlan, M.N., Nasr-El-Din, H.A., Qahtani, A.A., ‘Evaluation

Acknowledgements of Retarded HF Acid Systems’, paper SPE 65032 presented at the
The authors would like to thank BJ Services for permission to 2001 SPE International Symposium on Oilfield Chemistry held in
publish this paper. The authors also wish to thank to LAGEO Houston, TX, 13-16 February.
S.A de CV for permission to publish well information and pre- 10. Mahajan, M., Pasiki, R., Gilmore, T., Riedel, K., Steinback,
and post-stimulation results. Thanks also to the people S.,’Successes Achieved in Acidizing Geothermal Wells in
involved in the field execution of the treatments, and for those Indonesia’, paper SPE 100996 presented at the 2006 SPE Asia
tireless scientists and engineers, from the different disciplines, Pacific Oil & Gas Conference and Exhibition held in Adelaide,
Australia, 11-13 September.
trying always to reach new frontiers of matrix acidizing, in its
many aspects. 11. Taylor, K.C., Nasr-El-Din H.A., Saleem, J.A., ‘Laboratory
Evaluation of Iron-Control Chemicals for High Temperature Sour-
SI Metric Conversion Factors Gas Wells’, paper SPE 65010 presented at the 2001 SPE
International Symposium on Oilfield Chemistry held in Houston,
TX, 13-16 February.
ºAPI 141.5/(131.5 + ºAPI) = g/cm3
bbl 1.589 874 E – 01 = m3 12. Rae, P., Di Lullo, G., ‘Single Step Matrix Acidizing with HF –
cp 1.0* E – 03 = Pa·s Eliminating Preflushes Simplifies the Process, Improves the
ft 3.048* E – 01 = m Results’, paper SPE 107296 presented at the 2007 SPE European
Formation Damage Conference held in Scheveningen, The
ºF (ºF – 32)/1.8 = ºC Netherlands, May 30-June1.
gal 3.785 412 E – 03 = m3
lbm 4.535 924 E – 01 = kg 13. Rae, P., Di Lullo, G., ‘Matrix Acid Stimulation – A Review of the
psi 6.894 757 E + 00 = kPa State-Of-The-Art’, paper SPE 82260 presented at the 2003 SPE
European Formation Damage Conference held in The Hague, The
MW 2.390585 E – 05 = cal/sec Netherlands, 13-14 May.

References 14. Thomas, R.L., Nasr-El-Din H.A., Mehta, S., Hilab, V., Lynn, J.D.,
‘The Impact of HCl to HF Ratio on Hydrated Silica Formation
1. Di Lullo, G. and Rae, P. ‘A New Acid for True Stimulation of During the Acidizing of a High Temperature Sandstone Gas
Sandstone Reservoirs’, paper SPE 37015 presented at the 1996 Reservoir in Saudi Arabia’, paper SPE 77370 presented at the 2002
SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition held in Denver, SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition held in San
CO, 6-9 October. Antonio, TX, September 19- October 2.

2. Di Lullo, G. and Rae, P. ‘Achieving 100 Percent Success in Acid 15. Nasr-El-Din, H.A., Al-Katheeri, M.I.,Taylor, K.C., Al-Grainees,
Stimulation of Sandstone Reservoirs’, paper 77808 presented at the A.H., ‘Determination and Fate of Formic Acid in High
2002 SPE Asia Pacific Oil and Gas Conference and Exhibition Temperature Acid Stimulation Fluids’, paper SPE 73749 presented
held in Melbourne, Austratia, 8-10 October. at the SPE the 2002 International Symposium and Exhibition on
Formation Damage Control held in Lafayette, LO, 20-21 February.
3. Rae, P., Bte Ahmad A., Portman, L. and Acorda, P.E. ‘Use of
Single Step 9% HF in Geothermal Well Stimulation’, paper 16. Smith, P.S., Clement Jr., C.C., Rojas, A.M., ‘Combined Scale
108025 presented at the 2007 SPE European Formation Damage Removal and Scale Inhibition Treatments’, paper SPE 60222
Conference held in Scheveningen, The Netherlands, May 30- presented at the 2000 Second International Symposium on Oilfield
June1. Scale held in Aberdeen, UK, 26-27 January.

4. Nasr-El-Din, H.A., Al-Anazi, M., Al-Zahrani, A., Kelkar, S.K. 17. Campbell, D.A., Morris, C.W., Verity, R.V., ‘Geothermal Well
‘Investigation of a Single-Stage Sandstone Acidizing Fluid for Stimulation Experiments and Evaluation’, paper SPE 10316
High Temperature Formations’, paper SPE 107636 presented at the presented at the 1981 SPE Annual Fall Technical Conference and
2007 SPE European Formation Damage Conference held in Exhibition held in San Antonio, USA, 5-7 October.
Scheveningen, The Netherlands, May 30-June1.
10 SPE 109818

18. Budd Jr., C.F., ‘Geothermal Energy for Electrical Generation’,

paper SPE 12885, Journal of Petroleum Technology Magazine,
February 1984 edition, pages 189-195.

19. Bergosh, G. L., Enniss, D.O.,’Mechanisms of Formation Damage

in Matrix Permeability Geothermal Wells’, paper SPE 10135
presented at the 1981 SPE Annual Fall Technical Conference and
Exhibition held in San Antonio, USA, 5-7 October.

20. Snyder, R.E., ‘Geothermal Well Completions: A Critical Review

of Downhole Problems and Specialized Technology Needs’, paper
SPE 8211 presented at the 1979 SPE Annual Fall Technical
Conference and Exhibition held in Las Vegas, USA, 23-26

21. Energy Information Agency, Geothermal Energy Worldwide

Report, 2005 (Geneva).

22. Kalfayan, L.J., Metcalf, A.S., "Successful Sandstone Acid Design

Case Histories: Exceptions to Conventional Wisdom," paper SPE
63178 presented at 2000 SPE Annual Technical Conference and
Exhibition held in Dall, Texas, USA, October 1-4 2000

23. Vetter, O.J., ‘Scale Prediction in Geothermal Operations – State of

the Art’, paper SPE 6593 presented at 1977 SPE-AIME
International Symposium on Oilfield and Geothermal Chemistry
held in California, USA, June 27-28 1977

24. Messer, P. H., Pye, D. S., Gallus, J.P., ‘Injectivity Restoration of a

Hot-Brine Geothermal Injection Well’, paper SPE 6761 presented
at 1977 SPE-AIME 52nd Annual Fall Technical Conference and
Exhibition held in Denver, Colorado, USA, October 9-12 1977

25. Van Domelen, M.S., Jennings, J.R., ‘Alternate Acid Blends for
HPHT Applications’, paper SPE 30419 presented at Offshore
Europe Conference held in Aberdeen, Scotland, September 5-8,

26. Thorhallsson, S., ‘Geothermal well operation and ’, Geothermal

Training Programme, IGC2003 - Short Course, September 2003

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