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Endless Love by GeMMi LeE

September, 2002.

Chapter 1: “My brother’s a singer?”

“Can you believe my DONGSANG is a gasoo?!” Alena exclaimed, rolling her eyes
slightly. “When he sang in the shower, I always thought he sounded like a
constipated goose…”

“Maybe that’s why they only let him rap,” Annie laughed.

Four 18-year-old friends were sitting on Alena’s room floor. They had just finished
listening to the newly formed Shinhwa’s single.

Alena Lee, Annie Im, Junie Choi, and Christine Kim had been best friends since
kindergarten when they had met in the sandbox. Alena and Annie were what
people would call “special”…they said weird things at weird times. They both had
a very rare talent…being able to talk really really really fast and easily confuse
the sh*t out of everyone. Junie was awfully shy and lots of guys at their school,
Joo High, had crushes on her. Christine was outgoing, loud, and was always very
loyal to her friends.

“Gosh, is Andy gonna show up on our computer and TV screens now?” Junie

“I hope not, he’s not even that good looking!” Christine exclaimed, sticking out
her tongue.
“Of course he’s not, he’s my little brother…”

Annie pushed repeat on the CD player and listened carefully. “How many guys are
in this group anyway?”

“Uh…like, 5? 6? I dunno,” Alena shrugged.

“Are they hot?” Christine asked eagerly.

“I like this guy’s voice,” Annie suddenly said and played that one part over and

Alena chewed her lip, and then said to Christine. “Well…I’ve only met one…his
name is Kim Dongwan…he’s kinda freaky…”

“Freaky? Like, how?” Junie asked.

“Well, he has way too many muscles, and his eyes just stare into yours when he

“Oooooooh sounds like my kinda guy!” Christine squealed.

“Do you have a picture of them?” Annie asked curiously.

“I think Andy does…HEY ANDY!” Alena yelled to Andy from her downstairs
bedroom to his upstairs one.

“What?! Nuna, I have friends over right now! Leave me alone~~”

“Friends?” All four girls asked confused. Andy never had had friends at Joo High.
He was sorta a social outcast and that was partly the reason of why HIM making
it into a boyband was surprising.

“You mean your imaginary friends?” Alena called back up.

They heard deep laughter and a male voice saying, “Haha Andy, your nuna’s
Christine looked at Annie. Junie looked at Alena. “Do you think…?”

“Andy, how many guys do you have up there with you?” Christine asked in her
sweetest voice.

“Ewww that doesn’t sound right,” Alena giggled.


“Shinhwa’s up there!” Christine squealed.

“You’re acting like they’re real celebrities already,” Alena commented as she
watched Christine scramble around looking for a pen and paper for autographs.

After watching Christine reject paper after paper because “it has a WRINKLE in
it!” for a few minutes, Annie finally said, “I’m just gonna go up there~” She
pushed open the door impatiently and started up the stairs.

Junie quietly slipped out of the room and followed her.

“WAIT FOR ME!” Christine finally ripped a paper from her prized notebook and ran
up the stairs. Alena, sighing, left the room too, and walked toward Andy’s room.

Chapter 2: “First impressions”

Annie reached Andy’s room door and knocked. “Hey…Andy? It’s Annie nuna…”
(Andy called all of Alena’s friends “nuna”…that’s how much they came over
^^;; )

“What do you want, nuna?” Andy jerked open the door and looked at her

Junie came up from behind Annie and shyly looked inside Andy’s bedroom.

Five guys were lounging casually in Andy’s bedroom. One guy with a gray hat
covering his face was sleeping in Andy’s computer chair. A muscular guy and a
vertically challenged guy with messy hair were arm wrestling on Andy’s bed. Two
other guys—one was very pale and white, and had blondish hair; one was darker
than the rest of them—were sitting opposite each other playing Battleship.

“C’mon Andy,” the dark one called. “You need to help me decide what location to
pick! I really need to beat Hyesung!”

The pale guy laughed. “You can’t beat me, Eric…mae long…”


“Aish…” Andy looked torn between keeping Annie and Junie from coming in or to
just let them in and go play with Hyesung and Eric. He finally left the door and
sat down next to Eric.

Annie and Junie crept in and just stood in the door opening feeling a bit lost in
the world of guys. One of the arm wrestlers looked up and smiled at Annie. “You
must be Andy’s nuna…”

“Uhhh no, I’m her friend,” Annie said.

“You then?” the short guy asked.

“No, I’m a friend too…”

Eric butted in the conversation. “Well, I don’t care if you’re Andy’s nuna’s
enemies or not! Do you guys know how to play Battleship?”

“Well…I’m pretty good at it,” Junie shrugged modestly.

Annie, not wanting to be left out in the fun, added, “Me too! Me too!”

Eric motioned them over and made them sit down. “Okay, so I’ve tried to hit him
here…and here…but there’s a big empty spot right here…do you think I should try
B-9? Or C-9?”

Junie studied the board carefully but Annie was too busy studying the guy in front
of her.
He’s CUTE…’

Christine burst in the room, and practically fell onto Eric’s Battleship board.

“ARGH!!” Eric yelled. “You could’ve messed up my perfect strategy!”

“Um…^^;;…sorry…?” Christine said.

“Is that Andy’s nuna?” the short guy asked again, to Dongwan this time.


Christine looked at the game and sat down in the middle so that she could see
both of the boards. “Oooooh Battleship!”

Alena walked in and looked around. “Hi Dongwan!” she walked over and waved to
the one guy she recognized in the room (besides her brother).

“THAT’S Andy’s nuna,” Dongwan said to the guy next to him.

He smiled and stood up. “Hi, I’m Minwoo…”

“My name’s Alena…”

“You know, I’ve been waiting a long time to meet you…ever since Dongwan came
back after meeting you…I don’t meet a lot of girls who think for themselves, you
know?” he flashed another dazzling smile. “So um…”

Alena cut Minwoo off. “Look, before you get any further thoughts, I don’t go out
with player guys like you. I know you…I’ve heard all about you at school…you’re
INFAMOUS Lee Minwoo who’s going out with 5 girls at one time…and besides, I
would never go out with a short guy anyway.”

“!!” Minwoo stared at her in shock. Did somebody just reject Lee Minwoo? And
BEFORE he even asked her?? This couldn’t be!

“But…Alena,” Dongwan said, trying to help Minwoo out. “he’s taller than you!”
“Pheesh! Yea right!”

Minwoo got his voice back and defended himself. “Yes I am!”

“W/e, Minwoo, w/e…maybe if you get some high heels you’d be the same height
as me…”

“No way! I am SO taller than you…”

“Oh yea?”


“Prove it then,” Alena challenged. “If you are taller than me—and you’re NOT—I’ll
go on a date with you. That’s how confident I am.”

“Okay, FINE, it’s a deal…Dongwan you be the measurer,” Minwoo said bossily.

Minwoo and Alena stood back to back. Dongwan put his hand on top of their
heads carefully and announced that Minwoo was about an inch taller.
“Oh no…oh HECKKK no!”

Minwoo smiled smugly. “I guess you’re gonna have to go out with me now…”

“Well…I didn’t exactly say that, did I?”

“Yes you did! You said that if I’m taller than you, you’d go out with me…and now
you have to since I’m taller…”

“And cockier…” Dongwan added.

“Aish!” Alena blew her hair out of her face and shook her head angrily.

Do I really have to go out with this stupid and conceited midget?? T.T What the
hell did I get myself into?’
She turned her back at Minwoo who was now shoving Dongwan exclaiming, “I am
NOT cocky!”

The guy who had been asleep woke up and his hat fell off his face. He blinked
sleepily, straightened up, and rubbed his eyes. He then noticed the girl in front of
Minwoo frowning like the world had ended. “What the…Alena Lee??”

Alena turned to where she had heard her name being called and her mouth
dropped in shock. “Park Choongjae?!”

Chapter 3: “Hyper Junie”

“Hey…what are you doing here??”

“Uh, I live here…”

“Oh…^^;;…didn’t know…”

“Wow Jinnie…how long has it been?”

“I don’t know…3 years? 2…?”

“You know him, honey bunch, Pooh Bear?” Minwoo said in a fake sugary voice.

Alena glared at him. “You are so pushing it…”

“I’m taller than you, I can do whatever I want,” Minwoo stuck out his tongue.

“Uh…it’s been a while since Minwoo found somebody he’s taller than…I think the
power’s gone to his head,” Dongwan said apologetically.

“POWER?! Oh hell no, Lee Minwoo has NO power over me…”

“You can’t be serious sweetie~ How can you look at my CUTE face and not melt?”
“Aigoo…” Alena turned back to Junjin. “Oh man! Who knew we’d meet again like

“I didn’t know Andy was your dongsang…you two look nothing alike…”

“Thanks~ ^^ I’ll take that as a compliment…”

“AH SSA! In your face, Junie, IN YOUR FACE!” Hyesung yelled from “the
Battleship corner”.

“…AIEE! SUNGIE OPPA, you SUNK IT?! God, you must’ve cheated somehow!”
Junie exclaimed.

“0_o…” Annie, Christine, and Andy stared at the totally different Junie Choi in
front of them. She was laughing without covering her mouth, was calling
somebody she met a mere 5 minutes ago ‘oppa,’ and all trances of her shy
personality was totally gone.

“GAWD! Eric oppa, DO SOMETHING!! Chi, try hitting here…D-4…well Sungie

oppa?? Did we get a hit???”

“Haha, NOPE…try again, Junie yah…” Hyesung teased in a sing-song voice.

I wonder if Junie’s always like this around guys…? No…she’s not like this to the
crushing guys at Joo…then…what’s making her so hyper? She…she doesn’t like
Hyesung, does she?’ Annie watched the interaction between Junie and Hyesung.
They DID make an instant connection…’

Haha…Junie nuna is pretty awesome when she’s all Christine-ish like this…we
might even win this game!’ Andy smiled happily.

That guy is so white…maybe his whiteness is some kind of spell that makes quiet
girls less shy?’ Christine tried to think of a “logical” explanation for Junie’s sudden

After watching Alena, Dongwan, and Junjin watch Junie, Hyesung, Andy, Eric,
Annie, and Christine for a few minutes, Minwoo brought the attention back to
himself. “Uh…hey…Alena…POOH BEAR—”

“Okay sweetie, w/e you say,” Minwoo grinned slightly at her short temper and
asked, “But seriously, how do you and Junjin know each other?”

“Yea,” Dongwan nodded. “I’d like to know too~!”

“Oh…” Alena glanced at Jin and replied, “Never mind that…”

Minwoo turned to Jin. “Jin, do you have anything to say?”

Jin covered his burning face with his hat and in a muffled voice answered,

Minwoo looked at Alena to Jin curiously but saw no signs of backing down. “I’m
gonna find out someday anyway, so it’s better if one of you tells me now…”


“Leave them alone Minwoo, and think about you being taller than another human

“…-_-^…will you LET THAT GO?!”



Chapter 4: “Alena and Minwoo?”

“Nuna, Shinhwa’s gonna do a debut soon~~ wanna come?”

“I ono, when is it?”

“It’s this Friday,” Andy told her after counting on his fingers for a while.
“Probably…” Alena answered, absentmindedly.

Annie’s head snapped up from where she was supposed to be doing her math
homework. “Oooh oooh Andy, can I come too? Can I? Can I? CAN I?!?!”

“Yea, Annie nuna, the more ppl the better…” Andy nodded happily. “You have to
pretend like you really like us though, okay? It’ll make us look like we’re popular
and everything…”

“Sure,” Annie said, as she thought, Puhaha, that shouldn’t be a problem;

Hyesung being so cute and all…’

“I’d like to come,” Junie said quietly.

“Yea, Junie nuna can come too! Do you wanna come, Christine nuna?”

“Eh…” Christine acted casual. “I might have something planned…”

“Oh…then I guess you can’t come?”

“What are you TALKING about?! I was just trying to act COOL, you idiot! Of
course I can come…that Dongwan guy is HOT!”

“…^^…okay then…” Andy said, turning to go out of the room. Then he stopped
and added “Oh and Alena nuna, thanks for agreeing to come…Minwoo hyung is
gonna be really happy. He was hoping you’d come to the debut…that’s why I
came in here to ask you personally…he was like ‘If I ask, she won’t come…’” He

As Andy left, 3 pairs of curious eyes locked onto Alena. “Why will Minwoo be
ecstatic?” Annie asked curiously.

“I have no idea,” Alena answered, trying to look nonchalant.

“Yea right!” Christine exclaimed. She scooted up closer to Alena and leaned
forward. “Are you two going out??”
“WHAT?! Why would I go out with that short bastard? Oh hell no…”

“He is kinda cute,” Junie said, looking at the ceiling and imagining Minwoo’s face.

“Yea, and his smile…” Annie sighed.

“His small eyes are a turn-on for me,” Christine said, dreamily.

“Hey! You guys…you…you don’t LIKE him, do you?”

“Why do you care? He’s a short bastard, remember?” Annie reminded Alena.

“I-I just don’t want any of my friends falling for a ssagaji like him…”

Christine laughed. “Sureeeeee…now tell us the truth!”

Alena glared at Christine but told them what had happened in Andy’s room the
day before.

“Lucky…” Christine said.

“Wow…” Junie said.

“Puhaha, seriously? He’s TALLER than you??” Annie giggled.

“That is SUCH a good way to meet guys…torment them about something they’re
sensitive about…” Christine said thoughtfully.

“I know, huh?” Junie agreed.

“Puhaha, he’s taller than you!”

“So if I say to Dongwan, I bet I have more muscles than you, would he ask me
out on a date?”

“That’s not exactly the way it happened to Alena…” Junie said, “but it might
work…give it a shot. What do you have to lose anyway?”
“I think you’re a midget, Alena, if Lee Minwoo’s taller than you…”

Christine, Junie, and Annie talked amongst themselves as Alena just shook her
head, annoyed at them all.

Chapter 5: “Eric’s Karaoke Dream Girl”

The Shinhwa debut on Friday went great. The crowd was very enthusiastic and
responded very well to all the songs Shinhwa sang. They left the stage beaming.

Alena, Christine, Annie, and Junie met the 6 guys backstage, at Andy’s invitation.
The guys were all excited, happy, and ready to go out and celebrate.

“Where do you wanna go?” Hyesung, being a lovely but PALE gentleman, asked
the girls.

“Well I—” Christine started but was interrupted by Minwoo, Junjin, Andy, and

“I wanna go to Disneyland!!”

“I wanna go to KFC and get that big bucket of chicken!”

“I wanna go putt-putt golfing!”

“I wanna go clubbing! Or somewhere where I can karaoke!”

“How do you guys ever go somewhere with all these different opinions?” Junie
wondered aloud.

Andy suddenly pouted. “You CAN’T go clubbing, Eric hyung! I’m too young! Are
you just gonna leave me out?”

“Well ye—”
Dongwan clamped a hand over Eric’s mouth and answered, “Nooooo…uh, we’ll go
to that new restaurant, you know, on Nunu Street…they have chicken on the
menu, Jin…and they have a putt-putt golf course outside for you Andy; a dance
floor and a karaoke machine for Eric…but uh…no roller coasters for you Minwoo…”

“Must be some nice restaurant…” Annie marveled.

“Do they have a gym for you, Dongwan hyung?” Andy asked.

“No…actually, they don’t…but I made a complaint to the manager so I think

they’ll have one soon…so everybody? Wanna go there?”

“Yea, sure, if they have chicken, I’m good…” Jin nodded.

“Sounds cool to me!” Christine said.

“I do feel like I wanna eat chicken…” Junie said.

“Dance floor and a karaoke machine? I’M THERE!”


One by one, everybody else said yes to the restaurant except one person who
stayed quiet and pouty.

“So, Minwoo…what do you say?” Dongwan asked.

“…T_T…no Disneyland?” Minwoo said.

“Chi, I never knew Lee Minwoo was so girly,” Alena scoffed.

“T^T…DISNEYLAND IS NOT GIRLY! And Dongwan, if the restaurant doesn’t have

a Disneyland inside of it, I DON’T WANNA GO!!”

“There’s gonna be food there…” Dongwan said.

“Really? FOOD?? *^^* Why didn’t you say so? Let’s go!” Minwoo ran off.
“I DID!” Dongwan yelled after him. “I said it was a restaurant, what else do they
have at restaurants?!”

“Putt-putt golf courses!” Andy answered.

“A dance floor!” Eric put his two cents in.


“Chicken IS food Jin,” Annie told him.

“Noooooo~ chicken is classified under a totally different category…chicken is too

good and special to be called just ‘food,’” Jin explained seriously.

“Okay so what’s chicken classified under then?”

“‘Yummy stuff,’” Jin said in the same serious tone.

“…” Dongwan rolled his eyes and gave up.

Christine, Annie, Alena, and Junie laughed and followed Shinhwa outside into the
vans, Annie making sure she “accidentally” ended up in the seat next to Hyesung.


“What do you MEAN you don’t have crunchy chicken?? I WANT CRUNCHY

“Uh…heh heh…^^;;…” Dongwan said. “You’re gonna have to forgive our Junjin
here…he hasn’t had his medication yet…we’ll just order some BBQ chicken
drumsticks for him…”

“Yea, and hurry! Dongwan hyung says I have to eat before I play putt-putt golf
so hurry and bring the food so I can eat and go putt-putt! ^^…” Andy said this all
very fast and confused the waitress.

A few minutes later, Andy whined. “Why isn’t the food here yet?? I wanna hurry
and eat so I can go play putt-putt golf!”
“Shut up about the putt-putt golf already, Andy!” Christine yelled, holding her
head. “I think I’m getting a friggin’ headache cuz of you…”

“But…I…*sniff*…want to play…*sniff*…WAAAAAAH…”

“Oh God,” Christine groaned. “I’m sorry Andy, I never said you couldn’t play…I
was just kinda annoyed at your nonstop ‘I wanna play!’…but you can say that as
much as you want now…I won’t get mad…and I’ll do anything you want me to…
just stop crying…”

Andy’s fake tears stopped and he joyfully clapped his hands together. “…^-^…
OKAY! Hey, Christine nuna, since you said you’d do anything I want, how about
you go putt-putt with me after we eat??”

A promise was a promise and Christine was forced to smile and say, “Sure!
Sounds like fun…”

“Haha…I’ll go play with you guys,” Dongwan volunteered.

“Really Dongwan hyung? YAY!” Andy cheered. Christine gave Dongwan a grateful

“Hey Minwoo…” Alena said softly, suddenly all sweet.

“Yes Pooh Bear?”

Alena’s eyes went sharp at those two words but she managed to smile back at
him. “Technically…doesn’t this count as a date?”


“Doesn’t this count as the date I owe you? I mean, I’m eating dinner with you

“Heck no! I never said we’re gonna go on a group date! Naw…we’re gonna go on
a date…just the two of us…and you’ll know what it’s like to go on a date with
somebody as good looking as ME, Lee Minwoo…^^…”
“Man, I thought I was gonna get off easy…T^T…”

“Haha too bad, sweetie…” Minwoo put his arm around her. “You better get used
to this, if we’re gonna go on a date and all…”

“Aish!” Alena pushed away his arm and smacked his head.

“T-T…You didn’t have to hit so hard…”

Shinhwa, Annie, Christine, and Junie just stifled their giggles (Dongwan had told
the rest of the Shinhwa members about what had happened in Andy’s room) as
they watched the interaction between Minwoo and Alena.

They are the most perfect couple…puhehehe…’

Suddenly the karaoke machine played the first notes of a song. “Hey…” Eric
exclaimed. “That’s my favorite rap song! I wonder who’s singing it…?” He turned
in his seat and stretched his head, trying to see who was holding the mic

A tall Asian girl was nodding her head quietly to the beat. When it was time to
sing, she suddenly came to life and started to rap, dancing just as perfectly as
she was rapping.

“O_O” Shinhwa stared at her awestruck.

“Damn…she’s got mad skills…” Eric said, his mouth hanging open.

“Word…” Junjin mumbled.

“Can we replace Eric hyung with her?” Andy asked. Eric, luckily for Andy, was too
amazed to get pissed.

Junie nodded her head in appreciation. “She’s pretty good…”

“Yea,” Alena agreed.

“She has cool hair…that’s such a nice style…natural with the ends tinted red…do
you guys think I’d look good with that kinda hair?” Christine asked.

“Naw…” Dongwan said, smiling slightly. “I think you’d look good with purple


The girl finished, smiled shyly, ignored all the cheers of “encore encore!” and
walked coolly off the stage.

