Research Paper

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Not all people are only interested in the “golden olden days” or the pure beauty of nature

(where that still can be found), but instead want to engage with current or recent reality, warts

and all. In that sense, dark tourism is also much more honest than, say the relaxation offered by a

beach holiday resort. Dark tourism deals with parts of the reality of the human condition, and the

scars it has left on civilization's record. For some unexplained reason these are things that

“traditional”, “mainstream” tourism rather aims to mask or gloss over.

The topic of dark tourism is not a new phenomenon and has been explored to a certain

extend in recent years. The subject of this thesis revolves around this paradox and more

specifically around the motivations of tourists for engaging in ‘dark’ activities.

Dark tourism, on the other hand, is much more of a mind-broadening exercise. In the

process it acknowledges the ambivalence of being both horrified and at the same time fascinated

by the darker sides of reality. To pick a personal example: politically I am against nuclear energy,

or nuclear weapons, but as a topic I am deeply fascinated by their existence and what they mean

to our world. I want to see the associated sites rather than close my eyes and pretend they don't

exist. I find them thrilling, yes. But that does not mean endorsing continued nuclear energy – let

alone the use of nuclear weapons. This is not a contradiction. It is just real. You don't have to be

for something to be interested in it. The same is true of so-called “genocide tourism” - it's not

about “reveling” in such horrors – far from it: it's about trying to understand, no matter how near

impossible that may ultimately be. And I think that's better than just blotting these things out. It's

part of our world's reality.

Dark tourism can serve few purposes including political reasons, for recall purposes,

educational purposes, economic development, to provide entertainment, or as a reminded of our

own fragility and mortality. It is also believed that through dark tourism experience, tourist can

appreciate live more and empathy with victims

It is sometimes claimed that while it is OK to be interested in such dark topics, travelling

to the actual sites is not. I beg to differ. Much more so than simple study, reading and other such

“remote” activities, being in a place of historical significance (dark or otherwise) can really

heighten the awareness of the (hi)story in question. Using one's own senses eyes, ears and nose

adds something to the experience that no amount of abstract knowledge and/or imagination can

ever achieve. That's the magic of travelling with open eyes and an open mind. And that's what

dark tourism ultimately consists of.

By the way, when talking of “dark tourists” it must be noted that there isn't really such a

category in an either-or sense, no 100% only dark traveler. Instead, most dark tourists are just

regular, open-minded heritage tourists who are interested enough in getting a whole picture of a

place so that they are willing to take in the dark moments as well. But not just the dark moments.

In fact, much visitation of dark tourism sites takes place “by chance” as it were – as a result of

“stumbling across” some such site whilst travelling around a country. In that sense it is an

addition, not an alternative, to “normal” tourism. Only a few places listed here are clearly just

dark destinations and the main purpose of a journey. Sites like Chernobyl, Auschwitz or Pearl

Harbor are exceptions everybody knows about them and their dark significance, so travel there

will hardly ever be “accidental”.

Much more often, however, dark tourism is indeed a niche activity within the larger

context of tourism. And the official tourism management industry is often reluctant to even cater

for this side of alternative travel in any way. More typically it is the private sector that embraces

this niche – sometimes with remarkable success.

Governmental tourism departments, on the other hand, have a tendency to avoid the

darker sides of touristic pictures of “their” places, fearing bad press, avoiding the “digging up” of

the worse sides of history which they prefer us to forget about. But they're not “their” places –

they're ours (part of the heritage of all humankind), and we all have, or should have, the freedom

of choice in what we want to be interested in.

With this paper, however, the aim of this paper is to shed light onto the reasons of tourists

for visiting an apartheid memorial. Deeper emotional aspects will be evoked and presented. The

author is convinced that this work will contribute to existing knowledge and help future authors

to fully understand tourist’s motivations and the dark tourism phenomenon.


 Does proposing Dark Tourism will be a new trend to adventurous persons?


 To identify the different kinds of Dark Tourism spot and its dark history.

 To promote the Dark Tourism in the Philippines.

 To design and develop a brochure that can help recognize the different kinds of Dark

Tourism here in Philippines.


 Dark Tourism - tourism directed to places that are identified with death and suffering.

 Tourism - the commercial organization and operation of vacations and visits to places of


 Tourist Spot - is a place of interest where tourists visit, typically for its inherent or an

exhibited natural or cultural value, historical significance, natural or built beauty, offering

leisure and amusement.

