MC Case 1 - Mountain Dew

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MC Case – Mountain Dew: Selecting New Creative

Highlights from the case: -

 Successful campaigns:
o Hello sunshine sought to tie Mountain Dew’ distinctive product characteristics
to a set of backcountry recreational images.
o PepsiCo directly targeted suburban teenagers in 1980s with the Country cool
o Do the Dew Campaign.
 3rd Ranked CSD by 1999 and dominated rural market.

Problem Statement:
 PepsiCo management (Moffitt and Team) and BBDO account managers must determine
how to revitalise the “Do the Dew campaign” keeping it working and relevant, amidst
concerns that the use of alternative sports was becoming less impactful due to
oversaturation. At the same time the campaign also needs to be able to respond to the
growing threat of non-CSDs.

Creative Alternatives: -
1. Labour of Love: - A humorous spot about the birth of a Dew drinker. The doctor calls out,
“code green” and retreats to a catching position. The baby shoots out of the mother inside
the labour room like a canon and the doctor catches the baby wearing a baseball mitt.

2. Cheetah - In the African plain, one of the Dew dudes is chasing a Cheetah. The Dew dude
catches up to Cheetah, holds its mouth, put his hand into the mouth and through to
stomach and takes out an empty Dew can with few holes. Apparently, the Cheetah has
stolen his Dew can and has even drank it. The ad ends with a “Bad Cheetah” comment.
3. Dew or Die:- This Advert might not be able to communicate the Brand effectively.
4. Mock Opera:- This would appeal to the Target Audience by capturing the Queen Brand and
also moves the Advert concept away from the Extreme sports.
5. Showstopper: - This Advert also might not be able to communicate the Brand effectively.
Also, it does not blend in the existing Mix of campaigns that Mountain Dew is known for. It
portrays a theme not in line with the Mountain Dew strategy and do not cater to the target

Conclusion: - Cheetah and Mock Opera commercials be selected for the Super Bowl.

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