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Presented as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements

to Obtain the Sarjana Pendidikan Degree
in English Language Education

Olivya Agustia
Student Number: 111214090




The big power brings big responsibility



Agustia, Olivya. (2017). English for Specific Purposes Module: Need Analysis of
FPMKB Members in PSBDK Annual Event. Yogyakarta: English Language
Education Study Program, Sanata Dharma.

One of the types of English learning is English for Specific Purposes

(ESP). The main objective of needs analysis in ESP is to identify what learners
will be required to do with English in the target situation and how learners might
master the target language during the period of training. According to Yalden
(1984), the need analysis of ESP is about the need for a syllabus. An
administrative document of the syllabus is a module as a tool to improve students'
English capability. FPMKB (Forum Pelajar dan Mahasiswa Kabupaten
Bengkayang) is a student group administrated by Bengkayang government in
Yogyakarta which constantly participates in PSBDK (Pekan Seni Budaya Dayak
se-Kalimantan). In the events, FPMKB has an exhibition stand that presents
Bengkayang’s traditional foods especially for the international visitors. Therefore,
in this paper, ESP becomes the model and practice to FPMKB in order to master
Bengkayang’s traditional foods material in English. Thus, they are able to explain
it effortlessly to the foreigners.
This research has two problem formulations: (1) do FPMKB members
need an English module of Bengkayang’s traditional foods? and (2) what kind of
English module of Bengkayang’s traditional foods do they need?
This research applied a mixed-method. The combination of both
qualitative and quantitative research targeted a population of eighteen FPMKB
members. Quantitative research method is a numeral strategy using questionnaire
to take numerical data to explain quantitative description. Qualitative research
method is to take non-numerical data using the interview guidelines.
The first result is that FPMKB members need the English module. It is
proved by four tables: (1) table of interest is 66.7%, (2) table of motivation in
72.2%, (3) table of improve confidence and material needed is 55.5% and (4)
table of improving English knowledge increases the confidence is 77.8%. The
members said that English module helps them not to feel nervous in explaining
Bengkayang’s traditional foods. The last result of substance of module is about
(1) Bengkayang’s traditional foods with 88.9%, (2) the pictures, proved by 83.3%
(3) the food explanation proved by 94.4%, (4) the ingredients proved by 88.9%,
(5) traditional tools proved by 94.4% and (6) the manner of cooking proved by

Keywords: ESP, module, need analysis, FPMKB, PSBDK


Agustia, Olivya. (2017). English for Specific Purposes Module: Need Analysis of
FPMKB Members in PSBDK Annual Event. Yogyakarta: Pendidikan Bahasa
Inggris, Sanata Dharma.

Salah satu jenis pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris adalah Bahasa Inggris untuk
Tujuan Tertentu atau English for Specific Purposes (ESP). Tujuan utama analisa
kebutuhan dalam ESP adalah untuk menemukan apa yang perlu dipelajari oleh
peserta didik dalam situasi tujuan pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris dan bagaimana
mereka dapat menguasai Bahasa Inggris selama masa pelatihan. Menurut Yalden
(1984), analisa kebutuhan ESP adalah kebutuhan tentang sebuah silabus.
Dokumen administrasi silabus adalah sebuah modul sebagai alat untuk
meningkatkan kemampuan Bahasa Inggris peserta didik. FPMKB (Forum Pelajar
dan Mahasiswa Kabupaten Bengkayang) merupakan sebuah forum yang dinaungi
oleh pemerintahan Kabupaten Bengkayang di Yogyakarta. Setiap tahunnya,
FPMKB berpartisipasi dalam PSBDK (Pekan Seni Budaya Dayak se-
Kalimantan). Di dalam acara tersebut FPMKB memiliki sebuah stan pameran
yang memperkenalkan makanan tradisional Kabupaten Bengkayang. Oleh karena
itu, di dalam makalah ini ESP menjadi model dan penerapan bagi FPMKB dalam
menguasai materi berbahasa Inggris tentang makanan tradisional Kabupaten
Bengkayang. Sehingga mereka dapat menjelaskannya dengan mudah kepada
orang asing.
Makalah ini mempunyai dua formulasi permasalahan: (1) apakah anggota
FPMKB membutuhkan modul berbahasa Inggris tentang makanan tradisional
Kabupaten Bengkayang? dan (2) modul berbahasa Inggris tentang makanan
tradisional Kabupaten Bengkayang yang seperti apakah yang mereka perlukan?
Makalah ini menerapkan sebuah metode campuran. Gabungan antara
penelitian kualitatif dan kuantitatif yang menyasar delapan belas anggota
FPMKB. Metode penelitian kuantitatif adalah sebuah strategi yang menggunakan
angka dengan kuesioner untuk mendapatkan data yang menjelaskan deskripsi
kuantitatif. Metode penelitian kualitatif mengambil data non-numerik
menggunakan pedoman wawancara.
Hasil yang pertama menunjukkan bahwa anggota FPMKB membutuhkan
modul berbahasa Inggris. Dibuktikan oleh empat tabel: (1)tabel minat 66.7% (2)
tabel motivasi 72.2% (3) tabel kepercayaan diri dan kebutuhan materi 55.5% (4)
tabel peningkatan pengetahuan tentang Bahasa Inggris menambah kepercayaan
diri 77.8%. Anggota FPMKB mengatakan bahwa modul berbahasa Inggris
membantu mereka untuk lebih merasa percaya diridalam menjelaskan makanan
tradisional Kabupaten Bengkayang. Hasil yang terakhir adalah isi pokok modul
yaitu tentang (1) makanan tradisional Kabupaten Bengkayang 88.9%, (2) gambar
makanan 83.3%, (3) penjelasan makanan 94.4%, (4) bahan makanan 88.9%, (5)
alat masak tradisional 94.4% dan (6) cara memasak makanan 94.4%.

