Script For Events

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Molina: Once upon a time, two decades ago,

A yearning did its’ seeds sow,

To stand out with colors bold,

To ignite an amber in the cold

So life wrapped itself in bricks red,

While all stood small and said

“Mortals, open your eyes to see,

DPS Rohini is what you strive to be”

Parth: Good Morning to all the eminent dignitaries present here today. We welcome you all to the 24th
Foundation Day – a journey of our glorious successes and great leadership. We are blessed to have you amidst
us on this propitious occasion.

Molina: We begin the day’s program by lighting the ceremonial lamp to invoke the blessings of the Almighty.
I request Principal ma’am to lead our Chief Guest Shri V.K Shunglu, Chairman, Delhi Public School Society
and our Guest of Honour Shri Promod Rawal, Vice Chairman, Managing Committee, Delhi Public School, Rohini
towards the lamp.

(Lighting of the lamp)

Parth: Thank you Sir! Thank you ma’am!

May we request our worthy Principal ma’am, Mrs. Vibha Singh, to felicitate

Our honourable Chief Guest:

Shri V.K Shunglu Sir

Delhi Public School Society

Guest of Honour:
Shri Promod Rawal Sir
Vice Chairman
Managing Committee
Delhi Public School, Rohini

(Felicitation: Welcoming the guests)

Thank you ma’am

Parth : “Be too positive, to be doubtful

Too optimistic, to be fearful;

And too determined… to be defeated”

Molina: Positive influence and quality education have the potential to change a child’s life.

And such is the positive influence of the people present with us today. On behalf of our school, we would like
to extend a warm welcome to our Chief Guest Shri V.K Shunglu (Chairman, Delhi Public School Society) and
the Guest of Honour Shri Promod Rawal (Vice Chairman, Managing Committee, Delhi Public School, Rohini)

Parth: Today is a euphoric occasion for us all. Our revered institution came into being 23 years ago. With the
single minded pursuit of spreading the light of quality education, the idea of establishing DPS Rohini was
mooted by the visionaries of the DPS Society in 1995. Consequently, DPS Rohini was established on 3 July,
1995 under the aegis of Delhi Public School Society and it is now a globally accepted benchmark.

Molina: And needless to say--- from that day till today, we have come a long way! Students of our Alma mater
are shining bright in every field be it academics or co- curricular activities. DPS Rohini believes that each child
is unique and lovingly nurtures every talent to enable him reach the pinnacle of success.

Parth: It is time now to sink in to the depth of music, song, bliss and enjoyment. We now call upon stage our
young singers to mesmerize you with their skill and talent .They will be singing an inspirational song ‘Tu Zinda
Hai Tu Zindagi Ki Jeet Par Yakeen Kar’.

*Choir performs*

After mesmerizing you with their melodious voices, the school orchestra is here to blow you off your feet. They
are here to perform Raag Bhimpalasi on a medley of instruments comprising of the guitar, sitar, mandolin,
violin among others.

Molina: That was indeed melodious! May we have a huge round of applause for our young singers and
musicians? Thank you.

Parth: At DPS Rohini, the primary aim is to develop qualities of integrity, honesty, trust, tolerance and
compassion, to promote a spirit of enquiry; to foster a scientific temper within the bounds of humanism and
to help each student become a meaningful part of his environment. The pursuit of excellence encouraged at
DPS Rohini rests on the positive belief that every child has it in him, the ability to produce work, the quality of
which can be described as first class.

Molina This optimism would not have been possible, had it not been for our motivating Principal ma’am. We
would like to request our honourable Principal ma’am, Mrs. Vibha Singh to kindly address this august

*P ma’am’s Speech*

Parth: Thank you ma’am.

The battle of Waterloo was won on the playfields of Eton. Schools are the playground where students are
taught some valuable life lessons to prepare them for their future. At DPS Rohini, we are trained to handle
responsibilities and learn. It is now time to induct the newly appointed cabinet members into the school

We would now hand over the mic to Vanshika and Rakshat to take you through the investiture ceremony.


Vanshika: It’s true that obstacles pave the way to achievements. Here is a short story suggesting how leaders
conquer their fears and blossom.

Rakshat: Two seeds lay side by side in the fertile spring soil. The first seed was afraid of sending its roots into
the ground below as it did not know what awaited him there in the dark soil. So, it decide to wait and come
out when it is safe.

Vanshika: The second seed wanted to grow so it send its roots deep into the soil and grew into a huge tree
spreading its shade and blossoms.

