Eugen Russo - The Philosophical-Theological Method of Nicholas of Cusa in His de Beryllo - PHD Thesis (Abstract)

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A systematic account of the innovative philosophical-theological method developed by Nicholas

of Cusa in his work De Beryllo (1458), based on a highly structured approach to ‘generating’ different types
of infinite objects according to the principle of the ‘coincidence of opposites’, which argues for its continued
relevance and significance in our contemporary context.
To start with, the work examines the status of De Beryllo as a less-studied work from Cusa’s
corpus, with relatively little secondary literature, which, in addition, is divided between different traditions
and languages (particularly German, French, English and Spanish), and therefore rather fragmented. The
only book aimed at an integral interpretation of De Beryllo, Le Traité du Beryl - Tome 2 by Maude Corrieras,
remains at the level of a general and schematic interpretation. However, according to the highly influential
arguments of Kurt Flasch (particularly in his book Nicolaus Cusanus, an attempt at an introduction to
Cusa’s thought overall with this work as starting point) De Beryllo has a great importance as a
methodological and introductory work, particularly in relation to Cusa’s ‘late’ thought.
The question of Cusa’s ‘method’ (regarding the existence of which scholars are in fundamental
agreement) in this work, under the name (and using the image) of the beryl stone, deserves a much more
detailed and exhaustive investigation of its characteristics, in an attempt to identify its formal structure as
a possible paradigm for interpreting Cusa’s arguments. Accordingly, the thesis develops a method of
interpretation based on the notion of Strukturanalyse (Stadler), already applied to Cusa with interesting
results (by Katrin Platzer). In fundamental connection with the issue of the method, two structural aspects
which remain unresolved so far in the literature on De Beryllo are the notion of ontological/metaphysical
hierarchy and the ontological-structural role of Christology. Aiming to fruitfully address all these topics
and fill these gaps in the literature on De Beryllo, the thesis has two parts. The first part consists of a highly
in-depth running analysis of the ‘introductory’ (paragraphs 1-2) and ‘methodological’ (paragraphs 3-8)
parts of the text, aimed at examining the nature of the method and its sources, and introducing, for the
purpose of a Strukturanalyse, a type of formal notation for recurring patterns of application of the method
(the ‘B-notation’), which is based on generating ‘coincidences of opposites’. Then, the thesis analyzes those
passages from the ‘applications’ section of the text (paragraphs 9-71) which make use of geometric images,
the type of application of the method most used by Cusa to determine links and ontological characteristics
with the help of the beryllus. The second part of the thesis (Chapters 4-5) examine the two theoretical issues
of fundamental importance, hierarchy and Christology, on the basis of the interpretation developed in the
first part. The final image that emerges is of De Beryllo as not only a highly interesting speculative
synthesis, but also an important and well-developed theological-Christological work, an interesting aspect
neglected in the scholarship so far.
In the end, the work offers some general considerations on the highly promising nature of this
approach for interpreting other works by Cusa, as well as on the promise of such an approach as Cusa offers,
based on the ‘coincidence of opposites’ and the interrelationship between the infinite and the finite, for the
philosophical (and theological) issues that are particularly salient nowadays.

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