Keywords: ESP, module, need analysis, FPMKB, PSBDK



First of all, I would like to express my gratitude to the almighty God who

has been giving me strengths and health so that I could manage to finish this

research paper. I also owe a great debt of gratitude to my beloved parents, daddy,

momma, papa, mama, papi and mami, who have always supported and loved me

in any way parents can do to their children. To my siblings, bang Oca, Panie, and

Yongki, I am extremely grateful for their dearest love and care they have always

showed, especially, in my darkest times.

I would like to give my thanks to my research paper advisor, Paulus

Kuswandono, Ph.D., who has compassionately guided me in writing this paper

and to all English Language Education Study Program lecturers for their patience

and perseverance in transferring their knowledge to me during my study times in

this Sanata Dharma University. To all my friends, Iik, Mia, Kikay, Nyonk Ica,

Mican, Bro Igna and Kakak Git, I would like to thank them all for the warm

friendship during the times of joys and sorrows of my student and private lives.

Finally, to all people who I cannot mention one by one, I thank them all

for your kind supports so that I could realize this research paper. I know that I

could not repay all kindness they have given to me up to this very moment. I

could just say, “Thank you very much,” to you all.

Olivya Agustia



TITLE PAGE ........................................................................................................... i

APPROVAL PAGE ................................................................................................ ii
RESEARCH PAPER APPROVAL PAGE ............................................................ iii
STATEMENT OF WORK’S ORIGINALITY ....................................................... v
LEMBAR PERNYATAAN PERSETUJUAN PUBLIKASI....................................... vi
ABSTRACT .......................................................................................................... vii
ABSTRAK ............................................................................................................. viii
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ................................................................................... ix
TABLE OF CONTENTS ........................................................................................ x
LIST OF TABLES ................................................................................................ xii

CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION ........................................................................... 1

1.1 Background .............................................................................................. 1
1.2 Problem Formulations .............................................................................. 5
1.3 Significance of the Research .................................................................... 5
1.4 Methodology ............................................................................................ 6
1.4.1 Research Method ............................................................................... 6
1.4.2 Data Collection Method .................................................................... 7
1.5 Research Participants ............................................................................... 7
1.5.1 FPMKB Profile ................................................................................. 8

CHAPTER 2: DISCUSSION ................................................................................ 10

2.1 Review of Literature ............................................................................... 10
2.2 The Need of Syllabus ............................................................................. 13
2.3 FPMKB Members Knowledge about Traditional Foods ....................... 19
2.4 The Need of English Module ................................................................. 24
2.5 Substance of Module .............................................................................. 28



CHAPTER 3: CONCLUSIONS ........................................................................... 34

3.1 Conclusions ............................................................................................ 34

REFERENCES...................................................................................................... 36
APPENDICES ...................................................................................................... 38

Table 1. Respondent Identity ..................................................................... 16
Table 2. Self-Capability: Speaking ............................................................ 18
Table 3. Self-Capability: Vocabulary ........................................................ 19
Table 4. Interest .......................................................................................... 25
Table 5. Motivation .................................................................................... 26
Table 6. To Improve Confidence and Material Needed ............................. 26
Tabel 7. Improving English Knowledge Increases the Confidence ........... 27
Table 8. Kind of Bengkayang’s Traditional Foods .................................... 29
Table 9. Food Picture ................................................................................. 30
Table 10. Food Explanation ....................................................................... 30
Table 11. Ingredients .................................................................................. 31
Table 12. Traditional Tools ........................................................................ 32
Table 13. Manner of Cooking .................................................................... 32



This chapter discusses the background, problem formulation, significance

of the research, methodology of the research and research participant.

1.1 Background

English is used as the legal language in United Nation (UN). It is served as

one of the authorized languages in UN established at San Fransisco Conference.

These are English, Russian, Spanish, Chinese and French (Schemers & Blokker,

2011, p. 281). English is the most important and useful language in the world.

Everywhere and every time people go the other side of the world, they use English

to communicate to other people although they do not know the local language.

Through English, people know a lot of information about the local culture they

visit. Moreover, they can introduce our culture and local heritage by speaking


Nowadays, there are two types of English learning. Both are General

English and English for Specific Purposes (ESP). In ESP program, the simplest

way to acquire English is from the need of syllabus (Yalden, 1984). So, the

concrete application of the need of syllabus in learning English language is having

a module. Yalden said that the language learning is recognition of the diversity of

learners' needs, wants, and aspirations; the concept of the syllabus becomes much

more highly elaborated and has been examined at length, particularly in the

context of ESP programs (Yalden, 1984, p. 14).


A module becomes an instrument and a guideline for the learners in

achieving the aims of acquiring English. By having and learning from the module,

the learners are able to speak to foreigners more easily whatever they want to say

especially about their culture and heritage. Since culture and heritage become the

identity of a particular group of people, they are very worthy to discover and

explore. Oftentimes, the foreigners come and visit a tourist destination not only to

have a vacation but also to get information about the culture and heritage. Surely,

they want to know about local ethnic, tribal language, traditional merchandise,

local land view/landscape, ancient relief, and traditional foods. Consequently, the

learners have to inform all of the materials by using English.

This paper concerns with West Borneo culture. West Borneo has many

cultures, traditional weapon, language, ethnics, clothes, and foods. All of the

cultures spread into each regency of West Borneo. Though some cultures in the

regency have the same value, however, they have specific characters for each type

of the culture.

At this time, the research is going to discuss traditional foods. Traditional

food refers to cuisine that belongs to a group of people for a long time ago.

Furthermore, traditional food represents a culture. Since the ingredients of the

food are available only in the local regions, it makes the food different from other

food. It gives self-experience to the foreigner to taste it directly because the food

cannot be found in the other part of the world. Therefore, the traditional foods will

also be a representative tool for each culture and destination. In addition, it can be

a chance for each locality to introduce their culture to foreigner especially in

Bengkayang Regency.

Bengkayang is one of the regencies in West Borneo. A number of people

from the Regency live in Yogyakarta. Mostly, they are students of several

universities in Yogyakarta. The students have a group which is administrated by

the government authority. It is called FPMKB (Forum Pelajar dan Mahasiswa

Kabupaten Bengkayang) or Bengkayang Regency Student Forum. This forum was

established in 2005. The major goal of the forum is to introduce Bengkayang

Regency culture.

