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Key Performance Indicators Report (KPIR) –

Company Name: Hindustan Coca-Cola Beverages Pvt. Ltd.

Company Mentor Name: Santhosh Bhatt, Area Sales Manager
Title of the study:

Parameters for measuring performance of the student – Type B

project Projects involving study of a Research problem

Problem Definition:

Objectives of the Internship study:

Research Methodology & Design:

(Student’s signature) (Corporate mentor’s signature)

Christ University Institute of Management

Performance Evaluation by Corporate Guide on Summer Internship Final Report

Reg.No: Date: 07.05.2019
Candidate Name:
Organisation Name: Hindustan Coca-Cola Beverages Pvt. Ltd.

Sl.No. Parameter Description 1 2 3 4 5

1. Achieving the goals and targets.
Effectiveness and efficiency of tools and
techniques used, knowledge,
2. skills acquired.
Developed team playing capability (if project
3. provided opportunity)
Developed confidence in dealing with
customers (if project provided
4. opportunity.
Satisfaction level on the objectives on the
5. study being met.
Satisfaction on the methodology adopted and
6. used.
Satisfaction on organization & presentation of
7. the Report.
8. Satisfaction level on findings and conclusions.
Possibility of implementation of student’s
9. suggestion by the company.
10. Regularity & Diligence during internship.

Overall Rating : ( 5 being highest & 1 being Lowest )

Remarks / Suggestions:

Name of the guide: Santhosh Bhatt

Email id: sanb@coca-cola.in


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