Shinhwa snapped out of the spell they had been under and turned back to the

“Did you guys have fun drooling?” Annie teased.

“I WAS NOT—!” Minwoo sputtered.

“I definitely wasn’t if Minwoo wasn’t…and I was talking to Christine anyway…who

would drool while talking to Christine?” Dongwan said.

“True,” Minwoo nodded.

“HEY!” Christine yelled, smacking Minwoo on the head and Dongwan on the arm.

“OW! That hurts!! Why does everybody aim for my HEAD?!…T_T…”

“Puhehe, Christine you think that would hurt? Nah, my arm muscles can take a
weak hit like THAT,” Dongwan took this opportunity to roll up his sleeve and show
off his muscles.

“I don’t like girls, they have cooties~” Andy said, sticking out his tongue.

“I don’t drool, even when I’m sleeping…REALLY!” Jin insisted as he got a skeptical
look from Alena.

“Seriously, I wasn’t drooling…but Eric here is…”

They all looked at Eric at Hyesung’s comment and sure enough, there was saliva
at the corners of his mouth. His eyes were starry as they stared at the now
empty stage.

“YA ERIC MUN!” Minwoo shouted at him. “Wake up man!”

“Eric? Eric hyung? Do you think he’s dead, guys?” Andy said, peering at Eric

“No…he’s blinking ever so often…” Annie replied, staring into Eric’s face. “See?
Did you just see? He just blinked…he’s not dead…”


“Maybe he’ll snap out of it once my chicken comes,” Jin shrugged carelessly.

Eric suddenly got up and walked away without saying anything.

“0_o” Everybody looked after him confused.

“ERIC HYUNG’S A ZOMBIE!!!!!” Andy yelled terrified.

“Okay then!” Christine said brightly and started talking about the karaoke girl’s
“cool hair” again.

The food came shortly and everybody forgot about Eric and started to eat
ecstatically. ^^;;

Eric’s favorite song came on the karaoke machine again. The song reminded
Junie of Eric and she asked, “Where the heck did Eric oppa go anyway?”

“Yea, and why would he take so long?” Hyesung answered as he started to look

Annie didn’t like her food so she gave it to Minwoo who took it gratefully and
started looking for Eric too. “Hey…you guys, look!!”
Chapter 6: “Battleship fever!”

“Huh?” Hyesung turned to the direction Annie was pointing and gasped.

“Hey Eric’s on stage doing karaoke with the hot girl I WAS NOT DROOLING
OVER!!” Minwoo said.

Jin laughed. “Looks like they’re having a rapping battle…”

Andy nodded. “And that girl is kicking Eric hyung’s butt!”

“Puhaha, poor Eric oppa,” Junie said half sympathetically, half laughing.

A few minutes later, Eric and the karaoke girl got offstage and were replaced by 2
ggang ppae wannabes singing a Backstreet Boys song.

Everybody lost interest and started to eat again.

“Hey guys, do you think we can make room for one more?” Eric’s voice asked a
little later.

Jin looked up and choked on his chicken when he saw the karaoke girl next to
Eric. He got up, screeched a chair over from the next table over, and stationed it
between his and Andy’s chairs.

“You can sit here, er…”

“It’s Jina,” the karaoke girl said, smiling.

“You can sit here, Jina,” Jin said, smiling sweetly.

Andy saw the hateful glare Eric was shooting Jin, stood up, and offered, “We can
change seats if you want, hyung…”

“No, Andy, you don’t have to,” Eric said as he sat down in Andy’s chair.
Andy stood there confused for a while and then finally went over, sat down in
Eric’s chair and started bugging the crap out of Hyesung.

“So what hair products do you use, Jina?” Christine asked curiously, eyeballing
Jina’s hair.


Everybody was now full and content. “Yummy chicken…” Jin murmured happily,
rubbing his stomach. He had forgotten completely about Jina once he started

“PUTT-PUTT! PUTT-PUTT!” Andy shrieked and grabbed Christine’s hand. “C’mon

nuna, c’mon Dongwan hyung!” He ran outside, practically dragging Christine, with
Dongwan puffing behind them, struggling to catch up.

“Hey Jina, wanna go dance?” Eric asked.

“Yea, I guess…” Jina nodded.

Hyesung yawned. “I just wanna go home and play Battleship…”

“Me too!” Junie agreed. “Do you think we can take one of the vans and go home
early?” They had brought over two vans for the ten ppl, so everybody could sit

“Probably…but let’s just ask Dongwan before, just in case,” Hyesung said.

Jina stopped getting out of her chair to follow Eric and said, “BATTLESHIP?!”

Hyesung looked at her surprised and replied, “Yea…why? You play Battleship?”

“I LOVE BATTLESHIP! I bet I could beat all of you guys!”

“No way!” Hyesung yelled.

“Heck no~” Junie said.

“Haha of course you sound confident NOW…” Jina laughed.

“!! Oh that’s IT! Bring it on!” Junie exclaimed.

“Fine, show the way to the van…” Jina shrugged.

Junie left the restaurant in a blind fury with Jina and Hyesung following her,
Hyesung totally forgetting about asking Dongwan for permission. Annie decided
she wanted to go play Battleship too so she could stare at Hyesung and left also.
Eric watched Jina go in confusion and he ran after Jina, Hyesung, Junie, and
Annie. “Hey hold up, guys! I wanna play Battleship too!”

Minwoo looked around at the practically deserted table and grinned at Alena.
“Guess it’s just you and me, huh baby?”

Alena gave Minwoo dirty look and said, “No, Jin’s still here…”

“No he’s not,” Minwoo pointed out, “He’s sleeping…”

Jin proved Minwoo right by a faint snore and Minwoo gave Alena a smug look.

“See? Just the two of us…”


“So what do you wanna do honey bunch?”

Alena got up and started running toward the exit, yelling over her shoulder. “Play
Battleship…playing that boring ass game is better than spending some alone time
with YOU!”

“HEY! Wait up!! Don’t leave me here with Sleepy~ I wanna go play with you!”

Alena hurried into the van yelling, “GO GO GO!” The driver, flustered, stepped on
the brake quickly.

The van left poor Minwoo in the dust. “HEY! HEY!” He yelled but the van left the
parking lot, Alena sticking her tongue out at Minwoo through the back window.
Minwoo looked around, spotted the other Shinhwa van, and jumped in. “Hey…” he
said to the driver. “Dongwan hyung said we can go home early…everybody else
already left in the other van, and left me here alone…” He shrugged convincingly.
“Now step on it!”

Minwoo forced his driver to go 70 MPH and they made it to Alena’s house earlier
than the other van.

Five minutes later, it pulled up. Minwoo was sitting on the porch. His legs were
propped up on the porch railing and he was leisurely smiling at everybody.

“How did you get here, Minwoo?” Hyesung, who was the first one out of the van,
asked suspiciously.

“The other van,” Minwoo said, waving his hand at it carelessly.

“WHAT?! What about Dongwan, Christine, Andy, and Jin??? How are they gonna
get home?? Did you ask Dongwan if you could take it?”

“Hey, you didn’t! Why should I if you—the responsible one—didn’t??”

“-_-…good point…” Hyesung said.

Alena came out of the van next, saw Minwoo, and grimaced. “DAMN!”

“Hah… ‘DAMN’? You’re not even happy to see me?? This makes me really sad,
Alena…I might even have to break up with you…”

“Aish, you’re impossible,” Alena snapped as she stepped into the house.

“She is so in love with me,” Minwoo laughed as he and the rest of the ppl
followed her in.



Chapter 7: “Stranded!”

“*^^*…” Andy happily watched his ball go into the little tunnel and into the hole.

“Good job, Andy,” Dongwan and Christine said dully.

“I know, I’m so good, huh?”

“Yup,” Dongwan said.

“Uh huh,” Christine said.

Christine and Dongwan were bored out of their minds and now programmed to
agree with everything Andy said, like Andy’s personal robots. First they had
flirted with each other but Andy had gotten mad, told them to concentrate on the
golf, and didn’t Dongwan know that girls had cooties? So now they were
practically falling asleep on their feet.

Jin stumbled out of the restaurant, blinked, and covered his eyes. “AHHHH! THE

Dongwan’s head snapped toward Jin and he hurried to Jin. “Hey Jin! You need

Jin blinked, adjusting his eyes. “No hyung I’m o—”

“No, no, no, you’re NOT fine,” Dongwan said loudly as he added quietly to Jin,
“Please Jin, act like you’re hurt so we can go home! This is TORTURE…who the
hell would waste their time doing putt-putt golf?! Pleeeeease Jin…I’ll buy you KFC
chicken…or El Pollo Loco…w/e…just get me out of this…”

“Ow. It hurts. Andy, help.” Jin said, with no expression in his voice.
Christine rolled her eyes. Honestly, do they think Andy will fall for that?!’

Andy ran past her. “Oh my GAWD Jin hyung, what’s wrong? Maybe the chicken
was poisoned! Are you okay hyung???”

-_- I guess he would…’

“Maybe we should go home. I think I would feel better there.” Jin said in the
same expressionless voice.

“Yea,” Andy said, looking at Jin worriedly. “C’mon, hyung, nuna…guess we have
to go home early…don’t feel bad…we’ll come back next time and play again…”

“Not if I can help it,” Dongwan muttered.

They walked into the restaurant and saw a whole different party at their table.
“Where is everybody?” Andy asked.

“I dunno,” Jin shrugged. “When I woke up, I was all deserted…”

“Let’s check out the dance floor,” Dongwan said.

They looked everywhere in the restaurant and (of course) couldn’t find anybody.
Finally Christine said, “Maybe they’re all outside in the vans waiting for us…”

So they decided to go outside…and was greeted by a surprise.


“WTH…where’s the vans?!” Dongwan said, spinning around, looking all directions
for the vans.

Andy laughed. “You look stupid hyung…”

“Puhehehe I agree…” Christine giggled.

Dongwan’s face got red, stopped looking around abruptly and pulled out his cp.

“Hello~ this is Hyesung’s phone…he is unable to come to the phone right now cuz
he is currently in a Battleship war so please call back later!” Minwoo’s happy voice
said, then hung up.

Dongwan called Eric’s cp and got the same response, but from Alena this time.

“-_-^ Aish, those stupid assholes ditched us to go play Battleship!” Dongwan


“What? They’re playing Battleship? WITHOUT ANDY?!?!” Andy said, looking like
he was about to burst into tears.

“What are we gonna do now???” Jin said. “I’m getting hungry again…”

Andy looked at Jin. “Hyung, you look a lot better…do you feel better?”

“Ye—er…” Jin saw Dongwan and Christine’s murderous faces before he finished
answering Andy’s question and corrected himself. “No…it still hurts…a lot…”

“Aw…man! I thought if you were feeling better, me, Dongwan hyung, and nuna
could go and play putt-putt golf again…”

“Heh heh,” Dongwan laughed nervously. “I don’t think we can though, Jin looks
REALLY out of weather…”

“So what do we do now????” Andy asked.

“Why don’t you try calling one of the Shinhwa van drivers?” Christine suggested.

“Good idea,” Jin nodded. “You’re a genius, Christine!”

Christine smiled modestly and answered, “I know…^^…”

“-_-;;…well aren’t you gonna call Dongwan hyung?” Andy asked Dongwan who
was staring at his cp blankly.
“Uh…I forgot to enter their numbers in here…so I don’t know their numbers…and
anyway, Hyesung has their numbers in his cp, so I didn’t think I’d have to know

“WHAT?!” Jin, Christine, and Andy yelled.


“Okay…so um…what about taking a cab?” Christine said.



“No, we can’t do that either…Hyesung was the only one with his wallet…I left
mine at home…”

“-_-” Christine’s happy face turned into a scowl. “Damn Dongwan, do you depend
on Hyesung for EVERYTHING?”

“No, not everything,” Dongwan lamely tried to defend himself.

“I have my wallet,” Jin said, “but I spent the last of my money on chicken

“Aw no! So how do we get home now???”

“I guess…we walk?” Christine shrugged.

“How long would THAT take?!” Andy complained.

“I can’t walk that far! I’m feeling sick, remember?” Jin said to Dongwan with a
mischievous look on his face.

“Oh, I’m sure you can walk,” Dongwan said, while giving him a warning look.

“Okay…I’ll try…” Jin gave a brave grimace, making sure Andy saw.
“Oh, Dongwan hyung, can’t you see how much pain he’s in?? Why don’t you…”
Andy’s eyes lighted up. “…give Jin hyung a piggy-back ride?”


“PUHAHAHAHAHA!” Christine started laughing as she imagined Dongwan walking

on the street with Junjin on his back.

“That’s a great idea, Andy!” Jin said.

“No way…heck NO!” Dongwan shook his head as he looked at Christine’s laughing
form. Jin smiled and mouthed ‘PUTT PUTT’ to Dongwan.

Dongwan’s expression became desperate and replied, “Well I guess I could give
you a piggy-back ride, Jin…”

“Aw, how nice of you hyung! ^^*”


“Andy’s gonna be tired toooooo…” Andy whined. “Can Christine nuna give me a
piggy-back ride?”

“Wh-what? Me?? No, I can’t…I’m too weak…and you’re too heavy…”

“! Are you calling me FAT, nuna?!”

“No…no of course not…”

“Give him a ride, Christine, c’mon!”

“NO Jin, I can’t…” Christine’s voice faded away as she saw Jin mouth ‘PUTT PUTT’
to her. “Oh, fine…Andy, get on…”

And with Jin on Dongwan’s back, and Andy on Christine’s back, they slowly set off
for Andy and Alena’s house.
Chapter 8: “Does Dongwan…?”

Half an hour later, a disgruntled Dongwan, a tired-as-hell Christine, a happy

Junjin, and a sleepy Andy walked into Andy and Alena’s house.

Christine and Dongwan stomped up the stairs and burst into Alena’s room. Jin
skipped behind them and Andy collapsed on Alena’s bed.

Everybody was lying on their stomachs, staring at a Battleship board intently.

Jina, Eric, Alena, and Minwoo were on one side of the room, and Junie, Hyesung,
and Annie were on the other side. Jin blinked confused. “Whatcha guys

“Oh hi Jinnie oppa,” Junie said, absentmindedly. “Here, come and be on our
team…Jina’s team is winning right now but only cuz they’re cheating.”

“Chi,” Jina fired back, “We’re cheating? Why do you keep saying that we cheated
just because the teams are uneven? That’s not cheating! And anyway, Alena and
Minwoo SUCK! They don’t count!”

“HEY!” Alena yelled.

“I’m not deaf!” Minwoo shouted.

“*^^*” Eric beamed, happy that Jina hadn’t called him “sucky”.

“They so count!” Junie retorted. “And anyway, we have Annie, and Alena and
Minwoo are both better than Annie…Annie is like 1/4 a teammate, and Alena and
Minwoo are 1/2. So you guys have 3, and we only have 2 and a quarter…”

“THAT WAS UNCALLED FOR!” Annie exclaimed.

Jina rolled her eyes. “Oh please! Even if you had another player we’d still be
kicking your asses!”

“Fine!” Junie said. “Jinnie oppa…?”

Jin nodded and rolled up his sleeves. “This looks like a job for me, PARK
CHOONGJAE~~~ Move aside, Junie, Annie, Hyesung hyung…” He sat down and
cocked his head thoughtfully at the board.

Dongwan and Christine stood in the doorway, being ignored…


There was a silence and then…

“B-8~” Jin called.

“DAMN!” Jina exclaimed.

“Yes! Hell yes! Damn oppa, you’re good! You’re better than Hyesung oppa!”

“-_-^ No way! Nobody’s better than ME,” Hyesung said, defensively. “At least not
at this game…”


“Alright, C-2,” Minwoo said.

“Haha NOPE!” Junie said happily.

“See?!” Jina said. “HE SUCKS!”

“-_-++ I DO NOT! I’m just unlucky!”

“AISH!!!” Christine yelled, flipped her hair back, and ran out of the room.
“HELLO?! ARE YOU GUYS REALLY THAT RUDE?” Dongwan started yelling at them.

“B-7!!” Jin said.

“……” Jina pursed her lips as she placed a red peg on the board.

“Whoo hoo!” Junie cheered.

“Hmph!” Dongwan said annoyed, tried to flip his hair back just like Christine,
found out he didn’t have enough hair, shrugged, turned on his heel and left the

Dongwan walked around, trying to find Christine. He looked in Andy’s room.

Nothing. He looked in the living room. Nothing. He even peeked in the bathroom.

‘Aish…where’d she go?’ Dongwan thought to himself as he looked for her. He got
a little hungry so he decided to go to the kitchen to eat first and then continue his

He saw a cookie jar on the table and smiled happily. “COOKIES!” He reached for
it and opened it eagerly. It was empty.



Dongwan whirled around and saw Christine sitting at the kitchen table right
behind him. He had been so intent on getting to his cookies that he hadn’t
noticed her, and now she had seen him at his dorky cookie-wanting “best”.

“Oh…heh heh, hi Christine…”

Christine took a bite out of the cookie in her hand, swallowed and smiled. “Hey
Cookie Monster!”
“-__-;; Very funny…”

“I try~” Christine said and took another bite out of her cookie.

Dongwan was quiet.

Christine, puzzled, looked up and saw Dongwan staring at her with bright,
unblinking, and very interested eyes.

“Dongwan…?” Christine asked uncertainly, while thinking, ‘He likes me, he really
likes me!’

Chapter 9: “OING?!”

“Um…Dongwan? What are you doing?” Christine asked after Dongwan zoned out
for a few more minutes.

Dongwan seemed to snap out of the half trance he had been under and he shook
his head once. “Oh…nothing…it was nothing, really…”

Christine looked worried and asked, “Are you sure?”

Dongwan chewed his bottom lip. “I think so…”

Christine’s brow furrowed and she said coaxingly, “C’mon oppa, you can tell me!”

“Well…” Dongwan looked hesitant and said, “I dunno…”

“Please? If you tell me, I’ll do anything you want me to…”

“For real?”

“Yup…” Christine nodded, not suspecting a thing.

“Okay!” Dongwan snatched the half-eaten cookie from Christine’s hand and
stuffed it in his mouth.
“-_-^ I said I’ll do anything for you, not GIVE you anything!”

“Well I wanted you to give me the cookie. That’s a “do,” isn’t it?”

“Aish!” Christine folded her arms over her chest, clearly pissed off over the loss of
her cookie.

“*^^* Thanks, girl, you’re the best!” Dongwan swung his body off the chair and
started going back up the stairs.

“Ummmmm Dongwan oppa…wait~”



“Haha…” Jin laughed to himself as he stared at the board. “Let’s see, Junie, where
do you think this peg should go?”

“Hmmmm I dunno oppa, maybe F-2??”

“Are you sure? I mean, I know there are red pegs surrounding that area on both
sides…” Hyesung said.

“And we do only need one more hit to win,” Annie said.

“Yea, let’s go~ F-2!” Junie said, happily.

Jina stared at all four of them with venom. “You guys didn’t have to make a
friggin’ SKIT out of it!”

“Well JIN STARTED IT!” Junie, Annie and Hyesung all said at the same time.

“*^^* I couldn’t resist!” Jin said in defense.

Eric yawned. “Gawd this game is boring! I mean, look what it did to Alena and
Minwoo and Alena were sound asleep, leaning against each other behind Jina and

“I mean it’s like a miracle! Minwoo’s NEVER sleepy…that’s Junjin…”

Jin, meanwhile, was doing a little victory dance.

“Maybe Jin and Minwoo switched bodies?” Annie said logically.

“-_-;; Sure, Annie…” Eric said. “Let’s play another game…”

Jina tilted her head. “Okay…sure…what game?”

Eric scratched his head thoughtfully. “What about…Truth or Dare!”

“Ooooo yea! Good idea!” Jin exclaimed.

Alena and Minwoo woke up, startled at Jin’s loud outburst. Minwoo looked around
confusedly. “Huh? What’s going on?”

“We’re gonna play Truth or Dare!” Hyesung said cheerfully.

“Keke COOL!” Minwoo cheered.

“Maybe we should wake Andy up,” Junie said, being the thoughtful one. “He
might wanna play…”

“Oh, no, Andy’s not very nice when he—” Alena started to say but was cut off by
Jin running over to Andy on the bed.


Andy shifted on the bed, groaning but didn’t answer Jin.