FPMKB constantly participates in Borneo annual event in Yogyakarta.

The event is known as PSBDK (Pekan Seni Budaya Dayak se-Kalimantan) or

Dayak Cultural Art Week of Kalimantan. PSBDK is an event that holds many

culture and heritage from Borneo Island. One of the activities in the event is

building an exhibition stand or booth. Each regency or province takes part in this

event. So does Bengkayang Recency.

Every year the exhibition booth has different themes. In the year 2017, the

theme is about traditional foods. Bengkayang Regency has a chance to show their

traditional foods in this occasion. It can be introduced to the people who visit the

exhibition booth. From here, Bengkayang can get more acknowledgments on their

culture, especially from the visitors. Since Yogyakarta is a tourism area from

many countries in the world, PSBDK’s visitors are not from local and national but

also international. Thus, the English skills have a significant role in delivering the

information about the traditional foods.


It is not a big matter when the booth-keepers explain about Bengkayang’s

traditional foods in Indonesian. The problem is when they have foreigners as their

visitors. The booth-keepers have to know how to explain Bengkayang’s

traditional foods in English. Therefore, in this paper, English for Specific

Purposes (ESP) becomes the model and practice to FPMKB in order to master

Bengkayang’s traditional foods material. Thus, the booth-keepers are able to

explain Bengkayang’s traditional foods effortlessly to the foreigners.

In this case, ESP is a simple way to teach English for any purpose that

depends on the learners’ needs. The learners are the booth-keepers from

Bengkayang Regency. ESP has structural points in learning English which has

specified need for the learners. Because ESP is based on the learners’ specific

needs, the objectives of the learning are clearer and it can be expected that the

learner will be more motivated in learning in English which is related to their

activity. ESP method starts with an analysis of learners in order to identify their

specified needs. Afterward, we can arrange an English module for the booth-

keepers which contains Bengkayang’s traditional foods. Thus, as Yalden’s theory

about the English module or the syllabus was a FPMKB members’ guideline to

communicate effectively to the foreigners.

In this paper, the problem identification puts forward the fact that FPMKB

needs a tool using English for Specific Purposes to introduce Bengkayang’s

traditional foods. The tool contains syllabus of Bengkayang’s traditional foods for

PSBDK annual event in Yogyakarta. The problem limitations are a group of

people, place, time, and product. They are: (1) The research problem focused on a

group of people as FPMKB, (2) The research problem is according to a place in

Yogyakarta, (3) The research problem is the annual event of PSBDK, and (4) The

research problem is about Bengkayang’s traditional food. They are Lempok,

Lemang, and Tempoyak.

1.2 Problem Formulations

According to the background, problem identification, and problem

limitation here can be taken two problem formulations as below:

1. Do FPMKB members need an English module of Bengkayang’s

traditional foods?

2. What kind of English module of Bengkayang’s traditional foods do

they need?

1.3 Significance of the Research

The significance of this research is as follows:

1. FPMKB members can use this research to know the need for English

language capability.

2. FPMKB members can use this research to know the important things

about Bengkayang’s traditional foods.

3. FPMKB members can apply the result of this research to use the English

for Specific Purposes telling about Bengkayang’s traditional foods to


4. The Government, specifically Bengkayang Regency, can take the result of

this research as a tool to improve acknowledgment of Bengkayang’s

culture and heritage.

5. Tourists especially foreigners can take the result of this research to know

the module as a tool to understand Bengkayang’s traditional foods.

6. University or an educational institution can take the result of this research

to add the literature of Indonesian’s culture.

1.4 Methodology

1.4.1 Research Method

The research method is a plan and methodology to take data, make

analysis, and conclude data interpretation. This paper implemented mixed

methods. The combination of both qualitative and quantitative research targeted a

population of eighteen students, who are members of FPMKB.

Quantitative research method is a numerical strategy. This research used

survey method. Survey method is a research strategy to explain quantitative

description or numerical description about determination, attitude, or opinion from

a population within examining of the sample (Creswell, 2016, p. 17).

Qualitative research method is non-numerical research method. It is

narrative research. That is a design to research about humanity where a researcher

studies the life of individuals and asks a person or a group of individuals to tell

about their life (Creswell, 2016, p. 18).


1.4.2 Data Collection Method

The first, the data collection method is the first, the questionnaire as a

survey tool was distributed to FPMKB members. The second, the interview

guidelines for the qualitative approach was enquired to some members of

FPMKB. The last, the literature study was needed to learn about Bengkayang’s

culture, for examples, documents, photos, and videos.

1.5 Research Participants

This paper needs research participants as the object of the research to

answer the research problems. A participant can be a representative of the

population who knows the information about Bengkayang’s traditional foods and

PSBDK’s event. All data were collected, resumed, analyzed, and explained

according to the theory used in this research. Then, it was written in a textual

report. Participants in quantitative and qualitative methods gave a contribution to

the mixed methods to have the most comprehensive collecting data.

The research participants were taken from the population of FPMKB

members. In the quantitative method, the researcher took a numerical data that

describes the opinion of the sample which is part of a population. The numerical

data is a simple and an accurate way to identify their responses. In the quantitative

method, the researcher distributed the questionnaire as a survey tool in this paper.

The result was managed and displayed at the table formulations show a

percentage and turn out to be the primary data of this research.


Qualitative method is a verbal explanation method to take what members

informed about the theme through their grounded aspect. Since there are some

aspects that people cannot tell wholly the story of the theme in the numerical data,

the researcher needed qualitative data in the open-ended questions. The researcher

explored it through the interview guideline. It is a way of the qualitative method to

take deeper information towards the research problem. Hence, the qualitative data

can be an interpretation of the numerical data. Afterwards, the result of the

interview will be translated rendering of the subject matter.

1.5.1 FPMKB Profile

FPMKB profile explains a short description of the forum institute.

FPMKB is the abbreviation of Forum Pelajar Mahasiswa Kabupaten

Bengkayang. It is an institution organized by Bengkayang Regency’s students in

Yogyakarta which is under the government.

