Daily Activity Plan

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Daily Activity Plan

Date: Monday November 20, 2017

Age Group: 5 years old
Theme: Our Country Jamaica – Our People
Sub-theme: Our People from China
Circle Time
Topic/Activity Title: Discussion:
Duration: 25-30 minutes
Objectives: By the end of the activity, students should be able to:
 Tell where the Chinese are from
 Name/Identify some places that the Chinese own or work in.
 Identify/Name words and objects with the “Ch’ blends
 Identify the numeral 10 and sets of 10

Skills: Listening, Speaking, Identifying

Materials & Resources
Picture of people from China, supermarkets, shops, numeral 10 chart, ‘ch’ blend chart
Introductory Activity:
Students will do a warm up activity “Bend and stretch reach for the stars. They will then
be shown pictures of Chinese shops, restaurants or supermarkets
Developmental Steps:
1. Students will be questioned based on the pictures that they have seen/observed.
Student/Teacher discussion will follow.
2. Students will be allowed to differentiate between the word Chinese and the word China.
They will further describe some of the outstanding features of a Chinese.
3. Students will identify some place where the Chinese work and also business places that
they own. They will tell if they have ever being in any of these business places and see a
Chinese man/woman.
4. Students will name words and objects that have the ‘Ch’ blends. Teacher will allow/call
individual student to write these words or draw these objects on the white board. They
will be asked to use letter sound to spell these words, teacher will guide/assist where
5. From numerals given, students will identify the numeral 10 and make objects or find 10
things in and around the classroom that add up to 10 things.

Students will:
 Name at least 5 places that Chinese can be seen working in.
 Identify/name 3 ‘ch’ blend/words then use them to make a sentence.
 Identify sets of 10


Guided Learning
Activity: Teacher Directed
Duration: 1 hour
Activity Title: Literacy/Reading Skills
Objectives: By the end of the activity, students should be able to:
Read each sentence, then underline the correct word to complete

Skills: Speaking, Listening

Materials & Resources:
Notebooks, pencils, reading strip
Introductory Activity: Students will get a quiz on words that beginning with the ‘Ch’
blend. These words will be on flashcards
Developmental Steps: Students will be given flashcards with words that have the ch blend at the
beginning. They will be asked to spell and know these words. They will then be given their
notebooks with sentences from words that they were given to spell. They will then be asked to
read the given sentences, with the help of teacher. Then they will be asked to underline/circle the
correct word to complete each sentence.
Students will:
Circle/Underline the correct word to complete each sentence.
Independent Activity 1: Students will be given a worksheet/their notebooks where they will be
asked to identify the words in each row then count and circle the one that has more letters
Eg. 1. Children chips
Chop chicken
Chocolate church

Independent Activity 2: Students will be given old magazine/newspaper where they will be
asked to find words that begin with the Ch blend, they will cut these out then paste them in their
scrapbooks. .

Creative Activity:
Duration: 30 Minutes
Topic/Activity Title: Cutting and Designing
Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students should/will be able to:
Cut and design fan/lamp
Skills: Designing

Materials & Resources:

Glue, old magazine/newspaper, blank sheets

Introductory Activity:
Students will do a warm-up activity ‘Bend and Stretch reach for the sky. Up, up on tippy toes oh
so high’
Developmental Steps:
Students will be shown a picture of different fans and lamps. They will then say if they have ever
seen any of these before, if yes, they will tell where they have seen them. They will then be given
newspaper/old magazine/blank sheets for them to cut and design their own fans and lamps. They
will be guided by teacher.
Students will:
 Make/design own fans and lamps
Story Time:
Duration; 30 Minutes
Story Title: Charlie and the chocolate chips
Objective: By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
1. Identify some of the Ch words that are heard in the story
2. Say who was Charlie

Skills: Listening, Speaking

Materials & Resources:
Story book, Laptop
Introductory Activity:
Students will do the Rhyme and jingles ‘If you’re ready for the story clap your hands’ Please see
Content page for words
Development Steps:
Students will questioned based on the past week story to see how much they have remembered.
Based on their reply, the story will then be read to them. They will be questioned according to
what was read.
Students will:
 Tell the words heard from the story that have the Ch blend
 Say who is Charlie


Parent Involvement:
Students will be given homework based on what they did in class for their parents to assist them
with. This will be done as reinforcement
Content: People who came from China are called Chinese, there are many Chinese living in
Jamaica. Many Chinese in Jamaica work in their own shops, supermarkets, restaurants and other
business places.
Ch blends chart, Numeral 10 chart
Words for spelling: business, China, Chinese, living, supermarkets

Words of Song:
Bend and stretch, Reach for the stars.

