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Sports Medicine 2: 8-20 (1985)

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Exercise, Performance and Temperature Control:

Temperature Regulation during Exercise and Implications for
Sports Performance and Training

Suzanne M. Fortney and Neil B. Vroman

Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, and Department of Physical Education,
University of New Hampshire, Durham

Summary Thermoregulation is an important consideration not only for athletic performance but
also for the safety ofthe athlete. This article presents a broad overview ofthe mechanisms
by which body heat is dissipated in an individual exercising in a hot environment. Par-
ticularly emphasised are more recent views of body heat loss mechanisms and the influ-
ences of non-thermal inputs, such as effects due to changing blood volume or blood flow
During exercise in a hot environment, metabolic heat produced by the exercising muscles
is transported by the circulating blood to the surface of the body where it is released to
the environment, either by radiation and convection or by evaporation ofsweat. The prim-
ary drives for both the increased skin blood flow and increased body sweating are the
thermal inputs which are sensed by receptors in the deep body core, with a lesser drive
from skin receptors. These thermal signals are integrated in the hypothalamus and proper
heat loss responses are effected. When exercise is prolonged, however, and body rehydra-
tion is not adequate, the total blood volume may be compromised. In addition, as the core
temperature increases during exercise, larger proportions of the blood volume are distrib-
uted to the cutaneous vessels, thus effectively reducing cardiac return and central blood
volume. During severe exercise, a reduction in cardiac filling may result in a fall in central
venous pressure and stimulate baroreceptor vasconstrictor reflexes. As discussed below, the
outputs from these baroreceptorscompete with and modify the thermal drives for both the
control of the skin blood flow and control of the sweat glands.
The effect of high ambient temperatures on exercise performance is most evident in
prolonged submaximal exercise. Normally, maximal exercise performance is not altered
by high temperatures unless the individual has an elevated deep body temperature before
the start ofthe exercise task. However, submaximal exercise performance is often impaired
by high ambient temperatures, but may be improved by programmes of physical training
and heat acclimatisation. Both training and heat acclimatisation significantly modify the
control systems which regulate skin blood flow and sweating. Only acclimatisation pro-
grammes, however, are effective in preventing heat stress during prolonged exercise in hot

1. Overview of the Human porting evidence is our comparatively well-devel-

Heat Loss System oped heat loss system. Along with other mammals,
humans are warm-blooded, which enables a life-
It is commonly thought that Homo sapiens style with several advantages, such as the ability to
evolved in a tropical environment, and the sup- remain active as the ambient temperature falls.
Exercise, Performance and Temperature Control 9

However, the cost of maintaining a constant body ing deep body temperature. Input proportional to
temperature is seen by our absolute dependence this rise in core temperature is integrated with in-
upon a steadily available food supply and the sev- put from peripheral thermal receptors by the ther-
ere consequences which occur when the body tem- moregulatory centre in the hypothalamus. In ad-
perature drifts outside the narrow 4°C critical tem- dition, non-thermal inputs (see fig. 1) are evaluated
perature range. Also, our reliance upon evaporative and integrated to determine the proper efferent re-
forms of heat loss leaves us critically dependent sponse. For example, during dehydration, sweat
upon available sources of drinking water. output is reduced, which helps to maintain central
Our thermoregulatory system is so efficient that venous filling and mean blood pressure. The exact
through both physiological and behavioural re- mechanism by which the body is kept appraised of
sponses, man is able to tolerate most naturally oc- the total body hydration state is unknown, but
curring ambient temperatures. Usually, the major probably involves input from osmo- and/or baro-
threat to thermoregulatory balance is derived in- receptors.
ternally from the heat produced from exercising Rising body temperatures elicit from the ther-
muscles. During severe exercise, body temperature moregulatory centre two effector output signals
may rise to life-threatening levels within only 10 which function to dissipate body heat - inhibition
to 15 minutes if heat loss responses are not acti- of cutaneous vasomotor tone and increased sweat
vated. output. Nielsen (1938) first described the linear re-
Heat produced by the exercising muscles is car- lationship between the rise in core temperature and
ried via venous drainage to the body core, elevat- increasing levels of exercise. Later Saitin and Her-