Bengkayang Regency is one of the regencies in West Kalimantan

Province. This regency has many students who live in Yogyakarta. They are

mostly studying in this education city. Yogyakarta is a short name of Daerah

Istimewa Yogyakarta Province. Yogyakarta itself is divided into four regencies

and one city.

The government of Bengkayang established a group of Bengkayang’s

students in Yogyakarta which aims to build friendship maintenance from within.

It is called FPMKB (Forum Pelajar dan Mahasiswa Kabupaten Bengkayang).

FPMKB has a secretariat at Affandi Street, number 49, Kelurahan Caturtunggal,

Kecamatan Depok, Sleman Regency, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta.


FPMKB has been established in 2005 by Government of Bengkayang. The

forum has 90 people as active members in the year of 2017. The Borneo

community also has 14 people as active official members. The official has a

responsibility to do programs for the forum such as a gathering night, social

service, and culture event.

FPMKB is a part of West Borneo’s Forum in Yogyakarta. West Borneo’s

Forum has a program to build a relationship with Borneo Community. It is the

way to tie the community relationship in Yogyakarta. Each year, the forum holds

an annual event. The annual event is PSBDK (Pekan Seni Budaya Dayak se-

Kalimantan). It presents Dayaknese’s culture and heritage: dance, clothes,

weapon, and traditional foods. One of the activities in PSBDK is a cultural

exhibition. PSBDK provides an exhibition room for each of the regencies. The

exhibition room is a chance for every regency to introduce their heritage.

Therefore, FPMKB must follow this annual event.

Every year the exhibition booth has different themes. In 2017, the theme is

about traditional foods. In this occasion, Bengkayang Regency has a chance to

show their traditional foods, introduced to the people who visit the exhibition

booth. From here, Bengkayang can get more acknowledgments on their culture,

especially from the visitors. Since Yogyakarta is a tourist destination for many

countries in the world, it is very likely that PSBDK’s visitors are not from local

and national but also international.



In this chapter, the researcher discusses the review of related literature, the

need of syllabus and the research findings as well as the discussion related the two

research questions previously mentioned.

2.1 Review of Literature

The research used literature as theory bases the methodology. It is English

for Specific Purposes theory. English for Specific Purposes (ESP) is different

from general English. General English studies about the universal standard of

English teaching. It teaches five standard learning about (1) subject matter, (2)

vocabulary and structures, (3) exercises, (4) illustrations, and (5) physical make-

up (Chegeni, 2016, p. 2326).

General English has different functions than ESP. A General English aims

to increase students’ general ability in English. It gives students the standard and

basic English as a second language while ESP gives the clearly specified topic to

study about English. ESP is usually designed for adult learners or intermediate

and advanced students (Dudley-Evans & St. John, 1998). However, nowadays it

can be used for the under intermediate students or beginners, so that they can

study English sooner and easier.

ESP is based on students’ or learners’ specific needs. According to

Richards (2001), the description of the need is:



The term needs is not as straightforward as it might appear, and hence the
term is sometimes used to refer to wants, desires, demands, expectations,
motivations (p. 54).

According to Maslow theory, the needs is the human necessity that the

requirements must be fulfilled for satisfying (Martin & Joomis, 2007). It is

supported by the human motivation’s theory in Green (2000):

Human needs arrange themselves in hierarchies of pre-potency. That is to

say, the appearance of one need usually rests on the prior satisfaction of
another, more pre-potent need. Man is a perpetually wanting animal. Also
no need or drive can be treated as if it were isolated or discrete; every
drive is related to the state of satisfaction or dissatisfaction of other drives
(p. 370).
On the other side, the want is described as an object for satisfying the needs. Want

is also as a fulfillment of a specific need. The problem about want is framed by

cost, time, power, and space (Kotle & Keller, 2016). The want is a psychological

drive in organizing the needs. The statement about want to fulfill of the need is

indicated by Green (2000):

He dreams food, he remembers food, he thinks about food, he emotes only

about food, he perceives only food and he wants only food. The more
subtle determinants those ordinarily fuse with the physiological drives in
organizing even feeding, drinking or sexual behavior (p. 374).

Another description of needs is from David McClelland theory noted in

Branden (2000). He says that needs are related to motivation. Branden (2000)

explained that “David McClelland’s research indicates individual is motivated

based on three needs: the need for achievement, need for power and need for

affiliation” (p. 1). Branden (2000) said that need for achievement can be people’s

motivation to strive to succeed (p. 1).



The need to acquire English in order to explain the traditional foods

straightforwardly is through ESP. According to Anthony noted by Javid (2013),

“ESP is divided into two groups. The first is ESP as English for any purpose that

could be specified. The second is ESP as English for academic purposes and

professional purposes” (p. 139).

This research applied the second types of ESP about professional purposes

as the scope of English for Occupational Purposes (EOP) (Hutchinson & Waters,

1987). EOP is used for learners who want to acquire English at working area or

office that need to serve people using English.

In this research, a need analysis is used in ESP program in order to help

the learners study English effectively. According to Richards (2001), “ESP should

be based on analysis of the learners needs. The procedures used to collect

information about learners’ needs are known as a need analysis. The need analysis

is as a distinct and necessary phase in planning educational programs in part of

curriculum development” (p. 51).

The main objective of the needs analysis in ESP is to identify what

learners will be required to do with English in the target situation and how

learners might master the target language during the period of training. Need

analysis is also applied to know what and how the specific purposes of English

can be taken by students.

According to Yalden (1984), a formulation of need analysis of ESP is

material selection, curriculum design, and assessment. Then, he says that need

analysis of ESP is about a syllabus. The syllabus can be a tool to improve



students' English capability according to a particular situation. Yalden (1984)

outlined the syllabus concept:

As well as a recognition of the diversity of learners needs, wants, and

aspirations, the concept of the syllabus for second language teaching has
taken on new importance…particularly in the context of ESP programmes
(p. 14).

According to Yalden (1984), a syllabus is a new way of need analysis

formulation as ESP course. The syllabus is an administrative document to give

many materials of a specific domain as the instructional model of ESP. The usage

of ESP syllabus is more efficient and effective for the learners because it is more

relevant to the learners’ needs.

