2 Compare Some Laws That You Have in Ecuador With Other Country

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Compare some laws that you have in Ecuador with other country´s laws:

In Ecuador when you chose your authorities (Election Day), you have to vote for a candidate in
order to receive your vote certificate for doing important paperwork, In United States it is not an
obligation, there you are allowed to take the decision to vote or not.

In Ecuador, a night entertainment venue has to close at 03:00 at the morning maximum otherwise
the owners may receive a monetary fine. In United States these places of entertainment can be
opened the 24 hour per day.

Write a dialogue using direct statements and reported statements

Martin: What did the teacher say?

Jaime: he said to bring a dictionary tomorrow.

Martin: Oh, what is the reason why he asked a dictionary?

Jaime: he told me to bring a dictionary because there is going to take the written exam.

Martin: What if you do not have one?

Jaime: he said that it is going to help you.

Martin: Ok, but is there another alternative?

Jaime: Yes, he told me to bring a tablet, you can use it too.

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