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Basic Thermodynamics

Steam Power Cycles

Saurabh K. Mehta
Need of Topic

The need of this discussion is to understand :

• Basic Thermodynamics
• Components of Steam Cycles
• Significance/Importance
• To get better understanding of change in properties of
working fluid
• Efficiency calculations

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Basic Thermodynamics

• A Thermodynamic system is defined as quantity of matter or

a region in space upon which attention is concentrated in the
analysis of a problem.

• Everything external to System is Surroundings

• System is separated from surroundings by the system


• System and Surroundings together comprise a Universe

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Basic Thermodynamics Contd..

Types of Systems



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Basic Thermodynamics Contd..

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Different types of processes

Adiabatic process - It occurs without transfer of heat or matter

between a thermodynamic system and its surroundings. In
an adiabatic process, energy is transferred only as work.

Reversible - A process whose direction can be "reversed" by

inducing infinitesimal changes to some property of the system
via its surroundings, while not increasing entropy.

Throughout the entire reversible process, the system is in

thermodynamic equilibrium with its surroundings.

Isentropic – Reversible adiabatic. Entropy is constant

Isothermal – Temperature is constant

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First Law of Thermodynamics

• Law of Conservation of Energy – it states that Energy can

neither be created nor be destroyed but can be transformed
from one form to another.

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Second Law of Thermodynamics

TERH = Thermal energy reservoir at

High temperature

MER = Mechanical energy reservoir

TERL = Thermal energy reservoir at

Low temperature

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Second Law of Thermodynamics

Now, Wnet < Q1 since heat transferred to a system can’t be completely

converted to Work in a cycle. So, a Heat Engine can never be 100% efficient.
As there will always be heat rejection or heat loss. Q2>0 always.

So, to produce work a heat engine has to exchange heat with two
reservoirs, source and sink.

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Second Law of Thermodynamics Contd..

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Third law of Thermodynamics

• The entropy of a perfect crystal at absolute zero is exactly equal to


• In simple terms, the third law states that the entropy of a perfect
crystal of a pure substance approaches zero as the temperature
approaches zero. The alignment of a perfect crystal leaves no
ambiguity as to the location and orientation of each part of the crystal.
As the energy of the crystal is reduced, the vibrations of the individual
atoms are reduced to nothing, and the crystal becomes the same

• The crystal must be perfect, or else there will be some inherent

disorder. It also must be at 0 K; otherwise there will be thermal motion
within the crystal, which leads to disorder.

• The third law of thermodynamics is also referred to as Nernst law.

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Various stages of Heat Addition

• Sensible Heat - Heat that causes a change in temperature in fluid

is called sensible heat

• Latent Heat – Heat required for Phase change

• Super Heat – Heat required to raise temp. above steam saturation

temp. at constant pressure
Phase Diagram – Water/Steam

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Saturation dome for water

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Constant Quality Lines

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Dryness Fraction

Dryness Fraction = Mv/(Mv+Ml)

Mv = Mass of Vapour
Ml = Mass of Liquid

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STEAM CYCLE - Components

Four Components of Steam Cycle

• Feed Water supply by Feed pump(s)
• Steam Generation in boiler
• Expansion in Turbine
• Condensation in Condenser

How steam is generated?

• Boiling & consequent steam generation is quite familiar
• In brief, as we begin to heat water, it goes on absorbing heat
at constant pressure and is evident by rise in the
• A stage reaches when water begins to boil & there is no rise
in temperature, at this stage steam is formed, which
continues to be so at the same temperature unless and until
pressure changes.

• The first stage of heat has been absorbed as heat of water

(known as sensible heat) & the second stage of heat
expenditure is due to the latent heat.

• Thus, thermodynamically speaking, boiling may be considered

a special case of adding heat to the working substance in a
constant-pressure, constant temperature process.

• As the pressure rises, latent heat decreases and a stage is

reached at (221.06 bars), when the latent heat becomes zero,
this pressure being termed as critical pressure.

• Further, once the steam is formed & does not have any traces
of water i.e. dry & saturated, we keep the pressure constant
while heat is being added, the temperature of steam will begin
to rise, the heat expended being known as superheat.
STEAM CYCLE – Steam generation

• Super heater
– saturated steam does not contain enough
thermal energy to make the turbines operate
– uses heat from the burner section of the
boiler to increase the temperature of the steam
– superheated steam is also dryer which helps
prevent erosion of the turbine blades
STEAM CYCLE - Expansion

• High pressure/high temperature steam goes from the

superheater outlet to the high pressure turbine of the
main engine
– this is where expansion begins
– superheated steam expands in the turbine and is
converted to mechanical energy to turn the rotor
STEAM CYCLE – Fluid undergoing
change of phase
Carnot Vapour Power Cycle

• Hypothetical/ Theoretical Cycle

• Comprises of two Isentropic processes and two Reversible

isothermal processes

• It provides an upper limit on the efficiency that any classical

thermodynamic engine can achieve during the conversion of
heat into work

• The Carnot cycle is known for setting the highest efficiency bench
mark that any cycle or engine can achieve.

