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What is Beam Spread?

Beam Spread is defined as the angle of divergence from the central axis of an electromagnetic
or acoustic beam as it travels through a material.

As you can see in the diagram below, the sound beam that is generated by the transducer has
both a near field, which we have already discussed, and a far field. The end of the near field
designates the beginning of the far field where sound beam divergence, or beam spread begins.

Beam spread is affected by the diameter and frequency of the probe, and the velocity of the
material being tested.
Effect of Crystal Diameter on Near Field & Beam Spread

The larger the diameter of the transducer:

the less the sound beam will spread for a given frequency.
the greater the sound energy it transmits into the part.

For that reason, large diameter probes are the choice for getting good penetration of the sound
through parts of course grain and or great length. (Such an application would usually make use
of a 1.0 to 2.5 MHz probe.)

An understanding of the affects of transducer frequency and diameter enables the technician to
optimize the examination for desired effect.

Effect of Diameter on Beam Spread and Near Filed

Effect of Frequency & Near Field on Divergence (Beam Spread)

For a given transducer, the higher frequencies produce less divergent beams than the lower. In
the far field, the sound intensity decreases steadily due to divergence and attenuation.

The higher the frequency of a transducer:

The less the sound beam will spread - The greater the sensitivity - The greater the
When a sound beam is very divergent, less sound will be reflected from a small reflector
because it occupies much less of the total beam profile than does the same size reflector in
relation to using a probe with a less divergent sound beam profile.
The lower the frequency, the deeper the penetration and the less the attentuation. The
more divergent beam does aid in the detection of reflectors that are not perpendicular to the
axis of the beam.

Effect of Frequency and Near Field on Divergence

Crystal thickness determines frequency. The thinner the crystal, the higher the frequency.
Most field-applied transducers are 5 MHz or less due to the fragility of crystals higher than 5

Frequency determines the wavelength. The higher the frequency, the shorter the wavelength,
and vice versa.

Computation of The transducer the technician selects determines much about the inspection
Beam Spread that may be performed. Selection of proper frequency and probe diameter
(Divergence) determines much about the efficiency of the test.

Note: Use of the constant (K) of 1.22 defines the outer limit of the beam profile. Use of .514
for a K value instead of 1.22 allows the technician to define the “- 6 dB” boundary of the beam
profile. This is a much more realistic use of the beam spread formula for Flaw Sizing

Use the Trigonometry Table or a scientific calculator to convert sin (pronounced “sine”) values
to angle values.
Here is the formula that we will use to calculate Beam Spread:

Sin θ = K(V/(D x f))

Sin θ = ½ angle of beam spread

K = constant – 1.22 for “absolute” beam spread or .514 for -6db beam spread

V = velocity of the material being tested

D = diameter of the crystal (probe)

f = frequency of the probe (transducer)

Working with the beam spread formula:

Let’s work a practice problem using your Ultrasonic Reference Data Sheet and your
Trigonometry Table. We will calculate the beam spread in Iron (ductile) using a .5” diameter,
1.0 MHz probe.

Using the above formula, Sin θ = K(V/(D x f)), we will calculate for “absolute”
beam spread.

Sin θ = 1.22(.23/(.5 x 1))

Sin θ = 1.22(.23/.5)

Sin θ = 1.22 x .46

Sin θ = .5612

We would now use our Trigonometry Table or the Inverse Sin on our
calculater to determine the ½ Beam Spread angle.

The answer is approximately 34o,

which means that the total beam spread would be approximately 68o.

For practical purposes, we will focus on the ½ angle of beam spread.

Practice Problems – Note the relationships between the answers.
What effect does each change have on the Beam Spread?

1. What would the beam spread be if you use a 1” diameter, 2.25 MHz
transducer on an aluminum test part? (Show Work)

2. What would the beam spread be if you use a .250” diameter, 2.25 MHz probe
on an aluminum test part? (Show Work)

3. What would the beam spread be using a .5” diameter, 2.25 MHz probe on a
steel test part? (Show Work)

4. What would the beam spread be using a .750” diameter, 2.25 MHz probe on
a steel test part? (Show Work)
Why is this important?

As a technician, knowledge of calculating beam spread will enhance your ability to choose the
appropriate transducer for the job. For example, if you are asked to inspect a tank which has
pipes, ladders or other materials attached to the surface, you will need to adjust the width of
the sound beam to avoid contacting those obstacles. Otherwise, you may obtain false readings
that will affect your inspection. Beam spread is also a consideration when sound is being
reflected from lateral surfaces or other features outside of the inspection area, making the
signals hard to interpret.

Remember that Beam Spread or Divergence can be adjusted by changing the frequency or
diameter of the transducer.

Calculating and controlling beam spread will also help you in sizing flaws as you apply ultrasonic
testing techniques to various materials.
The -6db Drop Technique
What is the -6db drop technique?

This is a probe movement technique that will help us find the edges of
defects and enable us to calculate the approximate size of the defect.

In practical application, a -6db drop in gain will result in a 50% reduction in

screen amplitude. This is an indication that half of our sound beam is being
reflected, meaning that the transducer is positioned over the edge of the

Example: Let’s say your transducer is directly over a defect and your display
is set for 80% full screen height. The top of the peak indication for the
defect will be touching the 80% marking on your display.

As you move the transducer to your right, the peak signal will begin to
decrease. When the peak signal drops to 40% of full screen height, you have
reached a -6db drop in gain. Mark the center of the transducer. This
indicates the edge of the defect.
Repeat the technique in the opposite direction, marking the position of the
transducer and you have effectively measured the length of the defect.

This is a simplistic explanation of the technique, but for now, we simply need
to understand the basic concept.

Calculating the -6db Beam Spread

Using the same formula from above, changing only the CONSTANT, we are
able to calculate the beam spread for a -6db drop.

Using the above formula, Sin θ = K(V/(D x f)), we will now calculate for “-6db”
beam spread.

Sin θ = .514(.23/(.5 x 1))

Sin θ = .514(.23/.5)

Sin θ = .514 x .46

Sin θ = .2364

We would now use our Trigonometry Table or the Inverse Sin on our
calculater to determine the ½ Beam Spread angle.

The answer is approximately 13o to 14o,

which means that the total beam spread would be approximately 26 to 28o.
Narrowing the Sound Beam, reducing the Divergence, by changing the size
and frequency of the transducer will in effect give us better Resolution and
more accurate results.

Go back to the previous FOUR MATH PROBLEMS and calculate the Beam
Spread for the -6db Drop. Notice that the beam spread will be smaller for
each example.

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