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Intermediate 2


Intermediate 2
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Dear Student,

Welcome to the English Discoveries Student Workbook for Intermediate 2. Using this
workbook will help you practice your English.

Each unit of the workbook corresponds directly to a unit in the English Discoveries
Intermediate 2 course. After completing a unit within the course, you should complete the
corresponding activities in the workbook.

The units in this workbook integrate all four language skills: Listening, Reading, Speaking,
and Writing. The workbook units also provide a wide range of grammar and vocabulary

If you want to refer to the computer lesson texts while you are away from your computer,
you can find them in the workbook Appendix.

Special emphasis has been given throughout the workbook to speaking and writing
activities. You will see that you have many opportunities to express yourself in both spoken
and written English.

We hope you enjoy using this program,

The English Discoveries Team


Unit 1
Buying A Car

Unit 2

Unit 3

Unit 4
Helping Out .................................

Unit 5
Dreams And Ambitions

Unit 6
Money Matters

Unit 7

Unit 8

Lesson Texts
Intermediate 2 Unit 1

Unit 1
Buying A Car

a. What was the purpose of the radio ad? Mark the correct answer.
1. To convince people to buy used cars
2. To convince people to buy a car at Car City
3. To introduce Ron and Lara to the listeners

b. What did you hear on the radio? Mark the correct answer.
1. A news report about Car City
2. An interview with two car dealers
3. An interview with two people who bought cars

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Intermediate 2 Unit 1

c. In the radio ad, Lara says that the spoke to her sister, Natalie, about her new car.
Read their conversation. Mark who said each sentence.


1. “I just bought a brand-new Beamer Coyote.”

2. “It’s automatic and it has all the latest features.”

3. “Wow! Where did you buy it?”

4. “At Car City. I got a really good price.”

5. “I paid ten percent as a down payment and I’m paying the
rest off in monthly payments.”

6. “I don’t believe it! I also bought a car there last week.”

7. “ I got a great deal on a second-hand car at the

end-of-year sale.”
8. “ That’s great! You get real value for your money at Car City,
don’t you?”

d. Car City also advertises in the newspaper. Mark the newspaper ad that is for Car City.

Ad 2
If you’re looking for a great deal, then
Ad 3 look no further!
Come on down to our end-of-year sale
and pick out the car of your choice.
Are you looking for the car of With a variety of new and used cars
your dreams? to choose from and very reasonable
Are you interested in only the prices, you won’t find a better deal!
best that money can buy?
Then we are the place for you!
We carry only luxury models Ad 1
fitted with the latest features. For really low prices that everyone can
So if you are interested in afford,call us now!
only the newest and the best, We offer unbeatable deals on used cars
make an appointment with our and used car parts. Payment on a cash-
showroom salespeople. only basis.

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Intermediate 2 Unit 1

e. Discuss your choice with a partner. Explain why the ad you chose is suitable and why the
other two are not.

f. Read the sentences from the radio ad. Replace the underlined words with words or
expressions from the box below.

at another place • for the same money • happy • newest • promise • wonderful

1. At Car City you’ll find fantastic bargains!

2. He bought a car somewhere else and he isn’t satisfied with it.
3. I could have bought the latest model of the same car at the same price.

4. We guarantee that you won’t find a better deal anywhere.


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Intermediate 2 Unit 1

Buying A Used Car

a. What was the purpose of the text, “Buying A Used Car”? Mark the correct answer.

1. To advertise a car dealer

2. To explain about different kinds of cars
3. To give advice on buying a used car
4. To persuade someone to buy a new car

b. M
 ark the sentences that match the suggestions given in the ad.

1. Before you go to a used-car dealer, think about what kind of car you want and
which features you would like it to have.
2. It is a good idea to go to a used-car dealer alone, because a friend’s advice can
sometimes confuse you.
3. Most car dealers are reliable, so you don’t need to test-drive the car you plan to buy.
4. Always take the car to be checked by a mechanic before you buy it.
5. If you want to lower the price, try bargaining with the dealer.

c. Circle the correct answer.

1. Which expression means “decide”? make up your mind / have in mind

2. When buyers bargain about the price, they want to make it higher / lower.
3. You “ought to” means you must / should.
4. “You ought to have it checked” means:
you ought to check it / you ought to get somebody else to check it.

d. Write three pieces of advice about one of the following topics: buying a new car, renting
an apartment, going on a diet. Share your advice with a partner.
You can begin with these words:
You should… You ought to...
It’s a good idea to... If...

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Intermediate 2 Unit 1

The Car
a. Which sentences from the dialogue, “The Car”, express refusal?





b. Who says sentences like these? For each sentence circle the speaker, C (for Customer) or
D (for Dealer), and mark the function (what the speaker is trying to do).

Persuading Accepting Refusing

1. “You won’t find a better deal anywhere else.” C/D ____ ____ ____

2. “This is just what I’m looking for. I’ll take it!” C/D ____ ____ ____
3. “I can offer you an excellent monthly payment plan.” C/D ____ ____ ____
4. “No…This is definitely not what I had in mind.” C/D ____ ____ ____
5. “I really can’t afford this car.” C/D ____ ____ ____
6. “This car is exactly what I want. Do you accept checks?” C/D ____ ____ ____
7. “We have other fantastic bargains to offer.” C/D ____ ____ ____

c. Complete the dialogue by writing what the customer says. Then share and practice your
dialogue with a partner.

Car dealer: Here it is. Isn’t it beautiful?

Customer: (refusing) ______________________________________________________

Car dealer: And it’s only $5,000.

Customer: (refusing) ______________________________________________________

Car dealer: I could lower the price to $4,000.

Customer: (refusing) ______________________________________________________

Car dealer: What if I let you pay it off in 12 monthly payments?

Customer: (accepting) _____________________________________________________

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Intermediate 2 Unit 1

Conditionals: Real
a. Read the advice about buying a used car. Match the ends of the sentences in column B to
their beginnings in column A to make real conditional sentences.


1. If you want to find a good dealer, ____ a. he will probably lower the price.

2. If you don’t take a used car to be

____ b. you can ask the dealer for monthly payments.
checked by a mechanic,

3. If you bargain with the dealer, ____ c. ask your friends to recommend one.

4. If you take a friend with you, ____ d. it will be easier for you to choose a car.

5. If you can’t pay for the car in cash, ____ e. you might buy a car with engine problems.

b. Add three more real conditionals sentences giving advice about used cars.
1. ______________________________________________________________________
2. ______________________________________________________________________
3. ______________________________________________________________________

c. Complete the short ad for a car dealer by filling in suitable words in each space.

are • buy • come • find • get • give • let • need • show • want


If you (1) ____________ a good car dealer, you should (2) ____________ to us!
If you (3) ____________ interested in the latest models, we (4) ___________ them to you.
If you (5) ____________ a car you like, we (6) ____________ you test-drive it.
If you (7) ____________ a comfortable payment plan, we (8) ____________ it to you.
If you (9) ____________ from us, you (10) ____________ great service.

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Intermediate 2 Unit 2

Unit 2

Be Careful!
a. In the video, “Be Careful!”, Fran’s father hurts his back. Fran’s friend, Anita, arrives later
and asks Fran how it happened. Fill in the missing words or phrases in their conversation.
Choose the words and phrases from below.

back problems • by himself • careful • carry • heavy things • hurt • not supposed to

Anita: How did your father (1) _______________________ his back?

Fran: He was trying to (2) ___________________________ a gramaphone player.

Anita: But why? He knows he’s (3) __________________ carry (4) __________________,
doesn’t he?

Fran: Of course. And I even warned him to be (5) _____________________. But he just
wouldn’t listen. He insisted on carrying it (6) _______________________.

Anita: Oh, no! Well, he’ll probably have to see a doctor right away. I just hope he doesn’t
have even worse (7) _______________________ now.

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Intermediate 2 Unit 2

b. Mark the only sentence that is true about the conversation in activity a. Then rewrite
three of the untrue sentences to make them true.

1. Anita is worried about her back problem.

2. Fran thinks Anita should see a doctor.
3. Fran explains how her father hurt his back.
4. Anita explains why Fran’s father was carrying a heavy object.
5. Fran thinks the doctor should come and see her father.
6. Anita explains why Fran’s father hates going to doctors.
a. _____________________________________________________________________

b. _____________________________________________________________________

c. _____________________________________________________________________

c. Imagine the conversation between Fran’s father and the doctor. Complete the
questions that the doctor might ask him. Write his answers.

Doctor: _________________________________________________________ in pain?

Father: _______________________________________________________________.

Doctor: ___________________________________________________________ feel?

Father: ________________________________________________________________.

Doctor: ______________________________________________ medicine for the pain?

Father: ________________________________________________________________.

Doctor: Where ______________________________________________________ hurt?

Father: ________________________________________________________________.

Doctor: How _____________________________________________________ happen?

Father: ________________________________________________________________.

Doctor: Why ___________________________________________________________ ?

Father: ________________________________________________________________.

d. Practice your dialogue with a partner.

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Intermediate 2 Unit 2

Cliff Terror
a. Read what happens next in the story, “Cliff Terror”. To find out what happens to Susan and
Ellen, number the parts of the story in the correct order.

a. “Are you sure about the direction, Ellen?” Susan said nervously. “It’s hard to tell north
from south now that the sun has gone behind the clouds.”
b. Ellen thought for a moment. “Well, if you want to go home, we have to find a way
out of here. I think we should go there.” Ellen pointed to the trees up ahead. “That’s
the direction we came from.”
c. Susan looked up to see what Ellen was pointing at. “Yes, it is!” she shouted. “It’s Daniel
and the rest of the group. We’re safe! HEY! DANIEL! PETER! WE’RE OVER HERE!”
d. Susan didn’t want Ellen to bandage her ankle. “No, thank you. I just want to go home.”
e. But Ellen wasn’t listening to Susan talk about the clouds. “Susan....Stop! Wait a
minute!” she called out suddenly. “What’s that up there, in the mountains? Isn’t that…?”
f. “Stop complaining! You’ll be all right,” said Ellen. “You’ve probably sprained your ankle.
I have a bandage here in my backpack. I’ll put it on for you if you like.”

b. Complete the story by filling in the characters’ words.

But nobody heard Susan’s shouts, so she asked Ellen to join her. “_____________________
When still nobody heard them, Ellen had a great idea – they could use the bandage, and wave
it to get Daniel’s attention. She explained her idea to Susan. “________________________
After the girls had been waving the bandage for over five minutes, Daniel finally noticed them.
He knew that the only way to rescue them was to call for a helicopter, so he shouted down
to them: “_______________________________________________________________.”
Susan was so happy to hear this that she started dancing on one foot. When Ellen saw her
she said, “_______________________________________________________________.”

c. Share your story ending with other students.

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Intermediate 2 Unit 2

Look Out!
a. Which person in the computer lesson gives a warning? Mark the correct answer.

1. The teenager on the bicycle

2. The older woman
3. The child

b. Read another conversation. Copy the sentences that express a warning and those that
ignore a warning.

Kate: Did you see the sign we just passed, Sal?

Sally: No, which sign? What does it say?
Kate: It says we aren’t allowed to walk here. Somebody is building something on top of
this building. This sidewalk is too close to the building. It’s dangerous!
Sally: Nonsense! It’s perfectly safe.
Kate: But the sign says it isn’t safe. You could get hurt. Something might fall on you.
Sally: Don’t worry. It won’t. Come on. I’m in a hurry.
Kate: Sally, look out! There are falling bricks!

