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cause to feel shame

2. abash
cause to be embarrassed

3. abate
become less in amount or intensity

4. abbreviate

5. aberrant
markedly different from an accepted norm

6. aberration
a state or condition markedly different from the norm

7. abet
assist or encourage, usually in some wrongdoing

8. abeyance
temporary cessation or suspension

9. abhor
find repugnant

10. abide
11. abject
of the most contemptible kind

12. abjure
formally reject or disavow a formerly held belief

13. ablution
the act of washing oneself, as for ritual purposes

14. abnegate
deny or renounce

15. abnegation
the denial and rejection of a doctrine or belief

16. abode
any address at which you dwell more than temporarily

17. abolish
do away with

18. abominable
unequivocally detestable

19. abominate
find repugnant

20. aboriginal
having existed from the beginning
21. abortive
failing to accomplish an intended result

22. abrade
rub hard or scrub

23. abridge
lessen, diminish, or curtail

24. abrogate
revoke formally

25. abscission
the act of cutting something off

26. abscond
run away, often taking something or somebody along

27. absolute
perfect or complete or pure

28. absolve
grant remission of a sin to

29. abstain
refrain from doing, consuming, or partaking in something

30. abstemious
marked by temperance in indulgence
31. abstinence
the trait of refraining from something, especially alcohol

32. abstract
existing only in the mind

33. abstruse
difficult to penetrate

34. abusive
characterized by physical or psychological maltreatment

35. abut
lie adjacent to another or share a boundary

36. abysmal
so deep as to be immeasurable

37. abyss
a bottomless gulf or pit

38. academic
associated with an educational institution

39. accede
yield to another's wish or opinion

40. accelerate
move faster
41. accessible
capable of being reached

42. accessory
a supplementary component that improves capability

43. acclaim
enthusiastic approval

44. acclimate
get used to a certain environment

45. acclivity
an upward slope or grade, as in a road

46. accolade
a tangible symbol signifying approval or distinction

47. accommodate
have room for; hold without crowding

48. accomplice
a person who joins with another in carrying out some plan

49. accord
concurrence of opinion

50. accost
approach and speak to someone aggressively or insistently
51. accoutre
provide with military equipment

52. accretion
an increase by natural growth or addition

53. accrue
grow by addition

54. acephalous
lacking a head or a clearly defined head

55. acerbic
sour or bitter in taste

56. acerbity
a sharp bitterness

57. acetic
relating to a clear organic acid with a pungent odor

58. acidulous
being sour to the taste

59. acknowledge
declare to be true or admit the existence or reality of

60. acme
the highest point of something
61. acne
an inflammatory disease involving the sebaceous glands

62. acoustics
the study of the physical properties of sound

63. acquiesce
agree or express agreement

64. acquiescence
agreement with a statement or proposal to do something

65. acquiescent
willing to carry out the orders or wishes of another

66. acquittal
a judgment of not guilty

67. acrid
strong and sharp, as a taste or smell

68. acrimonious
marked by strong resentment or cynicism

69. acrophobia
a morbid fear of great heights

70. actuarial
relating to statistics to calculate insurance premiums
71. actuary
someone versed in the interpretation of numerical data

72. actuate
put in motion

73. acuity
sharpness of vision

74. acumen
shrewdness shown by keen insight

75. acute
ending in a sharp point

76. adage
a condensed but memorable saying embodying an important fact

77. adamant
very hard native crystalline carbon valued as a gem

78. adapt
make fit for, or change to suit a new purpose

79. addendum
textual matter that is added onto a publication

80. addiction
being dependent on something habit-forming
81. addle
mix up or confuse

82. address
the place where a person or organization can be found

83. adduce
advance evidence for

84. adept
having or showing knowledge and skill and aptitude

85. adhere
stick to firmly

86. adherent
someone who believes and helps to spread a doctrine

87. adipose
composed of animal fat

88. adjacent
having a common boundary or edge

89. adjoin
lie next to another or share a boundary

90. adjourn
close at the end of a session
91. adjunct
something added to another thing but not essential to it