Yalden (1984) assumes that syllabus must have a component of language

such as subject material. The subject materials will form theme or topic. Then,

some topics will make a framework into specific language course. It is called a

module. The module involves materials, curriculum, methodology, assessment,

and evaluation.

2.2 The Need of Syllabus

The need of syllabus is an applied theory of ESP model. The research

theory to fulfill the need of syllabus is explained by the need for achievement

theory of McClelland and Yalden’s theory.

The need for achievement theory explains that the need for achievement

can be a step to improve the culture or heritage is through the need for

achievement motivation. The need for achievement will encourage a culture from


a community to be used as a movement. Bengkayang’s culture is a part of the

movement. The movement presented gradually or continuously will make other

people know better about the culture.

The need for achievement about culture is connected to communication.

Based on Yalden’s theory to extend culture is through language. Language is an

oral capability to inform many things about culture. English for Specific Purposes

(ESP) becomes a specialized programme which is designed to increase the

communication capability; therefore, Yalden’s theory says that ESP needs

syllabus. The concrete syllabus is the need for an administrative document such as

a module.

In 1984, Stern noted, “Every such examination has its 'syllabus', that is a

statement of the subject matter, topics, or areas to be covered by the course

leading to the particular examination” (p. 5). Yalden (1984) has described the

concrete syllabus is the need for an administrative document such as a module.

She concluded the module in its function in ESP.

The modules represent beads of topics and tasks which elicit certain
behaviours. Within each bead, a proportional approach is maintained, and
the whole string can also be arranged so as to represent a proportional shift
from form to function (in general education, for example), or from function
to form (in adult education or ESP courses) (p. 19).

Meanwhile, Allen (1984) explained about the mark of the module.

The aim of modules is to provide training in English in association with

other school subjects, and thereby to 'infuse important themes and topics of
educationally worthwhile content (p. 70)

English module can be an important instrument to answer the research

problem of acquiring English in furtherance of transferring information about



culture. In this research, the problem formulations are: (1) Do FPMKB members

need an English module of Bengkayang’s traditional foods? and (2) What kind of

English module of Bengkayang’s traditional foods do they need?

The answers to these two problems can help module designers identify

kinds of English module as guidance in explaining Bengkayang’s traditional foods

in English which in turn can help the booth-keepers improve their English

communication skills. The discussion about the result of the observation is

explained in the following subchapters.

This research is about how important English module is needed by

FPMKB members to introduce the traditional foods. First, the researcher had to

know the identity of the members. Second, the researcher had to know about the

capability of their language, their interest of learning English, and the importance

of having a module, and the syllabus prominent.

The researcher took respondents as the sample of the research on 15th of

September 2017. The sample was taken from a population of FPMKB members.

The total of the sample is 18 people. All of them are university students. There are

five questions which were asked to know about their language capability of

speaking, writing, reading, listening, and vocabulary.

The identities of the samples represent the population of FPMKB

members. Their identities are about gender and age. Here is the respondent

identity table:


Table 1. Respondent Identity

No. Name Age Gender Total

Female % Male % Sum %
1 Ani
18 3 30 1 12.5 4 22.2
2 Eni 19 1 10 0 0 1 5.6
3 Fifi
20 3 30 1 12.5 4 22.2
4 Jedi
21 2 20 1 12.5 3 16.7

5 Meti
22 1 10 3 37.5 4 22.2
6 Qiqi
>23 0 0 2 25 2 11.1
Total (%) 100 100
Total 10 55.6 8 44.4 18 100

The sample consists of six age group members. They are from 18 to 22

years old and above 23 years old. The gender groups are female and male. The

female respondents are 55.6 percent, slightly higher than the male respondents.

Between the groups, the third biggest ranges of the age are 18, 20, and 22 years

old is about 22.2 percent.

Percentage distribution to 21 years old is 16.7 percent. Then, above 23

years old is about 11.1 percent. The lowest is 19 years old with 5.6 percent. Then,


it can be recognized that the FPMKB members are mostly in the range of 18 to 22

years old.

The table displays there were males than females respondents on the age of

22 years with 75 percent. In male group, the researcher recognized that male of 22

years group is the biggest sum with 37.5 percent than other. At female group on

the table, the researchers identified that the biggest sum of age group is 18 and 20

years old, with each is in 30 percent.

Before the researcher looked at the need for an ESP module, the researcher

would see about the self-capability of FPMKB members. They are about

speaking, writing, reading, listening, and vocabulary. According to Yalden’s

theory about the module, the capability is divided into two groups. They are non-

administrative capability and administrative capability. The administrative

capability is related to the need of other tools to support the capability. They are

writing and reading capability. The two skills need tools such as pencil, ballpoint,

and paper. The non-administrative capability is related to the capability that does

not need the tools.

In English language, there are four basic language skills. They are

listening, speaking, reading and writing. In 2004, Lotherington said based on

Baker that, “the four basic language abilities are commonly regarded as listening,

speaking, reading and writing” (p. 65).

Moreover, Aydogan (2014) mentioned the dividing of basic skills in

English, “Basic skills of English language are divided two groups, macro-skills

and micro-skills. Macro-skills are listening, speaking, reading and writing. Micro-


skills are vocabulary, grammar, pronunciation and spelling. Macro-skills are the

ability about oral and written competence of communication. The oral

competence: listening and speaking. The written competence: reading and writing.

Reading and listening are called the input or reception while speaking and writing

are called output or production. From the input, the learners can improve micro-

skills. The combination of the reception and micro-skills will build the productive

skills; speaking and writing” (pp. 673-674).

In this paper, the researcher used speaking as a representation of macro-

skills and vocabulary as a representation of micro-skills. Accordingly, both are

displayed for the two tables.

Table 2. Self-Capability: Speaking

Value Frequency Percentage

Bad 3 16.7
Enough 13 72.2
Good 1 5.6
Best 1 5.6
Total 18 100.0

In the speaking table, the researcher knew that the most capability of the

members is enough. There are 13 answers from the sample. It is 72.2 percent, so

that the members have good capability to introduce their traditional foods.