Jin, annoyed, picked up a teddy bear, and started hitting Andy with it. “Yah! Andy
Lee! C’MON!!!”
Andy sat up in bed, glaring at Jin.

“Finally,” Jin said, rolling his eyes.

Suddenly Andy started to roar—yes, ROAR—literally shaking the house. Alena

already had her music headphones on full blast but everybody else got hit with
full blast of Andy’s roar.


Dongwan stumbled a bit almost, falling on the ground. “What the hell…is it an

“Oh, somebody probably just woke up Andy, that’s all…” Christine said casually.


“GOD DAMMIT ANDY!” Jin yelled at Andy, his voice louder than usual.

Andy closed his mouth, and rubbed his eyes. “Are you guys still playing
Battleship?” He asked innocently.


“Why is everybody talking so loud?” Andy asked confused.

Alena yanked off her headphones and replied, “Oh they’re just deaf…you know
when you can’t hear, you talk really loud?”


“That’s why…when you did your usual roar-after-you-wake-up, their eardrums got
hit with a bit of a shock and decided to shut down…don’t worry, they’ll be back to
normal in a few minutes. Hopefully…”

“Okay!” Andy said, relieved that it wasn’t permanent. “So can Andy play Truth or
Dare too?”
“WHAT DID YOU SAY, ANDY?!” Annie asked.

“Can I play Truth or Dare??” Andy said, raising his voice a bit.

“WHAT’S HE SAYING??” Eric and Hyesung both yelled.


“HOW DO YOU PLAY A BEAR?” Junie asked.

“Maybe we should wait a while before playing…” Alena said.

“Good idea,” Andy agreed.


“PUHAHAHA…Well, at least he got one word right…” Alena commented, while

laughing her ass off.


“God, Christine…quit stalling…just spit it out already!” Dongwan said, pretty

annoyed. He wanted to go upstairs and see what all the commotion what about
but Christine said she had to tell him something “important” and was really
hesitant about telling him what exactly that SOMETHING was.

“Oppa, are you BLIND? Are you really that DENSE? Can’t you see…I like you! I
liked you ever since I met you…” Christine blurted out.

“Oh…” Dongwan said, pretty much too shocked to say anything else.

“And I just wanna know…do you feel the same way too?”

“Oh Christine…” Dongwan said, looking miserable. “I wish I did, but the truth is…
I’m in love with Hyesung.”
Chapter 10: “The Dare”

“Ummmm…what?” Christine now looked very uncomfortable.

“Do I have to repeat myself?” Dongwan asked in a soft voice.

“Well…no, but…”

Dongwan looked at her, and decided he couldn’t keep a straight face any longer.
PUHAHAHAHA~” He burst into a fit of giggles and wiped tears from his eyes.

Christine, being the slow one she is, asked, “Huh?”

“I’m not really gay, stupid!” Dongwan said, between laughs. “How can a good
looking guy like me NOT be straight anyway?”


“And honestly, even if I was gay…Hyesung?! I have better taste than that, ya

“Okay, now you sound like you’re gay again,” Christine said.

“^^ Sorry, sorry…”

“So ummm oppa, are you gonna answer my question?”


Everybody had their hearing back and they were all sitting in a big circle on the

“Okay, Minwoo’s turn…truth or dare?” Annie asked.

“Dare!” Minwoo said courageously.

“I’m not good at thinking these things up,” Annie complained. “Help, you guys!”

“Ummmmm you have to go run in the street in only your boxers,” Jin suggested.

“Nah,” Jina rejected it. “Minwoo looks like the type that would ENJOY going out in
the street in his boxers. Think of one that would be more of a stretch for

“He has to have a rapping battle with Jina!” Eric said.

“No way, you guys KNOW I’m not a good rapper! But I’ll do a rapping battle with
Hyesung!” Minwoo said.

“What is that supposed to mean?!” Hyesung said.

“Okay, okay, let’s think of another one for Minwoo hyung…” Andy said, trying to
get everybody to start thinking again.

“He has to shave all his hair off!” Alena said, in a taunting voice.

Minwoo’s eyes widened. “NO! NOOOO! You guys, don’t let her say that! Not my

“Nah…” Hyesung said, brightening. “I’ve got a better idea…”

“Yea? What is it?” Alena asked but Hyesung ignored her.

“Oppa, what in the world?” Annie asked curiously and Hyesung motioned her over
to him. Everybody watched them with great interest as he whispered in her ear
for about two seconds, causing her to giggle madly.

“Ooooooo that’s good!” Annie nodded. “Oppa’s a genius!”

“*^^* I know,” Hyesung said modestly.

“What is it?! You know, I’m the daree, so I DESERVE to know!” Minwoo argued.

“Well if the other guys think it’s okay…”

“How are we supposed to think it’s okay, if we don’t even know WHAT it is?!”
Junie said.

“Oh, it’s okay…it’s BETTER than okay, trust me on this,” Annie said.

“Alright I’ll say it’s ok only cuz Annie nuna seems REALLY sure about this,” Andy

“Same here with me,” Jin replied.

Everybody else slowly gave their consents and Hyesung went over to Minwoo and
told him what it was in a whisper.

Minwoo’s eyes widened, even more than before.

“Puhehe…seeing Minwoo hyung with big eyes is FUNNY!” Andy said.

“I…I can’t, Hyesung…I-she’d kill me!”

Annie laughed. “That’s why it’s such a good dare!”

“Yea, and you should’ve thought about the consequences before you picked
‘dare,’” Hyesung said.

“But I didn’t think…”

“Ohhhhh is Minwoo backing out on a dare?” Hyesung taunted.

“What a chicken,” Annie said, shaking her head.

“FINE FINE…I’ll do it…”

“Okay…you better hurry…we’re not gonna wait all day…”

Chapter 11: “The Kiss”

Minwoo licked his lips nervously as he stood in front of everybody, fidgeting.

“Minwoo! It’s been 10 minutes!” Hyesung said.

“Seriously, Minwoo, hurry up!” Annie said, leaning back. “This is getting

“Annie nuna, you said it would be good!” Andy complained.

“It will be! As soon as Minwoo stops being a chicken!”

“I’m not being a chicken! I’m preparing myself.”

“Preparing yourself by standing there looking like your gonna wet your pants any
second?” Hyesung asked skeptically, the same time Jin asked, “Why do you say
‘chicken’ like it’s a BAD thing?”

“I wonder what this dare is that’s making Minwoo so scared…” Jina pondered.


“Sure you’re not,” Junie said as if she was talking to a five year old.

“Really! I’m not!”

“We believe you,” Eric said in a very fake convincing voice.

“-_-” Minwoo looked at them all very annoyed and made up his mind. He crossed
the circle and pulled Alena up so she was standing in front of him.

Alena’s eyes widened a bit. ‘Oh no…this better not be what I think it is…’

Minwoo’s lips curved up into a small smile as he leaned forward a bit. Alena didn’t
know what the hell to do so she just stood there HOPING that Hyesung and Annie
wouldn’t be evil enough to let Minwoo do this.

But they were. They just sat there watching if Minwoo would go through with this.
And…Minwoo did.

His lips touched hers gently for about a second. He let go of her hands and sat
back down.

It wasn’t a highly passionate kiss but Alena felt some kind of spark run through
her body the moment Minwoo had made contact with her lips. She just stood
there, in total shock.

“Andy’s virgin eyes~ Oh, Andy’s poor virgin eyes!” Andy exclaimed as he covered
his eyes and rocked back and forth.

Jina looked at him incredulously. “Are you telling me you’ve never seen two
people kiss…ever?”

“NO! Well, only on Aladdin…”

“Andy, are you SURE you’re fifteen?”

Andy nodded. “Yup!”

“Ummmm Alena, you can sit down now…?” Annie said hesitantly. Alena didn’t
listen and just continued staring into space with that shocked look on her face.

Annie turned to Minwoo. “Are you REALLY that good of a kisser?”

Minwoo laughed. “I guess God had to give me a kiss as equivalent to my nice


Junie rolled her eyes. “Please! Then Jin oppa would be the best kisser in the

“What??” Everybody (except Alena) turned to look at Junie, surprised.

Junie turned red. “Oh…I was just joking…^^;;”

Everybody laughed it off and went back to their little side conversations. Jin gave
her a questioning look but stopped looking at her too.
‘That was close…’

Realization had started to dawn on Alena. She touched her lips softly with her
index finger and collapsed onto her bed.

Minwoo gave her a worried look. “Do you think she’s okay?”

Hyesung followed Minwoo’s line of vision and spotted Alena on the bed. “She’ll be
fine…nobody’s died because somebody they dislike kissed them before…”

Minwoo bit his lip. “Does she really hate me that much?”

Annie jumped into the conversation. “No, not really…she just thinks you’re an
insensitive player, and a jerk, but she doesn’t hate you…”

Jina nodded. “She always complains about how rude you are, and how much you
bug her, but…”

Jin cocked his head. “How do you know that? We only met you today!”

“Yea, but she talked about Minwoo most of the time I was with her…”

Minwoo’s eyes dropped to the floor. ‘I didn’t know she felt this way…’

Eric was still comforting Andy as the Minwoo-Hyesung-Annie-Jina-Jin conversation

took place. “It’s okay Andy…shhhhh…”


Junie sat alone…thinking about the dire mistake she had just made. ‘I thought I
could keep my feelings a secret…’

She wasn’t left alone with her thoughts for long. Hyesung called her over to tell
Minwoo what Alena said about him to her, wanting to make Minwoo feel a teeny
bit better (it didn’t help).

Dongwan sighed. “Christine…”

“Oppa, you don’t have to worry about hurting me. I can handle the truth. But if
you lie just so you don’t hurt my feelings, you’d be hurting me.”

“Christine, didn’t we go over this? I’M IN LOVE WITH HYESUNG.”

Christine’s eyes widened and Dongwan started laughing. “I’m sorry, I’m sorry…it
was just too good of an opportunity to pass…”

Christine slapped his arm. “YAH!”

Dongwan then turned serious. “You want to know how I feel about you?”


“How I truly, deeply feel about you?”


“Right now?”

“Yes!! God Dongwan stop dragging it out!”

“I’ll…well, you’ll find out…if you simply close your eyes…and trust me.”

Christine looked at Dongwan’s handsome face with total faith and closed her

Dongwan smiled at her, and cupped her face with both hands. He brought her
face toward his and kissed her lips.

Chapter 12: “Let’s Bowl!”


“Well we better go home now,” Hyesung said, standing up and stretching.

“Yea…” Minwoo said in a sorta depressed voice as his eyes unwillingly traveled
over to where Alena was still plopped motionless on the bed.

When the guys (minus Andy) left (but not without making a whole lot of noise),
Jina yawned. “I’d better get going too,” she said. “We’re gonna meet at the
bowling alley at 4 tomorrow right?” She, Annie, Junie, and Shinhwa had made
plans to go bowling a few minutes after Alena went into paralyzed-can’t-move-
won’t-talk form.

“Yup,” Junie nodded. “I hope Alena’s okay by then…”

“Oh, she will be,” Annie said. “She’ll snap out of it soon and confess that she likes

Jina laughed. “Yea, right…when pigs fly, she will! Anyway, I’ll see you guys!”

As soon as Jina left, Christine practically floated in with a stupid expression on

her face, almost bumping into the doorway.

“You look like you’re high,” Annie giggled.

Andy gasped. “OOOH! Don’t you know drugs are BAD, nuna?!”

Christine ignored them and fell onto Alena’s bed, right next to Alena. They both
sighed at the same time—Christine’s sigh extremely happy and Alena’s a mixture
of many contrasting feelings.

Annie and Junie looked at Christine curiously. “Why are you so damn happy
Last time we saw you, you were MAD pissed,” Annie said.

“Was she really? Why didn’t I hear?” Junie asked.

“You didn’t?? She came in here and had a shouting fit!”

“Did this happen before or after Andy’s earthquake?”

“Before…I think?”

“Then why didn’t I hear?!”

“Cuz you were too busy staring at Jin~” Annie teased.


ME!! HE—”

Annie gave Junie a weird look. “I was joking, Junie…”

“Oh, I knew that…”

“I’m worth nothing to you huh? And I, being stupid UGLY ol’ me, thought that you
thought of me as at least a friend…but I guess not huh?”

“Jin…” Junie began in an offhand voice. “Jin, what are you doing here?”

“Oh, I shouldn’t be here right? I just wanted to get my hat…don’t worry, it’ll only
take a few seconds, then you can go back to talking about how worthless I am.”

“Jin, I…”

“You don’t need to explain. I understand.” Jin said, staring at her with cold eyes.
“Well, have fun talking shit about people who thought you were their friend,
Junie. I’ll see you guys later.” He nodded to the other girls, grabbed his hat, and

Junie bit her lip and buried her face in her hands.

“Junie nuna got busted,” Andy whispered to Annie.

“Shut up Andy!”
<THE NEXT DAY – 3:30>

“I really don’t wanna go!” Alena protested. “Please don’t make me go. I can stay
here and…clean my room.”

“You can’t be serious!” Annie yelled, rolling her eyes. “You haven’t cleaned that
thing in like 2 years and NOW you wanna clean it?”

“Oh, Annie, let her stay…I’ll stay with her so she won’t be alone!” Junie

“Chi, you just wanna stay cuz of what happened with Junjin yesterday. I tell you
what; you two are both big chickens. Just suck up your pride and admit you like



“Sure~” Annie said.

“Speak for yourself Annie, when are you gonna tell Hyesung oppa that you like

Now it was Annie’s turn to turn red. “Wh-what? I never said I liked him…”

Junie laughed. “Aigoo…”

“You guys are ALL big wusses.” Christine said, rolling her eyes.

“Just cuz you told Dongwan doesn’t mean you’re better than us, you know,”
Alena said, throwing a pillow at her.

“Man, I wish you and Minwoo would just get together and stop this crap!”
Christine exclaimed.

“Me and Minwoo are never gonna ‘get together’…we don’t even like each other,
why should we get together??”
“Denial…denial…” Christine chanted, holding her hands to her ears.

Alena rolled her eyes. “Fine, fine, I’ll go…but you guys have to lay off on me and

“Not a problem,” Annie said innocently.


Junie sighed. “I guess I’ll go too…”

Andy stuck his head in the room. “Can we leave now?”

“Yup…let’s go!”


Annie, Alena, Junie, Christine, and Andy got there the same time as Eric, Jin,
Minwoo, Dongwan, and Hyesung did. “Ahn nung~~ (hi)!” Andy greeted his
hyungs cheerfully.

Minwoo was looking at the ground, clearly displaying that he didn’t want to be
here. Jin was smiling at Christine, then Annie, then Alena but totally ignoring

“Have you guys seen Jina?” Eric asked.

“Nope…” the girls shook their heads.

Hyesung checked his watch. “She’s 10 minutes late!”

Eric sighed. “You guys go ahead and get two bowling lanes. I’ll come in with

“Okay,” they agreed and walked inside.

Eric looked around, worried-like. He kept his eyes wide open, as if blinking would
prevent him from seeing Jina.


Eric jumped ten feet into the air causing Jina to giggle like mad. “Scared you,
huh? What the hell were you looking for anyway? And where is everybody else?”

“NO you didn’t scare me, I was looking for you, and everybody else is inside
because you were so late…”

“Oh ^^;; sorry~~” Jina said. “Well let’s go in, shall we?”

“Wait,” Eric caught her arm and made her turn around and face him.

“Eric, what…?”


“Okay well since we have 11 people, and two bowling lanes, we’re gonna have to
split our group up,” Dongwan said in a very professional like manner.

“With…ummmm…” Andy counted on his fingers. “4 in one group and…ummmm 11

minus 4 on the other?”

“Why only 4 in one group?” Jin asked curiously.

“I dunno, b/c I don’t feel like counting with my pinky!”

“Okay, then,” Hyesung said, rolling his eyes. “How about we do 5 in one group
and 6 in another? How about that?” he asked Andy gently.

Andy’s brow furrowed as he tried his best to calculate that. “5 in one…and 6 in

the other…” he mumbled.

“That makes 11, sweetie,” Christine said, after the group watched confused Andy
for a minute or so.
“Oh! Yeah! That’s good then,” Andy nodded.

“Now that we got that settled…” Annie said, “How do we pick who’s with who?”

“Andy wants to be with…Minwoo hyung!”

Minwoo looked up surprised and then shrugged. “Okay.”

“Alena, go with Andy,” Annie said quickly.

“What?? Annie, I—”

“Yea, good idea,” Hyesung nodded. He had watched Minwoo sulk around all
morning and it was making him sick.

“Okay, Andy, Minwoo, Alena…who else?” Dongwan shut Alena up and asked for
any more people.

“How about we put Jina and Eric in that group?” Christine offered.

Hyesung nodded. “Alright. Then the other group is…me, Annie, Christine,
Dongwan, Jin, and Junie?”

Jin made a face as he heard the last name. “Can I be in the other group?”

“If that’s what you really want…”

Jin nodded and walked over next to Andy. Junie looked at the floor and tried her
best to blink back the hot tears that were coming out.

“Okay well let’s start the game!” Dongwan said. “Andy, Minwoo, Jin, Alena…you
guys wait ‘til Jina and Eric come to start okay?”

Five minutes later, Jina and Eric finally came in. “Hey!” Eric greeted.

“Hey Eric,” Christine said. Everybody else in their lane was too busy watching
Hyesung granny roll the ball toward the pins. “God, Jina, why’d you take so
“^^;; I forgot the address to the bowling alley…and then Eric had to—”

Eric clamped a hand over Jina’s mouth and said, “Never mind what I had to do…
heh, heh…”
Christine looked at them curiously but didn’t push it. “Okay, well you two are with
that very happy group over there…”

Eric and Jina walked over to their lane and was met with the sight of Jin and Andy
in the middle of excited discussion about chicken, Minwoo sitting in a chair
pouting to himself, and Alena sitting in the chair farthest away from him,
watching the other game going on.

“I don’t get it,” Eric said to Jina. “They don’t look happy to me…”

“She was being sarcastic you dope,” Jina said, hitting him on the head.


Andy noticed them first. “HEY! Jina nuna and Eric hyung are here! Let’s start!!”

Jin nodded. “Okay!” He sat in the chair in front of the scoreboard and began to
input the names of the players.

“I go first, because I said so *^^*…” Jin said, as he typed in JUNJIN. “And then
Andy, because he looks like he’s gonna have a tantrum right now.” PUTT PUTT

“You got that right!” Andy cheered.

“And then, Jina, and then Eric.” THE RAP QUEEN. I CAN’T RAP FOR BEANS.

“Hey!” Eric yelled as Jina giggled.

“Then Alena…” ALENA.


Alena scoffed. “How he really feels? Chi, he doesn’t give a shit about me. He
doesn’t give a shit about anybody but himself!”

“That is not true!” Minwoo said, talking for the first time since he had come to the
bowling alley. “I’m not the conceited asshole you think I am, Alena.”

“W/e,” Alena laughed his serious statement off.

“YOU THINK I’M LYING?” Minwoo yelled getting up from his chair. “I’ve changed,
really I have. What the fuck do I have to do to prove to you that I’m different…
that I’ll do anything for you to like me back? Yeah, that’s right, I LIKE YOU. And
even though I’ve changed, that fact is never gonna change. How I started liking a
girl like you, I don’t know. But God dammit, it’s killing me to know how I feel
about you and know that you feel the total opposite of my feelings.”

Alena stared at Minwoo in shock. There was total silence all around them until

“Sorry Andy,” Minwoo said quietly. He stood there waiting for Alena to say
something but she just stood there. He sighed and said, “I’m gonna go outside
for a while…”

“But hyung, what about the game…?” Andy asked.

“Go for me. I don’t care.”

“YAY! ANDY CAN GO TWICE!” Andy stuck out his tongue at Jin.

“But…Minwoo…that’s not fair! Can I go for you too? Minwoo!”

But Minwoo was already too far away and way too hurt to hear anything anyway.

Chapter 13: “Bowling Drama”

Annie had been watching all the commotion going on in the other lane and now
she smiled gleefully. This is better than a drama!’
She watched Minwoo go, and then turned back to look at Alena, to see what
Alena would do.

But Alena just sat down and observed Jin do the chicken dance (it was a routine
of his—to do the chicken dance right before he bowled).

“Argh~ Babo (stupid) Alena,” Annie said to herself.

“Hey! Annie,” Dongwan called. “It’s your turn!”

“Yea, geez Annie, pay attention!”