92. adjuration
a solemn and earnest appeal to someone to do something

93. adjure
command solemnly

94. adjutant
an officer who acts as an assistant to a more senior officer

95. admonish
scold or reprimand; take to task

96. admonition
a firm rebuke

97. adore
love intensely

98. adorn
make more attractive, as by adding ornament or color

99. adroit
quick or skillful or adept in action or thought

100. adulation
exaggerated flattery or praise
101. adulterate
make impure by adding a foreign or inferior substance

102. adulterated
mixed with impurities

103. adumbration
the act of providing vague advance indications

104. advent
arrival that has been awaited

105. adventitious
associated by chance and not an integral part

106. adversary
someone who offers opposition

107. adverse
in an opposing direction

108. adversity
a state of misfortune or affliction

109. advert
a public promotion of some product or service

110. advocacy
active support of an idea or cause
111. advocate
a person who pleads for a person, cause, or idea

112. aegis
armor plate that protects the chest

113. aeon
the longest division of geological time

114. aerie
the lofty nest of a bird of prey, such as a hawk or eagle

115. aery
characterized by lightness and insubstantiality

116. aesthetic
characterized by an appreciation of beauty or good taste

117. affable
diffusing warmth and friendliness

118. affected

119. afferent
of nerves and nerve impulses

120. affidavit
written declaration made under oath
121. affiliation
the act of becoming formally connected or joined

122. affinity
a natural attraction or feeling of kinship

123. affirmation
the act of asserting or stating something

124. afflatus
a strong creative impulse; divine inspiration

125. affliction
a cause of great suffering and distress

126. affluence
abundant wealth

127. affray
a noisy fight

128. affront
a deliberately offensive act

129. afterlife
life after death

130. agape
with the mouth wide open as in wonder or awe
131. agenda
a list of matters to be taken up, as at a meeting

132. agglomeration
the act of collecting in a mass

133. aggrandize
embellish; increase the scope, power, or importance of

134. aggregate
a sum total of many heterogeneous things taken together

135. aghast
struck with fear, dread, or consternation

136. agility
the gracefulness of a quick and nimble person or animal

137. agitate
move or cause to move back and forth

138. agitation
a mental state of extreme emotional disturbance

139. agnostic
a person who claims the existence of God is unknowable

140. agog
highly excited
141. agrarian
relating to rural matters

142. agronomist
an expert in soil management and field-crop production

143. airy
open to or abounding in fresh atmosphere

144. alacrity
liveliness and eagerness

145. albite
a widely distributed feldspar that forms rocks

146. alchemy
a pseudoscientific forerunner of chemistry in medieval times

147. alcove
a small recess opening off a larger room

148. alias
a name that has been assumed temporarily

149. alienate
arouse hostility or indifference in

150. alimentary
of or providing nourishment
151. alimony
support paid by one spouse to another after separation

152. allay
lessen the intensity of or calm

153. allege
report or maintain

154. allegiance
the act of binding yourself to a course of action

155. allegory
a short moral story

156. alleviate
provide physical relief, as from pain

157. alliteration
use of the same consonant at the beginning of each word

158. allocate
distribute according to a plan or set apart for a purpose

159. alloy
a mixture containing two or more metallic elements

160. allude
make an indirect reference to
161. allure
the power to entice or attract

162. allusion
passing reference or indirect mention

163. alluvial
relating to deposits carried by rushing streams

164. alms
money or goods contributed to the poor

165. aloft
at or on or to the masthead or upper rigging of a ship

166. aloof
remote in manner

167. altercation
a noisy quarrel

168. altruism
the quality of unselfish concern for the welfare of others

169. altruistic
showing unselfish concern for the welfare of others

170. amalgam
a combination or blend of diverse things
171. amalgamate
bring or combine together or with something else

172. amass
collect or gather

173. amazon
a large, strong, and aggressive woman

174. ambidextrous
equally skillful with each hand

175. ambience
the atmosphere of an environment

176. ambiguous
having more than one possible meaning

177. ambivalence
mixed feelings or emotions

178. amble
walk leisurely

179. ambrosia
the food and drink of the gods

180. ambulatory
able to walk about
181. ambush
concealing yourself and lying in wait to attack by surprise

