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How have you grown this year ( spriritually, academically, personally,

emotionally ,otherwise)? I feel that I have change this year spiritually,
for example during this year advent prayer service, I got to play the
role of king David and learned to be brave and have courage to help
others. As an 8th grader I feel we are the leaders and role models
trough the eyes of the little kids. Another great example is when we
had our 8th grade retreat, we had groups of four students. During
this activity, we had to sit in a circle and talk about our selfs. I
learned to love others, to not be judgmental. After the retreat I
learned to see the light of God in others. My academically growth this
year math was not my strongest subject, a few months after I started
learning the concepts and now I,m more confident about duing my
work, test and AM. My reading journey was one of my most
challenging subject because, I didn’t know how to undesrtand difrent
words and could’nt pronaunce some words. To this day my reading
and pronunciation are improving. My strongest subject is Art, for
example my 8th grade film proyect was one of my proudest moment.
My other project that I felt really happy about was my egg drop
proyect. The process of thinking of ways to make it fun and work was
exiting. My personal growth this year has been learning the steps to
be a better person. Taking control of my emotions and short temper.
Being the tallest students in class and in school has made it quite a
challenge for me. My emotionally journey has being a rollercoaster.
This year we have lost two memebers of our family within one month
a part. I got acepted at High Tech High and that made me so happy.
Just waiting to see what my next journey would be.
II. What was your most challenging experience and how did you grow
from it? My most challenging experience is during presentations,
when I’m speaking in front of a group. I usually get very nervouse
and I stutter during my speech. I feel that I grown from it by having
courage and not think to much about it, I know I will improve.
III. What are you most proud of? I’m proud of my self, I have became
more secure about my self when I meet people, I was too shy.
During our welcome reception in High Tech High I was able to make
new friends, now I have contact with them and can’t wait to start 9th
IV. What lesson/experience has made the greatest impact on your
faith/life? During the Biography fair I decided to represent Abraham
Lincoln. As I was presenting and talking to the little kids, mostly all of
the pay attention to my presentation and the teachers wanted my to
present to the lower grades for presidents day. That made a great
impact and made me feel proud of my self.
V. What was your favorite lesson/experience of the year? A couple of
months ago, during lunch time I was injured playing basketball. It
was pretty bad, to the point that I needed to go to the ER. Since I
cold’nt walk on my own and knowing my size, I had to some how get
to the car. My fellow classmates and my teacher Mr. Blair carried me
to the car in order to not get worse. This experience was one of my
favorite because it made me feel apreciated and supported by my
friends and Coach Blair, they did not leave me behind.

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