Expressing a warning:

Ignoring a warning:


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Intermediate 2 Unit 2

c. In each of the pictures below somebody is warning somebody else. Under each picture
write what you think the person is saying. Here are some expressions to help you:

Be careful You might...

Don’t... You shouldn’t...
If you..., you could... You aren’t supposed to...
You aren’t allowed to... The sign says...


______________________ ______________________
______________________ ______________________



______________________ ______________________
______________________ ______________________

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Intermediate 2 Unit 2

Past Perfect: Progressive

a. Answer the question under each picture. Use the Past Perfect Progressive form of the
verb given.

1. John woke up with a sore 2. The children were 3. Mary’s eyes were sore.
neck. Why? covered in chocolate. Why? Why?
He (sleep) ____________ They (eat) ____________ She (work)____________
at his desk all night. chocolate cake. at the computer all day.

b. Complete the story by choosing the correct verb for each space from the list below.

crashed • decided • had been thinking • hadn’t been paying • pushed

John was late for his math exam. He was nervous because he hadn’t slept well. As
soon as he got into the car, he started the engine, put the gears into reverse and
(1) _______________________ his foot down on the gas pedal. The car shot backwards
out of the driveway and (2)_______________________ into a garbage removal
truck. John (3) _______________________ attention and hadn’t seen the truck. He
hadn’t checked his rearview mirror before reversing out of the driveway because he
(4) _______________________ about getting to his exam on time. When he heard the
crash he hesitated for a moment, but then (5) _______________________ not to stop.
He couldn’t be late for his exam.

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Intermediate 2 Unit 3

Unit 3

a. In the voice mail message, “Family,” Lori asks Marcy for a favor. What does she say?
Complete the sentences below.

_____________________________________ do me a favor?

_____________________________________ pick up my dress at the cleaners for me?

b. In your opinion, who is Marcy? Mark all possible answers.

1. Lori’s boss 2. Lori’s mother 3. Lori’s sister 4. Lori’s friend

c. Marcy calls Lori back and leaves her a message. Read it and answer the questions
that follow.

Hi, Lori. This is Marcy. I got your message. I’m really sorry, but I can’t pick up your
dress from the dry cleaners. I have a problem here at work. The other secretary is
sick and I have to stay at the office until late to type some letters that have to be
sent today. I just spoke to Jane, though. She has to go in that direction anyway, so I’ve
asked her to pick up your dress for you. So don’t worry! You’ll have your dress in time
for the party. Bye.

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Intermediate 2 Unit 3

Why is Marcy calling Lori? Mark all the correct answers.

1. To reply to a voice mail she received earlier from Lori

2. To tell Lori that she will have to pick up her own dress
3. To apologize for not picking up Lori’s dress
4. To ask Lori to call Jane
5. To tell Lori that the party has been canceled
6. To tell Lori that someone else will pick up her dress for her

d. Decide on the CAUSE AND EFFECT relationships in the text. What causes what? Fill in the
boxes below. Choose from the list of sentences.

Jane will pick up the dress.

She has asked Jane to pick up the dress instead.
Lori will have the dress in time for the party.
She can’t pick up Lori’s dress.
Marcy has to stay at work late.

1 The secretary who works with Marcy is sick.

e. Write a text message to a friend, asking for a favor. Explain why you need the favor.

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Intermediate 2 Unit 3

A Foreign Affair
a. Do you remember the story, “A Foreign Affair”? Number the events according to the order
in which they happened.

a. Erica and Danny arrive at the party.

b. Ms. Medina suggests that Danny put down his drink.

c. Danny walks around the room.

d. Danny looks up and sees the foreign minister’s wife.

e. Erica asks Danny to smile.

f. Erica calls Danny over to say hi to someone.

g. Danny finishes getting dressed.

h. Danny puts out his hand and says, “It’s lovely to see you again.”

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Intermediate 2 Unit 3

b. Erica writes a diary entry about the party. Read the entry and choose the title that fits
best. Then answer the questions in activity c.

1. Ms. Medina’s Dress

2. Connections I Made

3. Danny’s Conversation

4. My Discussion with Ms. Medina

5. Notes on Tonight’s Party

Dear Diary,
Tonight’s party went well. I made some good connections and had a lovely conversation
with the foreign minister’s wife. I knew that Danny wouldn’t be happy if I called him
over to speak with her. But I did it anyway. I just thought it was important, since the
last time she and Danny met, Danny accidentally spilled his drink on her.
But tonight everything went smoothly. Danny even carried on a conversation with Ms.
Medina. I wish Danny was more comfortable at these type of events. And I wish he
would smile more, so people won’t think he’s unfriendly. Maybe he’ll get used to them
over time. I sure hope so.

c. Mark if each sentence is true ( ) or false ( ).

1. Erica is happy with the way the party turned out. /

2. Erica made some good connections at the party. /

3. Erica did not want to speak to the foreign minister’s wife. /

4. Danny carried on a conversation with Ms. Medina. /

5. Danny doesn’t speak much at these events, but he smiles a lot. /

6. Erica thinks Danny might get used to her events over time. /

d. Underline the parts of the diary entry that helped you find your answers.

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Intermediate 2 Unit 3

Fried Fish
a. The sentences below describe the events that happened in the dialogue “Fried Fish”. Write
the sentences from the dialogue that illustrate each event.

The waiter asked for an opinion.

The customer expressed dissatisfaction.
The waiter apologized.
The customer requested something else.

b. Read the following dialogue and fill in the speaker’s purpose in the blank spaces.

expressing dissatisfaction • asking for an opinion • expressing satisfaction

accepting an apology • apologizing

Jack: Mmm. I haven’t had such a good steak in ages. It was so tender.
(1) ______________________________________________________________
What do you think of the food here, Jane?
(2) ______________________________________________________________
Jane: To be honest, I think it’s awful. My fish is dry and the vegetables are over-cooked.
(3) ______________________________________________________________
Jack: I’m really sorry, Jane. I forgot to tell you that their specialty is meat, not fish.
(4) ______________________________________________________________
Jane: Oh, that’s alright. I enjoyed being with you!
(5) ______________________________________________________________

c. W
 rite a conversation between a waiter and two customers at a restaurant. One customer
is satisfied and one is dissatisfied. In a group of three, practice the conversation.
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Intermediate 2 Unit 3

Past Perfect: Simple

a. Match the earlier events in the second column to the events in the first column.

Event Earlier event

1. Lori couldn’t get to the cleaners. a. I had lost the invitation.

2. I couldn’t remember what time the

b. They had forgotten to reserve a table.
dinner party was supposed to start.

3. We were driving to work, when the car c. The waiter had kept them waiting for an hour,
suddenly stopped. and had then brought them the wrong food.

4. When John and Stacey got to the

d. She had taken her car to the garage.
restaurant, there was no place to sit.

5. The couple complained about the poor

e. I had forgotten to fill the tank with gas.
service in the restaurant.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

b. Underline the verbs in activity a. that show that an action happened earlier.

c. Complete each sentence by adding the cause of the problem. Choose from the list of
causes below. Change the verbs into the Past Perfect Simple.

• she was in a car accident as a child • they saw it already

• he broke his front tooth • he didn’t practice enough
• he didn’t study for it

1. Ben went to the dentist because ____________________________________________.

2. My friends didn’t want to go to that movie with me because ______________________.

3. Tom failed the exam because ______________________________________________.

4. Tony didn’t win the piano competition because ________________________________.

5. Clare didn’t want to drive because ___________________________________________.

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Intermediate 2 Unit 4

Unit 4
Helping Out

Welcome to the Neighborhood!

a. Do you remember the video with Eric and Steven? Mark the following statements true ( )
or false ( ).

1. Eric is Steven’s next door neighbor. /

2. Eric and Steven have met before. /
3. Steven recently moved in. /
4. Eric brings Steven groceries. /
5. Eric helps Steven. /
6. Steven makes a mistake. /
7. The scene takes place in Chicago. /

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Intermediate 2 Unit 4

b. Do you remember who said what? Mark the correct column.

Eric Steven
1. “I live upstairs, apartment 11.” ___________ ___________
2. “You just moved in, right?” ___________ ___________
3. “Yes, about two weeks ago.” ___________ ___________
4. “That’s very kind of you.” ___________ ___________
5. “I’m from Chicago.” ___________ ___________
6. “Here, let me help you with that.” ___________ ___________

c. E
 ric and Steven continue their conversation. Write the sentences in the correct order. The
first one is done for you.

a. Steven: I’d love to. Thank you.

b. Eric: What do you think of the neighborhood?
c. Steven: Not yet. But I’m starting a new job next week, so I’ll meet people then.
d. Steven: I love it. The area is very beautiful and there’s a lot going on.
e. Eric: How would you like to join my wife and me for dinner this evening?
f. Eric: Do you know a lot of people here?

1. Eric: What do you think of the neighborhood?   

2. Steven: _______________________________________________________________
3. Eric: _______________________________________________________________
4. Steven: _______________________________________________________________
5. Eric: _______________________________________________________________
6. Steven: _______________________________________________________________

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Intermediate 2 Unit 4

She Owes You a Favor

a. Do you remember the text from the computer lesson? Answer the following questions.

1. What happened to Alison’s car? ________________________________________

2. Who did she call to help her? ________________________________________
3. What was he doing when she called? ________________________________________
4. Why was he the right person to call? ________________________________________
5. What favor does he need from Alison? ________________________________________

b. Who is each phrase about? Mark the correct column.

Barry Marcello Alison

1. had a problem with the car _____ _____ _____
2. told his friend he looked tired _____ _____ _____
3. had a history paper to write _____ _____ _____
4. tried to push the car _____ _____ _____
5. called a friend in the middle of the night _____ _____ _____
6. is a mechanic _____ _____ _____
7. is good at history _____ _____ _____
8. owes someone a favor _____ _____ _____
9. met Barry on the way to class _____ _____ _____

c. What can we infer from what Barry says? Mark the correct answer. Share the reasons for
your answer with the class.

“However, knowing Alison the way I do, I took two quarts of oil and a gallon of gas, too.”

1. Alison can’t drive very well.

2. Alison often forgets to check the gas and oil.

3. Barry thinks Alison should stop driving.

4. Barry wants Alison to be more serious.

5. Alison doesn’t know Barry very well.

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Intermediate 2 Unit 4

d. Fill in the blanks to complete what each person is saying. Choose from the words in the

a favor • assignment • good at • down • due tomorrow • easy • stuck • tired

“My car got (1)_____________. It broke (2)______________.”

“You look (3)___________. Why don’t you go

home and take it (4)___________________?”

“I have a history (5)___________. The paper is (6)_____________.”

“I have an idea. I’m (7)___________________________history.

and I owe you (8)_________________________________. I’ll
do the rest of the paper for you!.”

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Intermediate 2 Unit 4

Let's Go
a. Do you remember the dialogue, “Let’s Go”, in the computer lesson? Write the words that
Steve and his friend use to express the following:

Asking for help: ___________________________________________________

Agreeing to help: ___________________________________________________

Making a suggestion: ___________________________________________________

Accepting a suggestion: ___________________________________________________

b. Here are some sentences about getting tickets to a rock concert. Decide what each
person is expressing. Mark the correct column.



1. “How about calling Dave?

He might be able to help you.”

2. “Of course I’ll get you some

tickets. It’s no problem.”

3. “Could you please try and get me

two tickets for Friday’s concert?”

