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Vastushastra, which is purely an ancient Indian science alternatively termed as Indian Geomancy

of architecture and building premises. This phenomenal science draws you to live and work in a
most scientific way by taking advantage of the benefits showered on you by nature, 5 elements
and 8 directions in order to gain peace, prosperity, health, wealth & happiness in your life.
It also does take into consideration Earth's electromagnetic & gravitational forces, universal
positive energies, radiations from planets & stars, light & heat energies of the Sun, effects of
useful Ultraviolet rays & harmful Infrared rays, sound energy, wind energy, solar energy, lunar
energy etc.

South West = Keep books of kids or study table. Kids will study fast. Our professional books also
keep on south west, you will automatically become knowledgeable.

Brahmasthan = Don’t keep anything. Only Pyramid or Crystal. No staircase, no kitchen, no bathroom,
no equipments

Bathroom door should not open to kitchen or bedroom. Put curtain to cover or hang crystal

Bathroom = Light colour tiles

Bathroom = Glass Bowl Khada Namak coz negative energy comes from bathroom

Main Door = Fitkari bandhe

Bathroom = Blue colour Bucket & Mug

Bathroom = Fill water in bucket & throw in morning so that u see filled bucket with water in morning

Bathroom = No Mirror in Bathroom. No mirror in front of bathroom door as it reflects negative

energy. Keep bathroom door closed always. Make uncha dahleej on bathroom so that negative
energy doesn’t enter house from below bathroom door

Bathroom = Taps should be such that while bathing you face north or east

Bathroom = While using and while not using, both the times keep the bathroom door closed

Bathroom = Geyser in South East

Bathroom = Taps should be such that when u bath u face East or North

Bathroom = Keep blue bucket and blue mug and bucket should be always filled with water

Ganesh Photo on North East = Vision will expand, We can think Big, Kids also study good,

Ganesh Photo not on Main Door as when he was dwarpal what happened

Ganesh Photo = Mushak shud be there, Wide Face, Big Ears so everyone in house listens, Soond
going towards left, Sitting position, big stomach


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