Annie rolled her eyes at Christine’s comment, went up and knocked two pins
down. In her second try she got a gutter ball.

“PUHAHAHA~” Hyesung laughed. “TWO?! TWO???”

Annie’s face flamed up but Junie came in her rescue. “Chi, Hyesung oppa, you got
gutter ball on both tries so I’d shut up if I were you…” Junie was doing her best to
forget her pain over Jin by being sarcastic and rude to others.

Hyesung glared at Junie and since he couldn’t think of a proper comeback to that,
he just sat there and sulked.

“I’m hungry,” Dongwan announced.

“That was random…”

“But I am!”

“I’ll go get some food, since my turn passed and it’ll take a while ‘til it’s my turn
again,” Annie volunteered.

“Aw, will ya? Thanks Annie…I want a large coke, and a medium pizza,” Dongwan

“Mmmkay.” Annie nodded and waited for Dongwan to give her money to buy it.
But Dongwan just sat there and looked at Junie, who was going now.

“Yah! Kim Dongwan! Don’t you think you should give me some money? I’m not
feeding you with my own money!” Annie snapped at him finally.

“Oh…^^;;…about that…I didn’t bring my wallet ^0^”

“And you expected ME to buy you food??” Annie said disbelievingly.

“Well yea! I figured you wouldn’t be able to let my handsome self go hungry,”
Dongwan replied smiling.

“God damn, all you Shinhwa boys are so conceited,” Annie said, shaking her

“Nuh uh!” Dongwan protested.

“Yea,” Annie nodded. “You guys all have WANJA BYUNG! (loosely translated:
Prince Disease. ^^;; it’s another way of saying conceited)”

“NO!” Dongwan yelled practically in tears.

“Aw, Annie,” Christine said, shaking her head at Annie. “Look! You made Wannie


“Emotional little one, isn’t he?” Annie commented.

“Yea, but he’s MY emotional little one,” Christine laughed.

“I’M…*sniff*…still…*sniff sniff*…hungry…” Dongwan said, fighting back his tears.

“Oh Annie, be a sweetie and buy him food…just this once?” Christine begged. “I’d
give you money but I left my wallet at home ^^”

“Oh, see…” Annie explained, “I would but I don’t have money either…”
“Aigoo,” Hyesung, who had been watching this whole scene develop, rolled his
eyes. “I’ll pay this time. I’ll go for food…”

“NO!” Dongwan shook his head stubbornly. “I want Annie to get my food~”

“But I have the wallet full of MONEY, Dongwan!”

“Just give Annie the wallet then,” Dongwan said.

“Hell naw! I don’t trust her enough!” Hyesung said. Annie glared at him. WHY is
Hyesung being so mean to me??’

Dongwan pouted. “I want my food!”

“Fine,” Hyesung sighed. “Me and Annie will both go together. Happy?”

“Yup,” Dongwan nodded happily.

Junie shook her head. “How the hell can you like a guy like him, Christine? I
thought you liked macho guys…well, anyway, your turn Dongwan!”

“I AM MACHO! T^T Christine, make Junie stop…she’s being mean!”


“What did Dongwan say he wanted again?” Annie said as she looked up at the
thing that tells what kind of food they have and the price of the food.

“Chi, you can’t remember? Some memory YOU’VE got~”

Annie spun around angrily and faced Hyesung. “Why are you being so mean to
me? What did I ever do to you? I don’t see you treating Christine, Junie, or Alena
like this! So why me?! What the hell is your problem?!”

“I don’t treat them like I treat you…” Hyesung said slowly, “…because I don’t
have feelings for them…”
Chapter 14: “Some More Bowling Drama”

“Hey…” Jina whispered to Eric.

“Huh? Yeah, what is it?”

“How come we couldn’t tell Christine that you asked me out? Are you ashamed of
me or something?”

Eric’s eyes widened. “No! No, of course not! Why would you think such a thing?!”

“Well ‘cause—”

“Listen,” Eric said, looking deep into her eyes. “I just didn’t want to tell Christine
first because she’s a big blabbermouth, and I know she’ll tell everybody in sight…
including Jin.”
“Well, what about Jin?”

“Jin likes you! Can’t you tell?”

Jina laughed. “Jin doesn’t like me! He so likes Junie…”

“Junie? Really??”

“Eric, look at him right now. What is he doing?”

Eric turned to look at Jin. He was laughing like a maniac with Andy.

“He’s acting like himself,” Eric replied.

“*BEEP*” Jina said, imitating a gameshow bell. “Wrong answer. He’s hanging out
with Andy. Andy, who’s anti-girl…Jin’s trying to forget what he overheard Junie
say yesterday by hanging with Little Mr. Anti-Girl.”

“Oooh my Jina’s such a genius,” Eric said playfully, messing up her hair.
Jina watched Jin’s over-exaggerated loud actions and Junie’s crude and rude
remarks to her group.

“Hey Eric,” Jina said, suddenly smiling brightly. “Wanna play Cupid?”

<LANE 1>

“WHERE’S MY FOOD?!” Dongwan demanded freakily and threateningly.

“0_o” Christine sat there, a little scared, not knowing what to do. This situation
was way too out of control. The only thing she COULD do was wait for the food to

“Oh shut the hell up you big and PUNY baby,” Junie scowled, clapping her hands
over her ears.

“T^T I’m…not…puny…”

Christine looked around. “But seriously, where ARE Hyesung and Annie? They
should be back by now…”

Junie nodded. “Yeah, does it really take this fucking long to get food?! We’ve
been waiting for them to come back for an eternity and a day, and not playing
since it’s Annie’s turn…I AM BORED SHITLESS!”

Andy came running from the other lane and announced, “OOH! OOH! CAN ANDY


Hyesung sighed. “I know you don’t think of me like that, that you think of me as
only an oppa, but—”

Annie put her hands on his lips, shaking her head. “Stop putting words in my
mouth, oppa…especially if they’re WRONG words…”

“Oh…okay…” Hyesung said. Then comprehension dawned on him. “OH!” He

smiled then just like Andy did when he knew he was gonna putt-putt later. He
even hugged Annie for a split second—this was a big thing; everybody knew
Hyesung wasn’t a touchy-feely type of guy.

The food was ready a little later. They got it and began to make their way back to
the bowling lane.

<LANE 2>

Maybe I should go after him…no, he’s lying, he doesn’t like me!…but he looked so
serious when he said it…what am I TALKING about? Why would Lee Minwoo like
<b>me>?! Get real…’

Alena sat miserable on the chair, watching Andy flit back and forth between the
lanes, going for himself and Minwoo, then going for Annie and Hyesung.

Hyesung and Annie came back then and gave their food to Dongwan, who
clapped his hands enthusiastically and cheered, “HOORAY!”

Annie noticed Alena and walked over. “OMG why are you still here?”

“What do you mean?” Alena asked, blinking stupidly.

“You know what I mean!” Annie said indiginantly. “COUGHminwooCOUGH”

Alena remained calm, though she reddened a bit. “I don’t care about Minwoo, and
you know that.”

“Yeah. RIGHT.” Annie rolled her eyes. Then, showing a surprising amount of
strength, she pulled on Alena’s arm and dragged her all the way to the door and
shoved her outside. “Have fun ^^” she mouthed through the clear door and
walked away.

“Aish…” Alena grabbed the door handle and turned to go back inside when she
heard a soft, weak, and trembling voice call, “Alena…?”

Chapter 15: “Even More Bowling Drama”

Alena turned around. ‘Okay…just be calm and expressionless…you can do this…’

Minwoo stood there with his hands jammed into his pockets, nose red, hair
uncared for. He looked awful.

Alena cringed. ‘He looks too miserable, he’s trying to trick me…Lee Minwoo
doesn’t have feelings! I can’t fall for this, I can’t!’

<LANE 2>

Eric walked over innocently to Jin. “Hey, Jin!!”

“Yo! What’s up hyung?” Jin had just completed his chicken dance and was now
choosing a bowling ball.

“It’s…Junie! I think she’s hurt~” Eric said dramatically.

“WHAT?!” Jin’s eyes got wide as he almost dropped the pink one he had selected
just then. “Wh-where?”

“Just outside—” Eric started but Jin had already ran off, shoving the ball into
Andy’s hands.

Andy turned to Eric, looking completely perplexed. “But I see Junie nuna over in
the other lane talking to Jina nuna!”

Eric laughed. “I guess we’re lucky that Jin’s not as smart as you…” He patted
Andy on the head and walked off to join Jina.

“0_o” Andy stood there confused, but then shrugged and skipped off to bowl for

<LANE 1>

Christine and Dongwan were both sitting down as far away from Junie as
possible, glaring at her—Dongwan because she “hurt his feelings” and Christine
because she wouldn’t apologize to Dongwan.
Annie was up trying to bowl and Hyesung was giving her tips.

“Um…so are you winning?” Jina attempted to keep Junie in conversation so she
wouldn’t notice what was going on in Lane 2.

Junie gave Jina a look. “Would I be this pissed off if I was?”

Eric walked up behind Jina. Jina gave him a grateful look and a nod.

“Junie, Junie, guess what??”

Junie turned and gave Eric a half-interested look.

“Jin…I think he’s up to something…that’s gonna get him into trouble!”

Junie gave Eric a suspicious look. “Yeah? What’s that ‘something’?”

‘Aish, this is gonna be harder than with Jin…’ Eric thought furiously to himself as
he scratched his head. “I think he went outside with a gang that I know has some
drugs…I tried to convince him not to go but he said that he thinks that’s the only
way he’ll be able to feel less stressed…”

Junie stared at Eric and suddenly ran toward the out door.

“A gang?!” Jina asked incredulously. “Couldn’t you think of something else?!”

“Hey, it worked, didn’t it??”

Annie came back then and pouted as she realized what was going on. “How come
you didn’t let me in on this game? I love setting people up!”


“Yeah? Do you have something to tell me?” Alena managed to say.

Minwoo nodded. “Umm…” he looked at the door very close by and gestured over
to a clump of bushes. “Can we go behind there?”
Alena shrugged and followed him.

Jin came out and started looking furiously around for Junie.

Junie pushed open the door a split second later and bumped into Jin.


“Where are you hurt? Tell me! WHERE?!”

They both stared at each other, confused until suddenly a lightbulb clicked in
Junie’s brain. “Eric and Jina…” she muttered out loud.

“What about them? And tell me where you’re hurt! NOW!”

Chapter 16: “Minwoo’s a liar?”

“You’re so stupid Jin, I’m not hurt! GEEBUS!”

“You’re…you’re not?”

“NO! We’ve been tricked. Can’t you tell?”

“O-of course I can, I…I was just testing you, to see if you could tell!”

“Uh huh…”

“Yeah, yeah, I believe you,” Junie said, rolling her eyes just so Jin would shut up.

“So what are we gonna do about this?”

“What do you mean?” Junie was the confused one now.

“Well, don’t we have to get back at Jina and Eric for tricking us?”
Junie smiled a little at Jin. “Now you’re actually using that small brain of yours!”


“So what do you want to tell me?” Alena managed to say in a cold tone.

“Alena…” Minwoo said, his voice laced with nervousness. “I-I lied in there when I
said I liked you.”

Alena stared at Minwoo. “You…WHAT?”

“I lied.”

“I knew it. You can’t just like one girl…I never should’ve believed you, I never
should’ve felt sorry for you. You know what? I shouldn’t even be out here right
now. I hope you go to hell.” She briskly spun on her heel and walked back inside.

“I lied,” Minwoo whispered, “because truthfully, I don’t like you…Alena, I think I

love you…”


Jina and Eric kept looking around to see if Junie and Jin had come back in. Annie
was watching too, because she was a curious person and wanted to know if Jina
and Eric’s “genius plan” had worked. Dongwan was now crying because he
wanted more food and Hyesung was refusing to spend any more money. Christine
was hitting Hyesung and trying to force him to go and buy food but Hyesung just
laughed. Even though Christine was hitting her hardest, her hardest wasn’t even
painful for a weak and muscle-less guy like Hyesung. Andy was bowling for all
eleven people, sweating hard.

Annie then noticed Alena come inside. She scrambled over to her and when she
didn’t see Minwoo anywhere, she demanded, “Did you go see Minwoo or what??
Where is he? You were supposed to talk to him?!”

“I talked to him, Annie…”

“He lied,” Alena said simply.

“He WHAT?”

“He lied, Annie, he lied! I knew he lied, but I let myself fall for him…he doesn’t
like me…he fucking lied!”

“Wh-why would Minwoo lie about something like this?”

“He was bored? I don’t know! Don’t ask me to figure that bastard out!”

Annie sighed. What do I do now? I was so convinced that Minwoo would admit his
feelings outside…was he really lying when he told Alena that? It looked so real…I
don’t think Minwoo’s that good of an actor…maybe I should go talk to him…’

Chapter 17: “Jin and Junie”

Annie gave Alena a reassuring smile and said, “Well go sit down and watch your
brother for a while…maybe you’ll feel better.”

She shrugged and obeyed without even a word. Annie made sure nobody saw
and ran off to look for Minwoo.

She didn’t have to look far; she spotted his feet behind the same clump of bushes
he told Alena he ‘lied.’

Annie made her way over to him, and took in his sad expression and slumped
body. Just looking at him made her feel depressed despite all the happy things
that had happened that day with Hyesung.

“Hey!” she said cheerfully as she slid over to sit next to him.

Minwoo lifted his head a little and didn’t reply.

“What are you doing out here Minwoo? It is a nice day…but you’re never
anywhere by yourself!”

“Don’t even try pretending Annie, I know why you’re out here.”

Annie sighed and silence covered the two for a few minutes. “Why did you tell her

It was a simple and seemingly too general question but Minwoo understood. “Not
like I had a choice.”

“You did! You just made her hate you.”

“She already hated me.”


“It’s no use. It really is. She’s never going to like me, and I guess I’m gonna have
to accept that. I don’t want her to start liking me because she feels sorry for me
or something. That’s why I told her I didn’t like her…I want her to keep thinking
of me as a bastard and like somebody who’s really meant for her, you know?”

Annie stared at him in shock and shook her head. “How many powerful speeches
have you made today, Lee Minwoo?”

Minwoo chuckled a little and shrugged. “Too bad I can’t do the same in English,

Annie suddenly walked up to him and gave him a hug. “It’s gonna be okay,
Minwoo. Just do whatever your heart tells you to do, and it’s going to be okay.”

Minwoo sighed deeply. “I hope so.”


“It was fun yesterday nuna, huh? Huh? Huh?”

“Yeah, sure…” Alena replied in a bored tone.

“You don’t sound like you mean it, nuna. Did you have fun, Christine nuna?”

“NO! Stupid Hyesung wouldn’t go get food for Dongwan oppa so he kept crying
and made my damn head hurt~ I think I’m gonna have this headache for a
week…Aigoo, I need aspirin…”

“Keke you sound like an ahjuma, nuna,” Andy said, giggling.


“Sorry, nuna…anyway, did you have fun, Junie nuna? Annie nuna?”

Junie shrugged. She and Jin were still working on “Plan Revenge” and were both
acting very secretive. The others didn’t question it because they were thankful of
the nice and quiet Junie being back and Jin not asking for chicken 24/7.

“It was pretty fun,” Annie said, smiling.

“Hyesung hyung said he had fun,” Andy said slyly.

Annie’s head jerked up. “For real? He said that?”

“No…Andy was just kidding *^^*…”

“-_____- Aish! You’re lucky I’m so nice or you’d be black and blue right now!”

“0_o” Andy stared at Annie horrified and slowly inched away from her.


“That’s the doorbell,” Junie said happily as she ran down the stairs to get the

They all exchanged bewildered glances but followed Junie downstairs.

“Hi Jinnie!” Junie was saying as she threw her arms around Jin.
“0_o” Everybody stared at this weird sight and didn’t really know what to say.

“Hey Junie,” Jin said as she pulled back. “Man, I’m hungry…where’s the kitchen
here again?”

“C’mon I’ll show you,” Junie took Jin’s hand and led him to the kitchen.

“Um…okay then…” Christine said to break the awkward silence.

“What was THAT all about?” Jina asked, but looking in Eric’s direction.

Everybody shrugged cluelessly. Eric widened his eyes a little at Jina, questioning.
Jina made a confused face.

Dongwan sighed. “Well we didn’t get any breakfast~ Can we grab a bite in the
kitchen Alena?”

“I’m not sure if we have any food left,” Alena replied, “since Jin got a head start
to the kitchen…”

“Oh SHIT!” All the guys exclaimed (except Andy who said “Oh pickled donuts!”)
and ran to the kitchen.

“Guys will be guys,” Annie said, rolling her eyes. “Always thinking with their

They heard the oven turn on and then a sizzle from a frying pan. “Oh dang,
somebody’s cooking?” Christine asked surprised. Seeing Jina’s puzzled look, she
explained, “Nobody who comes to this house knows how to cook…NOBODY!”

“Wonder who’s cooking?” Alena said curiously.

“Wonder what’s cooking?” Annie said, after sniffing the air.

All four girls started walking briskly to the kitchen.


“Wow Hyesung hyung, I didn’t know you could cook!” Andy said, jumping up and
down in his seat. “These pancakes are literally the jjang! They’re so fluffy!”

“Aww Andy, stop exaggerating…” Hyesung said.

“God Annie, you’re lucky~ All my guy does is cry,” Christine complained.

Dongwan was too busy eating his pancakes to hear (fortunately).

“All mine does is eat~” Junie added.

They all turned to look at her. “What??”

“You have a boyfriend, Junie yah?” Annie asked.

“Well, yeah,” Junie said nonchalantly.

“And who…?” Alena prompted.


“Jin…Jinnie?” Christine repeated stupidly. “This Jinnie?” She hit Jin on the back.



“What…when…how??” Annie blurted out. Jina and Eric exchanged meaningful


“Did you guys get together when you went outside?” Eric asked tentatively.

“Yeah…” Junie nodded. “Thanks for doing that…we really appreciate it~”

“Aw,” Eric said, scratching the back of his head. “No problem! I’m glad I helped…”
Jina smacked the back of his head. “I’m glad Jina helped me help you…” Eric
added hurriedly, covering his head from any other harm.
“^0^ You guys are a couple? For REAL?” Jina asked.

“Yup!” Junie said again. Jin nodded.

“Ooooh how exciting! Every time I try to play matchmaker, the two people always
end up hating each other within 24 hours -___-;;”

She tilted her head at Jin and Junie. “But you guys aren’t just faking this…right?”

Junie reddened a little. “Why would we be?”

“I dunno,” Jina shrugged.

Eric stared at Jin and Junie. “I don’t believe you guys are together. Prove it.”

“H-how?” Junie nervously asked.

“Well…” Eric started.

Chapter 18: “Rejected by Andy”

“Well you have to act like a couple! You’re practically sitting ten feet apart right
now. Sit closer,” Eric instructed.

Junie almost shot Eric a glare but changed it reluctantly to a sweet smile and
replied, “Sure, oppa…”

They scooted closer together.

“Better…but still not close enough.”

Even more closer.


Even more…

Junie moved a little bit more. Now if she even moved a little bit, she’d be on Jin’s

Eric nodded satisfied. Junie and Jin had just let out sighs of relief when Jina shook
her head. “That’s not enough.”

“What? Yes it—OW! I mean, no it isn’t!” Eric rubbed his sore foot. “You have to…

“You guys have to kiss!”

“What?!” Junie burst out. “No way~”

“Then you guys aren’t together?” Jina asked innocently.

“Most couples don’t kiss until they’re together for a while,” Alena said.

“SHUT UP ALENA!” Jina shot Alena a venomous look, but Junie and Jin had
already latched onto Alena’s information and were sticking with it.

“Ye-yeah! Me and Junie…we haven’t kissed yet…and ummm…the time isn’t right
yet,” Jin said, with Junie nodding stupidly next to him.

“Fine…FINE!” Jina sighed.

Christine took a bite out of her pancake and noticed that they were one short
person short. “Hey, where’s Minwoo?”

“Oh…” Hyesung said, taking off the apron he had borrowed. “He didn’t feel like
coming today…”

The kitchen became very quiet and then Andy asked, “Why?”

Annie coughed. “Andy, don’t ask stupid questions!”

“It’s not a stupid question, nuna…I really want to know why Minwoo hyung
couldn’t come today~ I wanted to show him my new stuffed bear!”

“Well ummm…” Hyesung said uncomfortably. “He didn’t come because…”

Alena cleared his throat. “Umm excuse me for a sec?”