182. ameliorate
make better

183. amenable
disposed or willing to comply

184. amend
make revisions to

185. amenities
things that make you comfortable and at ease

186. amiable
diffusing warmth and friendliness

187. amicable
characterized by friendship and good will

188. amiss
in an improper or mistaken or unfortunate manner

189. amity
a state of friendship and cordiality

190. amnesia
partial or total loss of memory
191. amnesty
a warrant granting release from punishment for an offense

192. amok
wildly; without self-control

193. amorally
without regard for the distinction between right and wrong

194. amorous
inclined toward or displaying love

195. amorphous
having no definite form or distinct shape

196. amortization
reducing the value of an asset over a period of years

197. amphibian
cold-blooded vertebrate living on land but breeding in water

198. amphitheater
an oval large stadium with tiers of seats

199. ample
more than enough in size or scope or capacity

200. amplify
increase the volume of
201. amputate
remove surgically

202. amuck
wildly; without self-control

203. amulet
a trinket thought to be a magical protection against evil

204. anachronism
locating something at a time when it couldn't have existed

205. analgesia
absence of the sense of pain without loss of consciousness

206. analgesic
capable of relieving pain

207. analogous
similar or equivalent in some respects

208. analogy
drawing a comparison in order to show a similarity

209. anarchist
an advocate of the abolition of governments

210. anarchy
a state of lawlessness and disorder
211. anathema
a formal ecclesiastical curse accompanied by excommunication

212. ancestry
the lineage of an individual

213. anchor
a mechanical device that prevents a vessel from moving

214. ancillary
furnishing added support

215. andiron
metal supports for logs in a fireplace

216. anecdote
short account of an incident

217. anemia
a deficiency of red blood cells

218. anesthetic
a drug that causes temporary loss of bodily sensations

219. anguish
extreme distress of body or mind

220. angular
having the shape of intersecting lines or planes
221. animadversion
harsh criticism or disapproval

222. animated
having life or vigor or spirit

223. animosity
a feeling of ill will arousing active hostility

224. animus
a feeling of ill will arousing active hostility

225. annals
a chronological account of events in successive years

226. anneal
bring to a desired consistency by heating and cooling

227. annex
attach to

228. annihilate
kill in large numbers

229. annotate
add explanatory notes to or supply with critical comments

230. annuity
income from capital investment paid regularly
231. annul
cancel officially

232. anodyne
capable of relieving pain

233. anoint
administer an oil or ointment to, often ceremonially

234. anointment
the act of applying oil or an oily liquid

235. anomalous
deviating from the general or common order or type

236. anomaly
deviation from the normal or common order or form or rule

237. anonymity
the state of being unknown

238. anonymous
having no known name or identity or known source

239. antagonism
an actively expressed feeling of dislike and hostility

240. antecede
be earlier in time; go back further
241. antecedent
a preceding occurrence or cause or event

242. antediluvian
of or relating to the period before the biblical flood

243. anthem
a song of devotion or loyalty

244. anthology
a collection of selected literary passages

245. anthropoid
resembling human beings

246. anthropologist
a social scientist specializing in the study of humanity

247. anthropomorphic
suggesting human features for animals or inanimate things

248. anticlimax
a disappointing decline after a previous rise

249. antidote
a remedy that stops or controls the effects of a poison

250. antipathy
a feeling of intense dislike
251. antiquated
so extremely old as seeming to belong to an earlier period

252. antique
made in or typical of earlier times and valued for its age

253. antiquity
the historic period preceding the Middle Ages in Europe

254. antiseptic
thoroughly clean and free of disease-causing organisms

255. antithesis
exact opposite

256. antler
deciduous horn of a member of the deer family

257. anvil
a heavy block on which hot metals are shaped by hammering

258. apathetic
showing little or no emotion or animation

259. apathy
an absence of emotion or enthusiasm

260. ape
any of various primates with short tails or no tail at all
261. aperture
a natural opening in something