 Brochure - a small book or magazine containing pictures and information about a product

or service.


The scope of this study is to promote the Dark Tourism, to recognize and to explore the

thrilling dark destination by the tourist here in Philippines by creating a Brochure.


 Local Traveler.

This study can help the travelers to recognize the different kind of Dark Tourism

 Foreign Traveler.

To promote the Philippine Dark Tourism in foreign traveler in other country.

 Student.

To broaden their knowledge about Philippine History.

 Teachers.

It Can help the teacher to encourage the students to be interested to Philippine


 Researcher.

To encourage them to think another idea about dark tourism.

 Future Researcher.

It can help the future researcher to conduct a survey and to know what the

perception of the travelers about Dark Tourism.


 This study can help the people find the location and the history of every tourist spot.

 This study can’t help the people find the location and the history of every tourist spot.



A Study of Tourist Perception Towards Travel Risk Factors in Tourist Decision Making

Anshul Garg

Discipline: Tourism


People from different cultures tend to have different ways of making decisions, based on the

emphasis they place on different phases of the decision-making process. Studies have also

suggested that people from divergent national cultures use different negotiation approaches, and

they do so because their perceptions of the decision making situation are conditioned by the

characteristics of the national culture from which they come. A Tourist undertakes a tour to

recharge his/her energy, enjoy eternal peace and tranquility and for go on adventure in a safe and

secure environment. Therefore, he/she would not go to a place affected by political upheavals

and terrorist attacks. Safety and security of his and belongings is also kept in mind while

selecting a tourist spot. A major determinant in a traveller’s decision to visit a destination is the

perception of safety and security. Specific events or a series of events may undermine these

perceptions of a destination. These events or circumstances, individually or in a combination

have a negative impact on perceptions of safety, security or desirability of tourist destinations.

The work on which this paper is based is important because it sheds light on tourist’s emotional

experiences on holiday, which are central to increase our understanding of tourist behaviour. The

importance of investigating perceptions of travel risks has been recognized with in a number of

different disciplines, such as psychology, sociology, criminology and marketing. It is often

assumed that perceptions of safety and security may influence individuals’ destination choice.

This paper is based on quantitative study conducted in Malaysia, including the nationals of

Malaysia, India, China, Indonesia, Australia, and France. The study found that most

holidaymakers perceive earthquake, tsunami, SARS, terrorist activities, swine flu as risk. The

results of the study suggest that safety, peace and stability are major concerns for tourists’ while

choosing their travel destination.1

Local community’s perception on environmental impacts of tourism development in

Phuket, Thailand

Wipawan Nillahut | Azizan Marzuki | Diana Mohamad

Discipline: Tourism


The rapid acceptance level and the unprecedented development of the tourism industry, both in

developing and developed countries, are often being interlinked with the benefits of economic

growth, facilities and infrastructure enhancement as well as resources management. More

importantly, tourism development is considered as an essential approach to introduce tourism

attractions and thus, enhancing the host country’s

possibility of receiving international recognition. Nevertheless, it is significant to clarify that the

positive achievements enjoyed are still closely interrelated with the local community’s support

on the proposed tourism developments. In other words, the local community’s perception and


acceptance are the key facets to a sound tourism framework, which in return leads to successful

tourism strategies implementation. This paper is undertaken with the attention to seek, from the

environmental impact perspective, the aspects and parameters that hinder and motivate the local

community’s enthusiasm towards tourism development.2

The Structural Relationship of Memorable Tourism Experiences and Brand Loyalty

Jong-hyeong Kim

Discipline: Tourism


This study develops and tests a model to investigate the effects of memorable tourism

experiences on brand loyalty. A structural equation modeling analysis reveals that the memorable

experiential components of involvement, refreshment, local culture, and knowledge affect

behavioral loyalty, resulting in patronage of the same brands of accommodation, transportation,

and travel services. The research contributes to a better understanding of memorable tourism

experiences and the experiential factors that enhance brand loyalty. The theoretical and

managerial implications of the study results are discussed in detail.3




Know what are different dark tourism


Design and develop a brochure


BRO-SURE: A Location Map and History for Dark Tourism.


The input is to know what are the different dark tourism and this is the first thing that we

do. And the process is we will design and develop a brochure to help the travelers to know more

about the dark tourism and different kind of it. And the output was our research title BRO-

SURE: A Location Map for Dark Tourism.