“Yeah sure,” they all mumbled.

“Because WHAT?” Andy prompted Hyesung.

“Because…well, he doesn’t feel comfortable here anymore, Andy…”


“Because of somebody…”

“Somebody is making Minwoo hyung comfortable? Chi, we should kick that

person out. Andy would rather kick whoever is making him feel like that and
make him come back here again…Minwoo hyung’s my favorite hyung!”

“HEY!” Dongwan suddenly said. “I thought I was!”

“No…you cry too much,” Andy told him.

“I played putt-putt with you though,” Dongwan said, sniffing a little and doing his
best to not cry. Christine stuffed a pancake in his mouth and made him chew,
trying to make him forget about Andy’s *hurtful* words.

“Oh well, Minwoo hyung is still my favorite~”

“Hey, what about me???” Hyesung asked. “I cooked these for you!”

“Yeah, that’s why you’re my favorite nuna ^^”

“What?! NUNA??”
“Hyungs don’t cook, nunas do…so Andy has come to the conclusion that Hyesung
nuna is a nuna…”

“Ohhh man,” Annie said, pretending to be grief stricken. “I’ve been replaced as
Andy’s favorite nuna…by HYESUNG!”

Hyesung gave her a look and said desperately to Andy, “No, no, no, you don’t
understand Andy, hyungs cook too!”

“Then how come all the other hyungs don’t cook?”

Andy had Hyesung there. “B-but don’t call me nuna!” He said lamely.

“Fine, you’ll be…hyuna!” Andy said, looking pleased with his new word.

Hyesung sighed, giving up. “Well hyuna’s better than nuna…just don’t say it a lot,
okay Andy?”

“I can’t guarantee it, Hyesung hyuna, I have to say it every time I say your
name~ Because Andy shows everybody respect ^^”

“Andy! I should be your favorite hyung, I can RAP!”

“No, Eric hyung, you can’t rap, you just think you can,” Andy said.

“Who said that?!”



“What about me, Andy??”

“No, Jin hyung, you’re not my favorite because you wouldn’t let Andy bowl for
you,” Andy replied to Jin.

All the Shinhwa members sat quietly, looking awfully rejected.

Alena came back then, and asked what was going on. “They all got rejected of
being Andy’s favorite hyung,” Junie replied, giggling.

Alena looked relieved that a certain name didn’t come up and asked who that
favorite hyung was.

“Minwoo…” Christine replied after seeing that Annie, Jina and Junie most
definitely weren’t going to answer.

“Oh…” Alena said, her face falling. “I see…”

Andy watched the other Shinhwa members, muttered “How pathetic…” and ran
out of the room.

“When did Andy become so…rude-like??” Annie asked. “I mean, he was so blunt
on why each of these losers weren’t his favorite hyung…”

“He probably learned it from Minwoo, where else?” Alena muttered.


A cell phone rang. They all checked the cp’s but it was nobody’s phone. They all
frowned in confusion.

“Minwoo hyung! Minwoo hyung!!!” Andy’s happy yells were heard from the living
room. “Hi Minwoo hyung! Yeah Andy’s cell phone works~ Yup, Andy likes it very
much ^^”

“Andy has a cell phone?” Christine asked to nobody in particular.

“And he’s talking with Minwoo…his…favorite…hyung…” Eric said, his teeth gritted

Andy’s excited conversation continued. “They kept trying to act like they were
Andy’s favorite hyung but Andy said ‘NO! MINWOO HYUNG IS!’ Yeah…yeah…yeah,
Dongwan hyung cried…he tried to cover it up but he really was crying, Andy could
tell. Hyesung hyuna cooked for us today, Minwoo hyung! Yeah, PANCAKES! They
were all light brown and fluffy…yeah, you heard right, hyuna! It’s hyung and nuna
mixed together…because Hyesung isn’t a hyung…because he cooks…and he didn’t
want me to call him nuna…and since Andy’s so nice, Andy said he’ll call him
hyuna…why are you laughing, hyung? Is that really that funny?”

Dongwan covered his face with his hands. Hyesung looked proud that Andy had
described his pancakes so yummily but still a little PO’ed aobut the hyuna thing.

“Yeah…yeah, Eric said he should be Andy’s favorite hyung because he can rap!
Can you believe it? And Jin thought Andy forgot his evilness of not letting me
bowl and said that HE should be Andy’s favorite hyung! See, Andy is surrounded
by psycho hyungs and hyuna…that’s why you need to come, Minwoo hyung! Oh
pleeeease!” Andy was quiet as he listened to whatever Minwoo was saying.

“What does he mean, ‘can you believe it?’” Eric mocked Andy’s voice. “The nerve
of that kid!”

“My evilness? I’ve NEVER EVER been evil to him, what a little—”

Jina and Jin shushed both of them. “Shhh I wanna listen!” Jina said.

“Me too~”

“Yeah, Hyesung hyuna explained that to me…he said a person was making you
comfortable…that’s right? Really? Andy kinda thought Hyuna was making it up…
So who’s the person? Eric hyung? Dongwan hyung?…what do you MEAN you can’t
tell me?? Please! Andy will keep it a secret!”

Alena looked down. Why am I feeling guilty? He’s the one that lied to me, he’s
the one who should be feeling guilty…’

“Somebody who’s close to me? None of the hyungs are close to me, Minwoo
hyung, I promise! Now tell Andy pleeeeease~”

All four guys looked up, looking extremely hurt now. “None of us are close to
him?! What the hell did Minwoo do to him, BRAINWASH him?!” Dongwan asked.

“Seriously!” Jin agreed. “Minwoo barely even does anything with Andy!”

“Minwoo never does anything FOR Andy!” Hyesung added.

“And Minwoo can’t rap,” Eric pouted.

“God, you guys are acting like Andy’s some hot piece of ass,” Jina said. They
gave Jina a look and went back to eavesdropping.

“That person’s not a hyung? Are you sure?” Andy paused. “No, Andy thinks you’re
lying. It has to be a hyung! OH I know, you’re trying to trick Andy, it’s HYESUNG
hyuna, right? Because Hyesung hyuna’s not a hyung!”


“That person’s not a hyuna either? So the person’s a nuna…?” Andy was quiet as
he went into deep thought. “Wh-what? Minwoo hyung you have to go?
NOOOOOOOO please don’t go! Oh…you’re gonna come over here? Okay! Andy
will be waiting for you!” Andy snapped his phone shut.

“You hyungs, nunas, and hyuna can come out of the kitchen now~” Andy called.
“Andy knows you’re done eating, and was just listening to Andy talk on the cell
phone Minwoo hyung gave me ^^”

“Aha!” Dongwan said as he rushed into the living room. “He bribed you to
become your favorite hyung! He bought you a phone!”

Andy shrugged. “He was still Andy’s favorite hyung before~ But he was tied with
Jinnie hyung back then…but now evil Jinnie hyung is fourth.”

“You put us in order?” Hyesung said curiously. “What place am I?”

“And me???”

“Me too! What about me?”


“So many questions,” Andy said, slapping his hands over his ears. “Andy doesn’t
want to hear anymore! SHUT THE HELL UP!”
“0_o” 2/3 Shinhwa stared at their youngest member, and stayed that way until
the doorbell rang and Andy happily got up to get it.


Chapter 19: “Alena finally believes”

“Oh…haha…good job,” Minwoo said.

“Well what are you just standing there for? COME IN HYUNG COME IN!” Andy
pulled Minwoo in.

Minwoo took off his shoes and smiled at his other band members. “Hey, guys~”

Each one of them answered him with a sharp glare.


“Oh, don’t worry about that, hyung, they’re just jealous.”

“Jealous of what?”



“Because you’re Andy’s favorite hyung *^^*”

“Chi, I think Andy’s favorite hyung should be able to rap,” Eric said.

“And cook,” Hyesung added.

“And eat chicken as fast as I can,” Jin said.

“And go putt-putting even if he doesn’t want to,” Dongwan said.

“It doesn’t matter. Minwoo hyung is still cool.”

“But he likes GIRLS!”

That froze Andy for a second, as his eyes got wide. He stared at Eric (who had
blurted that out) for any signs of lying and then pointed his finger at Minwoo
accusingly. “Do you like girls, Minwoo hyung?”

“Well I…I don’t like guys,” Minwoo replied flabbergasted.



“^_____^ So who’s your favorite hyung now?”

“Well it’s not you, Eric hyung~”

“Why not?!”

“Because you like Jina nuna, and Jina nuna is a GIRL,” Andy replied, rolling his

“Duh, Eric, how could you forget that?!” Jina said.

Eric glared at her and whined, “Stop trying to make me seem stupid!”

“You already are stupid, you big dinosaur,” she replied, laughing.

Andy continued listing, counting each Shinhwa member on his fingers. “And
Dongwan hyung likes Christine nuna…Hyesung hyuna likes Annie nuna…Jin hyung
likes Junie nuna…”

Junie opened her mouth as if to say something but was stopped by Jin giving her
a warning look.

“But Andy doesn’t think Minwoo hyung has a girl that he likes…do you hyung?”
Minwoo hesitated, looked around the room, his gaze lingering on Alena, and
shrugged. “I don’t think so, Andy. I used to like this really stupid girl but it just
didn’t work out, because she just wouldn’t cooperate and she messed up the
whole relationship.”

Alena glared at him and finally blew up. “What do you MEAN I messed up the
relationship?! You’re the one who acted like the complete asshole, and pretended
to like me. And WHAT relationship?? We had no relationship, Lee Minwoo. Thank
God for that.”

“Are you really that thick? Can’t you tell when a guy is lying to you?” Minwoo

“Wh-what do you mean…?”



There was silence. Then Andy spoke up, his voice quivering. “Wh-what? Minwoo
hyung…liked Alena nuna? And Alena nuna’s the nuna that was making Minwoo
hyung uncomfortable?”

There was a sigh and Minwoo replied, “Yeah…”

“NO!” Alena exclaimed. “No. Minwoo never liked me, Andy. You got that part
wrong. I don’t know if I was making him uncomfortable but he never liked me.”

“OH MY GOD!” But instead of Minwoo blowing up, it was Annie. “Holy crap, Alena.
How DENSE can a person get, honestly?! I mean I know you have your dumb
days sometimes but seriously, you always seem to be in denial when it comes to
Minwoo liking you. Right Minwoo?”

“Uhhhh…yeah,” Minwoo nodded stupidly, a little surprised that Annie was sticking
up for him instead of her friend.

“HE LIKES YOU. No matter how awful that sounds, you’re just gonna have to deal
with it. Now please stop denying it?? It’s really making my head hurt T.T”
Hyesung nodded. “It’s really obvious, Alena…you just have to open your eyes and
accept that Lee Minwoo really does like you.”

“Yeah, last week he wouldn’t stop talking about you!” Jin added, thus receiving
an embarrassed kick from Minwoo’s part.

Alena looked from Annie to Hyesung to Jin and then to Minwoo.

He sighed and said, “It’s true…it’s all true…please believe me, Alena. I really do
like you.”

And then finally, Alena nodded. “I believe you Minwoo…” She went over to him
slowly and gave him a hug.

There was silence until a big sob came from Dongwan. “IT’S ALL SO BEAUTIFUL!!

“Andy thinks that Dongwan should be a hyuna too…Andy’s never seen a hyung
that cries as much as Dongwan hyung,” Andy announced.

Chapter 20: “Holiday Dance”


“OMG OMG guess what?!” Junie screamed as she ran into Alena’s room with her
cp in her hand. She had walked out ten minutes ago to take a private call.

Annie and Alena were braiding Hyesung and Minwoo’s hair into messy cornrows.
Jina was in the corner with Eric, both of them holding a pen, Jina giving Eric tips
on how to rap better ^^ Jin was sleeping on Alena’s computer chair. Andy,
Christine and Dongwan were watching the Simpson’s on TV.

Christine was the only one who looked up curiously at Junie. “What?”

“I just got asked to the Joo High Holiday Dance by Ahn Chilhyun!!”
Jina suddenly looked away from Eric and then asked, “Ahn Chilhyun?”

“Oh, he’s this really girly guy at our school,” Christine rolled his eyes.

“Even more girly than Hyesung?”

“I can hear you!” Hyesung said, from where he was. Annie pulled down two
braids to the side of his face.

“Hehe Hyesung hyuna, you look stupid,” Andy laughed.

“Watch the Simpson’s, Andy…” Hyesung growled.

“Commercials,” Andy replied, and then he perked up. “Hey Annie nuna, can Andy
braid a strand?”

“Sure, c’mere, I’ll teach you how to braid ^^”

“Yay! *^^*”

“And he calls me girly…” Hyesung muttered.

“Chilhyun’s not girly,” Annie then said to Jina. “He’s actually really good looking…”

“No he’s not,” Christine rolled her eyes.

“So did you say yes?” Alena asked.

“Of course!” Junie replied. Chilhyun was the only guy Junie liked at Joo High. He
was the only guy she didn’t feel annoyed around in a matter of a few seconds.
And plus, he was one of the most good-looking 18-year-old guy she had ever

“What?” Jina said. “Well, what about Jin??”

Shit…forgot about Jin…’

“Oh…ummm…I’m sure he’ll be okay,” Junie stuttered. “I’m sure he won’t mind…”
“I can’t believe you’re doing this, Junie!” Jina exclaimed. “You don’t seem like the
player type.”

“Just because I’m going to a dance with another guy doesn’t mean I’m a player!”
Junie defended herself. “And I told you, Jin won’t mind. Why are you making such
a big deal out of this?”

Andy pouted. “Yeah, Jina nuna, Andy doesn’t think you should! The dance is

Christine looked at Andy, surprised. “Why do you have a sudden grudge against
the dance?? You used to just not care at all, your feelings were neutral against

“Andy thinks life would be better if it didn’t exist.”

Now Alena got curious. “Why? Oh c’mon Andy, you know you can tell your nuna!”

“You can tell this nuna too,” Christine added, very very curious.

“Oh and me too,” Annie said.

“Me three!” Jina added.

“I am NOT a player!”

“Well, ummmm Andy got asked to the dance this year…” Andy covered his face
with his hands. “Oh, Andy is so ashamed!”

“Oh for real? Wow, that’s great!” Christine exclaimed.

“No it’s not! I’m ANDY LEE. Andy Lee doesn’t get asked to dances!” Andy said it
like it was the worst thing that could happen to him.

“Who asked you?” Annie asked. “I might know them, I know a lot of
Andy glared at Annie. “Nuna, does it matter who asked Andy?! All that matters is
THAT ANDY GOT ASKED! What is Andy going to do?”

“Did you say yes?” Junie asked, finally over the fact that Jina had called her a
‘player’ by convincing herself that Jina didn’t mean it.

“Well, yeah…Andy’s never been in a situation like that before, how was Andy
supposed to know what to say?”

“If you said yes, there’s no way out! Especially since the girl asked you, and that
takes guts,” Alena said.

“Andy wishes his nuna wasn’t so logical T.T”

“Well, I am…too bad, deal with it,” Alena said, rolling her eyes.

“So who asked you?” Annie asked again.


“Jina?!” Everybody said curiously and looked at Jina who stood there confused
with the pen in her hand.

“What?!?” Eric asked.

“No, not Jina nuna,” Andy rolled his eyes. “Another Jina, her name’s Jina Choi!”

“Oh, I know her,” Minwoo said.

“How…?” Alena asked, a little suspiciously. Ever since she and Minwoo had started
dating two days ago, he had broke off all his relationships and was, for the first
time in his life, a one woman man.

“She’s the younger sister of a girl I used to go out with,” Minwoo explained.

“A girl you used to go with, eh?” Jina said. “And her last name is Choi…Jina’s your
sister, isn’t she Junie?!”

“Since you’re such a player, I figured you must’ve gone out with Minwoo once in
your life,” Jina explained.

Junie glared at Jina. “O…M…G! I AM NOT A PLAYER! ME AND JIN—”

Jin woke up suddenly, ran up, and covered Junie’s mouth just in time. “I’m busy
that day, so I don’t mind that she’s going to the dance with somebody else ^^”

Junie calmed down and when Jin removed his hand, she nodded. “Yeah. Yup.
What he said. Uh huh.”

Jina rolled her eyes and said, “Your high school’s lucky you’re not in the school

Junie glared at Jina but kept quiet because of warning looks from Jin.

“Okay, well,” Alena said, trying to help Andy out. “You could say you’re busy
because of a family thing…”

Andy’s eyes widened. “So I should LIE to her?”

“If you really really don’t want to go to the dance with her…”

“It’s not really the ‘with her’ part,” Andy said, “It’s the ‘going to the dance’ part
that’s yucky!”

Alena looked at Andy in surprise. “So you’re saying you like this Jina girl?”

Andy turned red and he shook his head wildly, his eyes averted to the floor.

“Puhaha Andy found a girl he likes!” Annie yelled.

“Andy never said that!” Andy said, attempting to defend himself.

“Awww that’s so cute,” Dongwan cooed at Andy. “Andy and Jina…”

“Shut up hyuna!”

“I wanna meet this Jina girl!” Alena announced. “After rejecting girl after girl…my
little brother finally likes somebody? I’ve gotta meet her!”


“But you never denied it, did you?” Alena asked him, giving him a smug look.

“-.- No comment,” Andy replied.

“Alright, well Minwoo you haven’t thrown away your number list, have you?”


“You know, your list with all those girls’ numbers on it?”

“You told me to throw it away…”

“DAMMIT! Why did you listen to me?!”

“Oh…are you guys talking about this?” Jin asked, holding up a little booklet.

“Where’d you get that from?” Alena asked in wonder as she took it from Jin.

“I found it in the trash can yesterday ^^ And it had all these numbers so I
thought, hey why not?”

Now Jina looked at Jin and Junie both in suspicion. I’m beginning to doubt that
these two are really in a relationship…but if they’re faking it, why would they

“Haha…well I’m not gonna ask why you were clawing through the trash…” Alena
rolled her eyes and she turned to Minwoo. “What was the name of Jina’s sister?”

“Oh, Jenny,” Minwoo replied.

Alena flipped to the ‘CHO/CHOI’ section in Minwoo’s booklet and scanned down
the numbers. “Here it is!”

She picked up the phone and dialed the 7 numbers, discarding the booklet. Andy
secretly crawled over to it, looked at it, and copied one number down.

“Hi…is Jina there?”

Chapter 21: “Andy’s girlfriend”

“Yeah, this is she,” a bubbly voice answered.

“Hi, my name’s Alena and—”

“Oh, you’re Andy Lee’s sister!”

“Actually, yeah…”

“Your brother’s my boyfriend, you know ^0^”

“WHAT?!!” Alena yelled.

“What? What’d she say, nuna??” Andy suddenly was next to Alena, anxiously
asking what Jina told her.

Everybody else in the room was also looking at Alena curiously—except for
Dongwan because the Simpsons had come back on.

Alena ignored everybody though and kept talking to Jina. “Uh huh…I see…yeah…
mmm hmm…oh, of course he can! Yeah, he was just talking about that…yeah…
sure! Ok, see you then!”

She hung up the phone and yawned. “Well…I’m gonna go out for a little fresh
Christine, who was always quick to catch onto things, nodded. “And I’ll go with

Annie and Junie were now accustomed to Christine always knowing things before
them so now they just followed Christine whenever they wanted to know
something. “Us too~”

Jina rolled her eyes. “Well geesh, don’t leave me here with the guys!” She got up
and all five girls left the room, and ran down the stairs.

“Huh?” Eric asked.

“Wha?” Minwoo shrugged, and then grabbed onto his hair and tried to get the
braids out.

“Andy doesn’t understand…” Andy pouted.

“PUHAHAHA,” Dongwan laughed at something Bart said.

“Maybe it’s something to do with that Jina Choi girl,” Hyesung said thoughtfully.

Jin rolled his eyes. “Who else would it be about?” He had gotten a lot better at
figuring this kinda stuff out since he and Junie had begun their “relationship”.

“Are you for REAL?” Andy asked. “Hurry up, hyungs, grab your jackets, we have
to find the nunas!”

“No!” Minwoo stopped him. “We don’t even know where they went. This city is
huge; we’d have to look for hours. Waiting here will be easier.”

Andy sighed. “I guess you’re right, hyung…”


“Annie, do you know Jina? You said you knew a lot of sophomores,” Alena said.

“I think she’s the one who was obsessed with Minwoo last year…” Annie said,

“Yeah, Jina Choi…I’m pretty sure that’s the girl who practically stalked Minwoo
everywhere,” Annie nodded.

