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What is being overweight?

When you are above the normative weight in accordance with your height/ag/condition, it is
quite common being few kilograms over weight but when it is above at least 10 kilograms-
you qualify as being overweight significantly it is generally known as being obese when you
hit even higher weight ranges than required, when very excessive and even when one is quite
overweight it affects the everyday life of that individual in many ways- it may lead to harmful
diseases in the long run which results in demise if nothing is being done to reduce obesity
like exercising or having a healthier diet, it may lead to diseases like these which are
frequently found in an obese individual in the long run are heart diseases, type 2 diabetes,
bone and joint diseases.

How is being overweight cause?

It may be Genetic, you could possibly inherit certain genes which are considered abnormal
genes which makes your body absorb more than usual for e.g. if you eat an edible which has
100gms of carbohydrate, a normal individuals body will only absorb 20-30 mgs from it but in
a genetically obese individuals body with that abnormal gene it will absorb much higher
maybe 100 mgs entirely, even though the food is the same but the absorption levels are
different. Other reasons within genetics is if your parents are obese, automatically the
percentage of their child’s possibility of being overweight jumps up to 25%

It could be the lifestyle the individuals adhere to, where the daily routine does not involve
much of exercise and includes rather stationary activities like viewing television- which is
quite common. Diet subsequently comes under this, a diet where there are high
carbohydrates and less of fibre or protein or nutrition in general as being overweight also is
a type of malnutrition body and now add that with a no-exercise lifestyle you get a perfect
obese individual.

A much less common factor would involve the eating timings and stress eating’s, the food
consumption timings also do matter significantly as you can not have very big time
differences in your breakfast and lunch you must have recurring small meals to remain full
and healthy. Stress eating, is when someone is leading a stressful life and resorts to
consuming fatty foods to help them through the problem or if they unknowingly consume
foods more in quantity or in uneven timings because t hey are not too focused on the eating’s
habit but the events they are facing

What are the effects of being overweight?

The way every humans being body attracts to another when it is aesthetically pleasing in this
sense it must be symmetrical similar to someone who is fit as they have structured body
features unlike someone who is overweight who has non-symmetrical body shape. From a
social standpoint, being overweight can psychologically suppress your confidence in general-
willingness to talk or approaching someone new. It is harder for an overweight person to
perform such things because they don’t seem confident of themselves of their body, of course
there are exceptions with people whose approaches are different and they do not particularly
care about it. There are obvious physical effects, like unable to perform certain activities
which require fitter body qualifications and in general lack the ability to do sports- as they
have lesser stamina or even if they have the desire to do so they might feel ashamed as if they
attempt. They think it will result in discrimination.
Talking about the building up to illness and general un-healthiness, the medical industry
itself has business of around 100-200 billion dollars’ revenue’s each year just from the
treatments related to obesity in the united states which is renowned for its unhealthy eating
habits, they had an estimated 300,00 premature deaths due to obesity, which shows how
deadly it can be.

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