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Brain & Development xxx (2018) xxx–xxx

Original article

Association of developing childhood epilepsy subsequent to

febrile seizure: A population-based cohort study
Lin-Mei Chiang a,1, Go-Shine Huang b,1, Chi-Chin Sun c,d, Ying-Li Hsiao e,
Chung Kun Hui f, Mei-Hua Hu g,h,⇑
Department of Pediatric, Keelung Branch, Chang Gung Memorial Hospital, College of Medicine, Chang Gung University, Taoyuan, Taiwan
Department of Anesthesiology, Tri-Service General Hospital, National Defense Medical Center, Taiwan
Department of Ophthalmology, Keelung Branch, Chang Gung Memorial Hospital, College of Medicine, Chang Gung University, Taoyuan, Taiwan
Department of Chinese Medicine, Chang Gung University, Taoyuan, Taiwan
Department of Medical Research and Development, Keelung Branch, Chang Gung Memorial Hospital, Taiwan
Department of Anesthesiology, Keelung Branch, Chang Gung Memorial Hospital, College of Medicine, Chang Gung University, Taoyuan, Taiwan
Division of Pediatric General Medicine, Chang Gung Memorial Hospital, LinKou Branch, College of Medicine,
Chang Gung University, Taoyuan, Taiwan
Graduate Institute of Clinical Medical Sciences, College of Medicine, Chang Gung University, Taoyuan, Taiwan

Received 5 April 2017; received in revised form 15 June 2017; accepted 9 May 2018


Purpose: Epilepsy is an important neurological condition that frequently associated with neurobehavioral disorders in child-
hood. Our aim was to identify the risk of developing epilepsy subsequent to febrile seizure and the association between epilepsy risk
factors and neurobehavioral disorders.
Subjects and methods: This longitudinal population-based cohort data included 952 patients with a febrile seizure diagnosis and
3808 age- and sex-matched controls. Participants were recruited for the study from 1996 to 2011, and all patients were followed up
for maximum 12.34 years.
Results: The association of epilepsy was significantly higher (18.76-fold) in individuals that experienced febrile seizure compared
to controls. Further, of those individuals who experienced febrile seizure, the frequency of subsequent development of epilepsy was
2.15-fold greater in females, 4.846-fold greater in patients with recurrent febrile seizure, and 11.26-fold greater patients with comor-
bid autism.
Conclusions: Our study showed that being female, comorbid autism with febrile seizure and recurrent febrile seizure had an
increased association with development of epilepsy. Increased recognition the association for epilepsy might be warranted in those
febrile seizure children with certain characteristics.
Ó 2018 The Japanese Society of Child Neurology. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Epilepsy; Autism; Comorbidity; Recurrent febrile seizure

⇑ Corresponding author at: Division of Pediatric General Medicine,

1. Introduction
Chang Gung Memorial Hospital, LinKou Branch, College of
Medicine, Chang Gung University, 12L, No.5, Fu-Shin Street, Epilepsy is an important spectrum of neurological
Kwei-shan 333, Taoyuan, Taiwan. condition that frequently associated with cognitive
E-mail address: (M.-H. Hu). impairment and neurobehavioral disorders in childhood.
These authors are contributed equally to this work.
0387-7604/Ó 2018 The Japanese Society of Child Neurology. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Please cite this article in press as: Chiang L-M et al. Association of developing childhood epilepsy subsequent to febrile seizure: A population-
based cohort study. Brain Dev (2018),
2 L.-M. Chiang et al. / Brain & Development xxx (2018) xxx–xxx