There goes Jupiter, Here comes Mars.

Bend and stretch, Reach for the sky.

Stand on tip-e-toes, Oh so high!

Words of Song:
If you’re ready for the story clap your hands
If you’re ready for the story clap your hands
If you’re ready for the story and you really want to hear it.
If you’re ready for the story clap your hand. Sit down!
Activity for Guided Learning (Teacher Directed)
Students will then be given their notebooks where they will be asked to read each sentence, then
underline the correct word to complete

The children/church are at school
Charlie loves cheese/chicken and chips

Independent Activities
Activity 1: Students will be given a worksheet/their notebooks where they will be asked to
identify the words in each row then count and circle the one that has more letters.
Children chips
Chop chicken
Chocolate church

Activity 2: Students will be given newspaper/old magazine where they will be asked to find
words that begin with the Ch blend, they will cut these out then paste them in their scrapbooks.
Daily Activity Plan

Date: Tuesday November 21, 2017

Age Group: 5 years old
Theme: Our Country Jamaica – Our People
Sub-theme: Our People from China
Circle Time
Topic/Activity Title: Discussion:
Duration: 25-30 minutes
Objectives: By the end of the activity, students should be able to:
 Tell/Differentiate the difference between the Chinese and other Ethnic group.
 Identify at least two (2) features about the Chinese
 Name additional words the ch blend
 Identify the numeral 10 and sets of ten

Skills: Listening, Speaking, Identifying

Materials & Resources
Pictures of Chinese, Numeral 10 chart, Ch blend chart, sight words
Introductory Activity:
Students will do the song “Come mek wi guh dung a Mr. Chin shop fi guh buy some
food” See Content page for words
Developmental Steps:

1. Student/Teacher discussion will take place after the introductory activity/song. Students
will name some items/things that have the Ch blend
2. Students will discuss/talk freely about the features/characteristics of a Chinese from
that/those of people from the other ethnic groups (Jamaicans, Europeans etc). Students
will tell if they have ever seen a Chinese based on the descriptions in the discussion.
Students will name and identify the features of the Chinese as previously discussed/seen.
3. Students will identify/name some words/names that are associated with Chinese. Teacher
will furnished students with additional names. Students will be informed on how the
Chinese got their names.
4. Students will continue to names additional/new words/names that have the Ch blend.
They will spell these words as they name them.
5. Students will identify the given sets and say which ones have ten (10) things from the sets
that have less than ten (10)

Students will:
 Identify/name at least two (2) outstanding features of the Chinese from that of the other
people from the different ethnic group
 Name at least 5 words that have the Ch blends
 Identify sets of 10


Guided Learning
Activity: Teacher Directed
Duration: 1 hour
Activity Title: Numeracy Skills
Objectives: By the end of the activity, students should be able to:
Identify and match the objects on the right to the ones on the left that is equal to
numeral 10.
Skills: Speaking, Listening, Identifying
Materials & Resources:
Books, pencils, counters
Introductory Activity: Students will do a warm up activity ‘One and One two, two and
two four’ See Content page for words.
Developmental Steps: Students will be given counters where they will be asked to group
sets that add up to ten (10) things. After this demonstration, student will be given their
notebooks or a Math Worksheet where they will identify and match the objects in set A to
the objects in set B that add up to/is equal to numeral 10. Teacher will guide this activity
for its success.
Students will:
Identify and match the objects in set A to the ones set B that is equal to or add up to
numeral 10.

