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So sánh GTM và CLT

 Apply for high-intermediate level learners
GTM (classic) CLT (latest)
Material Foreign literature + fine arts Authentic language
Pronunciation No attention Attention
Translation Yes No
Goal To read literature => to To communicate: form,
learn about grammar rules function, meaning
& vocab
To learn L1
Role of Teacher Authority Facilitator/ adviser/ co-
Role of Ss Ss: do as T says Communicators
Characteristics Translation Communicative intent
of Tea./Learn. Deductive grammar Comm.activities (3 features) +
Process Word lists authentic
Interaction T -> S: mostly T: facilitator of comm.
S -> S: little S: a great deal (pairs, triads,
S initiation: little small groups, whole group)
Feelings No Yes
View of L: literary language L: for comm => form,
language/culture C: literature & fine arts function, appropriacy
C: everyday lifestyle
Language Vocab + grammar Function > form
areas/skills R&W Discourse level
4 skills (L, S, R,W)
L1 Mostly used Judicious use
Evaluation Translation Integrative test
Qs about cul & gram
Errors Correct: important Errors: tolerated during
T supplies correct answer fluency-based activities


Goals To communicate in L2  To use L2 communicatively

to think in L2  to overlearn/use
automatically without
stopping to think
Role of T/Ss T directs activities T directs, controls, provides
Ss: less passive, more like model
partners Ss follow model
Level of learners Lower secondary Beginner

Theories Behaviorism Acquisition

Materials Reading passage about Dialog, conversations

history, geography, visual
Characteristics of Communicate in L2 Dialog: imitation & repetition
T/Ss process Vocab in sentences  drills

Interaction T  Ss T  S (T initiates)
ST S – S (chain drill: T-directed)
View of L: primarily spoken L: of different levels
Language/Culture Culture: history, geography, Culture: everyday behavior &
daily lives lifestyle
Language 4 skills, oral LSRW
areas/skills communication: basic
Pronunciation: attention Grammar > Vocab
Vocab > Grammar
Evaluation Ss are to used language Discrete-point test
Errors Self-correction Avoided at all cost

 Similarities:
- Feeling: no
- L1 is not allowed to use  no translation
- Inductive gram
- Teacher has accuracy pronunciation
- To help learners communicate
- Materials: books
- Techniques: Vocabularies exercises
- Materials: books, audio, visuals, audio-visuals
-Techniques: Dialogues/ conversations , listening activities
- Student’s role: active learner
CLT vs DM:
- Same about Krashen’s hypotheses about Second Language Acquisition
- Support Chomsky’s theory about Universal Grammar
- Materials: books, audio, visuals, audio-visuals, authentic materials
- Techniques: Role-play, dialogues/conversations, reading and comprehensive
activities, games, oral presentations, pair and group work, listening activities
Student’s role: Active learner
Student’s mother tongue role: Student can use it as a support

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