With the increasing recognition of epilepsy, many inves- incomes are accessible. However, the Personal Informa-
tigators have attempted to identify factors that increase tion Privacy Act required that each patient’s original
the risk of developing epilepsy [1]. More than 50 million identification number be encrypted in the cohort data.
people worldwide have epilepsy [2], and 10–20% of epi- To our knowledge, the NHIRD database is one of
lepsy patients have had a febrile seizure (FS). FS is the the largest nationwide population-based databases in
most common convulsion that occurs in childhood; FS the world, and its use has resulted in publication of
affects 2–5% of all children and usually appears between many scientific manuscripts. Our data included
6 months and 6 years of age [3,4]. Although some studies 1,000,000 randomly sampled NHIRD insurant regis-
have found a higher risk of developing epilepsy after FS tered in 2005, either during hospitalization or subse-
[5–8], the association between FS and subsequent epi- quent outpatient department visits. These cohort data
lepsy has not been the subject of adequate numbers of also included each patient’s longitudinal medical records
population-based studies. Furthermore, the association following registration. This study was approved by the
between epilepsy risk factors and neurobehavioral disor- Institutional Review Board (IRB-103-0779B) of Chang
ders comorbid with FS has not been investigated in a Gung Medical Hospital.
population-based study. The study cohort consisted of individuals aged 6
In the present study, we aimed to determine the asso- months to 6 years who were diagnosed with FS (Interna-
ciation between comorbidities and the subsequent risk tional Classification of Diseases, Ninth Revision; ICD-
of epilepsy in febrile seizure. Therefore, we performed 9: code 78031) between January 1996 and December
an association study on comorbidities in children with 2011. Exclusion criteria included: previous epilepsy
a history of FS and subsequent epilepsy development. (ICD-9 code: 345x), previous cerebral palsy (343x), or
Using the National Health Insurance Research Data- within one month of being diagnosed or concurrently
base (NHIRD), we conducted a nationwide diagnosed with meningitis (320x, 047x, 049x) or
population-based study to investigate the relationship encephalitis (062x, 323x). The control group was ran-
between FS and subsequent epilepsy incidence. domly sampled and selected four times according to
the same criteria used for the study cohort, and was
2. Subjects and methods matched according to age, sex, and index year (Fig. 1).
The primary outcome of the study was the occurrence
The NHIRD included 99% of the 23 million residents of decision-making claims of epilepsy (ICD-9-CM code:
of Taiwan. The National Health Insurance (NHI) pro- 345x) as the main diagnosis and anticonvulsant medica-
gram provides for approximately 90% of medical cover- tion prescribed for at least 3 months by a board-certified
age and examinations by board-certified medical physician.
physicians and institutions. Therefore, information Recurrent FS (ICD-9 code: 78031) was defined as the
regarding diseases diagnoses, medication, and familial occurrence of FS more than once in the same patient

Fig. 1. Research design flow chart of the present study. ICD-9: International Classification of Diseases, Ninth Revision.

Please cite this article in press as: Chiang L-M et al. Association of developing childhood epilepsy subsequent to febrile seizure: A population-
based cohort study. Brain Dev (2018),
L.-M. Chiang et al. / Brain & Development xxx (2018) xxx–xxx 3