262. apex
the highest point of something

263. aphasia
inability to use language because of a brain lesion

264. aphorism
a short pithy instructive saying

265. apiarist
a farmer who keeps bees for their honey

266. apiary
a shed containing a number of beehives

267. apiculture
the cultivation of bees for the production of honey

268. aplomb
great coolness and composure under strain

269. apocalyptic
of or relating to a catastrophe

270. apocryphal
being of questionable authenticity
271. apogee
the farthest point in an orbit around the Earth

272. apolitical
neutral with regards to government policy

273. apologist
a person who argues to defend some policy or institution

274. apologue
a short moral story (often with animal characters)

275. apophthegm
a short pithy instructive saying

276. apoplexy
a loss of consciousness from the lack of oxygen in the brain

277. apostate
not faithful to religion or party or cause

278. apothecary
a health professional trained in the art of preparing drugs

279. apothegm
a short pithy instructive saying

280. apotheosis
model of excellence or perfection of a kind
281. appall
strike with disgust or revulsion

282. apparent
clearly revealed to the mind or the senses or judgment

283. apparition
a ghostly appearing figure

284. appease
make peace with

285. appellation
identifying words by which someone or something is called

286. append
fix to; attach

287. application
the action of putting something into operation

288. apposite
being of striking appropriateness and pertinence

289. appraise
consider in a comprehensive way

290. appreciate
be fully aware of; realize fully
291. apprehend
anticipate with dread or anxiety

292. apprehensive
in fear or dread of possible evil or harm

293. apprise
inform somebody of something

294. approbation
official acceptance or agreement

295. appropriate
suitable for a particular person, place, or situation

296. appurtenance
equipment consisting of miscellaneous articles

297. appurtenance
equipment consisting of miscellaneous articles

298. apropos
of a suitable, fitting, or pertinent nature

299. aptitude
inherent ability

300. aquiline
curved down like an eagle's beak
301. arable
capable of being farmed productively

302. arbiter
someone chosen to judge and decide a disputed issue

303. arbitrary
based on or subject to individual discretion or preference

304. arbitrate
act between parties with a view to reconciling differences

305. arboreal
of or relating to or formed by trees

306. arboretum
a facility where trees and shrubs are cultivated

307. arcade
a structure composed of arches supported by columns

308. arcane
requiring secret or mysterious knowledge

309. arch
a curved masonry construction for spanning an opening

310. archaeology
the branch of anthropology that studies prehistoric people
311. archaic
so extremely old as seeming to belong to an earlier period

312. archetype
something that serves as a model

313. archipelago
a group of many islands in a large body of water

314. archives
collection of records especially about an institution

315. ardor
feelings of great warmth and intensity

316. arduous
characterized by effort to the point of exhaustion

317. argot
a characteristic language of a particular group

318. aria
an elaborate song for solo voice

319. arid
lacking sufficient water or rainfall

320. aristocracy
a privileged class holding hereditary titles
321. armada
a large fleet

322. aromatic
having a strong pleasant odor

323. arraign
accuse of a wrong or an inadequacy

324. arrant
without qualification; used informally as intensifiers

325. array
an impressive display

326. arrears
the state of being behind in payments

327. arrhythmic
lacking a steady beat or accent

328. arrogance
overbearing pride evidenced by a superior manner

329. arrogate
seize and take control without authority

330. arroyo
a stream or brook
331. arsenal
all the weapons and equipment that a country has

332. artery
a blood vessel that carries blood from the heart to the body

333. artful
not straightforward or candid

334. articulate
express or state clearly

335. artifact
a man-made object

336. artifice
a deceptive maneuver, especially to avoid capture

337. artisan
a skilled worker who practices some trade or handicraft

338. artless
simple and natural; without cunning or deceit

339. ascendancy
the state when one person or group has power over another

340. ascertain
learn or discover with confidence
341. ascetic
someone who practices self denial as a spiritual discipline