The Theory and Practice of Dark
Terror Management Theory” (TMT)

Local Travelers Foreign


BRO-SURE: A Location Map for Dark Tourism.


Over the past decade, the concept of dark tourism has attracted growing academic interest

and media attention. Nevertheless, perspectives on and understanding of dark tourism remain

varied and theoretically fragile while, to date, no single book has attempted to draw together the

conceptual themes and debates surrounding dark tourism, to explore it within wider disciplinary

contexts and to establish a more informed relationship between the theory and practice of dark



That shows that when people are made aware of their own mortality, they become more

punitive and aggressive towards others who could potentially threaten their world view and self-

esteem. For example, judges if they have been reminded of their impending deaths.

TMT, developed over 20 years ago by social psychologists, explains how humans come to cope

with death anxiety by developing self-esteem and attributing purpose to life. However, we do

this by shoring up our own cultural identities, self-esteem, and frankly become more

conservative in the way that we view others who might threaten our world view. So while Dark

Tourism might make us feel all the better about being alive, it may make us less tolerant of others

which just seems so counter-intuitive.


The methods that is used in this study is Experimental Research because this research can

identify if we can develop and design a brochure to promote the dark tourism here in the

Philippines. This research will also promote the tourist spot that can be found in the Philippines.

It will give a big contribution not just on the travelers but also in our country because it will

develop or upgrade our economy. Our research will fulfill the curiosity of local and foreign

people of what is the real beauty and the dark side of every tourist spot. And it can also

encourage them to visit our beautiful places here in the Philippines. We will make sure that our

brochure can help and reduce their stress in finding a particular place.



Our research dark tourism is promoting the economic status of the Philippines. We show

here the top of the best dark tourism and even they have a dark history it’s still a beautiful place

here in the Philippines. So, we make a research that can produce, design and develop a brochure

that can help the travelers to easily find and know what the history of specific tourist spot is. We

prove that many travelers can benefit by our own brochure we are sure that the content of our

brochure can help the travelers. It can help them to choose place that they want to explore.

Because brochure is one of the key tools to promote without making much expense. The

brochures are easy to produce and don’t even cost much to distribute them to the possible readers.

They can easily be designed using a free and trial version of the software and then printing them

using digital or offset printing in order to print the brochure that can be cost-effective. And there’s

a lot of people that are using a brochure.



1. We therefore conclude that brochure is important to recognized dark tourism because it

can be useful to the travelers that are interested in adventuring the dark side history of the

place that we recommend on our brochure. This thesis can also concludes the promotion

of the places that are unknown to the travelers and show them that there are places that

can possibly visit with a horrific history. This stated that brochure is a tool for promoting

places that respond to the need of the travelers.


1. We recommend that this research can be published to public, so the travelers of dark

tourism will know the places and history that our brochure recommended. It is also

beneficial to the student who are researching, browsing, or making projects about places

that travelers are searching for. And they can also make not just a brochure but a

advertisement that can help to promote the Dark Tourism.



Name: Rose Ann R. Santillan

Date of Birth: July 16, 2001

Place of Birth: Villa Petrona, Libon Albay

Address: Villa Petrona, Libon Albay

Educational Background

Elementary: Villa Petrona Elementary School

Junior High School: St. Peters Academy

Senior High School: St. Peters Academy

Strand: Accountancy, Business and Management

Name: Kenneth L. Segui

Date of Birth: October 20, 2000

Place of Birth: Iriga City

Address: San Agustin Libon Albay

Educational Background

Elementary: Libon Central School

Junior High School: St. Peters Academy

Senior High School: St. Peters Academy

Strand: Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics

Name: Lester B. Acson

Date of Birth: November 2, 1999

Place of Birth: Las Pinas, TS. Cruz

Address: East Carisac Libon Albay

Educational Background

Elementary: East Carisac Elementary School

Junior High School: Salle Learning Center

Senior High School: St. Peters Academy

Strand: Accountancy, Business and Management

Name: Daniela T. Seva

Date of Birth: August 13, 2000

Place of Birth: Libon Albay

Address: Serrano Street, Libon Albay

Educational Background

Elementary: Libon Central School

Junior High School: Libon Agro Industrial High School

Senior High School: St. Peters Academy

Strand: General Academic Strand


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