over an at least 5-day interval. Comorbidities included p = 0.019), ADHD (odds ratio: 1.39, p = 0.011), asthma
autism (ICD-9: 299x), attention deficit hyperactivity dis- (odds ratio: 1.397, p < 0.0001), allergic rhinitis (odds
order (ADHD; ICD-9: 314x), Tourette syndrome/tic ratio: 1.334, p = 0.0002), and atopic dermatitis (odds
disorder (ICD-9: 30720, 30721, 30722, 30723, 3333), ratio: 1.236, p = 0.0006) than non-FS subjects. The
asthma (ICD-9: 493x), allergic rhinitis (ICD-9: 477x), medications used for seizure treatment for patients with
and atopic dermatitis (ICD-9: 6918). All patients were FS included diazepam (18.48%), phenobarbital (2.73%),
followed-up until December 31, 2011. and lorazepam (1.89%).
Statistical analyses were performed using Statistical During a maximum 12.34 years’ follow up (mean 5.
Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) software, version 96 ± 1.51 years), 32 (3.36%) of the FS patients were
18 (SPSS, Inc.). A stratified Cox proportional hazards diagnosed with epilepsy, and 7 non-FS subjects
regression analysis was performed to examine the risk (0.18%) were diagnosed with epilepsy. Fig. 2 exhibits
of new-onset epilepsy during the follow-up years in the results of a Kaplan-Meier analysis and the log-
patients with and without FS. All patient data were rank test showed that febrile seizure had significantly
recorded from the index date until epilepsy presentation higher incidence of epilepsy than non-FS subjects (P <
or December 31, 2011. Relative risk ratio and 95% con- 0.001). The annual incidence rate of epilepsy in the FS
fidence intervals (CIs) were calculated to indicate the cohort (537.81/100,000 person-years) was significantly
risk of epilepsy. A P value <0.05 (two-tailed) was con- higher than the control cohort (28.66/100,000 person-
sidered to indicate statistical significance. The Kaplan- years), yielding an incidence rate ratio of 18.76 between
Meier method was used to calculate time-to-event end these two groups (Table 2).
point, and a log-rank test was used to compare the In patients with a history of FS, the incidence of epi-
cohorts. lepsy in females was 2.15-fold greater than that in males
(95% CI: 1.019–4.545). Furthermore, 373 children
3. Results (39.2%) with FS had recurrent FS, and those with recur-
rent FS had a 4.846-fold greater risk of epilepsy com-
In total, 952 patients from the NHIRD fulfilled the pared with those without recurrent FS (95% CI: 2.07–
inclusion criteria. Non-FS patients were age- and sex- 11.344). Additionally, multivariate analysis revealed
matched, and included 3808 individuals (Fig. 1). The that comorbid autism significantly increased the rate
distributions of the demographic variables and comor- of subsequent epilepsy in patients with FS (HR: 11.26,
bidities of the FS and non-FS cohorts are shown in 95% CI: 2.513–50.469). However, neither comorbidities
Table 1. The mean index age of the FS and non-FS (ADHD, asthma, allergic rhinitis, atopic dermatitis),
cohorts was 2.697 ± 1.217 years, with most individuals nor therapy with anticonvulsant medications was associ-
(51.79%) being 2–4 years old. Patient with newly ated with epilepsy occurrence after adjusting for the
diagnosed FS had more autism (odds ratio: 2.018, duration of FS since diagnosis (Table 3).

Table 1
Demographic characteristic of children with febrile seizure and the control group.
Variable Febrile seizure (n = 952) Control Odds ratio P value
(n = 3808)
Total % Total %
Age (Mean ± SD) 2.697 ± 1.217 2.697 ± 1.217
<2 year 307 32.25 1228 32.25 N/A
2–<4 years 493 51.79 1972 51.79 N/A
=4 years 152 15.97 608 15.97 N/A
Gender (M) 552 57.98 2208 57.98 N/A
Autism 17 1.79 34 0.89 2.018 0.019
ADHD 87 9.14 257 6.75 1.39 0.0111
Tourette/Tic disorder 21 2.21 57 1.5 1.485 0.1251
Asthma 481 50.53 1608 42.23 1.397 <0.0001
Allergic rhinitis 656 68.91 2377 62.42 1.334 0.0002
Atopic dermatitis 326 34.24 1129 29.65 1.236 0.0006
Diazepam 176 18.48
Phenobarbital 26 2.73
Lorazepam 18 1.89
FS, febrile seizure; SD, standard deviation; CI, confidence interval; M, male; N/A, not applicable; ADHD, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder.

Please cite this article in press as: Chiang L-M et al. Association of developing childhood epilepsy subsequent to febrile seizure: A population-
based cohort study. Brain Dev (2018),
4 L.-M. Chiang et al. / Brain & Development xxx (2018) xxx–xxx

increased age of FS onset. Furthermore, being female,

experiencing recurrent FS, and autism comorbidity
increased the incidence rate of subsequent epilepsy.
Our study results demonstrated that FS patients car-
ried an 18.76-fold increased association of developing
epilepsy compared with the non-FS group. This finding
supports previous reports that FS may be an indepen-
dent risk factor for epilepsy [9]. Although the results cer-
tainly showed causal relationship between epilepsy
following FS, the direct cause of epilepsy remains
unknown from the present study. FS may be associated
with, or cause brain damage; or alternatively, they may
be the first expression of a genetic or lesion predisposi-
tion to epilepsy. For the same reason, autism and other
neurodevelopmental disorders, which are often accom-
Fig. 2. Kaplan-Meier estimates of survival free of epilepsy events in panied with epilepsy, may not be the cause of epilepsy
subjects categorized by febrile seizure. The event-free survival rates but the result from the same etiology.
were significantly different in two groups (P value <0.001 by log-rank The pathophysiology of epilepsy and FS remain
test). unclear. Multiple risk factors—including genetic suscep-
tibility, defects in iron channel function and associated
4. Discussion proteins, modulation of cytokine-related processes,
oxidative stress, regulation of neuronal excitability, vac-
This is the first study of the association between epi- cination, and exogenous agents such as viruses—are
lepsy development and FS comorbidities in a nationwide thought to play a role in epilepsy development after
cohort dataset in Taiwan. The current study revealed FS [10–12]. Genetic association studies showed that
that FS was associated with an increased association SCN1A, IL-1b, CHRNA4, and GABRG2 were most
of future epilepsy development in this cohort after a commonly associated with both FS and epilepsy [13].
maximum of 12.34 years of follow-up. Additionally, a Similar to previous studies, our longitudinal nation-
decreased risk of epilepsy was associated with an wide study revealed that FS had an increased