4. “That’s a great idea! I’ll call him


5. “Why don’t you try asking Dave?

He works in a ticket office.”

6. “Thanks for the advice. I’ll give him

a call.”

7. “If I were you I’d speak to Dave. He

might help you out.”

8. “Sure! I’ll see what I can do. How

many tickets do you need?”

9. “Would you mind doing me a favor?

I need tickets for the concert.”

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Intermediate 2 Unit 4

c. Write two dialogues, using sentences from the list below. In Dialogue 1, Steve agrees to
help. In Dialogue 2, he doesn’t.

• I’m working on my history paper. Maybe later.

• Sure, if I’m able to.
• Thanks. I don’t like studying in the library. It’s so noisy.
• Oh, please. I really need your help.
• Peter? I don’t like Peter.
• My room is even quieter. Let’s go there.
• Well… we could study in my room. It’s quiet there.
• But he’s an excellent student.
• You’re right, it is too noisy here. Where can we study?
• You could ask Peter to help you. He’s also studying geography.

Dialogue 1
Friend: Hi, Steve. Would you mind helping me with the geography assignment?

Steve: _______________________________________________________________

Steve: _______________________________________________________________

Friend: _______________________________________________________________

Steve: _______________________________________________________________

Dialogue 2
Friend: Hi, Steve. Would you mind helping me with the geography assignment?

Steve: _______________________________________________________________

Friend: _______________________________________________________________

Steve: _______________________________________________________________

Friend: _______________________________________________________________

Steve: _______________________________________________________________

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Intermediate 2 Unit 4

Reported Speech: Statements and Questions

a. Match the two parts of each sentence. There are three extra possibilities in column B.

1. “Can you help me please? This is the
third time I’ve called your mechanic and a. what is playing at the local movie theater.”
he hasn’t answered. I’d like to know...
2. “Welcome to Randall’s Bookstore. How
can I help you?” b. how many apples you are going to buy.”
“I want to know...
3. “I know you aren’t well and need some
rest. Let me take the kids out to a movie. c. why my car isn’t fixed yet.”
I’ll find out...
4. “Please help me find my ring. I think
I dropped it somewhere here in the
d. where you are going right now.”
“Don’t worry. I’ll ask the manager...

5. “This math homework is really difficult.

Can you help me with it?” e. how much this dictionary costs.”
“Well, I’m not good at math, but I think...

6. “I’d like some dessert, but I’m allergic to f. that Susie might be able to help you with
strawberries. Do you know... your homework.”

7. “The baby has a very high temperature.

I called the doctor over an hour ago. g. if anyone has brought it to him.”
I can’t understand...

h. if there are any in that cake over there?”

i. when the course begins.”

j. why he is taking so long.”

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

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Intermediate 2 Unit 4

b. Complete each sentence with a suitable phrase.

Ryan will be thrilled • what time the party starts • how much that puppy costs
you could help me to organize it • what he wants • if she wants to help too
that she is free

I’m having a party for Ryan’s fifth birthday on Saturday afternoon.
I wonder if (1) _____________________________________________________.
Lyn: Sure. I’d love to help. Just tell me (2) ____________________________________.
Annie: The kids are invited to come at 11a.m.
Lyn: OK, I’ll be there at 9. I’ll ask Karen (3) ____________________________________.
She loves children. I hope (4) __________________________________________.
Annie: Thank you so much, Lyn. You’re such a good friend.
Lyn: By the way, what does Ryan want for his birthday?
I know exactly (5) ___________________________________________________.
That reminds me. I need to phone the pet shop. I need to know
(6) ______________________________________________________________.
Lyn: That’s a great gift for a 5-year-old. I’m sure that (7) _________________________!

c. In the situations below people are asking for help, offering help, or giving help.
Complete the reported sentences by putting the words and phrases in the correct order.

“Can you baby-sit for us tonight?”

1. We need a babysitter tonight. “When does the
next train leave?”
I’ll ask Jane ________________
_____________________________. 4. I need some information about your train
(if / she can / for us tonight / baby-sit) schedule, please. Can you tell me

“Will it work?” ________________________________

2. I need your advice about ________________________________?

this diet. Do you think (leaves / when / the next train)
“Can you help me lift it?”
(work / it will / that)

“How much did 5. This box is so heavy. I need your help.

you pay for that?” I wonder
3. Could you please tell me ________________________________
_____________________________? ________________________________.
(for that / you paid / how much) (help me / whether / you can / lift it)

32 Copyright © 1990-2016 Edusoft Ltd. All rights reserved

Intermediate 2 Unit 5

Unit 5
Dreams And Ambitions

The Promotion
a. Do you remember the video, “The Promotion”? Mark all the true sentences about what

1. It’s a rainy day.

2. Peter and Jeremy work together.

3. Peter and Jeremy haven’t seen each other in a few months.

4. Jeremy had asked Peter to meet him.

5. Jeremy has good news for Peter.

6. Jeremy is offering Peter a promotion.

7. Peter is upset about the news.

8. Jeremy will be moving to Brazil.

9. Jeremy and Peter celebrate the news by making a toast.

Copyright © 1990-2016 Edusoft Ltd. All rights reserved 33

Intermediate 2 Unit 5

b. Complete the sentences with the words below. Then write who said them, Peter or

offered • been doing • important • fantastic • to see you • the worst

1. _____________: This weather is ________________________________.

2. _____________: What have you ________________________________ with yourself?

3. _____________: It’s good ________________________________.

4. _____________: When you called this morning you said you had something

________________________________ to tell me.

5. _____________: They’ve just ________________________________ me a new job.

6. _____________: That’s ________________________________.

c. Read the next scene in “The Promotion” and circle the correct choices in the statements

Peter: Wow, so when do you leave?

Jeremy: In two weeks.
Peter: Seriously? That’s really soon.
Jeremy: I know. But the company needs me to start right away. They’re in the middle of a
big project, and the deadline is very tight.
Peter: How will you move your whole family in just two weeks?
Jeremy: I’ll go first, and my wife will come with the baby about a month later. We’ve
actually packed a lot already.
Peter: We’ll really miss you at the office, but good luck. It sounds like an amazing
Jeremy: Thanks. I’ll miss you guys too. But it is a great opportunity. It’ll be an interesting
experience, and I’ll get to practice my Spanish!

1. Jeremy will be starting his new job in two weeks/a month.

2. Jeremy has/has not started packing.
3. Peter wishes Jeremy goodbye/good luck.
4. Jeremy will/won’t miss Peter and the rest of the team.
5. Jeremy knows/doesn’t know some Spanish.

34 Copyright © 1990-2016 Edusoft Ltd. All rights reserved

Intermediate 2 Unit 5

The Singer
a. Read the four sentences about the characters in “The Singer”. What do they tell us about
these people? Match them to the four statements below.

1. Cindy thought she wasn’t good enough to sing at the concert.

2. Cindy’s mother encouraged her to sing in the school concert.

3. Cindy wished she could sing one day in the concert.

4. Cindy’s voice was deep and full.

a. She had a dream.

b. She sang beautifully.

c. She wasn’t sure of herself.

d. She believed that Cindy was a good singer.

b. Mark everything that will probably happen next to Cindy. Then write your own
continuation of the story.

1. The students will clap.

2. Cindy will not sing in the school concert.

3. Cindy will get the main part in the school concert.

4. Cindy’s mother will tell Cindy to try harder.

5. Cindy will never sing again in public.

6. Mara will be jealous of Cindy.

7. The other students will tell Cindy how well she sang.

c. Share your story with a partner.

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Intermediate 2 Unit 5

d. Find one word in the story to describe each of the following.

1. How Cindy felt about singing in public: __________________

2. How Cindy felt in the morning of the trials: __________________

3. How some of the other students sounded at the trials: __________________

4. Cindy’s voice: __________________ and __________________

5. Cindy’s size: __________________

6. How the music teacher described Cindy’s singing: __________________

7. How the students were when Cindy stopped singing: __________________

e. Use the words below to write sentences about the story.

1. The auditorium let her sing powerfully
2. One by one, the students was deserted as if under a spell
3. Cindy’s teacher sang onto the stage
4. Cindy seemed anything she liked
5. The audience climbed at first

1. ______________________________________________________________________

2. ______________________________________________________________________

3. ______________________________________________________________________

4. ______________________________________________________________________

5. ______________________________________________________________________

36 Copyright © 1990-2016 Edusoft Ltd. All rights reserved

Intermediate 2 Unit 5

a. What does each person in “Assignments” do? Circle the correct answers.

1. The girl / boy asks for an assignment.

2. The girl / boy hands her his assignment.

b. Mark the correct answer to each question.

1. In which sentence is the person asking for something?”

“Do you have that history assignment from last week?”

“Is this what you need?”

“Here it is.”

2. In which sentence is the person giving something?

“No, that’s not what I meant.”

“Do you have that history assignment from last week?”

“Here it is.”

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Intermediate 2 Unit 5

c. Jim has a dream. He wants to be an actor. He has decided to study at a drama school.
He goes to the school office to register for his courses. Read the dialogue and write
the underlined sentences from the dialogue in the correct category below.

Jim: I’d like to apply to study at your school. Do you have an application form for me?

Secretary: Yes, I do. Here’s a form for you to fill in.

Jim: Thanks. Is it true that I have to pass an audition, too?

Secretary: Yes, that’s right. Take this list of telephone numbers. Call Mr. Black, the first-year

acting teacher. He’ll tell you what to do.

Jim: OK. I’ll do that. There’s one more thing. Could I please have a student card?

Secretary: You have to pay the registration fee first. That’ll be $50, please.

Jim: Do you accept checks?

Secretary: A check is fine. Can you just sign the back of the check, please?

Jim: Sure.

Secretary: That’s fine. Here is your student card.

Asking for something




Giving something




38 Copyright © 1990-2016 Edusoft Ltd. All rights reserved

Intermediate 2 Unit 5

Conditionals: Unreal
a. Read each sentence in italics. Mark the sentence that has the same meaning.

1. If I had $15,000, I would buy a new car.

I bought a new car and it cost me $15,000.

I will definitely buy a new car next month.

I wish I had enough money to buy a new car.

2. If she weren’t so tired, she’d go to the party.

She will go to the party even though she is tired.

She won’t go to the party because she is tired.

She was tired of going to parties.

3. He’d get to work on time if he had a car.

He didn’t have a car, so he didn’t get to work on time.

He gets to work on time because he has a car.

He doesn’t have a car, so he doesn’t get to work on time.

b. Ivan and Claire are talking about their dreams and ambitions with their teachers.
Complete the dialogues with the correct phrases from the banks.

If you practiced more • If I weren’t studying so hard • If I could play • professional tennis

Teacher: Ivan, what is your dream?

Ivan: ________________________________________, I would be so happy.
Teacher: Well, you are quite good at tennis. ___________________________________,
you could improve. Sports mean a lot of hard work.
Ivan: I know. The problem is my schoolwork. _______________________________,
I would have more time to practice.

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Intermediate 2 Unit 5

• My parents would pay • If you studied something else

• If you had to choose a job • If only I had $10,000

Teacher: ____________________________, what would you choose, Claire?

Claire: I would choose to be a doctor. The problem is that university studies are very
expensive. __________________________________________ if they could,
but they don’t have a lot of money. _____________________, I could afford
to study medicine.
Teacher: _____________________________________, it wouldn’t cost so much.

c. Complete the following sentences to explain what is really true.