Speaking skill is important to tell about traditional foods for foreigners to take

information. Speaking is one of macro-skills of English. If the booth-keepers are

in an enough condition of speaking skills, it will be their basic skill to explain

about culture to the foreigners. Although speaking is the basic skill in



communication, the booth-keepers still need another skill in English called micro-

skills to make speaking skill better. It is vocabulary. The table of vocabulary

capability is as below:

Table 3. Self-Capability: Vocabulary

Value Frequency Percentage

Worst 1 5.6
Bad 6 33.3
Enough 8 44.4
Good 3 16.7
Total 18 100.0

The table shows us about the highest vocabulary capability of FPMKB

members is in a fair condition. It is in 44.4 percent. A good group is in 16.7

percent. The good and enough group are in 61.1 percent. It can be identified that

the vocabulary capability of FPMKB members is in a good condition.

Because the tables above show that the statistical value majority range is

good capability, FPMBK’s members have a good position in speaking and

vocabulary skills.

2.3 FPMKB Members Knowledge about Traditional Foods

FPMKB members’ knowledge about traditional foods is good enough on

condition that they explain it in Indonesian. They know the special things of

Bengkayang’s traditional foods if they are compared to other foods from another

area. However, the issue is about how the members effortlessly explain the foods

to the foreigners in English. In order to explore the knowledge of the members,

the researcher used a qualitative method. The qualitative method used an



interview guideline to explore the knowledge of FPMKB members. The field

research told us that the majority of the members comprehend their traditional

foods. Several traditional foods they mentioned are cucur, tempoyak, tumpi,

pekasam, dange, lempok, lemang, kue keranjang, and kelepon. The foods are

made from local ingredients or local environment, for example, durian fruit.

Durian fruit is majority plants in West Borneo. Durian is the basic ingredient to

make some famous traditional foods in Bengkayang, such as Lempok and


Then, they also told that traditional foods become famous in Bengkayang

because they are always provided by the people when they hold the local

ceremonial, such as wedding ceremony and traditional event. The interview data

proved such as below:

“Researcher: Do you know about Bengkayang’s traditional foods?

Participant: Yes, I know. Bengkayang’s traditional foods are cucur,
tempoyak, tumpi, pekasam, dange, lempok, and lemang.”

Other participants answered below:

“I know it because the traditional foods are always made in traditional

wedding ceremonial. They are the dishes and ceremonial complement.”

“I know enough about the traditional foods because I have been living in
Bengkayang since a young age.”

Bengkayang’s traditional foods are made from local environment sources,

such as local plantation and animal which is easy to be found. Three of the most

popular traditional foods are lempok, tempoyak, and lemang. Lempok and

tempoyak as traditional foods made from Durian fruit, while Lemang is as



traditional food made from glutinous rice cooked in hollow bamboo. It is wrapped

with banana’s leaves and entered in the bamboo then roasted for about five hours.

All of FPMKB members know about the three traditional foods. They tell

that lempok or often called as dodol has durian fruit as the main ingredient in five

to eight hours cooking. Dodol durian is kind of sweet candy which is sticky and

rubbery. Tempoyak is made from fermented durian for few days. The participant

told as below:

“Lemang is one of Bengkayang’s traditional foods made from glutinous

rice cooked in a piece bamboo, and it is roll-wrapped with banana’s

Other participants told as below:

“Lempok is made from durian fruit as dodol. Tempoyak is made from

fermented durian fruit meat separating from its seeds.”

The 18 participants agreed that the traditional foods have plenty of

uniqueness. All of them gave information that the foods are special because of the

five aspects clarified below:

a. The Taste

Fourteen of the participants said that Bengkayang’s traditional foods have

a special taste which cannot be found in other regions. The foods make each

people experience the different taste in one bite, thus, it will be an unforgettable

moment. The information related to the special taste of Bengkayang’s traditional

foods assumed by Ani:

“These traditional foods have an exclusive taste.”



The above citation proves that the taste is one special thing that must be included

in the explanation of the module of Bengkayang’s traditional foods.

b. The Package

Six of the participants agreed that the traditional foods also have special

packing for its prominent. The things that make Bengkayang’s traditional foods

special are the usage of bamboo as a natural container and a simple plastic food

container to prepare. Bibi approved related to the special package:

“The traditional food is served with a simple packaging using the natural

The information explains that the packaging is one unique thing because it uses

the simple and natural resources. As a result, it can be one of the subject matters

of the explanation of Bengkayang traditional foods module.

c. The Ingredients

Three of the participants told that people use natural and simple

ingredients for the traditional foods. It is easy to find because the resources are

from the local environment. All of the ingredients are from natural resources

which can be found in Bengkayang. Cici said related to the special ingredients:

“... the ingredients of the traditional foods are from nature.”

The ingredients are food identity used original resources from a region. The

ingredients surrounding in Bengkayang Region dished up prominent uniqueness.

Henceforth, the ingredients should be in Bengkayang traditional food module.



d. The Tools

Two of the participants explained that to make the traditional foods,

Bengkayang’s people use traditional tools which are usually from nature. Besides

modern tools, the effect of traditional tools makes the food taste different. It

makes the food fresher, tastier, more aromatic, and long-lasting. Didi made clear

related to the special tools:

“…the traditional food is made by using the traditional tools which still
The tools for making Bengkayang traditional foods are arranged for the

combination of the traditional and modern peripherals. The tools process the

traditional foods until they have a special quality that different from other foods.

Hereafter, it must be in the module.

e. The Way for Cooking

Six of the participants informed that the method to cook is unique. It uses

the traditional cooking method. Hence, the output of the foods is rarely for the

example is tempoyak. It only uses salt, afterward; it is poured into durian fruit and

laid in the glass/plastic container for few days. Then it can be served and it will be

in a good condition for more than a year. Eni said in the open-ended question:

“The special thing about the Bengkayang’s traditional foods is the way it is

The citation above proves that the way for making Bengkayang traditional foods

are truly unique and out of ordinary. This subject must be in the module in order

to complete the fourth subject matters above.