Table 2
Incidence of epilepsy in febrile seizure and control cohorts.
Patient numbers Person-Years Epilepsy events Incidence rate IRR 95%CI p-value
Control cohort 3808 24,421 7 28.66 reference reference
Febrile seizure 952 5950 32 537.81 18.76 (8.28–42.51) <0.0001
IRR, incidence rate ratio; CI, confidence interval.

Table 3
Risk of subsequent epilepsy in patients with febrile seizure.
Variable Epilepsy (n = 32) Non epilepsy (n = 920) Univariate analysis Multivariate analysis P
Total % Total % HR (95% CI) HR (95% CI)
Age (Mean ± SD) 2.31 ± 1.14 2.71 ± 1.22 0.575 (0.33–1.001)
<2 year 16 50 291 31.6 2.076 (1.038–4.152) 2.083 (0.599–7.25) 0.247
2–<4 years 13 40.6 480 52.2 0.627 (0.309–1.269) 0.997 (0.28–3.549) 0.999
=4 years 3 9.4 149 16.2 0.573 (0.175–1.883) N/A
Gender (Male) 13 40.6 539 58.6 0.497 (0.246–1.007) 0.465 (0.22–0.981) 0.044
(Female) 19 59.4 381 41.4 2.011 (0.993–4.073) 2.15 (1.019–4.545) 0.044
Recurrent Febrile seizures 25 78.1 348 37.8 2.51 (1.671–3.77) 4.846 (2.07–11.344) 0.0003
Autism 3 9.4 14 1.5 8.902 (2.45–32.25) 11.26 (2.513–50.469) 0.0016
ADHD 3 9.4 84 9.1 0.676 (0.166–2.753) 0.492 (0.107–2.259) 0.362
Asthma 16 50 465 50.5 0.989 (0.527–1.859) 0.831 (0.394–1.753) 0.628
Allergic rhinitis 25 78.1 631 68.6 1.438 (0.918–2.253) 1.682 (0.692–4.089) 0.251
Atopic dermatitis 12 37.5 314 34.1 1.826 (0.893–3.374) 1.143 (0.546–2.389) 0.723
Anticonvulsant usage 13 40.6 245 26.6 1.434 (0.822–2.503) 1.073 (0.513–2.245) 0.851
HR, hazard ratio; CI, confidence interval; SD, standard deviation; N/A, not applicable; ADHD, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder.

Please cite this article in press as: Chiang L-M et al. Association of developing childhood epilepsy subsequent to febrile seizure: A population-
based cohort study. Brain Dev (2018),
L.-M. Chiang et al. / Brain & Development xxx (2018) xxx–xxx 5

