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Lesson Plan Template*

School Counselor intern: Paul Sarsfield

Activity: Goal Setting, 30 minutes.
WAC Standard(s) Addressed:
M2 & 6
B-LS 1, 3, 4, 5, 8
B-SMS 1, 3, 6, 7, 10

ASCA Mindsets & Behaviors (2014) Addressed:

C:A1.6 & 7
PS:B1.9, 10, & 12

Learning Objective(s):
1.Understand why goal setting is important
2.Identify the SMART procedure for goal setting
3.Demonstrate the SMART procedure for goal setting
Conference room with chairs
Dry erase board or chart pack and markers
SMART hand outs and pens
Lesson Outline/Procedure: Include each of your learning activities
1. Explain that a goal is a destination, something that you want or need, which you acquire by taking certain steps. It gives direction
to our plan of action.

2. Explain that to be effective, goals should always be in writing and should be meaningful to you.

3. Explain SMART goals and pass handout. They will create a short, medium and long-term goal.

Plan for Evaluation: How will each of the following be collected?

Process Data: # of students in their homeroom class.

Perception Data: Students will demonstrate mastery of the concept of opportunity cost by being able to identify what the alternative
was that they gave up to set their goal.

Students will demonstrate mastery of this activity by successfully developing their own personal goals for each time frame: short,
intermediate and long term.

Outcome Data: Student will keep original handout and a copy will be retained in student folder.

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