Alena laughed. “What made her stop stalking?”

“Her sister started dating Minwoo, and then he dumped Jenny…” Annie said. “Jina
apparently saw how sad Minwoo had made Jenny and stopped liking him so

“Haha, Jenny’s lucky~ Must be nice to have a little dongsang who cares about
you so much,” Alena said.

Then a girl with brown shoulder length hair who was at least three inches taller
than Alena walked in <author’s note: Yes…I know I’m short…T.T>. She saw
Alena, brightened, and walked quickly over to the table.

“You’re Alena, right?”


“Wowow, you and Andy look SO similar!!”

“Um…thanks, I guess?”

“You’re welcome ^^” Then she looked around to the other girls around the table
and smiled. “Hi, I’m Jina~”




“Ooooooh you’re Jina too?”


“I have this SAME problem at school. In my math class, there’s another Jina, and
her last name’s Cho. So I can’t even use Jina C. in there!! So the teacher just
calls us Jina Choi and Jina Cho.”

“Really,” Jina said in a bored voice.

“I guess I’m gonna have to call you by your last initial now!! Because if I just say
‘Jina,’ it’s gonna sound like I’m talking to myself and that’s gonna be weiiiiird!
What’s your last name anyway?”

“Song,” Jina replied.

“Jina Song…Jina S…” Suddenly Jina gasped. “HEY!! You have one of those cool
last names!!”

“I do?”

“Yeah! You have ‘o’ as the 2nd letter…like Jennifer Lopez!! You know her
nickname is J-Lo? I’ve always wanted to have a nickname like that, but mine
doesn’t work out—it’s only J-Ch—and that doesn’t sound cool!! But you can make
a J-Lo nickname!”

“J-So…” Jina said hesitantly.

“That is sooooooo cool! Like J-Lo!! It’s not fair, I wanna change my last name!!”
Jina sighed and flipped her hair back. “Well, I’m gonna go get my coffee so be
riiiiight back!” She left the table and ran up to the counter.

The girls sat at their table a bit flabbergasted for a while. “Well.” Junie said.

“She sure has a lot of energy,” Christine remarked.

“Just like Andy,” Annie pointed out.

“Oh God, those two together is too much hyperness, it’s dangerous!” Alena

“J-So,” Jina said again. “I like it~”


Andy was pacing around the room.

The Simpsons were over so Dongwan was sitting on the bed, watching Andy.

Jin was bored so he was watching Dongwan’s head move from side to side.
Hyesung and Minwoo were in front of the mirror, furiously tugging at the now
very tangled braids on the top of their heads. Eric was trying to help them but
was instead getting more in the way and making Hyesung and Minwoo’s hair look
even worse.

Alena, Annie, and Christine opened the door to the bedroom and made Andy run
over. “Nuna!!”

“I have a surprise for you ^-^”

Jina and Jina came in and Andy’s eyes became wide. “Wh-what are you doing
here, Jina?”

Minwoo saw Jina and gasped. He looked around frantically and dove on the bed,
hiding behind Dongwan.

“Alena unni asked me if I wanted to come over and see you so of course I
accepted! ^^”

“Oh…okay…” Andy looked down embarrassed for a minute and then shrugged.
“Hey, Jina, c’mon! Andy wants to show you his cell phone!!”

“Okay!” Jina nodded and the two skipped out of the room.

Minwoo peeked over Dongwan’s shoulder. “Is she gone?! Is she gone??”
Alena laughed. “Awww poor Minwoo~”

“That chick’s scary, Alena! You don’t understand! T.T I never knew she was Jenny

“I think she’s pretty cool,” Jina said. “Hey, Eric, you know I’ve been trying to
think of a rapper name?”


“How does J-So sound?”

“J-So?” Eric said slowly. “How’d you get that?”

“You know, J for Jina, and So for the first two letters of my last name.”

“Whoaaa, that’s cool!!”

“Jina thought of it!”

“That Jina chick’s cool!”

“No she’s not,” Minwoo cried. “She’s freaky!!”

“Hmmm so what would my name be?” Eric asked, ignoring Minwoo. “E-Mu…”

“PUHAHAHA!” Annie laughed. “Isn’t emu a bird?”

“Awww now you’re a dinosaur and a bird,” Jina said.

“Oooh that’s fun!” Dongwan said, clapping his hands in joy. “Okay, I’m D-Ki,
Christine’s C-Ki, Minwoo’s M-Le, Alena and Andy are A-Le, Jin is C-Pa, Junie is J-
Ch, Annie is A-Im, and Hyesung is H-Su!!” He gasped. “Hey H-Su sorta sounds
like Harisu!”

Hyesung widened his eyes. “WHAT?! No it doesn’t! Are you out of your mind?”

“H-Su…Harisu…” Christine said. “Haha yeah it does!!”

“You have to admit it, Sungie,” Annie said.

“Stop ganging up on me!! T.T”

Suddenly they heard a high-pitched scream that sounded like it was coming from
Andy’s room <author’s note: lolol that sounds wrong>.

“That’s Jina, right??”

“You never know, it might be Andy…”

“Let’s hurry and go check it out!!”

Chapter 22: “ANDY WON’T!”

They ran the familiar way to Andy’s room and opened the door.

Andy was curled up into a ball on his bed, rocking back and forth, looking very
very disturbed.

Jina C. stood by Andy, looking innocent and confused at the same time.

“ANDY CAN’T!!” Andy yelled. “ANDY WON’T!!”

“Sure you can, Andy,” Jina said, coaxingly. “If you try, I’m sure—”


“What’s going on?” Alena asked cautiously.


“Uhhh you might want to tell your nuna before you make those kind of guesses,
Andy,” Christine said to him.
“Ji-jina wants Andy to…she wants Andy to…NO ANDY WON’T!” Andy screamed
one last time and ran out of the room.

Jina C. let out an exasperated sigh. “What am I gonna do with him?”

“Don’t worry, he’ll grow on you,” Alena replied. “I used to hate my boyfriend but
now…^0^…hey, where is he anyway?”

“Oh, M-Le was too scared so he stayed in your room,” Dongwan answered,
suppressing a giggle.

“M-Le?” Annie asked, giving Dongwan a weird look. “Are you still using those Jina

“They’re COOL, A-Im, so shut up!”

Annie rolled her eyes. “Do something about your bf, ‘C-Ki’!”

“I don’t appreciate your sarcasm,” Dongwan said, pouting.


“M-Le?” Jina C. asked curiously. “Ooooh is it a riddle? I love riddles.”

“Um sure,” Jina S. replied. “M-Le is a shortened version of Alena’s boyfriend’s


“OH I GET IT!” Jina yelled. “Like, J-So and E-Mu, right?”


“M-Le…well, the first person who comes to mind is this short guy…but I’m sure
that’s not your boyfriend, Alena, because Andy’s nuna should be smart enough
not to date a player like him.”

“^0^ Yeah, Alena’s smart enough not to date a player like this short guy you’re
talking about…” Dongwan said, all happy again. Dongwan loved to see people
uncomfortable -.-;; He thought it was fun to watch.
Jina C. shrugged, stumped a few seconds later. “I give up. Who is it?”

“Oh…you probably don’t know who it is,” Alena said lightly.

“I bet you do!” Dongwan said annoyingly.

Jina C. widened her eyes. “Oh please, can I guess?? It’ll be so much fun, I love
guessing games!”

Alena shot Dongwan a death look and said hurriedly, “Ummmm I have to…uh…go
now. Yeah. So…um…see you later. Bye!”

Jina C. wrinkled her nose. “She’s kinda weird…”

Christine laughed. “She’s Andy’s sister, what did you expect?”

“Can you guys tell me who her boyfriend is? I’ve been thinking about and I can’t
think of any other M-Le’s…”

“^0^ What’s that short guy’s name you were talking about earlier?”

“Minwoo Lee, but—”

“Ding dong dang!” Dongwan imitated a game show bell signaling that Jina was

“Minwoo Lee?!! Dating Andy’s nuna?!! Minwoo Lee?!! Here?!! Right now?!!”

“Yup!” Dongwan said, nodding like a maniac.

Jina C. screamed and started running toward Alena’s room, yelling “MINWOO

Chapter 23: “You’re too ugly to be Lee Minwoo!”

Minwoo was sitting cross-legged on the bed, watching the news with the volume
very very low. He kept looking nervously at the shut door and couldn’t stop

And then…the person he had been dreading rushed into the room, stopped short
in front of him, and stared at him with big eyes.

“Minwoo Lee,” she said breathlessly. “Lee Minwoo…OMG IT’S REALLY YOU!”

Minwoo shook his head wildly. “Who is this Lee Minwoo you speak of? I know
nothing of this Lee Minwoo…”

“You’re Lee Minwoo,” Jina C. said quietly.

“Me? Lee Minwoo? I don’t even look like a Lee Minwoo. Do I?”

“Well…your hair’s different…”

“See? Why would I be Lee Minwoo?”

“Yeah you’re right, you’re too ugly to be Lee Minwoo…”

Minwoo had sighed a breath of relief when he heard her say ‘yeah you’re right’
but he was sure he heard what she said afterwards wrong. “What…?”

“I said you’re too ugly to be Lee Minwoo,” Jina C. repeated bluntly. “Lee Minwoo’s
way cuter than you. No offense to you, of course…”

“Ummm when was the last time you saw this Lee Minwoo?” Minwoo asked, still a
little dumbfounded.

“Last year?”

“And you think he looked better than me then than I do now?”

“Yup,” Jina nodded cheerfully.

“Did you ever consider that maybe Lee Minwoo changed his hairstyle to a much
better hairstyle—maybe to a hairstyle that looks like mine—since then?”

Jina C. cocked her head, studying Minwoo’s hair thoughtfully. “Eh…I guess your
hair’s okay but his hair was the jjang. Everybody thought so.”

Minwoo fingered his hair. “Really??” He had thought that this hairstyle was the
best but now he was starting to have different thoughts.

“Yeah! It was like—” Then Jina proceeded to show Minwoo how exactly ‘Lee
Minwoo’s’ hair looked like with her hands.


“I don’t hear Minwoo…” Alena said, a little worriedly. “I expected him to start
yelling or something…”

“Yeah, I don’t hear little Jina either…” Jina S. said.

“Do you think they killed each other?” Dongwan asked, with big eyes.

“That’s a question I would expect Andy to ask,” Annie said, rolling her eyes.

“That’s a good thing, right?” Dongwan said. “Andy’s a smart kid…right?”


“So you think I’m uglier than him right?”


“Because of the hair?”

“No, also…Lee Minwoo has the cutest eyes.”

“Eyes?” Minwoo asked uncertainly. He didn’t think that his eyes had changed in
any way…
“Yeah, his eyes are perfect moon crescent shape.”

“Aren’t my eyes like that?”

“No, your eyes are too small. Your eyes are just straight lines.”


“Like that face! Exactly!” Jina laughed.


“It’s the truth though!”


“You seem awfully bothered that Lee Minwoo’s better looking than you…why? Do
you know him? Oh…I didn’t catch your name…what is it anyway?”

Chapter 24: “Drama, drama, drama” <written by Jina C…thanks ^^>

"Heh...My name?" Minwoo chuckled uneasily and glanced at the T.V.

"Who else would I be asking? Would I be asking that big, ugly fat bald man on
the screen?" Jina C. rolled her eyes and pointed at a commercial on the

"Uhh...My name...its...its..." Minwoo stuttered and sweat began to trickle down

his forehead.

At that moment, Alena and Andy burst through the door.

"Jina, How about we go back into Andy's room and hang out there? Min- I mean,
this oppa right here has to watch the news for a...a school project," Alena smiled
prettily and batted her eyelashes at Jina C.
"Alena unni? Do you have something in your eyes? Do you need some Clear Eyes
or something? I think I have some in my purse, but its in Andy's room..." Jina
panicked after what she thought was Alena, having a seizure.

Alena was about to say that she was just trying to act cute when Minwoo cut in.
"Oh, Alena, Pooh Bear, you seem to have some your eye. Jina, can you
go get your eye medicine for Alena?" Minwoo flashed his pearly whites at Jina.

"Sure, but hey. Next time, keep your teeth in your mouth. You don't want to blind
anyone." Jina replied as she skipped out of Alena's room to get her purse.

"That girl is so rude! What makes her think she can say whatever she wants? I've
never met a girl like her before!" Minwoo exploded.

"What? Minwoo hyung, I always thought of you as Andy's favoritest hyung in the
whole world, but you barely know Jina and your talking bad about her behind her
back! Your making...false...false...false..." Andy stammered, having trouble
pronouncing the word that he wanted to say.

"Uh, is it assumptions, Andy yah?" Alena asked.

"YEA! Don't make false accusationals behind Jina's back because Andy doesn't
like it!" Andy crossed his arms.

"Its accusations, Andy." Alena corrected again.

"I know what I said and I know what I meant so there!" Andy said again.

Jina ran back into the room holding a medium-sized makeup bag.

"I have a hairband, a capsule for incongestion, a broken pencil, a stick of gum,
some fake nails I bit off..oh, here they are. I have Clear Eyes for contacts, Clear
Eyes for regular, eye medication for those little crusts at the tips of your eyes
when you wake up in the morning. What do you want?" Jina searched through
her bag and finally found what she was looking for.

"Uh, I'll take the Clear Eyes for contacts," Alena said as she took the little bottle.
"Come on, Jina. Andy will show you his new manager hyung. He's really
interesting. He can make his ears wiggle like jello and he blows little circles of
smoke when he smokes a cigarette!" Andy said excitedly.

"Oh, really! That's so cool! Let's go, Andy!" Jina cried. She grabbed Andy's arm
and they both ran out of the room.

"They make a perfect match," Minwoo said as he came out from under the bed.

"When did you get under there, silly?" Alena asked.

"Hehe. When you were looking at Jina like she was some sort of strange alien."
Minwoo replied.

"Haha. So, NOW do you want to tell me why you're so scared of Jina? She's a
little...rowdy, but she's harmless." Alena told him.

"No, you don't understand. That little girl is SCARY when she's mad!" Minwoo
exclaimed. "I didn't mean to do it! I wasn't in my right state of mind!"

Minwoo covered his mouth as soon as he realized what he said.

"Oh, really? Now I HAVE to know what you did, Minwoo." Alena's sweet voice
disappeared and she meant business.


"Dongwan, stop making fun of Eric's name!" Jina S. exclaimed. She sent a nice
loud smack to Dongwan's back and that shut him up.

"Sorry, J-So. E-Mu's just so amusing!" Dongwan burst out in fits of laughter

Jina S. gave up and followed Eric to the corner of the room where it was quiet.

Jina C. and Andy walked into the room laughing and whispering to each other.
They realized they weren't alone and stopped laughing.
"Andy, I don't think they should be in here because we need to be alone." Jina C.

"Andy thinks you may be right, Jina. Andy will make them leave right now." Andy
looked at Jina and nodded to her implying that he was going into action.

"Ahem. Hyungs, nunas and hyunas," Andy started.

Dongwan looked at Andy and said, "Stop calling me hyuna!"

“Me too!” Hyesung butted in.

Andy disregarded Dongwan and Hyesung’s comments and continued on. "Jina
and I have to do something so please, if you will, leave us alone in privacy."

"Okay. C'mon Eric, let's go to Alena's room or something," Jina S. stated. She
helped Eric on to his feet and they walked out. Christine, Annie, Hyesung, Junie,
and Jin followed suit.

Dongwan still sat there, looking at Andy. "Say you won't call me hyuna anymore."

Andy was losing his patience. He mentally counted to five and when Dongwan
was still not out of his room, he started getting really mad.


Dongwan looked surprised and jumped up to leave. After Andy slammed the door
on his face, he said, "What is it they want to do, anyways? Better not be
something that will get Andy in trouble."

After Andy's room was all clear, Jina and Andy looked at each other and smiled at
each other slyly. They both dashed to the computer, screaming.
"Andy gets to go first!" Andy screamed.

"Then I get to go second!" Jina exclaimed.

"Haha, Jina, you're funny." Andy giggled in a high pitch and they went on playing
the computer game.

Eric and Jina S. slowly walked down the stairs after getting yelled at for walking
in on Alena and Minwoo's first argument.

They headed over to the living room where everyone else was and sat down. The
other people were playing Twister.

"Ooh, I wanna play!" Jina said happily.

"Me too!" Eric agreed. They both forgot about getting yelled at and stood in line
to play Twister.

As soon as it was Eric's turn to go, the doorbell rang.

"I'll get it," Jina S. yelled as she ran up to the door. She opened it and it revealed
Ahn Chilhyun.

"J-So! What's taking you so long? Bring the person in here! It will make the game
more fun!" Dongwan yelled.

"Uhh...okay.." Jina replied hesitantly. She lead Chilhyun to the living room and
everyone seemed to freeze in time.

"Hey Chilhyun..." Junie exclaimed. She glanced over at Jina who was looking at
Junjin. Junjin was looking at Chilhyun and Chilhyun was staring back.

Then, Chilhyun walked over to Junie and gave her a long hug.

"Junjin! Aren't you going to do anything?!" Jina hissed. Junjin looked torn
between separating Chilhyun and his "girlfriend" and taking his turn for Twister.

He finally walked up to Junie and Chilhyun and pulled her out of his grasp.

"What's your problem, man?" Chilhyun growled.

"Why are you hugging my girlfriend?" Junjin tried to sound as believable as


"Minwoo, I can't believe you would do that to her!" Alena exclaimed.

"I told you! I wasn't my normal self!" Minwoo tried to stick up for himself.

"I don't know if I can ever forgive you, Minwoo." Alena said quietly.

“What the hell do you mean you can’t forgive me?” Minwoo said, his voice tone

“You know, I bet that girl really liked you…I mean, she even liked you enough for
her BABY SISTER to stop liking you. That’s called devotion, Minwoo.”

“Excuse you, if I never had dumped Jenny, you and I probably wouldn’t even be
dating right now!”

“Who cares about that, Minwoo?! You know that Jenny girl…she hasn’t gone out
with one guy since. Everybody knew that some bastard broke her heart but I
never thought it’d be you.”

“Whaaat…so I broke one girl’s heart. That suddenly makes me a total bad guy?”

“How do I know you won’t break my heart, huh Minwoo?”

“I…” Minwoo opened his mouth but nothing else came out. He helplessly looked at
the floor. There was no way to answer that.

Tears glistening in her eyes, Alena turned and left the room.

Chapter 25: “Twister”

“How come you didn’t wanna play this earlier? See, I told you it’s fun!” Jina said.
“You should listen to me always from now on.”

“Andy didn’t want to play ’cause Andy sucks at baseball in real life…so Andy
thought he’d suck on the computer, too,” Andy said shyly. “And Andy didn’t
wanna look bad in front of you ^///^”

“Awww,” Jina cooed at him. “You’re so cute~”

Andy blushed as he said something to keep her focus of him. “It’s your turn!

“The game’s over,” Jina told him gently. “Remember?”

Andy thought back a few seconds and then grinned. “Oh yeah! Andy forgot.”

“Wanna play something else?”

“Ooh ooh, is there a bowling online game??”

“Yeah,” Jina nodded as she clicked on an icon on the Internet site and waited for
it to load.

Andy rubbed his eyes. “Andy’s eyes hurt…” he complained. “Andy thinks he’s
been looking at the computer for too long. Andy’s mom says he should close his
eyes and rest for five minutes every fifteen minutes…”

“That takes too long though!” Jina complained. “Here, use Clear Eyes—do you
want the regular one or the one for contacts?”

“Andy is scared of Clear Eyes! Andy doesn’t want to put fake water stuffs in his
EYE! What if it makes Andy blind?!”


“What? Your girlfriend?” Chilhyun said, laughing a little. “Yeah. Right.”

“What is that supposed to mean?” Jin asked, getting defensive.

“Hah, like a guy could have a girl like Junie as your girlfriend? Please,” Chilhyun
said. “You don’t know the first thing about treating a girl right.”

Jin’s mouth fell open and before he knew it, his fist smashed into Chilhyun’s
perfectly chiseled jaw. Jina S. started cheering. “Yeah! Go Jin~ Show him who’s

Chilhyun rubbed his jaw and glared at him, as Eric glared at Jin too for taking
Jina’s attention off himself. Jin flinched, as if expecting Chilhyun to swing back at
him, causing Chilhyun to roll his eyes. “I would never fight in the presence of

When hearing this, Junie, Annie, Christine and Jina S. all blushed, Jina shutting
up immediately. Seeing this, Eric’s jaw dropped. “You cannot be SERIOUS?!”

