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Paguican, Alebelle Jane E.

May 7, 2019

Engineering Management BSCPE 801


Step 1: Human resource planning

Forecasting: Assessment method

There are currently 2000 persons under the employ of the Kundiman Corporation. The
number is large enough for the company to remain stable even if there would be layoffs.

Evaluation and Control: Monitory Method

Since the organization is about to operate another facility in three months’ time, these
employees are good source of skilled personnel.

Step 2: Recruitment

For the executive positions:

The management should reconsider the employees to take the executive positions from the
company’s current employees so that:

The time it would take the new facility operational will be attainable, having a number of
skilled and familiar to the process of the work type of personnel working for the new
facility.There will be enough supervisors or managers to provide trainings for the new
employees that will be hired. Some of the employees that are underutilized will have the
opportunity to be promoted; and. The cost of looking for a new employee for the new
corporation will save money for the training of entry-level personnel if the current
employees will partake or occupy positions that will make the new facility functionable.
The specific positions shall be for supervisors and for the human resource management
unit respectively.

For entry-level personnel:

Having the new facility, with regards with to the company’s new staff members. The
company can rely on the newspaper publishers for the advertisements and announcing
the open positions of a job, and the school drives for this matter.

Step 3: Selection

During the selection, since some of the organization’s current employees may be qualified to
occupy positions higher than the ones they are occupying, it is highly suggested that they be
prioritized upon the recruitment and selection. Plus, the management can be assured that the
loyalty, the work performance and dedication of these workers will remain with the company.

If not, selecting the new or in the entry level can be an alternative but a greater cost for the
company should provide various trainings, seminars and workshops. To train and hasten the
newly recruited employees.

Step 4: Induction and Orientation

After the selection of qualified applicants, induction and orientation especially for the entry-level
employees. For the current employees that has been promoted, the induction and orientation
are also applicable for the new position that will have. The step can be provided by the human
resource management unit.

Step 5: Training and development

Provided with after the induction and selection the company may hasten the employees, with
these training and development. The on-the-job training is suited to execute this, where training
is placed on actual work. These too can be performed by the human resource unit but with the
supervision of Engr de Guzman.
For nonmanagers:

The on-the-job training is highly recommended. By this time, the management should
have a number of skilled personnel transferred from the head office to supervise the new
employees’ training without hindering the operation of the new facility.

For executive positions:

These persons need not be oriented with the whole aspect of the operation anymore as
they have been working in the head office before. Perhaps only a little adjustment period
is necessary to make them familiar with the new working environment and to
remind them also about the basics but the main core of the company’s process.
Enhancement training could also be provided but not all at the same time—supervisors
should check the performance of the new employees under them. Case studies are
recommended here.

Step 6: Performance appraisal

Those who performed well in the first six months will be considered “regular” employees of the
new facility. This entails stability in the workplace. Considering the managers feedback, having a
positive manner and good output performance.

Step 7: Employment Decisions

Those who poorly performed their assigned or has a health problem may not be considered by
the facility as its employee after six months of rough training. On the counterpart, those who
excel will be absorb. Some of them maybe assigned to the area which the supervisor sees that
the employee has the area of expertise.

Step 8: Separation

The things to consider with the termination of an employee shall be based on:

The employees’ performance rating done by the supervisor monitoring them and health
status of the applicant.

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