1. If they were here means that they are ________________________________________.

2. If Sandra had time means that she ___________________________________________.

3. If Tom were studying medicine means that he _________________________________.

4. If I exercised every day means that I _________________________________________.

5. If Diane knew the truth means that she _______________________________________.

d. Complete these sentences about yourself.

1. I would be happier if I were ________________________________________________.

2. If I could _________________________________________, I would earn more money.

3. If I had enough money, I __________________________________________________.

4. If I could choose any job, I ________________________________________________.

e. Share your answers to activity d. with a partner.

40 Copyright © 1990-2016 Edusoft Ltd. All rights reserved

Intermediate 2 Unit 6

Unit 6
Money Matters

a. Do you remember the radio program in the computer lesson? What kind of program was it?
Mark the correct answer.

1. A radio news broadcast

2. A TV soap opera
3. A radio quiz show
4. A TV competition

b. Mark the true sentences.

1. The radio quiz show is on every day.

2. The radio quiz show is always about composers.
3. Today, there were two participants on the show.
4. The prize was tickets to the Symphony.
5. The announcer asked each participant three questions.
6.The winner was Cee Cee Rondeau.

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Intermediate 2 Unit 6

c. After the show, Susan writes an e-mail to a friend, telling her about what happened. Fill in
the missing words or phrases. Choose from the words below.

two parts • Symphony • quote • weekly quiz show • deaf • remembered • participants •
Composers • winner • never mind • announcer

From: Susan
To: Katy
Subject: I’m a Winner!

Hi Katy,

You’ll never believe what happened! I’ve just won a contest. It’s the first time I’ve
ever won anything. Here’s what happened.

Last night I participated in a (1) ________________________ called “Know Your

(2) ________________________ .” I was one of two (3) ______________________

on this week’s show. The (4) ______________________ asked me a question with
(5) ___________________ He asked which composer was deaf and who was this
composer’s first music teacher? I answered Beethoven and Beethoven’s father. Both
answers were correct.

Next, the announcer read us a (6) _____________________ and asked us who said
it. It went like this: “When you play, (7) ________________________ who listens to
you.” I was about to say the answer, when I forgot the composer’s name! Luckily, I
(8) ____________________________ it in time, and answered Robert Schumann, which
was correct.

Then the announcer said I was the (9) ________________________ ! I couldn’t believe
it. The prize is two tickets to the (10) _________________________. Do you want to go
with me?

Let me know soon!



42 Copyright © 1990-2016 Edusoft Ltd. All rights reserved

Intermediate 2 Unit 6

Get Your Money’s Worth

a. Do you remember the article, “Get Your Money’s Worth”, in the computer lesson? What is
it about? Mark the correct answer.

1. A furniture store
2. Advice for shoppers
3. A magazine for shoppers

b. Match the descriptions to the names .

1. Quality Bargains a. The manager of a furniture store

2. Edith Shaw b. A regular column in a newspaper
3. Tim Wright c. A writer for a magazine
4. Customers Come First d. A furniture store

c. Complete the information about the store by circling the correct words.

Quality Bargains is a (1) clothing / furniture store that is suited to people who (2) have / don’t have
a lot of money to spend. You can buy (3) second-hand / brand-new items there and the store
offers you a ten-year (4) down payment / guarantee on all purchases. The (5) deal / delivery is
free of charge and you don’t have to pay for the (6) item / sale in one cash payment. Quality
Bargains offers you good (7) quality / budget at prices you (8) can afford / can’t afford.

d. According to the article, what are the two most important things people look for when
they buy items like furniture? Mark the correct answers.

1. Something that is second-hand and inexpensive

2. Something that is luxurious and expensive
3. Something that suits their budget
4. Something that is on sale
5. Something that is good quality

e. According to Edith Shaw, what important information should you know about sales? Mark
the correct answer.

1. You always get your money’s worth.

2. Sale items are delivered for free.
3. The items on sale are always good quality.
4. The stores often raise the prices of sale items before they put them on sale.

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Intermediate 2 Unit 6

f. Write the following words in the correct column.

products • purchases • consumers • items • buyers • customers

People who buy Things they buy

________________________ ________________________

________________________ ________________________

________________________ ________________________

g. Replace the underlined words and expressions with ones from the bank below. Write the
new sentences on the lines given.

customers • don’t have enough money • don’t have much • recommended

that they can afford • thinking about • value for your money • with limited budgets

1. Customers usually look for prices that are reasonable.


2. She suggested that we buy at Quality Bargains.


 eople without a lot of money should buy there.

3. P


4. Buyers can get bargains there.


5. We are considering buying some new furniture.


6. If you are short of cash, you can pay in payments.


7. W
 e can’t afford to buy expensive furniture.


8. This is a place where you get your money’s worth.


44 Copyright © 1990-2016 Edusoft Ltd. All rights reserved

Intermediate 2 Unit 6

The Raise
a. Do you remember the dialogue, “The Raise”, in the computer lesson? Answer these
questions about it.

1. What is the relationship between the two speakers? _____________________________

2. What did the speaker ask the boss about? _____________________________________
3. Did the speaker get what she wanted? ________________________________________
4. What exactly did she want? ________________________________________________
5. Will she accept the boss’ offer? _____________________________________________

b. Which sentences from the dialogue report what happened? Mark the correct answers.

1. I spoke to the boss about a raise today.

2. She offered me a ten percent raise.

3. Do you intend to accept the offer?

4. I haven’t decided yet.

c. M
 atch the words from the two columns to form expressions from the dialogue. Then use
the expressions to complete the following report. Make the necessary changes.

1. accept a. in mind __________________________________

2. offer b. an offer __________________________________
3. have c. a raise __________________________________

1. When I told my boss that I wanted to leave my job, she___________________________.

2. The amount she offered was not what I _______________________________________.
3. I don’t think I will ________________________________________________________.

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Intermediate 2 Unit 6

d. Complete the following dialogue by adding Annie’s answers. Choose from the sentences

Yes, definitely. They have only the best quality clothing there.
I got a pair of jeans and two sweaters.
I went shopping for clothes at that new store, Best Bargains.
They were really reasonable.

Gail: What did you do yesterday afternoon?

Annie: (1) _______________________________________________________________
Gail: Oh, yes. I’ve heard of it. Is it a good place to go clothes shopping?
Annie: (2) _______________________________________________________________
Gail: What were the prices like?
Annie: (3) _______________________________________________________________
Gail: So what did you buy?
Annie: (4) _______________________________________________________________

e. Write a dialogue between you and a friend. Write about shopping for something familiar,
such as food, furniture, clothes, or music CDs. You ask the questions and your friend
reports what happened.

You: _____________________________________________________________
Your friend: _____________________________________________________________
You: _____________________________________________________________
Your friend: _____________________________________________________________
You: _____________________________________________________________
Your friend: _____________________________________________________________
You: _____________________________________________________________
Your friend: _____________________________________________________________

f. Practice your dialogue with a partner.

46 Copyright © 1990-2016 Edusoft Ltd. All rights reserved

Intermediate 2 Unit 6

Reported Speech: Time Aspects

a. Who said the following? Choose between: a salesperson and a customer.
Then answer the questions below.
1 ____________
“Everything is on sale, just for today. We want to sell all our winter clothes as
fast as possible. You can get some wonderful bargains. We have never had
such a sale! You won’t find a sale like this again for a long time.”

2 ____________

“She told me that everything was on sale, just for that day. They wanted
to sell all their winter clothes as fast as possible. She said I could get some
wonderful bargains. They had never had such a sale! She reminded me
that I wouldn’t find a sale like that again for a long time.”

b. Which speaker in activity a. uses reported speech?

c. Underline the words that speaker 2 uses which mean the same as those underlined in 1.

d. Match the ends of the sentences in B to the beginning of the sentences in A.

1. Last night I participated in a radio quiz a. that I could pay for it in three
show. I didn’t think...

2. I wanted to buy some new furniture at a b. that the sale items were all great
reasonable price. I asked a friend... bargains, but they weren’t.

3. I was looking for a new sweater. I asked c. which store she recommended
the saleswoman... and she suggested Quality
4. I didn’t want to pay for the new TV set in
one payment. Luckily the store manager d. that I would win, but I did.
e. if they had any winter clothes in
5. I was disappointed in this year’s sale. The the store.
ads claimed...

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

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Intermediate 2 Unit 6

e. Which sentence accurately reports what each person said? Mark the correct sentence.

1. Glen said, “I wonder who won the TV quiz show last night.”

a. Glen wonders who will win the TV quiz show tomorrow night.
b. Glen wondered who had won the TV quiz show the night before.
c. Glen wondered who would win the TV quiz show the previous night.

2. Jane said, “I don’t think I will buy this furniture because it’s too expensive.”

a. Jane said she hadn’t thought she would buy this furniture because it will be too
b. Jane said she doesn’t think she will buy that furniture because it was too expensive.
c. Jane said she didn’t think she would buy that furniture because it was too expensive.”

3. My boss asked, “Why do you want such a big raise?”

a. My boss asked me why I wanted such a big raise.

b. My boss wanted to know why did I want such a big raise.
c. My boss asked me why I had wanted such a big raise.

4. Kevin said, “I didn’t know about the sale because I hadn’t seen the ad in the paper.”

a. Kevin said he doesn’t know about the sale because he hasn’t seen the ad in the paper.
b. Kevin said he didn’t know about the sale because he hasn’t seen the ad in the paper.
c. Kevin said he hadn’t known about the sale because he hadn’t seen the ad in the paper.

f. Read the conversation between Betty and Pam. Then complete the report of the conversation.

Betty: Have you been to the sale at the furniture store?

Pam: I went there yesterday.
Betty: What are the prices like?
Pam: They are offering very reasonable prices, and they will accept a twenty percent
down payment on all purchases.
Betty: I must go there right away!

Betty asked Pam if she (1) _______________________ to the sale at the furniture store.
Pam answered that she had been there (2) ___________________________________.
Betty wanted to know what the prices (3) _____________________________ like.
Pam told her that they (4) ___________________ very reasonable prices and that they
(5) _________________________ a twenty percent down payment on all purchases.
Betty said that she (6) ________________________________ go there right away.

48 Copyright © 1990-2016 Edusoft Ltd. All rights reserved

Intermediate 2 Unit 7

Unit 7

a. Do you remember the computer lesson? What did you listen to? Mark the correct answer.

An interview with a political candidate

A weekend weather report
A news update on local election results
A live report from a press conference

b. Read the two radio items below. Decide what each one is. Choose from the box.

a news update on election results • a commercial for the Liberal Party

a soap opera • a live report from a press conference

1. “The latest election results are in. It is now official. The Conservative Party has lost the
election. The announcement was made a few minutes ago.”
2. “We are here in the Liberal Party headquarters. The room is packed with reporters from all
the newspapers. The Liberal candidate is now answering a question about the crime law.”

Copyright © 1990-2016 Edusoft Ltd. All rights reserved 49

Intermediate 2 Unit 7

c. Who is who? Mark the name that matches the information.


1. Is the Liberal candidate

2. Is the Conservative candidate

3. Interviewed Schmidt before the election results were in

4. Was defeated in the local elections

5. Reported that Schmidt thought he would win

6. Had been against the crime laws

7. Had promised to propose a new crime law

8. Held a press conference after winning the local elections

9. Believed Schmidt probably lost because of the crime law

10. Had been in favor of the crime law

d. W
 rite a short newspaper report about each of the two candidates in the election. Use the
sentences from activity c.

e. Rewrite the sentences, replacing the underlined phrases with the phrases below.

an important topic • even though he had voted • suggested

who people think committed • was defeated in

1. He lost the election.

2. The crime law was a key issue in the election.
3. She proposed a new crime law.
4. She wants to investigate politicians suspected of crimes.
5. He thought he would win in spite of his vote agains the crime law.

