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Through this year I needed to complete 30 service hours as a graduating

requirement. My class had the opportunity to donate our time and help the
Casa Hogar Sonrisa de Angeles, an orphanage house near Tecate,
Mexico. This casa hogar is managed by an amazing sister named Madre
Liliana, were about 30 foster kids and teenagers have a home and people
that care for them. We helped by cleaning, donating produce, clothes,
school material and personal care items among other things. I also
volunteer during the annual Chiari Walk to raise awareness about this
disease. I helped organize the games sections for the participants and
other fun kids activities. I provided refreshments during the walk and help
clean up after.

a. How does your service reflect the furthering of the mission of the
church? By helping and caring about others and their needs, to feel
compassion and put your personal needs and problems to the side.
b. How does your service reflect what you have studied in your religion
classes at St. Charles Catholic School? During my 7 years if St.
Charles Catholic School I have learned and practice many times or
School-Wide Learning Expectations (SLE). By volunteering during
special circumstances, reminds me of been a faith-centered,
responsible, respectful and merciful individual, the root of my whole
experience at St. Charles.
c. How did your service strengthen your faith and bring you closer to
God? By thanking God and appreciating what I have, I’m blessed to
be healthy and privileged to have a loving caring family that support
me always.
d. What did you learn from these experiences and how can you apply
them to your life in the future? I will keep helping others every time
that is possible. I will continue donating as much as I can, the feeling
you are left after helping someone without anything in return is very
satisfying to my heart.

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