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Jessica Brooks

Praxis Core Exam Analysis

Exam Requirements

In Nevada, we are must take and pass the Praxis Core Exam before we are fully admitted

into the Bachelor’s program at any college. I am applying to UNLV so I will be sending my

scores to the school. The passing scores for the reading portion of the test is 156. The passing

scores of the writing is 162. Lastly the passing score for math is 150. With a passing score, the

students are then able to finish their bachelor’s degree and later must take the Praxis II test,

before they go into their student teaching. These requirements must be completed before they

become an official teacher.

Exam Preparation

For the Praxis test I studied from the Praxis Core Test Prep work book which contained

practice problems. These problems help me study and prepare for the test. I also did a few of the

online Praxis test problem to study for the test. I am scheduled to take the real Praxis test on

Wednesday, April 11th, 2019 so I will send my results of the test once it is completed.

Exam Results

I will be sending my scores after I take the test on Wednesday April 11th.

Future Exam Preparation

If I do not pass this test in the future I will do more studying in my study book. Another

thing that I will do is to take the Praxis Core study class. This class will then help me study and

review over the material that will be on the test. I think that if I do not pass the first time it will

give me a good idea of the material that is on the test. This will help me to focus on the key

material that is on the test.

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