You see, those of us who refuse to risk and grow get swallowed up by life.

But those who dare to outstand emerge as leaders.

Rakshat: It’s time to induct the students who are the future leaders, into the new cabinet of Delhi Public
School, Rohini.

May we now request Chairman Sir to present badges to the newly appointed cabinet. We also request our
honourable Principal ma’am, Mrs. Vibha Singh, to accompany our Chief Guest.
Vanshika: We begin with the Junior School Cabinet.

(Badges to Jr. School Cabinet)

Rakshat: Now we begin with the Senior School Cabinet.

(Badges to Sr. School Cabinet)

Vanshika: Now the outgoing Junior School Head Boy Bhavya Arora, outgoing Junior School Head Girl Pihu
Bhattarcharjee along with the outgoing Senior School Head Boy S. Aditya and the outgoing Senior School Head
Girl Svasti Dutta will hand over the responsibility to the newly appointed Junior School Head Boy Saksham
Goel, Junior School Head Girl Venya Agarwal, Senior School Head Boy___________________and Senior School
Head Girl__________________.

Vanshika: May I request Chairman sir to lead the cabinet into the oath taking ceremony.

Thank you, Sir! We now invite Molina and Parth to carry on with the day’s proceedings.

Molina: Education today is as dynamic as it was in the past due to numerous changes being introduced in the
education system. We now present before you a play titled Students’ Carol depicting the ever-changing
education system of our country and its effect on children.


Parth: That was indeed thought provoking! We believe that all the experiments will bear the sweet fruit of
success and will produce young, capable children who will lead the country on the path to success.

Molina: May we request our Guest of Honour Shri Promod Rawal Sir to address the audience with his inspiring

*Guest of Honour’s address*

Thank you, sir, for your encouraging words!

Elizabeth Frost has said, “When the atmosphere encourages learning, learning is irresistible.” This can be found
true through the way that we at DPS Rohini, have been taught to think out- of- the- box, and have adapted to
new and efficient ways of learning and understanding. With our state-of-the-art Science labs, computer labs
with the latest gadgets, well stocked libraries, Multimedia facilities, a fully functional THOTS lab it is ensured
that the children learn in a way that is fun and comprehensive.

Parth: The students of DPS Rohini have been active participants in numerous social causes such as the Anti-
crackers campaign, Peer Educator programs, GOONJ collection drives, Swachch Bharat mission and AIDS-
awareness rallies thus following the school motto Service before self.

We are extremely proud to announce that according to the Quality Index list released by the DoE, our school
stands proud at the third position out of a total of 1702 schools.

Ladies and gentlemen, we present before you the labourious and dexterous students of Delhi Public School,
Rohini who excelled in the scholastic arena.

We would now hand over the mic to Vanshika and Rakshat for the prize distribution ceremony.


Vanshika: Good Morning ladies and gentlemen! Robert Collier has rightly said - “You can do anything you wish
to do, have anything you wish to have, be anything you wish to be!”

We begin the prize distribution ceremony by requesting our our esteemed Chief guest Chairman, Delhi Public
School Society and Guest of Honour, Vice Chairman DPS Rohini to do the honours. We request our Principal
ma’am to escort our guests.

It gives us immense pleasure to introduce the award winners of the day.

We begin today’s program with Pransh Goyal. He is the School Topper with a whopping 98.2% and also the
Commerce Stream topper for which he receives a cash award of Rs.8000. He is also a 7-year scholar and is
being awarded the Principal’s Special Award of Rs.5000. Pransh scored 100% in Mathematics and Economics
and receives a cash prize of Rs. 10, 000.

Up next is Ankita Punjani. She is the 2nd topper in Commerce Stream with 97.4% for which she receives Rs.4000.
She also scored 100% in Economics and is being awarded with Rs.5000. She is also a 7-year scholar and also
receives the Principal’s Special Award as well.

Science topper with 98%, Surbhi Bassi is being awarded Rs.5000. She has also scored 100% in Mathematics
and receives Rs.5000. She is also a 7-year Scholar and has been awarded the Principal’s Special Award.

Aditya Deshmukh is the 2nd topper in the Science stream with 96.6% and is being awarded Rs.4000. He is also
a 7-year scholar and is also a recipient of the Principal’s Special Award.

Ujjwala Dalal is the Humanities topper with 98% and is being awarded Rs.5000.

Svasti Dutta is the 2nd topper in Humanities with 96.6% and receives Rs.4000. She also scored 100% in
Psychology and is being awarded Rs.5000. She is also a 7-year Scholar and is also being awarded the Principal’s
Special Award.