“I can’t help it,” Jina replied, “He’s so charming…”

Annie just sighed dreamily, causing Hyesung to jab her in the ribs. And the only
reason Christine was blushing was because the position she and Dongwan were in
on the Twister mat caused Dongwan’s butt to be in her face ^^;;

“You better not fart, Dongwan,” Christine muttered.

“What’s that, C-Ki?”

“Never mind…Annie, hurry up and spin the spinner so I can get into a—er—more
comfortable position. Annie? Annie! ANNIE!”

Just then, Alena came in the room and plopped on the couch. “Aw, where’s
Minwoo?” Hyesung teased.

Alena shrugged as Minwoo came down the stairs and stepped outside, slamming
the door behind him.
Annie rolled her eyes, snapping out of the little dreamlike state Chilhyun had put
her under. “Did you guys get into another fight?!”

Alena shrugged again.

“Does she know how to talk?” Chilhyun whispered to Junie. She shot him a look
that made him shut up immediately.

“Oh, please don’t tell me you guys got in a fight,” Dongwan begged. “I hate it
when he’s cranky…the last time he was when you wouldn’t believe that he liked
you. You DO believe he likes you, right? Right?”

Alena sighed. “It’s not that…”

“Oh, good then.” Dongwan said, and then got confused. “Wait, but you guys still
got in a fight?”

“Obviously!” Christine snapped at him. She was talking to his butt so it was a bit
hard to raise her voice tone. You try getting angry at a butt, see if it’s easy.
“Can’t you…can’t you…” She looked away to Annie for help.

Annie swallowed back some giggles. “Can’t you tell, Dongwan? I mean, would she
be looking this miserable, and why would Minwoo have left?”

“Good point,” Dongwan nodded. His nodding made his balance off and he ended
up falling.

“YES!” Christine yelled. “Finally! I can seeeeee!”

Everybody gave her a look. “We weren’t even playing anymore. You couldn’t
gotten out of that position if you wanted to,” Eric informed her. “Duh~”

“Shut up E-MU,” Christine snapped.

“Not you too!” Jina S. complained.

“I can’t help it, he rubs off me,” Christine defended herself.

“Whatever,” Jina rolled her eyes.

“Jina, Jina,” Eric tugged at Jina’s shirtsleeve, trying to get her to look at him. She
ignored him though, as she mouthed to Jin, ‘You’re gonna let Chilhyun get away
with saying something like that…? Do something!’

Suddenly they heard Andy wail, “MINWOO HYUNG! You’re such a butthead, you
know that? You should have told Andy before you left…”

A second later, they heard Jina C. scream, “MINWOO?! THAT WAS LEE
Chilhyun looked a little scared, as he turned to Junie. “Er…Junie, I’m gonna get
going. I’ll see you at school tomorrow?”

Junie nodded.

As soon as Chilhyun left, Jin smiled smugly. “I showed him, huh?”

Junie rolled her eyes. “Right.”

“Well whatever, now that the Hyesung look-alike is gone, can we get back to the
game?” Eric asked.

“Hyesung look-alike?!” Hyesung exclaimed. “What? I don’t look anything like


Christine nodded. “Yeah, he’s better looking…”

“-_- I didn’t mean it that way,” he said, pouting.

“You have to admit, Chilhyun’s really good looking,” Dongwan said.

Christine gave him a weird look. “I thought you said you were joking about the
gay thing…”

“^^;; I was!! I’m just commenting on…him…that’s all…” Dongwan trailed off
Annie patted his back. “Oh, don’t worry about it Sungie-ah, just because one
guy’s better looking than you, the world’s not gonna end…”

“I thought you thought that one guy in ‘A Walk to Remember’ was cuter than
Hyesung,” Junie said.

“Okay, well two guys then,” Annie corrected herself.

“That really doesn’t make me feel better,” Hyesung said, pouting even more.

Annie ignored his whining and spun the spinner. “Right leg, red. Who’s turn is it?”


Minwoo hung up with Andy, walked into his house, ran up the stairs, and
slammed the door shut to his room.

He went down all the contacts in his cp. He still had a few numbers here that
Alena hadn’t made him delete. And for some reason, he hadn’t deleted them.

He stared at the name for a while, clearly struggling with his thoughts until he
finally pressed the button and held the phone up to his ear.

“Hello…Jenny? Hi, it’s Minwoo…”

Chapter 26: “Holiday Dance dates”

“Minwoo?” Jenny said, clearly shocked to be hearing from her ex.



“Jenny,” Minwoo paused, taking a deep breath, “I don’t know why I broke up with
you, and I know you won’t be able to forgive me immediately but…”
“Minwoo,” Jenny said again, sounding choked up.

“But…I was just wondering…if you’d like to go to the Holiday Dance with me.”

“I…I don’t know, Minwoo. I don’t think…”

“Please. Just give me this one chance to prove myself to you.”

She sighed. “Okay,” she finally agreed.

“I’ve missed you,” Minwoo said simply.

“I have too,” Jenny said, crying a little. Her mom called out in the background
and she said hurriedly into the phone, “I-I have to go. I really hope it works out
this time…”

“Me too, Jenny…bye.” And with that, he hung up.

Lying…I never knew it was a natural talent of mine…’


“The Holiday Dance is this week,” Christine said excitedly, once they got bored of
Twister. “Everybody has a date, right?”

Andy nodded, looking at Jina C. with a goofy grin on his face.

Eric nodded too, putting his arm protectively around Jina S., looking around
suspiciously as if Kangta would appear again and take her away.

Dongwan nodded. “I’m going with Christine ^^”

Annie looked at Hyesung. “Well…nobody has asked me officially yet…”

Hyesung turned red and looking at the ground, he mumbled,


“O.o Hyesung hyuna is talking to the ground,” Andy whispered to Jina C.

“I think Unpa chanting in another language o_O” Jina replied, equally scared. Jina
had taken Andy’s lead and made a new word out of “Oppa” and “Unni” for
Hyesung and Dongwan.

“What?” Annie asked, smiling from ear to ear.

“Will you go to the dance with me?” Hyesung said in a rush, looking at the ceiling


“WILL YOU GO TO THE FRIGGIN’ DANCE WITH ME?!” He yelled at her, annoyed

“Oh, was that it? Why didn’t you say so? ^^ Of course I’ll go with you~”

Hyesung sighed, looking immensely relieved.

“I don’t have a date,” Alena said quietly.

“Me either,” Jin replied.

“What?” Annie asked, sounding completely shocked. “Alena, you and Minwoo will
probably make up and be lovey-dovey in a few hours, and Jin, aren’t you going
with Junie?”

Junie, who had been talking animatedly on her cp for the past few minutes, hung
up and shook her head. “No, I’m going with Chilhyun, remember?” She reminded
Annie, smiling proudly.

Andy grinned. “Andy has a brillillunt…brill…how does the word go again, Jina?”


“Oh yeah. Andy has a brilliant idea!”

“Yeah? What?” Dongwan challenged.

Andy looked a bit scared of Dongwan but he answered, “Alena nuna can go with
Jin hyung!!”

Alena shrugged. “Sure.”

“Fine by me,” Jin said, giving Junie and her cp a look.

“*^^* Andy is so brill…brill…” Andy trailed off as he stuck out his tongue, trying
to remember how to say ‘brilliant’. Finally he settled with something easier. “Andy
is so good ^^”


wanted to sound smarter, so I taught you the word ‘brilliant’. And you still don’t
know it?”

“It’s too hard, Jina T.T Andy’s brain is too small for that big of a word.”

“Obviously,” Jina C. rolled her eyes. Andy launched into his loud-cry mode.

Suddenly Hyesung exploded. “Unpa?!”

“O.o You’re slow, Hyesung unpa…”

Andy suddenly snapped out of crying and shook his head. “No, Jin hyung is
slower…watch, Andy will show you.”

Andy went on his tiptoes and smacked the back of Jin’s head, making a big PWAK


Andy grinned. “See?”

Jina C. laughed. “That’s cool!”

“Yeah, and Jin hyung always makes up a new word every time you hit him. Andy
will de-mon-stuh-rate.” He smacked Jin again.

“Nagaloogeys!” Jina C. and Andy exclaimed at the same time and fell into a fit of


“It’s the day of the dance!” Junie exclaimed excitedly. It was Saturday morning
and sleepy Alena and hyper Andy were greeted by a doorbell rang by Junie, who
couldn’t wait for the clock to hit 8 o’clock PM.

“Yeah, yeah, I know,” Alena rolled her eyes.

Junie dropped her happy-happy mood for a second and asked Alena in a low
voice, “You still haven’t talked to Minwoo yet?”

Alena gave her a look. “Why would I talk to Minwoo? I’m going with JUNJIN,

“Well, yeah…but…”

“I’m going with Jin. I’m not gonna change my plans, you know.”
“You mean Minwoo didn’t even call you?”

“I don’t even care anymore.”

“You always say that.”

“No I don’t!”

“I know. I just felt like saying that ^^;;”

“Gosh, Junie, stop acting like Annie,” Alena replied, rolling her eyes again.

“Well you quit rolling your eyes, you’re acting like Hyesung,” Junie shot back.

“HEY! Stop talking so quietly nunas, Andy can’t hear!”

Christine sauntered in the door next, along with Annie. “Hey!” Andy greeted.
“Where’s hyuna and hyuna?”

“They’re at Jin’s house today,” Annie told him.

“Did you talk to Minwoo yet?” Christine asked Alena.

“Why does everybody keep asking that?”

“Because…I want to know?” Christine answered.

“Yeah! Did you talk to Minwoo hyung?”

“Not you too?!”

“Minwoo hyung won’t answer my calls T.T He says he’s always too busy to talk
T.T Andy thinks Minwoo hyung hates me T^T”

“Oh, it’s okay Andy, Minwoo only hates Alena,” Annie comforted Andy.

Alena glared at Annie and then changed the subject. “Where’s Jina and Jina?”

“You’re acting like Andy now~” Junie exclaimed.


“A second ago he asked where hyuna and hyuna was, and now you asked where
Jina and Jina were…”

“OMG, I was just about to comment on that!” Annie exclaimed.

“Annie nuna and Junie nuna are like, twins!” Andy gasped. “Even their names

“Andy, do you know where the Jinas are?” Alena pressed.

“Er…Jina, as in Andy’s Jina ^^, is at Eric hyung’s Jina’s house, because they…” He
trailed off.


“They…um…they’re doing something.”

“That helps.”

“Andy forgot. It’s not Andy’s fault!”

“Oh, I know what he’s talking about,” Christine said. “They’re gonna do some rap
thing at the dance today. They’re probably just preparing for it.”

“I didn’t know there were gonna be performances,” Junie said.

“Yeah, it’s gonna be a contest-type thing,” Christine replied.

Andy nodded. “Andy knew that.” They all gave him a look. “Andy did!”


“So what are we gonna do ‘til 8?” Annie said a few silent seconds later.

“Let’s play Battleship!” Andy shrieked, running up the stairs to his room. “Last
one up the stairs is a nagaloogey!”

Chapter 27: “Pre-dance”

It was 7:45.

Junjin had arrived ten minutes earlier and he and Alena were in her room, doing
God knows what.
Eric, Jina S., and Jina C. had come at 7 along with Annie and Hyesung, and they
and Andy were in the living room currently in the middle of an exciting Battleship

Dongwan was late as usual and Christine was waiting for him with Junie, who was
practically jumping up and down, awaiting Chilhyun’s arrival. All the girls had
arranged it so that all their dates picked them up at Alena’s house.

The doorbell rang and Junie jumped up and ran to it. “Oh…it’s you,” she said
disappointedly. Christine came up behind her and wrinkled her nose when she
saw who it was.

Minwoo gave them an awkward smile as Jenny beamed next to him. “Hi, Jina’s
here right?”

“Which one?”

“My sister,” Jenny laughed.

“Yeah, sure,” Christine nodded. “LITTLE JINA, YOUR UNNI’S HERE!”



Jin’s eyes lighted up. “Jenny Choi is here?!”

“What?!” Alena exclaimed. “Why would she be here…?”

“Let’s go downstairs, Alena, pleeeease~”

“Why are you so keen on going downstairs?” Alena said, smiling a little at him.

“I heard Jenny Choi is HOT!”

“-__- God, Jin…”

“I can’t help it. I’m a guy…let’s go see her, c’mon! Don’t say to me that you don’t
want to see what Minwoo’s date looks like.”

“She’s Minwoo’s date?!”

“You didn’t know?”


“Well, now that you know, don’t you wanna go see what his date looks like?”


“I know you like him, Alena. You can’t hide it. It’s freaking written all over your

She glared at him. “Shut up, CHOOGJAE-yah.”

“You don’t deny it! You do wanna see her. LET’S GO THEN!” he grabbed her arm
and ran out of the room.


Jina let out an annoyed grunt as she got up and walked to the door. “What,

“You forgot your cell phone,” Jenny said. “You always need it in—”

“—case of an emergency,” Jina finished, rolling her eyes. “Yeah, yeah, I know.”
She took the phone from her sister and waved in a hurried way. “Okay! Bye~
That means you can LEAVE NOW, unni.” She disappeared back into the living

Junie felt bad that Minwoo and Jenny were leaving so soon and suggested, “Why
don’t you come in and stay a while? We were all planning to head to the dance
together. I’m sure Alena won’t mind.”
Jenny nodded. “That doesn’t sound like a bad idea…what do you think, Woo?”

He shrugged indifferently.

She smiled and taking off her shoes, stepped into the house. Minwoo carefully let
her hold onto his arm so she wouldn’t ruin her dress.

Just then, Chilhyun showed up in front of the open door. “Hey!” Junie greeted.

“Aloha~” Christine said.

Chilhyun smiled and nodded. “Sorry I’m so late…”

“Oh, you’re not, don’t worry about it.”

Jin and Alena came bounding down the stairs at that moment and then both of
their face expressions froze in shock.

“O_O” –Jin

“O_O” –Alena



“Hi, I’m Jenny,” Jenny introduced herself, oblivious of what was going on. “And
you are…”

“I’m Jin. Junjin.”

Christine burst into laughter and muttered under her breath, “Bond. James

“I’m Alena, Andy’s nuna,” Alena said, forcing a smile upon her face once again.

“Oh~ and I’m Jina’s unni…so glad to meet you!”

“Oh, I’m being rude. This is my date, Lee Minwoo.”

“We’ve met,” Minwoo said in a strangled voice.

Alena then mouthed to Christine, ‘Tell me something…why is he here?’

Christine furrowed her brow. ‘What?’


Christine still couldn’t understand so she said, “Junie, why don’t you take Minwoo
and Jenny into the kitchen and give them some drinks? I’m sure they’re very

Junie looked confused and then shrugged.

“Oh, I’m not that thirsty…” Jenny protested.

“Yes you are~” Christine shoved her toward Junie saying that in a sweet voice.
Once she was gone, she said, “Okay, what?”

“Why is Minwoo here?!”

“He’s sorta Jenny’s date, sweetie.”

“Okay, then why is Jenny here?”

“She had to give Jina her cp.”

“Why did she stay?”


“Argh, Junie is way too nice sometimes. Why can’t she be nice in her own

“Uh…she is nice in her own house.”

“Never mind,” Alena rolled her eyes.

Jin snapped out of his trance and said excitedly, “Did you see her? Didja? Didja?
Man, she’s HOT!!”


“They’re playing Battleship?” Jin exclaimed.

“I’m gonna go get some air,” Alena said, as Christine and Jin made their way into
the living room to watch the game.

“Sure, whatever,” Jin said, waving his hand carelessly.

Alena went out and sat down in the stairs in front of the door and buried her face
in her hands.


Junie and Jenny were making small talk. Minwoo was getting bored and he
started to zone out and stare out the window. What the…why is Alena outside?
And is she…is she crying?!’

“I’m gonna go outside for a sec,” Minwoo said quickly and stood up.

“Alright,” Jenny nodded and then went back to talking with Junie.

He slowly went outside and closed the door quietly behind him, clearing his throat

Alena jumped and then turned around. “Oh…hi…”

“Hi,” he smiled thinly as he sat on the step next to her. “Have you been crying?”

“N-no,” she lied.

By instinct, his hand went up and tucked a stray hair behind her ear. “Don’t lie to
me…I know you have been. Listen, if it’s about me, don’t. I don’t want you to
waste your tears for me.”

New tears sprung to her eyes as she mumbled, “I can’t help it…just…seeing you
with her…”

“I’m only going out with her because of you,” he sighed.

“What are you talking about?”

“You said you’d never forgive me, because of the whole Jenny thing. So I figured,
I might as well go back to her, right? My whole relationship with her is technically
the thing that made us fight.”


“Since I can’t be with you, I might as well settle for her. There’s no use looking
around any more…because I know I’ll never find somebody as good as you. I’ll
never like any girl as much as I like you.”


“I’m gonna try hard to make her happy. I am.”

“I’m…glad to hear it.”

“I just wish the time I spent with you could’ve been longer…” he sighed.

Because she didn’t want to show him her tears, she reached over and wrapped
her arms around his neck. “Me too, Minwoo…me too…”

Chapter 28: “Wanna dance with me?”

Dongwan finally arrived and they all climbed into their respectable cars to drive
over to the school. Andy and Jina C. both weren’t fifteen yet and didn’t have a
permit anyway so they caught a ride from Alena and Jin.

Jin stared hard at Alena. “Your eyes are red,” he said simply.

Andy sat on her shoes and stared at her through the rearview mirror. “Yeah. Very

“Very very red,” Jina C. added intelligently.

Alena shrugged. “I think I’m just tired, that’s all.”

Jin gasped. “You can’t be tired! I’m gonna force you to dance your butt off, so
you can’t be tired! At least, not yet…!”

“I mean, my eyes are tired. Er…”

As if reading her mind, Jina commented, “No, that didn’t make sense, unni.”

Jin shrugged. “Well as long as you’re gonna dance with me…because I’m never
gonna dance alone, never!”

“I don’t think you’ll have to worry about that, Jin,” Alena laughed. “You’re more
popular than you think…I heard two girls talking about you in homeroom

“But why? I don’t even go to your school…I don’t even know them! 0_o People I
don’t even know were talking about me?! That’s scary, man.”

Alena pulled into the school parking lot, sighing hard. She was trying hard not to
think about…him…but it was difficult.

She scanned the parking lot as Jin, Jina, and Andy got out of the car, making a
great deal of noise. Christine and Dongwan were there, making almost as much
noise as her car-mates. Junie and Chilhyun were making their way into the school
gym, and Eric and Jina S. were practicing some rap a few feet away from Alena.
Jina S. spotted Jina C. and shouted for her to come over there. She ran over
promptly, Andy trailing behind her. Hyesung and Annie had just entering the
parking lot and were circling it, looking for a parking space. Minwoo and Jenny
were getting out of their cars and Minwoo was carefully helping Jenny out,
making sure she didn’t ruin her dress. She seemed strangely unsteady though.

“Yah,” Jin came behind her and hit her on the back of the head. “Don’t think
about him. Have fun today, alright? You can think about him tomorrow or
something but forget about him today.”

Alena looked at Jin’s serious eyes and nodded soundlessly. He took her arm and
led her into the gym.

Click-B’s “Cowboy” was on <a/n: I know Click-B didn’t have their 4th album out
when SH was about to release their first album >____< but pretend, for my
sake. lol> and Jin immediately forgot about his date and ran out into the dance
floor, instantly being the center of attention.

Alena laughed and inside, was glad. She really wasn’t in the mood for dancing.
She walked over and sat in a booth.

Andy ran in suddenly yelling at the top of his lungs, “Ruff! Ruff!” He got weird
looks from his classmates but he ignored them and kept shouting.

Jina C., Jina S., and Eric came in next and huddled in the corner, nervous about
their little performance.

Annie and Hyesung strolled in afterwards. Hyesung made a face and complained,
“I don’t wanna dance Annie, I HATE dancing!”

“You’re in a dance group, how can you hate dancing?!”

“I hate it! I hate it!” Hyesung yelled as he looked around and spotted Alena. He
ran over and sat next to her. “If Alena doesn’t have to dance, I don’t either! Mae-

Annie rolled her eyes and complained as she slid into the booth, “It’s such a good
song though…I said cowboy!”
Dongwan, Christine, Jenny, and Minwoo came in together a few minutes later.
Jenny was awfully giggly as she walked crookedly and talked loud enough for
Alena, Annie, and Hyesung to hear from across the loud gym.

