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Genuine Temprory Entrant: - Questionnaire

1. How did you hear about the University (University Name) ?

(Hint: - take our company’s name/ tell them you visited the education fair/
research on the website)

2. Why did you choose this University over the other universities in Australia or overseas?
(Hint: - Plz go through the website of the University you are applying and
take few positive points including ranking, accreditations, international
student facilites)

3. Are similar courses available in your country? What do you know about them?
4. Why do you want to study at this University in Australia if a similar course is available in your
home country?

(Hint: - answer them genuinely in a positive way – yes there are colleges
offering the same program but give the reason like international exposure/
course modules etc.)

5. What do you know about Australia (people, culture, sports, currency, weather, transport etc.)?
(Hint: - do some research on Australia – people, culture, sports, currency,
weather, transportation.)

6. Outline your reasons to study in this region.

(Hint: - do research about your region like Melbourne – most livable city in
the world)

7. How much does somebody with the qualifications you are seeking get paid when they
Commence work in your home country? Will the investment you are making in this course be
(Hint: - do research about the salary packages and designation on or )

8. What are the expected expenses for tuition fees for the entire duration of the course?
(Hint: - plz go through the website of the University or Offer letter if
already received)
9. Do you know if it is possible to work in Australia? What could you reasonably expect to earn in
this period?

(Hint: - yes I am aware that after 2 years of study we will get t wo years of post-
study work permit, but if I will get an opportunity then I will be working just to
gain an international experience and check the websites for salary and
designation – or )

10. What are your career/future Plans?

11. Are you aware of the work restrictions while studying full time in Australia?
(Hint: - Maximum 40 hours per fortnight)

12. Are you aware that Australia has a special system of health insurance cover for international
Students called Overseas Student Health Cover (OSHC)
(Hint: - yes it is mentioned in my offer letter and we have to pay the
approx. amount you have to tell them .)

13. Where do you intend to live while in Australia? Would you live on campus? Which city/town are
You interested in living in? How much have you budgeted for living expenses?
(Hint: - near to my University only. I need to have AUD 19,830 with for an
year as my living expenses.)

14. Have you got any visa reject? If yes, what was the reason?

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