Independent Activity 1: Students will be given a worksheet/their notebooks where they will be
asked to identify and circle the words on the right that are the same as the one on the left
China chip chin chin
Church church chop church

Independent Activity 2: Students will be given a worksheet where they will identify and
add/make objects to complete the given sets
10 000000
10 000
10 0

Creative Activity:
Duration: 30 Minutes
Topic/Activity Title Drawing & Colouring
Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students should/will be able to:
Draw and colour ten chopsticks, then write the words ten chopsticks
Skills: Drawing, colouring, listening

Materials & Resources:

Crayons, blank sheets, pencils


Introductory Activity:
Students will do a warm-up activity ‘Bend and Stretch reach for the sky. Up, up on tippy toes oh
so high’

Developmental Steps:
Students will be show pictures of chopsticks so that they have an idea of what is required of
them. They will then be given blank sheets where they will be given the instructions on how to
do this activity. Teacher will demonstrate this activity then allow the students the model same.
After they are through drawing and colouring these chopstick. They will be asked to write the
words “Ten chopsticks”.
Students will:
 Draw and colour ten chopsticks, then write the words ten chopsticks
Story Time:
Duration; 30 Minutes
Story Title: The Chung’s family
Objective: By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
1. Predict the story

Skills: Listening, Speaking,

Materials & Resources:
Story book, Laptop
Introductory Activity:
Students will do the Song ‘If you are ready for the story clap your hand’ Please see Content page
for words
Development Steps:
Students will asked to view the pictures on the laptop/in the book. They will view the pictures
form page to page. Based on what they have seen, they will be asked to predict what they think
the story is all about.

Students will:
 Predict/Tell what they think the story is all about


Parent Involvement:
Students will be given homework for their parents to assist them with. Complete the activity that
was done earlier at school. Re-enforcement
Content: Chinese are often short, with black straight hair and light coloured skin, their eyes are
slanted in appearance. Some Chinese family names are Lee, Chin, Chung, Chong, and Wong
Ch blend chart, Numeral 10 chart
Words for spelling: Lee, Chin, Chung, Chong, skin, family
Words of Poem:
Come mek wi guh dung a Mr. Chin shop gal aw bwoy, mek wi buy sum food; flour, rice, and
sugar gal aw bwoy, chicken, fish aw mackerel, gal aw bwoy. Cheese, bread and bulla……

Words of Song:
If you’re ready for the story clap your hands
If you’re ready for the story clap your hands
If you’re ready for the story and you really want to hear it.
If you’re ready for the story clap your hand. Sit down!

Activity for Guided Learning (Teacher Directed)

Students will be given their notebooks/a worksheet for them to identify and match the objects on
the right to the ones on the left that is equal to numeral 10.

Independent Activities
Activity 1: Students will be given a worksheet/their notebooks where they will be asked to
identify and circle the words on the right that are the same as the one on the left
Chin chip chin chin
Church church chop church

Activity 2: Students will be given a worksheet where they will identify and add/make objects to
complete the given sets (sets of ten)

10 000000
10 000
10 0
Daily Activity Plan

Date: Wednesday November 22, 2017

Age Group: 5 years old
Theme: Our Country Jamaica – Our People
Sub-theme: Our People from China
Circle Time
Topic/Activity Title: Discussion:
Duration: 25-30 minutes
Objectives: By the end of the activity, students should be able to:
 Continue to identify words with the beginning /ch/ sound from other words
 Name/Identify the two (2) letters that are frequently used in the given words.
 Identify at least 5 words that have the /ch/ sound in the middle

Skills: Listening, Speaking, Identifying

Materials & Resources
Sight words chart with ch words
Introductory Activity:
Students will do a recap of the previous day’s lesson
Developmental Steps:

1. Students will be shown/given flash cards with ‘ch’ words. They will be asked
individually to choose a word, where they will spell the word then place it on the
whiteboard. They will encouraged as best as possible to use letter sound/phonetic skills
2. Students will name/identify words with the /ch/ sound in the middle. These words will be
placed on the whiteboard with the ones that were placed there before. They will continue
to use letter sound to spell these words.
3. Students will highlight/identify the two (2) letters/sound that is at beginning, middle or
ending of each word seen/given. These will be on flashcards
Students will:
 Identify/Make the sound that the Ch letters give
 Name at least 6 words with the /ch/ sound in the middle
 Make a sentence with at least 3 of the given words