“Hey MinWOO…why is the room spinning? The room is spinning. I’m walking
straight but the ground is moving. Whassup with that? MinWOO, make it stop.
Please make it stop? If you make it stop, I’ll love you forEVER.”

Dongwan and Christine had worried looks on their faces while Minwoo had an
annoyed one. He said something but Alena couldn’t make it out.

“Is she drunk…?” Annie asked slowly.

“How can she be?” Alena said. “She was at my house the whole time.”
“She looks drunk,” Hyesung said stupidly.

Christine and Dongwan walked over to the booth. “Aloha~” Dongwan greeted.

“What’s wrong with Jenny?” Annie asked.

“She wanted some soju and I found some in your fridge and let her have some,”
Christine replied, looking guilty. “I mean, she is a guest right…?”

“Don’t worry Christine, it’s her fault,” Alena rolled her eyes. “She probably knew
she had low tolerance for alcohol.”

Christine shrugged. “I hope so. Well me and Dongwan are gonna go dance now…
so…see ya!”

A few songs passed and Annie finally convinced Hyesung to go dance. Jin finally
came back out of breath after he danced like crazy to one of Lee JungHyun’s
songs. Alena sent him back to the floor, saying she didn’t want to dance. He
shrugged and left, only to be surrounded by all the dateless girls in less than five

Minwoo suddenly slid in the seat across from Alena. “Hi.”

“Hi,” Alena replied. “Um, where’s Jenny?”

“Throwing up in the bathroom,” he said, gesturing.

“I see…”

The first slow song of the dance came on then, FTTS’s “Promise”.

“Great timing,” Alena muttered under her breath, searching all the heads for Jin.

Minwoo shifted uncomfortably in his seat and then blurted out, “Wanna dance
with me?”

Surprised, Alena stared at him with wide eyes.

He shook his head. “I’m sorry. Um…”

“Sure,” Alena said, interrupting him. “Yeah…”

He flashed a smile at her and took her hand, leading her out of her seat. She
linked her hands behind his neck while he pulled her closer by her waist. She was
in total bliss and couldn’t notice anything else in the room besides Minwoo.

Somebody who wasn’t as blissfully happy as Alena was Junie. Junie had been
looking forward to this dance, anticipating it, but it was turning out to not be as
good as she expected. Chilhyun was a great guy—polite and always thoughtful of
her feelings but…she wasn’t really having fun. She wasn’t having the kind of fun
time she always had with…Junjin. Chilhyun’s calm and composed personality was
so different with Jin’s yubki one, and she hadn’t known it before but now she
realized she preferred Jin’s yubki personality over Chilhyun’s. Chilhyun brought
her closer to him but all she was thinking was, I can’t wait for this dance to be

Dongwan, Christine, Hyesung, and Annie were over by the fruit punch and junk
food. They were all very giggly and acting stupid. Every once in a while, one of
them would reach over and grab a handful of chips or cookies and stuff their
Jin didn’t like slow songs and so he was wandering around with Andy, who
couldn’t find Jina C.

The last notes of “Promise” faded away and all was quiet. The students stared up
at the lit stage in the front in total confusion. The senior class president, Brian,
came out and grinned. “Well, it’s time for our annual winter singing contest!!”

The gym erupted with cheers as Brian said all four names of the groups who were
to perform today. “We have Fly to the Moon, Click-A, Fine Living Liberty, and The
Jinas feat. The Rapper Dude of Shinhwa.”

“Shinhwa? What’s Shinhwa?” a girl close to the punch asked her friend.

Dongwan glared at her. “How can you not know Shinhwa?!”

“Uh, it means legend, right?” she asked him, looking confused.

“Shinhwa is a music group,” Hyesung began, “that has 6 of the most best looking
guys in the whole world!”

“Really?” she brightened. “Can you introduce me to them?”

“Oh heh,” Annie butted in then, with a fake smile on her face. “They’re all taken,

The girl walked away with her friend, muttering, “Shinhwa…I better look ‘em up
on the Internet when I get home…”

“They don’t have a site up yet! Their company’s too lazy or something. But be
sure to get their first album once it comes out, alright?” Dongwan yelled after

All the groups did pretty well. Fly to the Moon had two attractive guys, one who
looked a lot like Brian, the class president. The other guy overdid the
“wOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOo” part of the song and that probably lost them points.
Click-A consisted of four good-looking guys but one guy who had dreadlock-type
of hair couldn’t sing very well. Fine Living Liberty were four pretty girls but only
one were able to sing very well, though they were all very good dancers.
Jina S., Jina C., and Eric performed their very original rap song they had been
working on for weeks. The performance was flawless except Eric’s voice cracked
halfway throughout the song. He regained his composure though and pulled

Of course, the Jinas (feat. The Rapper Dude of Shinhwa) ended up winning.
Everybody clapped madly as they went up and got their prize, a day on a private
helicopter. They could bring as many people they wanted, and could buy
whatever they wanted, anywhere they wanted. Everything was paid for and they
didn’t have to worry about a cent.

“Yay!” Andy cheered. “Jina will take Andy, right?!”

Jina nodded and grinned at him from the stage.

The atmosphere was perfect. Minwoo smiled down at Alena <a/n: Remember?
I’m shorter than him. -__-> and opened his mouth to say something, but just
then Jenny stumbled over and said in a quiet voice, “Woo-ah…do you think you
can take me home? I don’t feel so good.”

Alena’s face fell but she nodded at Minwoo. “Go. She needs to go home.”

“I…c’mon Jenny.” He grabbed her arm in a brisk way and walked out of the door.


Chapter 29: “Retry?”

A few hours later, the dance slowly came in an end, with BoA’s “Nuel”.

Dongwan, Christine, Annie, and Hyesung were very eager to go, because the junk
food and drink had run out half an hour ago, and they were getting hungry again.
They were the firsts out the door.

Jin was now the proud owner of three more phone numbers.
Andy was in the process of learning how to rap from the Jinas and Eric.

Junie had convinced Chilhyun to take her home early, about an hour or so ago,
insisting that her “stomach felt funny”.

Alena was sitting on a bench, sipping a can of 7-UP, waiting for Jin to finish
flirting/dancing so they could go home.

Jin ambled over to her a few minutes afterwards, grinning sheepishly. “Hiya~”

She yawned. “Let’s go.”

He didn’t protest and merely tagged along behind her. “Soooo…I saw Minwoo and
you on the dance floor earlier.”

She glanced at him quickly and then shrugged.

“Aww~ are you embarrassed?”

“Are you drunk?” She evaded his question and answered him with a question of
her own.

“No,” he shook his head, his eyes widening innocently. “I didn’t have a drink this
whole time.”

She handed him the can, laughing. “You’re crazy~”

He took a long swig and then smiled. “I lied. I just told you that to get you to
give me your Sprite ^^*”

“Jin, you’re an idiot.”

“Why thank you Alena,” he replied.

She looked around, screamed for Andy, and then left the gym and into the cold
night, now with three people trotting behind her.
The car ride to Jina C.’s house was in silence. When she made it to the sidewalk
in front of the Choi residence, Andy recognized the car parked next to them.
“Hey, it’s Minwoo hyung’s car!!”

That got an awkward cough from Alena and a slap from Junjin to Andy. Jina C.
somehow sensed the weirdness, hurriedly said her goodbyes, and left, practically

Alena stepped onto the brake and started going toward Jin’s house. Andy,
realizing where they were going first, whined, “Nuna~ Andy’s sleepy. PLEEEASE
drop Andy off first and then go to Jin hyung’s house? PLEASE. PLEEASE.”

She let out an annoyed sigh. “Andy-ah, you can just sleep in the car. We ha—”

“Nuna! Pleeease. Andy wants to take a shower too. And Andy wants to take a
shower NOW.”

“Stop acting like a brat,” Alena snapped.

Jin gave Andy a sympathetic look and said, “Alena, you can drop him off first. I
don’t mind.”

“Jin, I don’t think—”

“See! Nuna, hyung said so. He’s okay with it! So you have to drop Andy off now.
Right? Right?”

“Alright! Geez, Andy, don’t you know how to shut up?!” Alena turned the car
toward the other direction and Andy sunk back into his seat and started fiddling
with his cp.

Ten minutes later, Andy hopped out, waved bye to Jin, and walked casually into
the house. She sighed and backed out of the driveway.

Junjin couldn’t stand the silence so he broke it with “So are you and Minwoo cool

He took her silence as a no.

“You guys looked pretty tight when dancing…so did Chilhyun and Junie,” he
added bitterly.

Alena sighed. “Jin…you know…you were my first kiss, right…?”

Jin nodded. “But that was kind of an accident,” he pointed out.

Three years ago, they had met at a summer camp. Jin wasn’t a very good
swimmer but he didn’t want his new friends to know that. So, in result, he had
almost drowned. Alena had saved him and performed CPR, and ultimately saved
his life.

“Okay then, you were my first and second kiss,” she said, laughing a little. “You
were ChoongJae to me, back then. Good times, yeah?”

Jin nodded silently. Something was obviously bothering him though.

She pulled in front of Jin’s apartment then but he didn’t make a move to get out.

“Alena, why did you break up with me?” he asked suddenly.

Her eyes went wide in surprise. “Uhm…Jin, didn’t we already go over…?”

“No, we didn’t. Every time I called you, you avoided the subject.”

“Camp was over. You lived faraway,” she answered in a soft voice. “Long distance
things never work out…”

“I joined Shinhwa for you, so I could see you again,” Jin confessed. “I lied when I
said I didn’t know Andy was your brother. Of course I knew. You talked about him
all the time.”

Her brow furrowed. “What? You…you can’t be serious.”

“I have no singing talent whatsoever. You know that.”

“What the hell are you talking about?”

“The only reason I got in is because I’m a good dancer, and, unfortunately,
because of my looks. SM people are shallow.”

“Jin, stop lying to yourself. You got into the group because you deserved to. Now
stop this bullshit. Alright?”

There was no response and she sighed. “I guess I’ll see you tomorrow then. Bye,

He stayed slumped in his seat. “Alena…if I…if I asked you a question right now,
will you promise to answer me honestly?”

She nodded. “I’ll try…”

“No, not try. You have to promise me you will.” Jin sounded almost desperate

“Okay, I will.”

“Do you truly have feelings for Minwoo? I-I really want to try…us again. It’ll be
easier this time. I’m here. You’re here. And since Andy’s in Shinhwa with me,
you’ll see me often.” Jin took a deep breath. “No, I know the answer to that
question. Of course you have feelings for Minwoo. What I meant was, do you
think…do you think you can forget about those feelings, just for me?”

Chapter 30: "Jin's confusion"

She stared incredulously at him. "Jin, what are you saying?"

His eyes traveled to the floor of the car, as he turned silent.


He didn't even move.


No response.

She sighed. "Junjin, listen to me. I'm not ready with a relationship. Do I look like
I'm ready?"

"I you," he protested weakly.

"No, you can't. I'm clearly...not fit for a relationship for this time in my life. I'm
too vulnerable. I'll hurt myself. I'll hurt you!"

He shook his head wildy and then looked desperately into her eyes. "No, you
won't! Don't think about-"

"Jin, think. Is the person you want to be your girlfriend really me?" she said
softly. "Look, I don't care if she likes Chilhyun. You shouldn't either. You can't
just give up like that, not without a fight!"

Jin's eyes turned wide. "Who said anything about Ju--"

"You don't fool anybody," Alena said, smiling. "Want me to drive you to Junie's

He was quiet, contemplating her question.

And he slowly nodded.

It began to drizzle.


Junie sighed, flipping through all 88 channels of her TV. The day had not gone the
way it should've.

She had even gotten a kiss from Chilhyun at the end...but she had turned her
head at the last minute and his lips had ended up grazing her cheek.
But she had felt like she didn't want to receive his kiss.

That she wanted to receive a kiss from somebody else.

His face had been lingering in her mind ever since the first slow dance of the
Winter Dance.

The doorbell rang at that moment.

Confused, she got up from her warm spot on the couch and walked over to the
door. She cautiously pulled it open and called out, "Who is it?" Junie's house had
a patio and then a gate a few feet away so Junie couldn't see who had rang the
doorbell, since the bell was next to the gate.

"Hi, Junie," Alena's cheerful voice rang out in the soft mist of the rain.

"Uhm, hey, Alena...what are you doing here?"

"Just making a delivery."

'Oh...'kay," Junie said, a bit uncertainly. "I'd come out but it's raining so--"

"That's alright. I'm gonna leave soon anyway."

"Did you come to talk? You could've just called..."

Alena laughed. "Didn't you hear me before? I'm here to make a delivery!"

'Get to the point, Alena...' Junie thought, getting irritated now.

There was mumbling over by the fence that made Junie really curious. 'She's not
here alone? Maybe Andy's here too...'

The gate clicked open and Jin walked into her patio, his hair sparkling with
droplets of rain.

"Jin," she gasped out, involuntarily.

Alena smiled thinly and walked away from the fence, back to her car. She had
done her job.

"Hey," he said softly. When he reached her door and she didn't move, he asked,
"Can I come in?"

She laughed, a little nervously. "Oh yeah, of course."

As she moved aside, he walked in and slowly tried to get himself dry. She ran to
her bathroom and fetched him a towel. He smiled at her in appreciation and
began rubbing his hair into it.

They both sat side by side on the couch, an uncomfortable silence engulfing

"Junie, I--" Jin started the same time she said, "Chilhyun--"

He felt a little disappointed that she said Chilhyun's name the same time he was
going to ask her something important.

He fell silent again, looking at the brown carpet, his lips tightly pressed together.
He seemed to be looking down a lot today.

Junie sensed that something was wrong and asked Jin exactly that.

"Nothing's wrong," he mumbled, no feeling left in his voice.

She cleared her throat, building up her courage. "I'm really glad you're here, Jin.
I have something to tell you..."

He grunted faintly but nodded.


Chapter 31: “Minwoo is forgiven”

Minwoo sighed, shoving his hands in his pants pockets. He’d been walking around
for—an hour? Two hours?—a long time now and therefore ruining his best suit in
the soft drizzle. He didn’t care though. Nothing really mattered to him anymore.

His legs felt numb and so did his face. He shrugged his shoulders and looked to
see where he was. He had been a bit distracted and now had no idea where the
heck he was.

He strained his eyes to look for a street name and recognized it as the street of
Alena and Andy’s house. Letting out a sigh of relief that he wasn’t lost, he began
to make his way over to their house.

‘Wait…what am I doing? Alena will be there. I can’t see her after tonight…I just
can’t.’ he thought to himself.

The rain began coming down harder just then, forcing him to reconsider. ‘Just my
luck…’ he thought miserably as he continued to trek the familiar way to the Lee

He rang the doorbell hesitantly and was a bit relieved when he saw Andy’s
cheerful face greet him. “Hi, hyung!” Andy smiled. “What are you doing here?”

Minwoo shrugged. “It’s cold so—”

“Did hyung want to see nuna?” he asked innocently.

“No, I came to see you, Andy,” he said, with a forced smile.

“Oh!” Andy sounded surprised. “Okay. C’mon in, Minwoo hyung.”

He gratefully accepted the invitation, took off his shoes in a careful manner, and
joined Andy on the couch. “What are you watching?”


“Oh…I didn’t know Pokemon was on this late?”

“Everything’s on late. Everybody knows that, Minwoo hyung. Duh~”

“Well I didn’t know that.”

“Well Andy knew it,” Andy replied indignantly.

“Well I don’t care,” Minwoo said, sticking his tongue ou tat him.

Andy pouted. “You’re mean, hyung.”

“You’re a butt, Andy.”

“No, Andy’s not!” Andy shrieked.

The door swung open, sending a strong gist of wind into the house, and Alena
flung her shoes off. “Andy, why is the TV on? Well anyway, sorry I’m late, I had

She stared when she realized who was watching Pikachu shock Team Rocket with
Andy. “Oh…hi…”

“Hi,” Minwoo mumbled to the ground.

Andy watched interestedly between the two older people until Alena told him
quietly to go to his room. He tried to protest for a while, realized he was too
sleepy, and slowly made his way to his bedroom.

“So…” she began once she knew Andy was out of earshot. “Why are you here?”

“It’s raining,” he replied simply.

She shook out her hair. “Oh.” She walked over to the kitchen and pulled out a
plate, sitting down at the low table. She took a cookie out and began to eat

Minwoo brought his hands together in the living room and then stood up and
joined her at the table. She looked at him with half-dead eyes and then asked,
“Alena, I want you to listen to me…”

She tilted her head at him. “What do you think I’m doing right now?” she asked

Minwoo bit his bottom lip in frustration. “I…I’m sorry, okay?!” He had meant of it
to sound depressed and sound like he really felt inside but it came out of his
mouth angry.

Her head lifted up and she stared hard at him. “Sorry? Sorry? What the hell
would you have to do sorry about?”

“I’m sorry that I made you cry. I’m sorry I ditched you for Jenny. I’m sorry for all
the heartache I caused you. I’m SORRY!” He was yelling now, and standing up.

She didn’t respond. She was looking down, her hair covering her face from view.
It was as if he hadn’t even talked.

Minwoo scratched his head, confused.

“Um, Alena?”

She looked at him and he realized her face was shining with tears.

His eyes widened. It was a very difficult feat for him to do but he managed.
“Hey…hey, don’t cry. Um…”

“Minwoo,” she whispered.

Their eyes locked and he knew, right at that moment, that he was forgiven.

“Minwoo,” she said again, and he came over and enveloped her in a hug.

He rested his chin on top of her head and said softly, “I’m not gonna hurt you
again. I promise.”

She pulled away and stared at him. “What about Jenny, though?”
He sighed and smiled. She always was worried about other people. “Don’t worry
about her. I have a feeling she’ll be fine.”

Something in his eyes told her that he was speaking the truth.

She smiled at him, and at that moment, Andy yelled down the stairs, “MINWOO

Epilogue: “The End”


Shinhwa is very popular in Korea—of course—and probably have the most

teenybopper fans in that small country. They are also very well liked in Timbuktu.
They are getting ready to release their eighth album.

Chilhyun Ahn has managed to get over the fact that he lost to somebody like
Junjin, and became a singer himself.

Jenny Choi was introduced to Chilhyun by Minwoo, the day of the dance. The
moment Jenny saw Chilhyun, she curiously and weirdly wasn’t drunk anymore.
The two hit it off immediately and remain together to this day.

Andy Lee is attending a prestigious university somewhere in California that

nobody really knows where except his close family members because “Andy is
very paranoid about stalkers”.

Jina Choi has now been Andy’s official girlfriend for four years and five months
and is attending a fashion school, about half an hour away from Andy’s school.

Eric Mun is still the special rapper dude of Shinhwa.

Jina Song received a contract from a very famous record label company and is in
the middle of recording her first solo album, named “J-s0 and Special Rapper
Christine Kim, after graduating from Berkley, pursued a job as an entrepreneur.
She now owns her own restaurant called “Kim Squared”.

Dongwan Kim is a cook at “Kim Squared” during his free time, when Shinhwa
doesn’t have schedule. He has proven to be a surprisingly good cook. He is also a
“food tester” at “Kim squared”. He eats a morsel of everything to make sure it is
not poisoned, safe for the public, and is “yummy”.

Annie Im is a very famous lawyer. She is known for her fast thinking and
debating skills.

Hyesung Shin is also a “food tester” at “Kim Squared”.

Junie Choi is happily married, and one month pregnant, so you can probably
guess what happened the faithful night after the dance…She is also the creator
and artist of a new and very popular anime named “KANG TA” <a/n: It’s
pronounced KANG TA—don’t forget the “K” sound, right Junie?>.

Junjin Park is also happily married, and has a wife who is one month pregnant (I
wonder who? ^^).

Alena Lee is a big loser that stays at home and has turned Minwoo into a personal

NOT…<a/n: I DO have some jajohnshim, you know~>

Alena Lee is the author of two best-seller novels (a/n: Haha I wish) and is going
to be married in three months to Minwoo. She is also a writer at a magazine.

Minwoo Lee somehow looks a lot—it’s almost uncanny—like Click-B’s TaeHyung

Kim. He is still the biggest sweetheart in the whole world.


Started 9/02…Finished 6/22/03~

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