342. asceticism
rigorous self-denial and active self-restraint

343. ascribe
attribute or credit to

344. aseptic
free of pathological microorganisms

345. ashen
pale from illness or emotion

346. asinine
devoid of intelligence

347. askance
with suspicion or disapproval

348. askew
turned or twisted to one side

349. asperity
harshness of manner

350. aspersion
a disparaging remark
351. aspirant
an ambitious young person

352. aspiration
a cherished desire

353. aspire
have an ambitious plan or a lofty goal

354. assail
attack someone physically or emotionally

355. assay
a test of a substance to determine its components

356. assent
agree or express agreement

357. assert
declare or affirm solemnly and formally as true

358. asseverate
state categorically

359. assiduous
marked by care and persistent effort

360. assimilate
make alike
361. assuage
provide physical relief, as from pain

362. assumption
the act of taking something for granted

363. assurance
a binding commitment to do or give or refrain from something

364. asteroid
a small celestial body composed of rock and metal

365. astigmatism
impaired eyesight common in nearsighted people

366. astral
being or relating to or resembling or emanating from stars

367. astringent
tending to draw together or constrict soft organic tissue

368. astronomical
relating to the branch of physics studying celestial bodies

369. astute
marked by practical hardheaded intelligence

370. asunder
into parts or pieces
371. asylum
a shelter from danger or hardship

372. asymmetric
characterized by lack of balance in the arrangement of parts

373. atavism
a reappearance of an earlier characteristic

374. atelier
a studio especially for an artist or designer

375. atheistic
related to a lack of belief in the existence of God

376. athwart
across the course, direction, or center line of a ship

377. atone
turn away from sin or do penitence

378. atrocity
an act of shocking cruelty

379. atrophy
a decrease in size of an organ caused by disease or disuse

380. attentive
taking heed
381. attenuate
become weaker, in strength, value, or magnitude

382. attest
provide evidence for

383. attire
clothing of a distinctive style or for a particular occasion

384. attribute
a quality belonging to or characteristic of an entity

385. attrition
the act of rubbing together

386. atypical
not representative of a group, class, or type

387. audacious
disposed to venture or take risks

388. audacity
aggressive boldness or unmitigated effrontery

389. audit
examine carefully for accuracy

390. augment
enlarge or increase
391. augury
an event indicating important things to come

392. august
profoundly honored

393. aureole
the outermost region of the sun's atmosphere

394. auroral
characteristic of the dawn

395. auscultation
listening to sounds within the body with a stethoscope

396. auspicious
indicating favorable circumstances and good luck

397. austere
of a stern or strict bearing or demeanor

398. austerity
self-denial, especially refraining from worldly pleasures

399. authenticate
establish the undisputed credibility of something

400. authoritarian
characteristic of an absolute ruler or absolute rule
401. authoritative
of recognized power or excellence

402. autocrat
a cruel and oppressive dictator

403. autocratic
characteristic of an absolute ruler or absolute rule

404. automaton
a mechanism that can move independently of external control

405. autonomous
existing as an independent entity

406. autopsy
an examination and dissection of a dead body

407. auxiliary
furnishing added support

408. avalanche
a slide of large masses of snow, ice and mud down a mountain

409. avant-garde
radically new or original

410. avarice
reprehensible acquisitiveness; insatiable desire for wealth
411. avatar
the manifestation of a Hindu deity in human or animal form

412. avenge
take action in return for a perceived wrong

413. aver
declare or affirm solemnly and formally as true

414. averse
strongly opposed

415. aversion
a feeling of intense dislike

416. avert
turn away or aside

417. aviary
a building where birds are kept

418. avid
marked by active interest and enthusiasm

419. avocation
an auxiliary activity

420. avouch
admit openly and bluntly
421. avow
declare or affirm solemnly and formally as true

422. avuncular
being or relating to an uncle

423. awe
an overwhelming feeling of wonder or admiration

424. awful
exceptionally bad or displeasing

425. awl
a pointed tool for marking surfaces or for punching holes

426. awry
turned or twisted to one side

427. axiom
a proposition that is not susceptible of proof or disproof

428. azure
of a deep somewhat purplish blue color

429. babble
utter meaningless sounds

430. bacchanal
wild gathering involving excessive drinking and promiscuity
431. Bacchanalia
an orgiastic festival in ancient Greece in honor of Dionysus

