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Jeffy’s Easy Peasy Text Template to Get You the Date – In THREE Steps

Whether you met her last night at the club, or met her on the internet, once you get the number the
steps to getting her out on the date remain the same. With this simple template, you’ll be able to do
that… and GET LAID, extremely consistently.


When you’re ready to go out with her, that morning send out a pure value-giving text. By “value-giving”
I mean something that doesn’t ask anything of her, that doesn’t put any pressure on her to respond
unless SHE wants to, and that somehow ADDS to her day. This could consist of an anecdote, a joke, a
funny meme or image macro etc.

Bad Examples:

1. Hey what are you doing now?

2. Wanna go out later?

Good Examples:

1. I’m at the gym. I wanna be totally fuckin jacked for our romantic date.
2. WOO HOO guess what? I just got Obamacare. Obama cares for me.

This shows her that you are not NEEDY, and gives her space to MEET YOU IN THE MIDDLE.


Wait for her response. Wait at least two hours before arriving at the conclusion she’s not going to
answer. DEFINITELY don’t send MORE texts during this time. I suspect that women will actually in some
cases WAIT to respond, just to see if you’re going to send more dumb shit, and blow your cover and
expose the THIRSTY loser that lies beneath.

If, after the two hours have elapsed and she’s given NO response, then you assume it’s not going down
that night, and move on to the next girl in your lineup. Hit the first girl up again a few days later, with
another value giving text. If she doesn’t respond the second time, then DELETE her number… move on,
full abundance.

If she responds at ALL what does that tell you? THAT THE PHONE IS IN HER HAND AND SHE IS LOOKING

What you want to do now is simply GO FOR THE MEETUP. You can improv a bit, and riff on what she said
with a quick line, but then you just say this:

Let’s meet up later.

That’s it. No “what are you doing later”, no “when are you free this week”… you simply say LET’S MEET
UP LATER. Short, sweet and very much to the POINT. And that’s it. Remember, the ONLY point of the
phone interaction is to get her to meet you out. Not indulge in endless textual ass-grabbery.

It’s important to note here that you want a DEFINITIVE response. If she gives anything but a HARD “YES”
then steer the conversation back to the date suggestion until you get solid confirmation. Take a look at
this example:

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