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Good evening, my name is Maria Alejandra Sanabria Neiva, I was born on October 9,
one thousand nine hundred and ninety eight, I was born in the city of Villavicencio, I am 20
years old.
I currently live in Villavicencio with my mother and my brother; I started studying at the age
of 5 years in the female school of Villavicencio, there I did my primary and all my high
When I was in school I broke my arm twice, once for playing with my friends and the other
practicing basketball.
I graduated from school in the year two thousand and fifteen.
In my opinion, the school stage was fantastic.
I joined the Santo Tomas University in the year two thousand sixteen, public accounting
study and today I am in the semester.
And this is my life so far
Thank you

2. Good afternoon
My name Maria Alejandra Sanabria Neiva, I see myself in 5 years and graduated as a
public accountant, I live in the city of Bogota; I see myself as a great professional, with a
stable job in a recognized company in Bogota at the same time I will be doing my
Specialization in Digital Communication Management, I will help my mother economically
and also help with my brother's university, finally I will save to buy my house, my car and I
will travel around the world.
Thank you

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