432. bacchanalian
used of riotously drunken merrymaking

433. backslide
return to a lower level, as in one's morals or standards

434. badger
sturdy carnivorous burrowing mammal with strong claws

435. badinage
frivolous banter

436. baffle
be a mystery or bewildering to

437. bait
something used to lure fish or other animals

438. baleful
threatening or foreshadowing evil or tragic developments

439. balk
refuse to comply

440. ballast
any heavy material used to stabilize a ship or airship
441. balm
preparation applied externally as a remedy or for soothing

442. balmy
mild and pleasant

443. banal
repeated too often; overfamiliar through overuse

444. bandanna
large and brightly colored handkerchief

445. bandy
discuss lightly

446. bane
something causing misery or death

447. baneful
deadly or sinister

448. bank
financial institution that accepts deposits and lends money

449. bantering
cleverly amusing in tone

450. bar
a rigid piece of metal or wood
451. barb
a point facing the main point making an arrowhead or spear

452. bard
a lyric poet

453. barefaced
with no effort to conceal

454. bargain
an agreement between parties fixing obligations of each

455. baroque
relating to an elaborately ornamented style of art and music

456. barrage
the heavy fire of artillery to saturate an area

457. barrister
a British lawyer who speaks in the higher courts of law

458. barterer
a trader who exchanges goods and not money

459. base
lowest support of a structure

460. bask
expose oneself to warmth and light, as for relaxation
461. bassoon
a double-reed woodwind instrument that makes a low sound

462. bastard
the illegitimate offspring of unmarried parents

463. bastion
projecting part of a rampart or other fortification

464. bate
moderate or restrain; lessen the force of

465. battalion
an army unit consisting of a headquarters and companies

466. batten
a strip fixed to something to hold it firm

467. bauble
cheap showy jewelry or ornament

468. bawdy
humorously vulgar

469. bearing
characteristic way of holding one's body

470. beatific
resembling or befitting an angel or saint
471. beatitude
a state of supreme happiness

472. bedizen
decorate tastelessly

473. bedraggle
make wet and dirty, as from rain

474. beeline
the most direct route

475. befuddle
be confusing or perplexing to

476. beget
generate children

477. begrudge
be envious of or feel annoyance toward

478. beguile
attract; cause to be enamored

479. behemoth
someone or something that is abnormally large and powerful

480. beholden
under a moral obligation to someone
481. behoove
be appropriate or necessary

482. behove
be appropriate or necessary

483. belabor
beat soundly

484. belated
after the expected or usual time

485. beleaguer
annoy persistently

486. belie
be in contradiction with

487. belittle
cause to seem less serious

488. bellicose
having or showing a ready disposition to fight

489. belligerent
characteristic of an enemy or one eager to fight

490. bemoan
regret strongly
491. bemused
perplexed by many conflicting situations or statements

492. benediction
a ceremonial prayer invoking divine protection

493. benefactor
a person who helps people or institutions

494. beneficent
doing or producing good

495. beneficial
promoting or enhancing well-being

496. beneficiary
the recipient of funds or other advantages

497. benefit
something that aids or promotes well-being

498. benevolent
showing or motivated by sympathy and understanding

499. benighted
overtaken by night or darkness

500. benign
kind in disposition or manner
501. benignity
the quality of being kind and gentle

502. benison
a spoken blessing

503. bent
stooped (used of the back and knees)

504. bequeath
leave or give, especially by will after one's death

505. berate
censure severely or angrily

506. bereaved
sorrowful through loss or deprivation

507. bereavement
state of sorrow over the death or departure of a loved one

508. bereft
sorrowful through loss or deprivation

509. berserk
frenzied as if possessed by a demon

510. beseech
ask for or request earnestly
511. beset
assail or attack on all sides

512. besiege
surround so as to force to give up

513. besmirch
smear so as to make dirty or stained

514. bestial
resembling a beast; showing lack of human sensibility

515. bestow
give as a gift

516. bete noire

a detested person

517. betoken
be a signal for or a symptom of

518. betray
deliver to an enemy by treachery

519. betroth
give to in marriage

520. bevy
a flock of birds
521. beware
be on one's guard; be cautious or wary about; be alert to