The information above, it can be identified that the knowledge and self-

capability are the basic resources to create a good communication in giving an



explanation about the traditional foods to foreigners. However, there is still a

problem to do with the communication and it is related to a psychological

problem. It is about self-confidence. Some people have no self-confidence when

they tell something in English. Four of the participants said that they often feel

nervous when they have to talk to foreigners. Fifi gave opinion related to the

nervous feeling:

“Researcher: If the three traditional foods must be explained and

demonstrated to foreigners in PSBDK event, are you confident to tell it in
Fifi: “No, because I am still nervous about my vocabulary and speaking.”

Therefore, it is a necessity to take anticipation for decreasing the psychological


2.4 The Need of English Module

The need of English module is also known as the need of English syllabus

in Yalden’s theory (1984). According to Yalden (1984), the solution is about

releasing a module. So, English module to explain the traditional foods is needed,

primarily, to explain the traditional foods. McClelland (MindTools Content Team,

2017) says the module can be a way to be a need for achievement motivation.

The solution helps FPMKB members to explain traditional foods by using

the English module. Gigi said that:

“Yes, because when we use the (English) module, it helps us in explaining

the material easily.”

The statistical data shows us about the need of syllabus such as English

module formulation. For this research, the data is made from quantitative research


model. It told us about the need of English module. The need is according to two

groups. The first group is the need for the type of achievement. They are

motivation, interest, and importance. Then, the second group is about module

function to improve their English capability and their self-confidence. The table of

interest is as follows:

Table 4. Interest

Value Frequency Percentage

Very Low 1 5.6
Medium 5 27.8
High 7 38.9
Very High 5 27.8
Total 18 100.0

Table 4 announces us about how important FPMKB members need an

English module. The Very Low group has 5.6 percent translates into 1 answer.

The medium group has 27.8 percent projected to 5 answers. Furthermore, the high

level has less than 40 percent or 38.9 percent, represents 7 answers. The very high

level has 27.8 percent or 5 answers. By combination, the high and very high levels

are more than half of the samples or 66.7 percent.

Later, the interesting rate is supported by motivation data. Motivation data

shows us about FPMKB members’ motivation which needs a syllabus such as

English module. The data tells us as follows:



Table 5. Motivation

Value Frequency Percentage

Very Low 1 5.6
Medium 4 22.2
High 11 61.1
Very High 2 11.1
Total 18 100.0

Table 5 shows us the need of a module for FPMKB members. The very

low group has 5.6 percent translates into 1 answer. The medium group has 22.2

percent projected to 4 answers. Therefore, The high level has more than 50

percent or 61.1 percent, represents 11 answers. The very high level has 11.1

percent or 2 answers. By combination, the high and very high levels are more than

half of the samples or 72.2 percent.

FPMKB members believe that the English module will be beneficial. It is

for improving their self-confidence and their English capability. The data will be

in two following tables:

Table 6. To Improve Confidence and Material Needed

Value Frequency Percentage

Very Low 1 5.6
Medium 7 38.9
High 6 33.3
Very High 4 22.2
Total 18 100.0

Table 6 conducts us about the need for FPMKB members to improve the

confidence and the need of the material. The very low group has 5.6 percent


translates into 1 answer. The medium group has less than 38.9 percent projected to

7 answers. So, the high level has less than 35 percent or 33.3 percent, represents 6

answers. The very high level has 22.2 percent or 4 answers. By combination, the

high and very high levels are more than half of the samples or 55.5 percent. The

module will help all of the FPMKB members to increase their English capability

and also improve their confidence. The statistical data shows us as below:

Tabel 7. Improving English Knowledge Increases the Confidence

Value Frequency Percentage

Very Low 1 5.6
Medium 3 16.7
High 10 55.6
Very High 4 22.2
Total 18 100.0

Table 7 displays us about FPMKB members’ belief. Their belief is an

English module will improve their English knowledge. From the data, improving

English knowledge increases their confidence too. The very low group has 5.6

percent translates into 1 answer. The medium group has 16.7 percent projected to

3 answers. Thus, the high level has more than 50 percent or 55.6 percent,

represents 10 answers. The very high level has 22.2 percent or 4 answers. By

combination, the high and very high levels are more than half of the samples or

77.8 percent.

From the data above, it can be identified that all members need an English

module as the tool in explaining Bengkayang’s traditional foods to foreigners. The

need of the English module is more than 50 percent which means that it is in a


High condition. The data is proven by four tables. They are the table of interest,

table of motivation, table of to improve confidence and material needed, and table

of improving English knowledge increases the confidence. All of the tables

indicate that their need is in a high condition. Therefore, this is the answer to the

first research question “Do FPMKB members need an English module of

Bengkayang’s traditional foods?”.

Since English is an international language, the existence of the English

module will be a benefit for the members. Through English, they can

communicate to foreigners in PSBDK annual event. Because the event is not only

visited by local tourists but also foreigners, they can use it as a guideline to speak

clearly. They also believe the module can improve their English knowledge and

vocabulary. Furthermore, the English module can be a tool for each FPMKB

member in order to train them in being a good booth-keeper.

2.5 Substance of Module

The substance of English module of Bengkayang’s traditional foods is

discussed in this section. This is the answer to the problem of the English module

of Bengkayang’s traditional foods like do they need. This substance consists of

what materials are needed in the module. Therefore, the module must contain the

more prominent of Bengkayang’s traditional foods that show that it is different

from the other foods. There are six substances that should be in the module. These

consist of (1) the kind of Bengkayang’s traditional foods, (2) the pictures of

Bengkayang’s traditional foods, (3) the explanation of Bengkayang’s traditional



foods, (4) the ingredients of Bengkayang’s traditional foods, (5) the traditional

tools to cook, and (6) the traditional manner of cooking. Thenceforth, it will be the

curriculum design as Yalden’s said. The six substances will be displayed in the

following tables.