Guided Learning
Activity: Teacher Directed
Duration: 1 hour
Activity Title: Literacy Skills
Objectives: By the end of the activity, students should be able to:
Read the sentences then identify and copy the correct word to complete each
Skills: Speaking, Identifying, Reading
Materials & Resources:
Worksheets/notebooks, pencils, reading strips
Introductory Activity: Students will do a warm up activity ‘Bend and stretch, reach for
the sky.’ Then they will do the song ‘You a ch…ch and an ip…ip. Put them all together and that
spell chip’. See Content page for words
Developmental Steps: Students will be given will be given reading strips where they
will be guided by teacher on calling the words, as they do so they will be encouraged to
say which word they would use to complete the given sentences. They will then be given
their notebooks for them to read and copy the sentences from the board then use the
correct word to complete. Teacher will guide as best as possible
Students will:
Read the sentences then identify and copy the correct word to complete each
Independent Activity 1: Students will be given the Infant Integrated Workbook fun with
Sound for them count the number of letters in each word then write the correct numeral in the
box Pg 68

Independent Activity 2: Students will be given their Infant Integrated Workbooks Fun with
Sound Pg 69 for them to identify the objects then the ones that begin with the /ch/ sound


Creative Activity:
Duration: 30 Minutes
Topic/Activity Title: Drawing and Colouring
Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students should/will be able to:
Draw and colour 3 objects that begin with the /ch/ sound
Skills: Identifying, Colouring, Drawing
Materials & Resources:
Blank sheets/scrapbooks, pencils, crayons.

Introductory Activity:
Students will do a warm-up activity ‘Bend and Stretch reach for the sky. Up, up on tippy toes oh
so high’
Developmental Steps:
Students will be given a blank sheet/a worksheet where they will be asked to draw and 3
things/objects that begin with the /ch/ sound
Students will:
 Draw and colour things/objects that begin with the /ch/ sound

Story Time:
Duration; 30 Minutes
Story Title: Mr. Chung Family
Objective: By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
1. Tell where Mr. Chung is from
2. Say/Tell the main characters in the story
Skills: Listening, Speaking

Materials & Resources:

Story book, Laptop
Introductory Activity:
Students will do the Rhyme and jingles ‘Open shut them’ Please see Content page for words
Development Steps:
Students will asked to view the pictures in the book. They will continue discuss the story. The
story will then be read to them for them to get a better understanding of who Mr. Chung is and
where he is from.
Students will:
 Tell where Mr. Chung is from
 Say/Tell what the story is all about


Parent Involvement:
Students will be given homework for their parents to assist them with. This will be a re-
enforcement from what was taught in class
Content: the words China, children, and chest begin with the /ch/ sound. Some words have the
/ch/ sound in the middle or at the end; the /ch/ sound is represented by the letters ‘ch’
Words for spelling: China, children, chest
Words of song:
You have a ch , that ch and at ip, and ip, Put them all together and that spell ‘chip’ That chip,
You have a ch, that ch and at in, and in. Put them all together and that spell ‘chin’ That chin,

Words for Poem:

Bend and stretch, Reach for the stars.
There goes Jupiter, Here comes Mars.
Bend and stretch, Reach for the sky.
Stand on tip-e-toes, Oh so high!

Rhyme and Jingles:

Open shut them. Rept 2x
Give them a clap, clap.
Open shut them, put them in your lap, lap
Creep them, swirl them, right up to your chin, chin.
Open wide your little mouth, but do not let them in.
Activity for Guided Learning (Teacher Directed)
Students will be asked to read the sentences then identify and copy the correct word to complete
E.g church cheese chocolate
1. I went to _______ yesterday
2. He ate_________ sandwich for lunch
3. I love________ chips

Independent Activities
Activity 1: Students will be given their Infant Integrated Workbooks Fun with sound Pg 68 for
them to count the number of letters in each word then write the correct numeral in the box


Activity 2: Students will be given their Infant Integrated Workbooks Fun with Sound Pg 69 for
them to identify for them to the objects then the ones that begin with the /ch/ sound


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