Tanvi Lakra is the 2nd topper in Humanities with 96.6% and is being awarded Rs.4000. She also scored 100% in
Psychology and is being awarded Rs. 5000. She is a 7-year Scholar and is being awarded the Principal’s Special

Rakshat: Next we have the academic prodigies who scored 100% in a subject. They are being awarded a cash
prize of Rs.5000.

Punya Kapoor secured 100% in Political Science.

Antarviksha Parihar secured 100% in Legal Studies. She is also a 7-year Scholar and is being awarded the
Principal’s Special Award for Rs. 5000/-.

Anushka Kaushik secured 100% in Instrumental Music.

Tushita Tandon and Vasvi Nangia secured 100% in Economics.

Samridhi Seth secured 100% in Psychology.

Shubh Pallav secured 100% in Mathematics. He is also a 7-year Scholar for which he is being awarded the
Principal’s Special Award for Rs. 5000/-

Next we have the 7-year Scholars. They receive a certificate, badge and the Principal’s Special Award of

The first group consist of Bharat Goyal, Kshitiz Singh, Mridul Ahuja, Pritika Sabhawal and Tushar Poddar.

The next group is Ananya Garg, Riddhi Jain, Anandita Rana, Shruti Sood and Anvesha Dawer.

The next group is Rohil Kanwar, Sachi Chopra, Saiyam Jain, Kriti Katyal, Radhika Gupta and Himika Sikri.

Vanshika: in addition to excelling in the CBSE, our students have created waves in the competitive exams as

Mehul Arora, Yuvam Kulkarni of present Class XII and Bharat Goyal of graduating batch of 2018 cleared the
Level II of the prestigious KVPY Exam. They will be receiving a cash prize of Rs.10, 000 each, in addition to the
scholarship of Rs. 5000-7000/- if they pursue higher studies in Pure Science.

Mehul Arora and Kunal Jain of present Class XII successfully qualified the Final Stage of NTSE 2017. The
school is awarding them Rs.10, 000.

JSTSE 2017 was conducted by the DOE. Anubhav Taneja, Devansh Gupta, Chayank Goyal, Ishita Yadav and
Kush Aggarwal of class XI qualified the exam and will receive a cash prize as scholarship from DoE Delhi. The
school is awarding them Rs. 1000 /- each for their achievements.

Arpit Varahmir, Aneesha Bhardwaj and Anushka Jain cleared the DPS SMT Exam. They are being awarded
Rs.1000 by Delhi Public School Society. The school is also awarding the students with Rs.2500 each.

Pihu Bhattacharjee and Aanya Kaushik of Class V were awarded a Memento and a certificate of Merit for the
securing the 1st position in Delhi in the 35th Inter School Aryabhatta Mathematics Competition. They are also
being awarded Rs. 1000/- each by the school.

Adit Gupta bagged State Rank 1 in the Ramanujan Society of Born Mathematicians Inter School Mathematics
Competition 2018. He is being awarded Rs.2500 by the school for the same.

Arjun Gupta secured Zonal rank 1 and International rank 3 at the International Mathematics Olympiad
organised by SQF and was awarded cash prize of Rs. 10,000, an International Bronze Medal and a Certificate
of Outstanding Performance.
The school is also awarding him with Rs.5, 000.

May we request you to encourage our budding scientists and mathematicians by giving them a huge round
of applause. Thank you so much.

Off to you, Molina and Parth.

Molina: Your vision guides us

Your words encourage us

Your deeds inspire us.

May we request our Chief Guest Shri V.K. Shunglu (Chairman, Delhi Public School Society) to address the
gathering with his words of wisdom.
Thank you, sir. Your words inspire us to reach for the stars.

Parth: Imagine a day when there are no borders and no boundaries to limit us. The sun shines bright on all
creations. A day will come with countries without borders and we will meet and bond over the common culture
of humanity. Such is the vision of our dancers who are here to present before a dance titled Beyond Borders.


Molina: Wasn’t it an absolutely enthralling performance!!! I am sure that this dream of a united world will
come true one day and we all will live as one.

Parth: With this we come to the end of today’s programme. We would like to express our heartfelt gratitude
to the eminent guests who graced this occasion and motivated us with their presence. We would also like to
thank our Principal ma’am for providing us with a platform to showcase our talents, and respected parents for
being the guiding light in our lives and to everyone involved in making this program a grand success.

We request you to stand straight for the National Anthem.

May we request you all to join us for tea.

Thank you and have a nice day!

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