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Nicolas Léonard Sadi Carnot

(1 June 1796 – 24 August 1832)

• He was a French military engineer and physicist often described as the

"father of Thermodynamics". In his only publication, the 1824
monograph ”Reflections on the motive power of fire”, Carnot gave the
first successful theory of the maximum efficiency of Heat Engines.
Carnot's work attracted little attention during his lifetime, but it was later
used by Clausius and Kelvin to formalize the second law and define the
concept of entropy

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Carnot Cycle

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Carnot Vapour Power Cycle Contd..

Process 1-2: Reversible adiabatic compression process from P1 to P2.

Process 2-3: Reversible isothermal heat addition process at constant temperature TH.
Process 3-4: Reversible adiabatic expansion process from P3 to P4.
Process 4-1: Reversible isothermal heat rejection process at constant temperature TL.

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Carnot Cycle - Limitations

• The Carnot Vapor Cycle requires that the boiler should operate
isothermally .This prohibits boiler from producing superheated

• In last stage of turbine we get steam with high moisture content

causes turbine blade damage

• Feed Pumps can’t handle Liquid + Vapor mixture

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William Rankine

Trained as a civil engineer, William Rankine (1820-

1872)was appointed to the chairman of civil engineering
and mechanics at Glasgow in 1855. He worked on heat,
and attempted to derive Sadi Carnot's law from his own
hypothesis. He was elected a Fellow of the Royal Society
in 1853. Among his most important works are Manual of
Applied Mechanics (1858), Manual of the Steam Engine
and Other Prime Movers (1859) .

Date | Title of Presentation Page 29

Rankine Cycle

• The Rankine Cycle is a way to avoid associated problems in

Carnot Cycle.

• Rankine Cycle is a known mechanical cycle which is being

commonly used in the power plantsfor converting the pressure
energy of steam into mechanical energy using steam turbines.

• Major components of it are boiler feed pump, boiler, rotating

steam turbine and stationary condenser .

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Ideal Rankine Cycle on TS diagram

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Ideal Rankine Cycle on PV, TS and HS

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Reheat Cycle Components

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Reheat Rankine Cycle

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Advantages of Re-heating

• Low moisture / high dryness fraction in the last stages

• Theoretically if we increase the number of reheating stages

then the number of expansion in the turbine can also be
increased in order to get the more turbine output and thus
higher cycle efficiency.

• Increase in cycle efficiency by 4-5%

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What Is Practical Limit of Re-Heating ????

• More than two stages of reheat is not practical.

• It has been seen that double reheat cycle are having a more super-
heated exhaust loss in the condenser so double-reheat cycles are
avoided with sub-critical parameters.

• From third reheat cycle onwards the gain of cycle efficiency starts
diminishing, so not justifiable to incurred additional cost and

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Regenerative Rankine Cycle

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Effects of Regenaration

Rankine Cycle Regenerative

Rankine Cycle
Thermal Efficiency 36.2 38.4
% increase in - 6.1
Power Generation
Mean Temp of heat 226 251
addition (deg C)

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Rankine Cycle with Superheat, Reheat
and Regeneration

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Rankine Cycle with Superheat, Reheat
and Regeneration Contd..

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Comparison – Carnot and Rankine

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Rankine Cycle – Effect of increase in

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Rankine Cycle – Effect of increase in

Increase in Wnet = Decrease in Wnet.

So no effect on Work output but Net heat rejection decreases due to

shifting of 4 to 4’ so thermal efficiency increases marginally.
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Effect of lowering the Condenser

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Supercritical power cycle

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Cycle Losses

Irreversibility is caused by Pressure drop due to

friction and heat losses to surroundings

• Piping losses
• Turbine Losses
• Pump Losses
• Condenser Losses -Sub-cooling of condensate

Other losses
• Losses associated with bearings
• Steam leakages
• Condenser air-leaks

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Actual Rankine Cycle

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Rankine Cycle Efficiency

1. Cycle Efficiency = (Wt-Wp)/Qin

Wt = Work done by Turbine
Wp = Work done by Pump
Qin = Heat addition
2. Cycle Efficiency = (Q1 – Q2)/Q1 = 1- Q2/Q1 = 1- T2/T1
Q1 = Heat added at T1
Q2 = Heat rejected at T2

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