522. bewitch
cast a spell over someone or something

523. bicameral
consisting of two chambers

524. bicker
argue over petty things

525. bid
propose a payment

526. biennial
occurring every second year

527. bifurcated
divided into or made up of two parts

528. bigot
a prejudiced person who is intolerant of differing opinions

529. bigotry
intolerance and prejudice

530. bilious
relating to a digestive juice secreted by the liver
531. bilk
cheat somebody out of what is due, especially money

532. billingsgate
foul-mouthed or obscene abuse

533. billow
a large sea wave

534. billowing
characterized by great swelling waves or surges

535. bimester
a period of 2 months

536. bisque
a thick, creamy soup made from shellfish

537. biting
causing a sharply painful or stinging sensation

538. bitter
causing a sharp and acrid taste experience

539. bivouac
temporary living quarters built by the army for soldiers

540. bizarre
conspicuously or grossly unconventional or unusual
541. blackball
vote against; refuse to endorse; refuse to assent

542. blanch
turn pale, as if in fear

543. bland
lacking taste or flavor or tang

544. blandishment
flattery intended to persuade

545. blare
make a loud noise

546. blase
nonchalantly unconcerned

547. blasphemous
grossly irreverent toward what is held to be sacred

548. blasphemy
profane language

549. blatant
without any attempt at concealment; completely obvious

550. blazon
the official symbols of a family, state, etc.
551. bleak
unpleasantly cold and damp

552. blemish
a mark or flaw that spoils the appearance of something

553. blight
any plant disease resulting in withering without rotting

554. blighted
affected by something that prevents growth or prosperity

555. bliss
a state of extreme happiness

556. blithe
carefree and happy and lighthearted

557. blithesome
carefree and happy and lighthearted

558. bloat
swelling of the intestinal tract of animals caused by gas

559. bloat
swelling of the intestinal tract of animals caused by gas

560. blotch
an irregularly shaped spot
561. blowhard
a very boastful and talkative person

562. bludgeon
a club used as a weapon

563. blue
of the color intermediate between green and violet

564. blues
a state of depression

565. bluff
a high steep bank

566. blunder
an embarrassing mistake

567. blunt
not sharp (used of a knife or other blade)

568. blurt
utter impulsively

569. blush
become rosy or reddish

570. bluster
be gusty, as of wind
571. bode
indicate by signs

572. bog
wet spongy ground of decomposing vegetation

573. bogus
fraudulent; having a misleading appearance

574. bohemian
a nonconformist who lives an unconventional life

575. boisterous
full of rough and exuberant animal spirits

576. bolster
support and strengthen

577. bolt
a screw that screws into a nut to form a fastener

578. bombardment
an attack by dropping explosive devices

579. bombast
pompous or pretentious talk or writing

580. bombastic
ostentatiously lofty in style
581. bookish
characterized by diligent study and fondness for reading

582. boon
something that is desirable, favorable, or beneficial

583. boor
a crude uncouth ill-bred person lacking refinement

584. boorish
ill-mannered and coarse in behavior or appearance

585. boost

586. bootless
unproductive of success

587. bore
make a hole, especially with a pointed power or hand tool

588. botch
make a mess of, destroy, or ruin

589. bouillon
a clear seasoned broth

590. bound
confined by bonds
591. bountiful
producing in abundance

592. bourgeois
being of the property-owning class

593. bout
a contest or fight

594. bovine
any of various wild or domestic cattle

595. bowdlerize
edit by omitting or modifying parts considered indelicate

596. brackish
slightly salty

597. brag
show off

598. braggadocio
vain and empty boasting

599. braggart
a very boastful and talkative person

600. braid
make by interlacing
601. brand
a name given to a product or service

602. brandish
move or swing back and forth

603. bravado
a swaggering show of courage

604. brave
possessing or displaying courage

605. brawl
to quarrel noisily, angrily or disruptively

606. brawn
the trait of possessing muscular strength

607. brawny
possessing physical strength and weight; rugged and powerful

608. brazen
unrestrained by convention or propriety

609. brazier
large metal container in which coal or charcoal is burned

610. breach
an opening, especially a gap in a dike or fortification
611. breadth
the extent of something from side to side

612. breed
cause to procreate (animals)

613. breviary
(Roman Catholic Church) a book of pr

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