Table 8. Kind of Bengkayang’s Traditional Foods

Value Frequency Percentage

Low 2 11.1
Medium 8 44.4
High 7 38.9
Very High 1 5.6
Total 18 100.0

Table 8 shows that the module must contain Bengkayang’s traditional

foods. The low group has 11.1 percent translates into 2 answers. The medium

group has 44.4 percent projected to 8 answers. Hence, the high level has 38.9

percent, represents 7 answers. The very high level has 5.6 percent or 1 answer. By

combination, the medium, high and very high levels are more than half of the

samples or 88.9 percent.

Afterwards, the module should consist of three famous traditional foods in

Bengkayang Regency such as lemang, lempok, and tempoyak. It also has to

provide the picture of, at least, the three traditional foods. The need of the picture

as one of the substances in the module is mentioned as the statistical data says



Table 9. Food Picture

Value Frequency Percentage

Low 3 16.7
Medium 3 16.7
High 8 44.4
Very High 4 22.2
Total 18 100.0

Table 9 shows us about the need of picture in the module. The low group

has 16.7 percent translates into 3 answers. The medium group has 16.7 percent

projected to 3 answers. Furthermore, the high level has 44.4 percent, represents 8

answers. The very high level has 22.2 percent or 4 answers. By combination, the

medium, high and very high level are more than half of the samples or


However, the module does not only provide the picture, it should have an

explanation of it. The need of the explanation about Bengkayang’s traditional

foods is mentioned as below:

Table 10. Food Explanation

Value Frequency Percentage

Low 1 5.6
Medium 8 44.4
High 7 38.9
Very High 2 11.1
Total 18 100.0

Table 10 displays that the food explanation is needed. The low group has

5.6 percent translates into 1 answer. The medium group has 44.4 percent projected


to 8 answers. Hence, the high level has 38.9 percent, represents 7 answers. The

very high level has 11.1 percent or 2 answers. By combination, the medium, high

and very high level are more than half of the samples or 94.4 percent.

After having the traditional foods, the pictures of the traditional foods, and

the food explanation, the module needs the ingredients for the substance of the

module as well. The statistical data about ingredients is as follows:

Table 11. Ingredients

Value Frequency Percentage

Low 2 11.1
Medium 5 27.8
High 7 38.9
Very High 4 22.2
Total 18 100.0

Table 11 of ingredients tells us that the need is in a high condition. The

low group has 11.1 percent translates into 2 answers. The medium group has 27.8

percent projected to 5 answers. Therefore, The high level has 38.9 percent,

represents 7 answers. The very high level has 22.2 percent or 4 answers. By

combination, the medium, high and very high level are more than half of the

samples or 88.9 percent.

After that, the researcher also needs the traditional tools as one of the

substances inside the module. The data will introduce as follows:



Table 12. Traditional Tools

Value Frequency Percentage

Low 1 5.6
Medium 6 33.3
High 7 38.9
Very High 4 22.2
Total 18 100.0

Table 12 tells us about the need of the traditional tools within the module.

The low group has 5.6 percent translates into 1 answer. The medium group has

33.3 percent projected to 6 answers. Hence, the high level has 38.9 percent,

represents 7 answers. The very high level has 22.2 percent or 4 answers. By

combination, the medium, high and very high level are more than half of the

samples or 94.4 percent. The last substance of the module is about the manner of

cooking. The need of the manner of cooking is told as below:

Table 13. Manner of Cooking

Value Frequency Percentage

Low 1 5.6
Medium 4 22.2
High 9 50.0
Very High 4 22.2
Total 18 100.0

Table 13 tells us about the need for the cooking manner on Bengkayang’s

traditional foods. The low group has 5.6 percent translates into 1 answer. The

medium group has 22.2 percent projected to 4 answers. So, the high level has 50.0

percent, represents 9 answers. The very high level has 22.2 percent or 4 answers.


By combination, the medium, high and very high level are more than half of the

samples or 94.4 percent.

All of the information above tells us that the substance of the module must

consist of six points. They are Bengkayang’s traditional foods, the picture, the

explanations, the ingredients, the traditional tools, and the manner of cooking.

Finally, statistical data tell us through the six table of Substance of Module. Here

it can be identified that the six substances are proven in high condition needed.

Therefore, at least, the English module must contain the six substances.

Furthermore, this is the answer to the second research question “What kind of

English module of Bengkayang’s traditional foods do they need?”.



This chapter presents the conclusion of this research. It highlights that the

need and the kind of English module of Bengkayang’s traditional foods.

3.1 Conclusions

This research implemented two methods. They were quantitative and

qualitative methods. Quantitative took numerical data from the respondents. As a

sample, the respondents were taken from FPMKB members’ population.

Afterward, qualitative takes non-numerical data. The participant is taken from

some students as members in FPMKB.

The first research question of this research is as follows: “Do FPMKB

members need an English module of Bengkayang’s traditional foods?”. This

research proves that all of the members need an English module to introduce

Bengkayang’s traditional foods. The foods are of three famous foods, namely:

lempok, lemang, and tempoyak. The need for the module is proven by numerical

data. The data says about the tables of (1) interest, (2) motivation, (3) to improve

confidence and material needed, and (4) improving English knowledge increases

their confidence. All of the tables show that they are in high condition.

The benefits of the module are for the FPMKB members so that they can:

(1) use it as guideline to speak, (2) use it as a guide about what must be explained

to foreigners, (3) explain what should be informed clearer, faster, and easier, (4)

use it as improvement for their English knowledge and their vocabulary, and (5)



use the module as a tool to train the FPMKB members especially the booth-


Then, the second research question is “What kind of English module of

Bengkayang’s traditional foods do they need?”. The participants clarified that the

substance materials of the module must contain at least the following aspects: (1)

kind of Bengkayang’s traditional foods, (2) the picture, (3) the explanations, (4)

the ingredients, (5) traditional tools, and (6) traditional manner of cooking.

The researcher concludes that FPMKB members need an English module

of Bengkayang’s traditional foods which consist of six features: (1) Bengkayang’s

traditional foods, (2) the picture, (3) the explanations, (4) the ingredients, (5) the

tools, and (6) the way for cooking.



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