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Date: 03rd May 2019

Venue: Mechanical Seminar hall Time: 9.15 am

Program script

A very warm and delightful morning to one and all present here.

Respected Dignitaries, Staff, Faculty and my dear friends.

I, -------------------, from Sixth Semester Mechanical Engineering, VVCE is engulfed to utilize this
grandstand for today’s Master of Ceremony (MC)

First and foremost, I would like thank each and everyone in this hall for allocating their valuable time in
attending today’s inaugural function of chowka-2019, an intercollegiate competition.

Inauguration program : Invocation Song

It is mark of our undying tradition to invoke the almighty at the beginning of an important event. Like
the great philosopher once said “The function of prayer is not to influence God, but rather to change the
nature of the one who prays.” I like to call upon ---------- --------to pray for us.

Thank you ------- we all feel blessed indeed!

Welcome Address

I would like to invite ----------------- HoD Mechanical Engineering, VVCE, to formally welcome the

I now take immense pleasure in welcoming ------------------- HoD of Mechanical Engineering to the Inter-
collegiate fest Chowka-2019 conducted by the Department of Mechanical Engineering,

Thank you sir for your earnest welcome address.

Watering the Plant

As ever Said, “A tree is known by its fruit; a man by his deeds. A good deed is never lost. He who sows
courtesy reaps friendship, and he who plants kindness gathers love”.

I now request all dignitaries on the dais to water the plant and let’s mark these trees as peace trees and
grow together with our trees towards better future.

Thank You Everyone.

Chowka Introduction

Without taking much of your time, permit us to start the program with a Small Introduction to Chowka
for which I call upon Mr. Chandrakanth Sharama on the Dais

Thank You Chandrakanth

Chief Guest’s Address

I now request our Honorable Chief Guest --------------------, Principal of ----------------------, to kindly address
the gathering.

Thank You Sir for your inspiring Speech.

Address by the Guest of Honor

I request our Guest of honor Dr G B Krishnappa Dean of Research and Academics, ------------------------------
--------------, to kindly address the gathering.

Thank You Sir for your valuable advises & motivation

Vote of Thanks

Last but not the least; we have Mr. Abhay to give the vote of thanks.

Now we have come to the end of the inauguration program. I request everyone to stand up for national
Anthem as token of love to the Nation.

Thank You.

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