50 Copyright © 1990-2016 Edusoft Ltd. All rights reserved

Intermediate 2 Unit 7

Brown’s Campaign Problems

a. A
 nswer these questions about “Brown’s Campaign Problems”.

1. Who is Mr. Brown?

2. What happened in his office yesterday?
3. Why is he so nervous?

b. Fill in the blanks to complete this description of the situation. Use the words below.

arson • campaign • candidate • defeat • elected • fight • improve • murder

resign • suspect • threats • voters

Mr. Brown is the (1) _______________ of the Liberal party in this election. In his election
(2) ______________ he has said that if he is (3) _____________, he will (4) ____________
crime and (5) ____________ education. After the recent fire, he spoke to (6) ___________
and said that he would not (7) ___________________ from politics, despite the personal
(8) __________________ against him, such as the fire in his office.

Both Mr. Brown and the police (9) ___________________ that the fire was a case of
(10) __________________. Mr. Brown believes that it was more than that. He thinks that
someone wanted to (11) _______________ him and in that way to (12) ________________
the Liberal Party in the election.

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Intermediate 2 Unit 7

c. Read the notes that the reporter took when he went to the scene of the crime. Then write
a short report of the event. Use the connectors: because, however.

Event: fire
Time: Yesterday - 2 o’clock
Location: office of the Liberal candidate, Mr. Brown
Result: no one hurt – out to lunch at the time
Reason: police not sure - Brown worried – someone
wants to kill him - election campaign

d. Read this script of a TV news report to find out what happened. Then answer the
questions below.

This is Jack Cage with an update on the Brown case.

This morning, while they were keeping a close watch on the building in which Liberal
candidate, James Brown, is now working, two policemen noticed a man who was wearing a
long gray jacket despite the extremely hot weather. The police became even more suspicious
when the man started to look nervously around him. When they stopped him and asked him
to open his jacket, they discovered that he was concealing a small bomb. After the bomb
squad had safely dealt with the bomb, the man was taken in for questioning.
The man, Joe Lynch, admitted that he had set fire to Brown’s office the day before. He
claimed that he had never wanted to hurt anyone, but had just wanted to stop the Liberals
from winning the election.
1. Were the police right that someone had set fire to the office? Yes / No
2. Was Mr. Brown right that someone was trying to kill him? Yes / No
3. Was Mr. Brown right that someone was trying to defeat the Liberal party? Yes / No

e. Fill in a suitable connecting word or phrase in each space. Choose from the words below.
Use capital letters when necessary.

because • despite • fortunately • however • in my opinion

1. A reporter interviewed Mr. Brown after Joe Lynch was arrested and asked him what he
thought. Mr. Brown answered, “____________________, he is guilty.”
2. Mr. Brown was afraid that someone was trying to kill him. _________________ his fear,
Mr. Brown continued working.
3. ____________________, no one was hurt in the fire. This was ____________________
Mr. Brown and his staff weren’t in the office at the time.
4. The police didn’t have any evidence that someone was attempting to murder Mr. Brown.
_______________________, they still sent policemen to keep a close watch on the
building where he was working.

52 Copyright © 1990-2016 Edusoft Ltd. All rights reserved

Intermediate 2 Unit 7

New Manager
a. Do you remember the dialogue, “New Manager”? What were they talking about? Mark the
correct answers.

1. Office politics

2. Somebody being fired

3. Somebody being hired

b. The speakers were not pleased about the situation. Copy two sentences from the dialogue
in which they express their displeasure.





c. Complete these sentences that express displeasure by filling in the missing word in each
one. Use the words below.

unhappy • believe • don’t like • pleased

1. I can’t _________________ that the boss has hired someone else instead of me!

2. I’m really ________________ about what he did.

3. I’m not _______________ with the way he did it – why didn’t he discuss it with me first?

4. I _____________________________ the idea of hiring outside people.

d. Which of the sentences express displeasure?

1. I’m surprised that you didn’t get the job.

2. I was surprised when I got the new job.

3. I didn’t like the way that the new manager spoke at the meeting.

Copyright © 1990-2016 Edusoft Ltd. All rights reserved 53

Intermediate 2 Unit 7

e. Read the dialogue and underline the expressions of displeasure. Then answer the
questions that follow.

Dave: Did you hear the news? The boss promoted Johnson to the position of sales manager.
Sergei: Of course I heard. And I’m not very happy about it.
Dave: Yeah, I’m sure. Didn’t he promise you that job?
Sergei: Yes, he did. I’m really surprised that he did something like that.
Dave: I’m not pleased about it either. You’d be a better manager.
Sergei: Thanks. But why didn’t the boss didn’t tell me about it first? Why did I have to hear

about it from Johnson?

1. Who got the job of sales manager? ____________________________________

2. Who thought he was going to get that job? _
3. Who told Sergei about the promotion? ____________________________________

54 Copyright © 1990-2016 Edusoft Ltd. All rights reserved

Intermediate 2 Unit 7

Reported Speech: Review

a. What might people say in an election campaign office? Match the speech bubbles to the
correct pictures.


They asked me how
much food we wanted
for the post-election
party tonight.

Bob warned us The police said he’d
that we would lose been stealing from
the election. the campaign funds.


The boss said I had to
give out all these flyers
by lunchtime!

I would like to know

why you are not


3 4

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

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Intermediate 2 Unit 7

b. Complete the dialogue. Use the words below.

chances are good • his speech was successful • our party is going to win
spoke well about all the key issues • the election campaign is going
the public thinks of our candidate’s last speech • who will win

Jessie: I wonder how (1) ___________________________________________________.

Do you think (2) ____________________________________________________?

Lucy: I can’t say (3) ___________________________________. The campaign manager

thinks our (4) ________________________________. He says it depends on what

(5) ______________________________________________________________.

What did you think of his speech? Do you think (6) _________________________?

Jessie: I believe he (7) _____________________________________________________.

c. R
 ead what Liberal candidate James Brown said after he won the election. Then write a
report of his statements.

1. “A few weeks ago I was not sure I would win the election.”

2. “Somebody tried to murder me by starting a fire in my office.”

3. “I will fight for free education for all children.”

4. “Are you ready for the changes?”

1. Mr. Brown admitted that _________________________________________________.

2. He claimed that ________________________________________________________.

3. He promised that _______________________________________________________.

4. Then he asked the audience ______________________________________________.

56 Copyright © 1990-2016 Edusoft Ltd. All rights reserved

Intermediate 2 Unit 8

Unit 8

a. Do you remember the radio program you heard in the computer lesson? What is it about?
Mark the correct answer.

1. Where to shop for new furniture

2. How to decorate your house
3. How to get your house ready for winter
4. Why you should repaint your house
5. How to prepare your house for summer

b. Answer the questions about the program.

1. What is the name of the program? ___________________________________________

2. What is the name of the host (the man who invites people to the show)?
3. What is the name of the guest? _____________________________________________
4. What other name does the guest have? _______________________________________

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Intermediate 2 Unit 8

c. Who does what on the program? Write the name of the person.

1. __________________ introduces the guest.

2. __________________ gives advice about getting the house ready for winter.
3. __________________ tells about something he forgot to do.
4. __________________ asks listeners to join him next week.

d. What do the listeners get advice about? Mark the correct answers.

1. The furnace
2. The windows
3. The doors
4. The floors
5. The roof

e. Write the sentences or phrases from the radio program that mean the same as the
following sentences.

1. Hank is going to give us ideas about how to prepare the house for winter.
2. What’s the first thing I need to do?
3. You should have your furnace cleaned and inspected.
4. Without heat in the winter, we would freeze.
5. Make sure that your roof is checked for leaks.

f. Match each sentence with the most suitable continuation. Choose from the sentences

1. Have your roof checked for leaks.

2. Rain or snow would damage your ceiling.
3. Join us next week for more helpful hints.
a. We’ll have more advice on how to take care of your house.
b. That will make sure there is no water coming through.
c. Then you would need to redecorate the house.

58 Copyright © 1990-2016 Edusoft Ltd. All rights reserved

Intermediate 2 Unit 8

Flight Information
a. Do you remember the text, “Flight Information”? Where might you find such a text? Mark
the correct answer.

1. On a train
2. In a hotel
3. In a home repair store
4. On an airplane

b. What is the purpose of this text? Mark the correct answers.

1. To give information about flight times

2. To describe the airport
3. To give directions for getting out of the airport
4. To explain why you have to declare everything you have bought
5. To tell people what to do before and after the plane lands

c. Put these instructions into the same order as in the flight information card.

a. You should have your travel documents ready for inspection if you want to avoid
b. If you don’t see your suitcase at the baggage claim, please wait for it patiently.
c. We advise you to stay in your seat until the plane stops moving.
d. You must tell the customs inspector about all the things you bought without tax.

d. Which words go together? Complete the phrases with the words below.

items • card • inspection • claim

1. information ____________________
2. duty-free ____________________
3. baggage ____________________
4. customs ____________________

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Intermediate 2 Unit 8

e. Read these “Travel Tips.” Underline sentences that are instructions. Circle sentences that
are explanations.

By Tracey Morrison

If you are planning to travel abroad, read these

helpful tips. They will make your trip a lot easier.
• Have your travel agent check if you need a visa to enter the countries you want to
visit. If you do, apply for them a few months before you plan to leave.
• Make sure you have some foreign currency when you enter the country. It’s not
always possible to withdraw cash with your credit card, especially when banks are
• Always double-check your flight times and hotel bookings a few days before you
leave. There may be changes you don’t know about.
• When you pack your suitcase, prepare for all kinds of weather. Take clothing that is
comfortable and practical.
• Take light hand luggage on the plane with you. Remember that YOU have to carry it!
• Always keep a list of important phone numbers on you. It’s a good idea to include
the phone number of your hotel, car rental service, foreign embassy and travel
agent, and any other useful emergency numbers.

f. Write three more travel tips. Each tip should consist of an instruction followed by an

1. ___________________________________________________________________

2. ___________________________________________________________________

3. ___________________________________________________________________

60 Copyright © 1990-2016 Edusoft Ltd. All rights reserved

Intermediate 2 Unit 8

g. Which of the following sentences offer good advice, according to the article?

1. You can apply for a visa just before you leave.

2. It’s useful to arrive in a new country with local money.

3. Book your hotel when you arrive in the country you are visiting.

4. Flight times are sometimes changed, so check them.

5. You are advised not to carry heavy hand luggage.

6. If you think it will be hot in the country you are traveling to, pack only light
summer clothing.
7. Be prepared for emergencies by keeping a list of important phone numbers with

h. Complete the sentences according to the information you are given in the article.

1. If you want to make sure that you get your visa in time for your trip,

____________________________________________________________________ .

2. Pack different kinds of clothing in order to ___________________________________ .

____________________________________________________________________ .

3. There may be changes in your flight or hotel bookings, so it is a good idea to...

____________________________________________________________________ .

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Intermediate 2 Unit 8

Would You Mind

a. Do you remember the dialogue in the computer lesson? Answer the following questions.