= stretch
receptors Arterial and/or
(±)Osmolality cardiac filling
+ Osmoreceptors ~--------, pressures

a. (±) Cutaneous

vasomotor Exercise

Q; Heat (n-.
s: tone
o Thermoregulatory
./. \.+J

L-._ _) _ (±) C:r~~~al 8

(±) Sweat gland
activity Body

1-- Body ~

Fig 1. Schematic representation of the human thermoregulatory system including the thermal reflex inputs (lower half of figure) and
non-thermal inputs (top half). [Adapted from Nadel, 1983.1
Exercise, Performance and Temperature Control 10

mansen (1966) showed that an even closer rela- 2.2 Competitive Interactions between
tionship exists between the exercise level and body Vascular Beds and the Control of Skin
core temperature, when the exercise intensity is ex- Blood Row
pressed in terms of relative percentage of maximal
exercise capacity, rather than the absolute level of During exercise, especially in a hot environ-
exercise. However, since the heat produced is pro- ment, a redistribution of blood flow occurs in sev-
portional to the absolute, and not the relative, eral vascular beds. Blood is diverted towards ex-
amount of work performed, differences in core ercising muscles, and away from non-exercising
temperatures between individuals who are working muscles and splanchnic regions. Also as body tem-
at similar absolute exercise intensities must be due perature rises, an increased skin blood flow is
to differences in the efficiency of their heat loss needed to dissipate body heat. In conditions where
systems. cardiac output is limited, such as during heavy ex-
In this review, we will examine in greater detail ercise in the heat, competition occurs between the
the heat loss effector systems, which are activated muscle and skin vascular beds. On the one hand,
during exercise. We will also discuss exercise heat if skin blood flow is compromised, body temper-
loss responses during exposure to high ambient atures will rise at a faster rate, and thus limit ex-
temperatures. ercise endurance. Alternatively, if muscle blood
flow is inadequate, muscle fatigue and discomfort
2. Control of Skin Blood Flow will limit exercise performance. The final distri-
bution of whole body blood flow depends upon the
2.1 Role of Vasodilatation in level of exercise and the ambient conditions. Other
Temperature Regulation factors, such as hydration level and posture may
also influence blood flow distribution and will be
An important avenue of heat dissipation is the discussed later.
increase in skin blood flow accompanying rises in
body temperature. Warm blood from the body core 2.3 Skin Blood Flow Response to Exercise
is redistributed to the skin, so that heat is lost to
the ambient surroundings via radiation and con- At the beginning of an exercise task, there is a
vection, at a rate proportional to the difference be- transient vasoconstriction, probably a result of a
tween skin and ambient temperature. This increase sympathetic vasoconstrictor response associated
in skin blood flow occurs by relaxation of the re- with the exercise. As the deep body core temper-
sistance vessels, thereby opening new skin capillary ature (Tc) increases however, this vasoconstrictor
beds, and also by dilatation of cutaneous veins. effect is overridden by thermal vasodilatory re-
Venodilatation increases the transient time of blood flexes. While Rowell(1974) reported that blood flow
through the superficial tissues allowing a longer in- to visceral regions is reduced in proportion to the
terval for heat transfer from warm blood to the relative exercise intensity, the changes in the skin
cooler skin (Goetz, 1950). blood flow-core temperature relationship during
At ambient temperatures below about 32 to exercise do not appear to be proportional to ex-
34"C, increasing skin blood flow is the primary ercise intensity, (Johnson, 1979; Nadel et al., 1979;
method of releasing body heat. Vasodilatation for Wenger et al., 1975).
heat loss is limited by the ambient conditions,
however. When air temperatures are hotter than 2.4 Thermal Inputs in the Control of
mean skin temperature, the gradient for heat ex- Skin Blood Row
change is reversed, and heat is transferred from the
air to the skin, resulting in heat storage rather than The thermal control of skin blood flow is pri-
heat loss. marily accomplished by reflex mechanisms involv-
Exercise, Performance and Temperature Control II

ing afferent information from both skin and deep combination of core and skin temperatures, with
body core temperature receptors. Integration of this the core temperature being the more influential
information occurs in the hypothalamus (Hensel, variable (Wyss et aI., 1974).
The basic relationship describing the reflex 2.5 Mechanism of the Vasodilatory
actions of core and skin temperatures of skin blood Response
flow, is depicted in figure 2. Skin blood flow is most
easily measured in a limb such as the forearm, and Vasodilatation of human skin vessels in re-
thus changes in forearm blood flow (FBF) are often sponse to rising body temperature, is an active pro-
represented as changes in whole body skin blood cess not due merely to a release of tonic sympath-
flow. In figure 2, forearm blood flow is plotted as etic vasoconstrictor tone. Roddie et al. (1957)
a function of the core temperature, here measured reported only a minor passive increase of skin blood
in the oesophagus (Tes) . At rest, skin blood flow is flow following release of an elevated level of vaso-
proportional to core temperature beyond a certain constrictor tone. Active vasodilatation is respon-
core temperature vasodilatory threshold; for the sible for the major part of the increase in skin blood
subject in figure 2, the threshold is about 37.3°C flow during heat stress. This active vasodilatation
when skin temperature is 30.3°C. Increasing mean is believed to involve a cholinergic mechanism.
skin temperature (T s) to 35SC resulted in a low- Shepherd (1963) and Edholm et al. (1957) have
ering of the vasodilatory threshold without signifi- shown that the blood flow response to body heat-
cant change in the slope of the skin blood flow- ing could be eliminated by sympathetic blockade.
core temperature relationship. Therefore, the over- Fox and Hilton (1958) suggested that the vasodi-
all skin blood flow response is proportional to a latory mechanism was related to the secretion of
bradykinin which was produced during the sweat-
ing process.
However, other investigators have found that
the vasodilatory response does not always depend
Tforearm = 36.8°
upon local activation of sweat glands, and brady-
kinin therefore cannot be the sole mediator in the
vasodilatory responses (Rowell, I977a; Wyss et aI.,
1974). In many cases, however, active vasodilata-
tion appears to be closely associated with sweating
I activity; for example, active vasodilatation is ab-
E 10
sent in individuals with a congenital absence of

