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AIINRA Emplayee Retirement Plan Participants and/or Baneficiarias Shawne Soto Manager, Benefits & Payroll DATE: April 15, 2089 SUBJECT: 2018 Annual Funding Notice - NFA Employee Retirement Pian ‘Under the Pension Protaction Act of 2008, Defined Benefit Pian covered by the Pension ae ren aan [re topes Ar wal Funding Notica (AFN) see pesca ret Danan ote oe t AFN contains comprehensive actuarial and financial information regarding your ‘Benefit plan, including the plan's funding percentage, assets and liabilities, and the Te aca cl ts barofis guaranteed by tne PEC. The language in the notice, including the ‘provisions, was developed by the Department of Labor and is not 8 notification the termination pension plan is terminating. ad Progress in the 21st Century Act (MAP-21). tho Highway and (Act ol 2014 (HATFA), and the Bipartisan Gudgol Act of 2015 (BBA). a (titied Supplement to Annual Funding Notice) has been included as part eel reiiie designed to how lhe Fapect of those ws on your CB plan, status ag shown in the chart on page 1 of 6 of tha AFN refiocts the assets as 2017, Fora more current asset value, please reference the Year-End Assets ‘Section shown on page 2 of 6. @ any questions, please contact me at 703-267-1263. eee TO ANNUAL FUNDING NOTICE oF : MPLOYEE RETIREMENT PLAN FOR PLAN YEAR BEGINNING JANUARY 4, 2018 AND ENDING DEGEMBER 91, 2018 ling notice which is required by the ogress in the 21st Century Act, the Highway and Transportation 14, and the Bipartisan Budget Act of 2015. These federal laws changed 6 calculate their liabulities. Tha purpose of this supplement is to show you mabiltios using a aeeount a 25- y wil be highar and plan ployer may contribute tes are at or near hisiorical lows. Funding Act of 20 how ponsion pian rest rates. This means that interast rates lke than they were under prior law. As a result, your e less money to the plan at a time when market inter ‘Tho “Information Table” compares the impact of using intorost rates based on the 25-yea Sverage (the “adjusted interest rates") and interest rates based on a two-year average on the Plan's; (1) Funding Target Attainment Percentage, (2) Funding Shortfall, and (3) Minimum Required Contribution, The funding tacget attainment percentage is a measure of how well the plan is funded on @ particular date, The funding sheetfall is the amount by ‘which liabilttws exceed net plan assets. The minimum required contribution ig the aMOUNt ‘of money an employer is required by law te contribute te a plan in a given yaar. The folowing table shows this information datermined with and without the adjusted interest rates. The information is provided for the Plan Year and for each of the wo preceding plan yyoars, applicable. f= = a) INFORMATION TABLE 2a “2047 “2016 | With | with Without | Adjusted | Adjusted | Adjusted Interest Interest | Interest Rates BT.IT% 71.80% | 95.08% 75.58% | 100.07% $38,165,030 | $4,587,389 | $28,661,990 $0 : $5,588,131 | $10,230,208 | $4,192,229 | $8,197,420 | $3,235,650 | sa.eso,707 |

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