1. How many polite instructions does the woman give? _______

2. W
 hat is the man’s reaction to these instructions?

He agrees to follow them. / He refuses to follow them.

3. Where is the picture they are talking about?

on the wall / on a computer screen

b. What is the person expressing in each sentence below? Mark the correct column.

Giving a polite Receiving a

instruction polite instruction
1. Would you mind making the picture a little larger? _____ _____
2. Sure. Is this what you had in mind? _____ _____
3. Could you put the picture in the middle? _____ _____
4. Is this what you wanted? _____ _____
5. No problem. _____ _____

c. Mary is moving to a new house. Joe, the man from the moving company, is delivering her
furniture. Read what they say and answer the questions that follow.

Mary: Would you mind carrying the sofa over to that corner?

Joe: Sure. Is this where you want it?

Mary: Uh, no. Could you move it over to the other side of the room?

Joe: OK. How’s this?

Mary: That’s great. Would you please put these boxes into the bedroom?

Joe: No problem. Is there anything else you want done?

Mary: No, that’s it. Thank you.

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Intermediate 2 Unit 8

1. How many instructions does Mary give? ______

2. Which items does Mary ask Joe to move? ____________________________________

3. Circle the correct form in the following sentences.

a. Would you mind carrying the sofa/ to carry the sofa?

b. Could you moving it / move it to the other side of the room?

c. Would you please putting / put these boxes into the bedroom.

d. Imagine that you are cooking a meal. A friend has come over and is helping you.
Complete the dialogue by giving your friend polite instructions. Use the verbs in brackets
in their correct forms.

You: (1) ________________________________________ (give) that knife, please?

Your friend: Sure. Is this the one you wanted?

You: Yes, that’s it. (2) ___________________________ (cut) the vegetables, please?

Your friend: OK. Do you want me to cut them into small pieces?

You: Yes. That’ll be great. (3) __________________________________ (get) that

big bowl from the cupboard?

Your friend: Is this the one you had in mind?

You: No, not that one. Try the other cupboard.

e. Practice your dialogue with a partner.

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Intermediate 2 Unit 8

Causatives/Permissives: Review
a. Mark the sentence that is closest in meaning to the first sentence.

1. Dick will check the roof next week.

a. Dick will ask someone to check the roof.

b. Dick will check the roof himself.

c. Dick will let someone check the roof.

2. Betty is going to get her furnace repaired.

a. Betty will fix the furnace by herself.

b. Betty won’t have the furnace repaired.

c. Betty will arrange for someone else to fix her furnace.

3. After the rain leaked into the house, Susan made the handyman fix the roof again.

a. She insisted that the handyman fix the roof.

b. She fixed the roof herself.

c. She hoped the handyman would fix the roof.

4. At the beginning of every winter, Mr. Thompson lets his son fix the furnace.

a. Mr. Thompson fixes his furnace.

b. Mr. Thompson’s son fixes the furnace.

c. Mr. Thompson makes his son fix the furnace.

b. Complete these sentences by filling in the correct words. Choose from: made, got, let.

1. David wanted to paint the house by himself, but Rita wanted to help him, so he

___________________ her paint one room.

2. I didn’t know how to fix the roof, so I ________________ a handyman to do it for me.

3. The handyman didn’t do a good job the first time, so I _____________ him do it again.

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Intermediate 2 Unit 8

c. Mom has gone out for the evening and has left a list of instructions about what she wants
the family to do by the time she gets home. Write her instructions from this list.

Mom’s List:

John: 1. cook / dinner

2. change / light bulb
Lucy: wash / dishes
Pete and Lucy: do / homework
Pete: clean / room

Mom’s Instructions:

Hi everybody,

Please make sure to do these things. See you later.

John, please get the (1) _______________________________________________.

I’d also like the (2)______________________________________________ in the

bathroom (3)________________________________________________________.

Lucy, I want the (4)________________________________________ after dinner.

Pete and Lucy, please get your (5)_______________________________________.

Pete: I would like your (6) _____________________________________________.

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Intermediate 2 Appendix

Lesson Texts

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Intermediate 2 Appendix

Unit 1
Buying A Car

Announcer: It’s the end-of-the-year sale, and here at Car City you’ll find fantastic bargains!
We have brand-new and used cars, economy-sized cars, and luxury models, all
at reasonable prices! Don’t make the same mistake that Ron Gardner made. He
bought a used luxury car somewhere else and isn’t satisfied with it. Ron, tell us
about it.
Ron: That’s right. My name’s Ron, and I just bought a used car about a week ago. If I had
come to Car City first, I could’ve bought the latest model of the same car at the
same price! And with extra features, too.
Announcer: Lara Davids, tell us about the wonderful deal you got at Car City.
Lara: Hi. I’m Lara! I just bought a brand-new Beamer Coyote. It’s so beautiful! It’s automatic
and has all the latest features! The best part is the price. I paid ten percent as a
down payment, and I’m paying the rest off in monthly payments. When I told my
sister about it, she said that she had just bought a car here, too, and had gotten a
really great deal. Everybody’s coming here, so if you don’t come now, there won’t
be any cars left!
Announcer: You heard it, folks. Car City is the place to buy cars. We guarantee you won’t find a
better deal anywhere!

68 Copyright © 1990-2016 Edusoft Ltd. All rights reserved

Intermediate 2 Appendix

Buying A Used Car

When buying a used car, the first rule is: Don’t go alone! Get a friend to go with you. Also, if you
decide to buy a car through a used-car dealer, try to have someone recommend a good dealer.

Next, decide what kind of car you have in mind. Consider the different features that you’d like
your car to have. For example, do you want an automatic gearshift? Do you want the latest
luxury model, or something older?

When you have found a car you like, ask the dealer to let you drive it. Before you make up your
mind, you ought to have it checked by a mechanic. If he is satisfied with it, you can then start
bargaining with the dealer about the method of payment and price.

The Car
- Here it is. Only $5,000.
- Hmmm. This isn’t exactly what I had in mind.
- Well, I could lower the price to $4,000.
- No,... this just isn’t what I need.
- I could paint it for you. What color would you like?
- No. I’m sorry. This car simply isn’t what I wanted.

Conditionals: Real
- If I were president of this company, I would have everyone work only four days a week.
- If you don’t finish this, you won’t be working at all!

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Intermediate 2 Appendix


Word Definition Example Sentence

a car part that makes the car

automatic I want to buy a car with an
change from one gear to
gearshift, n. automatic gearshift.

The car broke down on the way

break down,
to stop working home, and they had to call their
phrasal verb

Greg bought his car from a

dealer, n. a person who sells cars
dealer in Chicago.

I’d rather have an economy-sized

economy-sized, adj. small, inexpensive to use
car than a big car.

The extra features include a DVD

special functions that are added player in the backseat and a GPS
extra features, exp.
to something to make it better system, which tells you where
to go.

Rick got a great deal on his new

great deal, exp. a bargain, a low price

have work done, I’m having work done on my

get something fixed or changed
exp. kitchen.

I have a car just like yours, but it’s

latest model, exp. newest version of a machine
the latest model.

When on vacation, we pay extra

luxury, adj. fancy, with all the comforts
to stay in a luxury hotel.

when oil drips out through a Please check to see if my car has
oil leak, n.
hole in something an oil leak.

the rubber that surrounds a car

tires, n. or bicycle wheel and is filled Gerard just put air in his tires.
with air

a car that was originally owned

used car, exp. I bought a three-year-old used car.
by someone else

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Intermediate 2 Appendix

Unit 2

Be Careful!
Father: Fran! Look! I’ve found an old gramophone.
Daughter: Good for you Dad! How much do they want for it?
Father: Twenty pounds. Should I buy it?
Daughter: Yeah. Sure! Wait! You know you’re not supposed to carry things like that on your
own. You have a bad back.
Father: Fran, don’t worry. I can take care of myself.
Daughter: Be careful with that. I don’t want you to hurt yourself.
Father: Ow! Ow!
Daughter: Oh Dad!
Father: I hurt my back!
Daughter: I told you not to carry it by yourself.
Father: I need to lie down.
Salesperson: What happened? Is everything OK?
Daughter: My father, he hurt his back.
Salesperson: Oh no. I’ll go get help.
Daughter: Are you OK?
Father: I’ve been better.

72 Copyright © 1990-2016 Edusoft Ltd. All rights reserved

Intermediate 2 Appendix

Cliff Terror
Susan and Ellen had been looking forward to their first hiking trip with the University Outdoors
Club. Susan was a little afraid, however, because she had never gone hiking before.

“What if I’m too slow? I’ll be left behind, and get lost,” she said.

“Don’t worry,” answered Ellen. “If you get tired, I’ll have some other student carry you up the hill.”

The next day, the group left the city at 5 a.m. as planned. By the time they reached Canyon Park,
the sun had risen. They had been hiking for two hours when Susan said, “You were right. Hiking
is fun! If I had known how easy this would be, I wouldn’t have been so afraid.”

Suddenly Ellen realized that they had taken a wrong turn.

“Where are the other members of the Outdoors Club? I don’t see them anywhere. I think we’re

“Oh, no! I knew I shouldn’t have come. Who’s going to rescue us? Imagine being here all night!”

“Take it easy, Susan. I didn’t get us lost on purpose.”

The girls arrived at a cliff, and saw an enormous pool of water.

Ellen hesitated and said, “Well, we can either go down by rope, or we can jump. Let’s use the
rope. I’m too scared to jump.”

“You? Afraid?!” exclaimed Susan. “You were the one who wanted to go on this hike. Let’s jump.
It’s too rocky and slippery to climb down.”

“Susan,” said Ellen, “I’ve never told you this, but I don’t know how to swim. I just can’t jump into
that water.”

Susan followed her friend unhappily down the cliff. They had just arrived at the bottom, when
suddenly she slipped and fell.

“Oh... my foot!” she cried. Ellen rushed to her side.

“Here. Let me have a look. It’s not bleeding. It’s only a minor injury.” But that didn’t stop Susan from

“Ellen, if we get rescued and I recover from this, I will never listen to you again!”

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Intermediate 2 Appendix

Look Out!
- Look out for that little girl!
- I saw her.
- Are you allowed to ride your bike on the sidewalk?
- Of course. I do it all the time.
- You mustn’t ride so fast! You could hurt someone.
- It’s OK. I’m very careful.

Past Perfect: Progressive

- So, Bob, did you finally fix Betty’s TV?
- Don’t even ask! I had been working on it for three hours when she called and told me that
Peter had already fixed it for her.

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Intermediate 2 Appendix


Word Definition Example Sentence

afraid, adj. scared, feeling fear I’m afraid of spiders.

to lose blood, to have blood If your knee keeps bleeding, I’ll

bleed, v.
flow out of your body take you to the hospital.

Be careful when you stand on

cliff, n. the edge of a mountain
the edge of a cliff.

get stuck, We got stuck in the broken

unable to move
phrasal verb elevator.

damage or hurt to your body, The doctor is checking to see if

injury, n.
such as a broken leg Tom has an injury.

when someone doesn’t take

If we don’t keep up with the
left behind, exp. you with them when they go
group, we’ll get left behind.

to become healthy again after

recover, v. Jill will recover from her injuries.
being sick or injured

to save something or Casey rescued the kitten from

rescue, v.
somebody the tree.

rocky, adj. full of rocks and stones The mountain is rocky.

smooth or wet, a way to

slippery, adj. describe something that can The floor is slippery when it is wet.
cause someone to fall easily

take a wrong turn, If you take a wrong turn, you’ll be

to go the incorrect way
exp. late.

