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Alisha Mithal (am2658) HADM 4125

May 6th, 2019 Purpose Driven Assignment – Revision

Our purpose is our internal reasoning for “why” we are motivated to accomplish
something or make a difference. Often, we see one’s purpose materialize in their story or a
company’s purpose appear in the “Our Story” section. For example, a company’s founder may
be interested in contributing to a certain social cause due to their past experiences. In my own
experiences, I feel strongly about destigmatizing mental health in the US but the purpose for this
is some of my close friends and family members have struggled with depression and
circumstances have made it difficult for them to receive help. Our purpose allows us to analyze
an issue and reach the conclusion that change needs to be made. It also drives us toward a vision
we seek.
Our vision is the “what” – the grand goal or what we want to transpose from our dreams
to reality. Many powerful visions are in the form of measurable impact. For instance, if I want to
see more resources for mental health in the US, I could break this down into a specific goal that
is tangibly achievable. My vision is for mental health services to become subsidized and
accessible within 7 days of request at every university and every corporation in the US. A vision
is powerful in that it can guide those in an organization— it shows new employees who may not
have the same purpose originally what can come out of their company and why they should find
strength in a purpose. We see that a company plans its activities with the aim of realizing this
vision, which ties into mission.
Our mission corresponds to “how” we plan to realize our vision. In an organization
setting, it is the game plan and strategy being implemented to bring them closer to seeing the
vision become reality. Leaders plan to create large impact which explains the need for a guiding
mission, but smaller steps for the short-term are necessary to keep the organization on track. As
such, organizations will rely on both strategies and tactics. We see strategy is linked to the
mission of an organization. It is the long-term plan that outlines the checkpoints needed to reach
the grand goal or vision. In some cases, the strategy is the thought process based on research and
ideas. On the other hand, tactics are the smaller, short-term steps that are in the form of
implementable and measurable practices. These are the actions that allow the organization to
start addressing the next checkpoint in its strategy.
The values of a company serve to shape company culture, conduct, and inspire
employees. As an organization grows, values hold the organization together. Employees who
agree with their company values and purpose are proven to perform better. Some common values
include integrity, leadership, and quality, and convey what the organization aims to be an
exemplar of. With strong values, a company culture can stand the test of time even when key
leaders who established the organization are no longer part of it.
One of my sources of inspiration is my family and the environment they have created for
me. My parents have been supportive of every endeavor and career goal I have had, despite the
fact that they did not have the same freedom or flexibility. My father wanted to be an
astrophysicist, but sacrificed his passion when offered a stable job in the US. He chose this path
because my brother and I would have many more options and what my parents hoped would be a
“better life.”I am so thankful for everything they have done for me, as they truly put me in a
position to use my knowledge of STEM and experience in computer science to design
technology for social impact.
Alisha Mithal (am2658) HADM 4125
May 6th, 2019 Purpose Driven Assignment – Revision
Additionally, I find strength in visual creativity. I am always looking for new ways to use
or reuse materials so I can create art in a new medium or learn a new art form. Not only is this
process relaxing for me, but I often make something for a friend or family member and find a
way to turn my artwork into something personal for them. Artists are constantly finding new
ways to send a message to their audience, and I am inspired by so many artists.

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