association with allergic comorbidities, including identification of subsequent epilepsy are necessary and
asthma, allergic rhinitis, and atopic dermatitis, when should include variables such as genetic background.
compared with the non-FS group [14]. Dysregulation This study had a number of strengths. First, this was
of inflammatory cytokines plays a role in neuromodula- a population-based study of FS, and the control group
tory functions and contributes to neuronal hyperex- was selected from patients who did not develop FS dur-
citability in FS [15,16]. However, these comorbidities, ing the study period. The study cohort included sampled
or therapy with anticonvulsant medications were not 99% of the registered population; all comorbidities and
found to be associated with the risk of epilepsy after medications prescribed by board-certificated physicians
adjustment for the duration of FS since diagnosis. This and medical clinics or hospitals during the study were
finding suggests FS or certain underlying comorbidities, obtained for analysis. This participant sampling allowed
not anticonvulsant agents, are more important determi- us to avoid issues with patients visiting other clinics or
nants of future risk of developing epilepsy. hospitals that occurs in most longitudinal studies and
We found that 39.2% of children with FS experienced minimized the possibility of recall bias.
a recurrence after their first episode of FS, which led to a However, there were several limitations to our study.
4.846-fold greater risk of developing subsequent epilepsy First, the diagnoses of FS and epilepsy were identified
compared with individuals without recurrent FS. Our using the ICD-9 code in the database, which lacked
results and those of others suggest that an increased risk information on family history of FS or epilepsy, dura-
of subsequent epilepsy in recurrent FS might be due to tion of the febrile seizure, simple or complex FS, cases
genetic susceptibility, multifactorial seizure mechanisms, of febrile status epilepticus, focal or generalized epilep-
or brain damage due to recurrent FS [17]. sies, or descriptions of etiology, genetic study, neu-
This study revealed an increased association between roimaging study, cytokine level, serum iron level,
FS and neuropsychiatric diseases in children, including causative pathogens, degree of fever in the initial FS,
autism and ADHD, when compared with non-FS chil- or electroencephalogram data. Second, some patients
dren. Furthermore, comorbid autism increased the risk with epilepsy might have been misclassified or miscoding
of subsequent epilepsy in FS patients. Children with epi- could have occurred; however, board-certified physi-
lepsy had relatively lower performance abilities or sparse cians diagnosed the patients included in our study.
verbal abilities, suggesting shared mechanisms with neu-
rodevelopmental disorders [18,19]. Several case-control 5. Conclusions
studies revealed that iron deficiency might be related
to the pathophysiology of autism or FS [20,21]. Animal Our study provides population-based cohort data
studies showed that iron deficiency resulted in slower suggesting that the risk of subsequent epilepsy is higher
myelination, reduced affinity of dopamine D2 receptors, following FS. Risk factors, including being female,
and alterations in neural metabolites in the hippocam- comorbid autism with FS, and recurrent FS, had an
pus, which may be responsible for abnormal cognitive increased association with development of epilepsy.
or behavioral performance [22]. Moreover, previous However, we found that use of anticonvulsant agents
studies showed that KCC2-dependent GABA signaling, had no beneficial effects for preventing development of
SCN1A mutation, or abnormal electroencephalogram epilepsy. Further therapeutic strategies should be inves-
may contribute to autism or idiopathic generalized epi- tigated for the prevention of epilepsy.
lepsy [23–25]. Further studies that investigate autism
comorbidity with FS as an important factor that influ-
ences the association of subsequent epilepsy may be Acknowledgement
Our population-based cohort study revealed that This work was supported by grant CLRPG2C0021
females with FS had a higher risk of epilepsy. Previous and CLRPG2C0022 from the Keelung Chang Gung
studies revealed that a number of X-linked epilepsies Memorial Hospital.
have been described in which females are exclusively
affected [26]. In females, because of random X- Data sharing statement
inactivation, which result in cellular interference, where
the two classes of cell have aberrant interactions result- Our study is based on the National Health Insurance
ing in a more severe phenotype in female [27]. Childhood Research Database provided by the Bureau of National
absence epilepsy is 2- to 5-fold more common in females, Health Insurance of Taiwan.
juvenile absence epilepsy is 3-fold more common among
females, and juvenile myoclonic epilepsy is about 2.9- References
fold more common in females [28–30]. The effect of gen-
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ranted. Future cohort studies focused on early of febrile seizures and epilepsy after vaccination with diphtheria,

Please cite this article in press as: Chiang L-M et al. Association of developing childhood epilepsy subsequent to febrile seizure: A population-
based cohort study. Brain Dev (2018),
6 L.-M. Chiang et al. / Brain & Development xxx (2018) xxx–xxx

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Please cite this article in press as: Chiang L-M et al. Association of developing childhood epilepsy subsequent to febrile seizure: A population-
based cohort study. Brain Dev (2018),

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