I felt terror when they started

terror, n. great fear

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Intermediate 2 Appendix

Unit 3

Hi, Marcy. This is Lori. Would you do me a favor? I’m really stuck. Could you pick up my dress
at the dry cleaners for me? I wanted to wear it to the party tonight. I was supposed to get it this
afternoon, but my car is still at the garage. The mechanic said that I needed to have a lot of work
done on it because of the accident. I’ve had new tires put on, they’ve repaired an oil leak, and
the brakes needed to be replaced. Thanks a lot. Bye.

A Foreign Affair
“Danny, are you ready yet?” asked Erica impatiently. “If you don’t hurry, we’re going to be late.”

Danny had just finished getting dressed. He was wearing a suit, just as he’d promised. He had
even agreed to wear a tie. Danny, a scientist, had never enjoyed formal parties, but now that his
wife had chosen a career in politics, he knew he’d have to attend lots of them.

“You look wonderful,” said Erica, quickly tying Danny’s tie. “Now if you’d only smile…”

“Yes, I know,” said Danny. “Smile and be polite.”

“Yes, and please don’t insult anyone this time, or spill your drink on them.”

“Hey, that wasn’t my fault. The host’s dog was chasing me, and I tripped. I can’t help it if I spilled
my punch on that woman’s dress.”

“That woman was the wife of the foreign minister! I’m just grateful she had a sense of humor
about it. My career could have been ruined.”

“Do you think that annoying reporter from “Chat Magazine” will show up again? Last time, he
kept asking personal questions and making bad jokes. If I run into him, I can’t promise what I’ll
say or do.”

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Erica and Danny arrived at the party. They entered the room and were greeted by several

Danny walked around the room. He heard some people gossiping, and others arguing about the
government and the next elections. He saw the reporter, but carefully avoided him.

Everyone was shaking hands with each other and patting each other on the backs, pretending
to be friendly.

“I have nothing in common with these people,” Danny thought, as he tried to hold a conversation
with a wealthy businessman.

“Oh Danny, darling!” called Erica, who was talking to a tall, blonde woman. “Come say hello to
Ms. Medina.”

Danny looked up. “Uh oh,” he thought. Ms. Medina was the wife of the foreign minister. How
embarrassing! But Danny put on his best smile, and walked over.

“It’s lovely to see you again,” he told Ms. Medina, and put out his hand.

Ms. Medina smiled. Maybe you should put that down first,” she said, motioning to the glass in
Danny’s hand.

Danny blushed. “Yes,” he said. “I think that’s a good idea.”

Fried Fish
- Is this what you had in mind, sir?
- I’m sorry. This is not what I wanted. The fish is fried, not grilled.
- I’m terribly sorry. I believe that the cook was unable to grill the fish because the grill is broken.
- Could you bring me something else, perhaps?
- Yes, of course. Here’s the menu again.

Past Perfect: Simple

- Who was that?
- The XYZ company – they want their money.
- Did you tell them that I had already mailed the check?
- No, I told them the truth – that you hadn’t sent it yet.

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Intermediate 2 Appendix

Attending a Party

Word Definition Example Sentence

people who know each other a Joan is an acquaintance I know

acquaintance, n.
little but are not friends from work.

Mark attended a party for his

attend a party, exp. to go to a party
friend’s birthday last night.

I barely had time to get dressed

get dressed, v. to put on clothes
this morning.

to talk about someone’s

Holly gossips about her friends all
gossip, v. personal business when he or
the time.
she is not there

have your hair to get someone to make your She’s going to have her hair done
done, exp. hair look nice before the party.

hold a I love to hold conversations with

to talk with someone
conversation, exp. interesting people.

to make people think you are You don’t have to impress

impress, v.
smart, good, or talented people; just be yourself.

when two people or things have We have many hobbies in

In common, exp.
a feature which is the same common.

to say something mean to

insult, v. His mean jokes insult people.

part of the game, what goes along with Studying for tests is part of the
exp. participating in a certain activity game when you’re a student.

I ran into my old friend, Al, last

run into, phrasal verb to meet by accident

Don’t forget to show up to class

show up, phrasal verb to arrive, to be in attendance
on time.

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Intermediate 2 Appendix

Unit 4
Helping Out

Welcome to the Neighborhood!

Eric: Hi, I’m Eric. Eric Johnson. I live upstairs, apartment 11.
Steven: Hi, I’m Steven. Steven Harris.
Eric: Nice to meet you, Steven. You just moved in, right?
Steven: Yes, about two weeks ago.
Eric: Welcome to the neighborhood.
Steven: That’s very kind of you.
Eric: Where are you from?
Steven: I’m from Chicago.
Eric: Really. I’ve always wanted to go there. Here, let me help you with that.
Steven: Thanks. Oh no.
Eric: What’s wrong?
Steven: It was supposed to be the number nine, not the number six.
Eric: No problem.
Steven: Ha! Thank you.

She Owes You a Favor

Barry was on his way to class in the morning, when he saw his friend Marcello.

“Hi, Barry,” Marcello said. “You look tired! Were you up all night working on your history

Barry shook his head. “If only I had been. You’ll never believe what happened to me last night. At
about one in the morning, while I was still working on my history paper, the phone rang.”

“Who was calling you at that hour?” Marcello asked.

80 Copyright © 1990-2016 Edusoft Ltd. All rights reserved

Intermediate 2 Appendix

“It was Alison. She said she had gotten stuck. Her car had broken down in the middle of the
highway,” Barry laughed. “She told me that she had tried to push it to the side of the road. She
sounded really worried. Being the nice guy that I am, I told her to take it easy, and that I would
be right there.”

“So, what did you do?”

“Well, she thought the problem was the brakes,” Barry explained, “so I took some replacement
parts. However, knowing Alison the way I do, I took two quarts of oil and a gallon of gas, too.”

“She sure is lucky that her best friend is a mechanic,” Marcello said.

“Yeah, but it would have been better for me if she had gotten stuck after I had written the history
assignment,” Barry replied. “I didn’t get home until four in the morning! And the assignment is
due tomorrow.”

Marcello smiled. “Well, Alison is very good at history... and she does owe you a favor...”

Barry smiled, too. “You know what? You’re right!. I think I’ll call her right now!”

Let’s Go
- Hi, Steve. Would you mind helping me with the geography assignment?
- Sure, if I’m able to.
- Thanks. I don’t like studying in the library. It’s so noisy.
- I agree. It’s always cold here, too.
- Well...we could study in my room. It’s quiet there.
- OK. Let’s go.

Past Perfect: Review

- When she finally called, I had been waiting for her for three hours. I had already called the
police because it had been snowing so badly all morning. But anyway, she’s fine.

Reported Speech: Statements and Questions

- This isn’t correct. Don’t you remember what Bob said?
- No, what did he say?
- He said he wanted ten boxes, not only five. And he asked if you would keep them here till next

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Intermediate 2 Appendix

Home Repairs

Word Definition Example Sentence

a suggestion about what should I need some advice on what job

advice, n.
be done to take.

to temporarily take something Can I borrow $100 until next

borrow, v.
from someone, with permission week?

Paul checked my tires to see if

check, v. to examine carefully
they needed air.

There was a lot of damage done

damage, n. harm or injury (also a verb)
to the car.

The new furnace heats our house

furnace, n. a machine used to heat a home
really well.

Mike, the handyman, is fixing the

handyman, n. a person who fixes things
sink in the bathroom.

a small piece of information

I’ll guess the answer if you give
hint, n. that helps someone figure
me a hint.
something out

We spent a lot of money last

home repairs, n. fixing of things in one’s house month on fixing the roof and
heater, and other home repairs.

water or liquid that comes out of

leak, n. My car has an oil leak.
a hole in something (also a verb)

Shelly is planning to redecorate

redecorate, v. to change the way a place looks
her living room.

repair, v. to fix Did you repair the broken TV?

a new piece of machinery that The mechanic ordered

replacement part, n.
is used instead of an old piece replacement parts for my car.

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Unit 5
Dreams And Ambitions

The Promotion
Jeremy: Peter! Sit.

Peter: This weather is the worst! What have you been doing with yourself?

Jeremy: Not much, Peter. It’s good to see you.

Peter: I haven’t seen you since that meeting with the marketing team we had... what’s it

Jeremy: Two weeks?

Peter: When you called this morning you said you had something important to tell me. Is
it good or bad news?

Jeremy: Good news! They’ve just offered me a new job: a promotion.

Peter: A new job! That’s fantastic! Now, that’s great news! Congratulations!

Jeremy: Even better, the new job is in Brazil! Good bye rain. Hello sunshine!

The Singer
Cindy loved to sing, but she had never sung in public because she was too embarrassed. Every
year her mother encouraged her to sing in the school concert. Cindy wished she could be in
the concert, but she always assumed that she wasn’t good enough.

“Even if I tried, they wouldn’t accept me,” she thought.

But her mother insisted, so Cindy finally agreed to try.

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On the Monday morning of the trials, Cindy was very nervous. She arrived at the auditorium very
early, while it was still deserted. Gradually the students began to arrive.

“Cindy, I didn’t know you could sing,” said her friend Mara.

“Well, I thought I might as well try,” said Cindy. “I don’t care whether or not I’m accepted.”

“Well, I do,” said Mara. “I intend to be in the concert this year. Mrs. Blake said that I had a very
good chance of getting the main part.”

One by one the students climbed onto the stage to sing for the music teacher. Some of them
sounded terrible. Cindy listened to all of them until it was her turn “Hello, dear,” said the music
teacher. “You may sing anything you like.”

Cindy sang. Although she was tiny, her voice was deep and full. She sang loudly and powerfully.
She forgot about all the other people in the auditorium.

When she had finished, the entire room was quiet. Everyone seemed as if under a spell.

“Cindy”, the music teacher said at last, “that was beautiful! You are a singer!”

- Do you have that history assignment from last week?
- Yeah. Is this what you need?
- No, that’s not what I meant. I need the writing assignment.
- Oh, that one. Here it is. I hate writing assignments.
- I’m surprised you say that. I thought you wanted to be a writer.
- I do, but I want to be paid to write!

Conditionals: Unreal
- Dad, if we went to France on vacation for three months, I would really learn French!
- If we had enough money for that kind of vacation, we could get you a private teacher!

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Adjectives 4

Word Definition Example Sentence

Calculating income tax can be

bothersome, adj. annoying, causing trouble
very bothersome.

sounding low, usually to Frank sings with a beautiful, deep

deep, adj.
describe a voice voice.

After everyone left the party, the

deserted, adj. empty of people
place seemed deserted.

feeling sad when you didn’t get Jackie is very disappointed that
disappointed, adj.
what you expected she didn’t pass the test.

beautiful in a tasteful and She’s looking for an elegant dress

elegant, adj.
refined way to wear to the wedding.

having a rich quality, particularly The opera singer’s voice was

full, adj.
of a singing voice deep and full.

Some people think that modeling

glamorous, adj. attractive and exciting
is a glamorous career.

loud, adj. noisy, not quiet The TV is too loud!

Polite people always say “please”

polite, adj. not rude, acting nicely to people
and “thank you.”

not polite, saying or doing The bookshop owner was so

rude, adj. things not considered rude, I never want to go back to
acceptable by most people his store again.

I use a tiny bit of salt when I bake

tiny, adj. extremely small

It’s tough to find a job in today’s

tough, adj. not easy; difficult

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Unit 6
Money Matters

Announcer: Good evening, listeners. Welcome to “Know Your Composers,” our weekly quiz
show where you get to show off what you know about famous composers. Our
participants tonight are Cee Cee Rondeau and Susan Philipson. And tonight’s
prize is two tickets to the symphony. OK ... here we go, and our first question
today is: How old was Mozart when he wrote his first symphony? ... Cee Cee?

Cee Cee: He was eight years old.

Announcer: You’re right! OK, now the next question has two parts. Which famous composer
was deaf and who was his first music teacher? ... Susan?

Susan: The composer was Beethoven and I believe his first music teacher was his father.

Announcer: Yes! You are both very good at this. Now, for the next question, I’m going to read
a quote and you have to tell me which composer said it. “When you play, never
mind who listens to you,” Cee Cee?

Cee Cee: Well, that sounds like something Leonard Bernstein might have said.

Announcer: I’m sorry, Cee Cee. That is incorrect...Susan?

Susan: Oh...What’s his name? Schumann!

Announcer: That’s right, Susan! You’re the winner of two tickets to the Symphony! That’s all
we have time for today, listeners. Please join us again next week for “Know Your

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Get Your Money’s Worth

by Kim Watson

When people are considering buying items which they will have for a long time, such as furniture,
they want to get their money’s worth. This means that: 1) they want to buy something they can
afford, and 2) they want to be satisfied with their purchase.

However, people often have a problem when buying furniture. While customers look for
reasonable prices, they also look for the best quality products, and these two things don’t always
go together. The reason for this is that they don’t always know if something is a bargain or not.

Last week, Edith Shaw, a writer for a popular consumer’s magazine, gave advice to buyers in her
column, “Customers Come First.” She recommended that people who wanted to buy furniture
that was both affordable and of good quality should go to places that offered bargains all year
long. She claimed that stores that offered great sales had most likely raised their prices before
putting the items on sale.

“People with limited budgets should consider buying at places like Quality Bargains. Buyers can
get brand-new inexpensive furniture there. It comes with a ten-year guarantee, and delivery is
free. Buyers pay less and get quality, and that’s a bargain.”

Quality Bargains’ manager, Tim Wright, says that their furniture is luxurious, the deals are excellent,
and they accept a twenty percent down payment on all purchases.

“If you came to Quality Bargains, your furniture problems would be solved,” says Mr. Wright.
Wherever you go, know that there are places where you can get your money’s worth, even if
you are short of cash.

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The Raise
- I spoke to the boss about a raise today.
- I’m surprised that you did it before the big meeting.
- I wanted to see how important I am to the company. She offered me a ten-percent raise.
- Is that what you had in mind?
- Well, not exactly; what I wanted was twenty percent.
- Do you intend to accept the offer?
- I haven’t decided yet.

Reported Speech: Time Aspects

- Today I will meet with the Ambassador of Garland. We will continue the discussions we
began last week.
 ast night, Thomas Hardwick said that he would meet with the Ambassador of Garland. He
added that they would continue the discussions they had begun the previous week.

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Word Definition Example Sentence

affordable, adj. not too expensive to buy My small car was very affordable.

something that is sold at a I got a bargain when I bought my

bargain, n.
reduced price house.

brand-new, adj. completely new Jan bought a brand-new car.

the first payment on an

The down payment was 20
expensive purchase that is being
down payment, n. percent of the value of the
bought using several payments,
for example, a house or a car

When you buy things that are

get your money’s get a lot of value for the money
good quality, you get your
worth, exp. you spent
money’s worth.

a promise to do something, a
promise made by a company This computer comes with a
guarantee, n.
to fix or replace a product if it two-year guarantee.
breaks (also a verb) 

a series of payments that a

customer makes over time, I bought the car in eight
installments, n.
usually for an expensive item or installments.

a small amount of money that People with limited budgets

limited budget, exp.
you plan to spend over a time should check prices carefully.

I purchased four items at the

purchase, v. to buy

happy about how something They have many satisfied

satisfied, adj.
turned out customers.

I would’ve bought the shirt, but I

short of cash, exp. not having enough money
was short of cash.

She worked very hard and

wealthy, adj. rich
became a wealthy woman.

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Unit 7

We’re back, and you’re listening to WNWS, your 24-hour news station. And now, here’s an
update on the election results.

Just a few hours ago, Conservative candidate Ted Schmidt was defeated in local elections for the
city council. In her live report earlier today, our reporter, Nancy King, pointed out that Schmidt
had been involved in the defeat of the new crime law proposed last year and stated that this had
probably hurt his chances in the election today. King spoke with Schmidt before the vote was
in and reported that Schmidt felt sure that he would win, in spite of his vote on the crime law.

The winner, Liberal candidate Rosa Morales, spoke at a press conference just after hearing that
she had won. She was quoted as saying that Schmidt’s vote on the crime law was a key issue
in the election. Before the election, Morales had promised voters that she would propose a
new crime law if she were elected. In her speech just a little while ago, Morales stated that she
planned to investigate all politicians suspected of committing crimes.

You’re listening to WNWS. Stay tuned for the weekend weather report, coming up next.

Brown’s Campaign Problems

by John Sharp

Yesterday at two o’clock, a fire was reported in the office of James Brown, the Liberal candidate
for Northwood. Fortunately, Mr. Brown was out to lunch when the fire started.

Police believe that they are dealing with a serious crime, and arson is suspected.

However, an apparently worried Mr. Brown told reporters that he thought that someone had

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tried to kill him. He said that someone wanted him out of the election campaign.

“If they had murdered me,” he said, “the Liberals would have had to elect a new candidate,
and they could have been defeated. Somebody definitely tried to murder me.” Mr. Brown said
that personal threats would not make him resign from politics, and he went out to meet voters
in the town later in the afternoon. He said that he would continue to campaign to reduce
unemployment, and that if elected, he would improve education and fight crime.

“In my opinion, unemployment, education, and crime are the most important issues we have to
deal with today. I plan to do something about these issues,” said Mr. Brown.

Despite Mr. Brown’s suspicions, local police officers said that there was no evidence to suggest
attempted murder.

However, they have opened an investigation, and are having the whole building searched for
clues. At the moment, Mr. Brown is using another office in a building across the street. Police
are keeping a close watch on the building.

New Manager
- Did you hear that Walker is hiring a new manager?
- Is he? I’m surprised that he would do that without discussing it with me first. Do you intend to
do something about it?
- Yes, I do. I intend to speak with him right away.
- I don’t like the idea of his hiring someone new from outside, when there are qualified people
right here in this office.
- Yes. I agree that we don’t need anyone new.

Reported Speech: Review

- Terry, John was here and he wanted to know where you were. He said that he was leaving the
books on your desk. He also said that he wanted you to call him at home.
- OK, Bob.

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Word Definition Example Sentence

activities done to get a We had a very successful election

campaign, n.
candidate elected (also a verb) campaign.

a person trying to be elected

There are four candidates for the
candidate, n. to a position, for instance, for

the possibility of something Coming late to the interview hurt

chances, n.
happening your chances of getting the job.

to win over another candidate I hope I will defeat all the other
defeat, v.
in an election candidates.

to choose someone to be your We have to elect a new class

elect, v.
representative by voting president.

a vote to choose someone for After the election, we’ll know

election, n.
a leadership role who the new prime minister is.

The election results were

the outcome, or who won, the
election results, n. surprising, because everyone
expected James Byrd to win.

a political group made of Which political party do you

party, n.
people with similar beliefs belong to?

a gathering of reporters to
listen to an announcement
press conference, He’ll make his announcement at
from a person or group, and
n. the press conference.
where they can ask questions
about the announcement

the voting has been completed, We’ll know the result of the
the vote is in, exp.
people have finished voting election after the vote is in.

to show your preference for a

It is important to vote in
vote, v. candidate or an issue (also a

The voters are lined up, waiting

voters, n people who vote to choose who they’d like to be
their next president.

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Unit 8

Dick: Today’s guest on “The Home Repair Show” is Hank “the Handyman” Hanson. Hank
is going to give us advice on how to get the house ready for winter. Hank, winter is
coming. What’s the first thing I’m supposed to do?
Hank: Well, Dick, first you ought to have your furnace cleaned and inspected, and have any
broken parts replaced. The furnace, or heater, is what keeps your house warm and
cozy. And in this part of the country, if we didn’t have heat in the winter, we’d freeze.
Dick: That’s for sure, Hank.
Hank: The other important thing to do is to have your roof checked for leaks. If rain or snow
were to leak in through the roof, it would damage your ceiling, your walls, and even
your furniture. And we all know how expensive it is to have the house redecorated.
Dick: I know what you mean, Hank. About two years ago, although I’d been planning to have
my roof checked for leaks, I forgot. The following year, I noticed watermarks on my
ceiling. If I’d repaired the roof right away, I could have avoided the problem.
Hank: Dick, I always say, “If you take it easy this year, you’ll have to replace it next year.”
Dick: That’s good advice, Hank. Thanks for being on the show today. Join us next week,
listeners, for more helpful hints on “The Home Repair Show.”

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Flight Information
We’ve had this information card printed to help make your flight arrival quick and easy. It would
be helpful if you read these instructions before landing.

Remain in your seat until the plane stops moving.

To avoid delays, have your passport and other necessary documents available for customs
inspection upon leaving the plane.

All duty-free items must be declared. It is illegal to hide these items.

Although we always make an attempt to be efficient, unexpected complications do happen.

So, if your suitcase doesn’t appear at the baggage claim, be patient and try not to get frustrated.

Would You Mind

- Would you mind making the picture a little larger?
- Sure. Is this what you had in mind?
 o. That isn’t what I meant. Could you put the picture in the middle, with the words on
either side?
- OK. Is this what you wanted?
- Yes. That’s exactly what I wanted. Thank you.
- No problem.

Causatives/ Permissiums: Active

- How did you get Jerry to wash the car?
- Easy! He knows I’ll only let him use it if it’s clean.
- Good idea! Have him clean his room, too!

Causatives/ Permissiums: Passive

- Get your hair cut immediately!
- But I had it cut yesterday.

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Crime 2

Word Definition Example Sentence

the illegal act of setting I think the fire was caused by

arson, n.
something on fire on purpose arson.

describes things people try do

The couple was arrested
but don’t succeed at, especially
attempted, adj. for attempted robbery of a
if the actions are wrong or
against the law

something that helps lead you This is the clue that helped them
clue, n.
to an answer or solve a mystery solve the crime.

to do something that is against Have you ever committed a

commit, v.
the law crime?

signs or facts that help prove

We’ll use his email messages as
something, such as whether
evidence, n. evidence in the trial, to help show
or not someone committed a
that he is guilty.

It is illegal to cross the street

illegal, adj. against the law
when the light is red.

What did the police find in their

inspection, n. a close examination

to kill someone purposely (also Did he use a gun to murder his

murder, v.
a noun) victim?

to start checking the facts of a The guards opened an

open an certain event, to find out why investigation into how the
investigation, exp. and how it happened, and who painting was stolen from the
caused it museum.

to believe that something is I suspect that Mr. Simpson stole

suspect, v.
likely to be true the money.

a feeling that something is

I have a suspicion that we will
suspicion, n. probably true, or probably
never solve this mystery.
going to happen

when you say you will cause Don’t take his threat seriously;
threat, n. someone harm or problems if he he’s not going to fire you for
or she doesn’t do what you want coming late.

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