I sweat glands (Brengelmann et aI., 1981). Thus, the

i: active vasodilatation in skin appears to be pri-
5 marily a sympathetic response, with modifying in-
0 fluences exerted by factors associated with rising
E body temperature and activation of sweat glands.
u, 0 2.6 Non-Thermal Modifiers of
36 37 38 39
Skin Blood Flow
r., rC)
Many non-thermal reflexes modify skin blood
Fig 2. Skin blood flow (measured in the forearm) to oesophageal
temperature relationship (Te s ) in a typical subject performing
flow regulation. Cutaneous vasomotor tone, or skin
moderate exercise at 2 mean skin temperatures (Ts )' [From blood flow, is acted upon by efferent input from
Wenger et al., 1975.] both the thermoregulatory centre to maintain ther-
Exercise, Performance and Temperature Control 12

mal homeostasis, and by the vasomotor centre to

maintain arterial blood pressure (fig. 1). The final .. Control ± S.E.
level of skin blood flow then represents the sum of 25-
• Hypohydration ± S.E.
several reflexes which interact competitively with • Hyperhydration ± S.E.

each other.
:s 20
2.6.1 Severe Exercise E
When exercise is severe or prolonged, so that ~ 15
cardiac filling is not adequate, several authors §.
(Brengelmann et al., 1977;Nadel et al., 1980) have g 10
noted an attenuation of the skin blood flow-core "0
temperature relationship, as seen by the decrease 0
in slope of the response in figure 3. The attenuated E
skin blood flow-core temperature slope at higher ~
body temperatures is believed to occur in response u, 0
37 38 39
to both the reduction in absolute blood volume
Oesophageal temperature (OC)
during exercise, and to blood flow redistribution to
the skin. The reduction in blood volume occurs Fig 3. Effect of hydration state on the forearm blood flow-oeso-
because of the fluid losses associated with sweat- phageal temperature relationship. Results are mean data from
ing, and also because of the net movement of fluid 5 subjects during moderate exercise in euhydrated (control), hy-
from the vascular compartment into the interstitial perhydrated (water ingestion) and hypohydrated (diuretics) con-
ditions. [From Nadel et aI., 1980.1
spaces surrounding the exercising muscles. Blood
flow redistribution occurs in response to the rising
body temperatures. duction in central venous filling or by a fall in mean
arterial blood pressure. The baroreceptor signals
2.6.2 Hypovolaemia travelled to the vasomotor centre which then had
As also seen in figure 3, hypovolaemia prior to an inhibitory influence on the thermoregulatory
exercise significantly alters the skin blood flow re- centre, causing a vasoconstrictor response.
sponse. In this study (Nadel et aI., 1980), subjects
were made hypovolaemic by ingestion of diuretic 2.6.3 Positive Pressure Breathing
tablets, so that blood volume was reduced an av- Further evidence that a reduction in skin blood
erage 11%, without significant alteration in plasma flow-core temperature relationship results when
osmolality. Blood flow measurements were then cardiac return is impeded and thus central blood
compared when these same subjects began exercise volume is reduced, was recently reported by Vro-
in a euhydrated state (triangles), to measurements man et ai. (1985). The addition of positive pressure
obtained in the hypohydrated state (squares). breathing (CPAP) during exercise impaired normal
Hypovolaemia resulted in an elevation in the va- thermoregulatory responses. The higher body tem-
sodilatory threshold, resulting in a greater heat peratures were because of an increase in the core
storage and higher exercise body temperatures. In- temperature vasodilatory threshold, and a reduc-
creasing blood volume through ingestion of water tion in the peak forearm blood flow during CPAP,
before exercise (circles) had little effect on the fore- as compared to control breathing. Positive pres-
arm blood flow-oesophagus temperature relation- sure breathing reduces venous return and depletes
ship. The authors suggested that the attenuation in central blood volume, presumably stimulating low
the skin blood flow response during hypovolaemic pressure cardiopulmonary baroreceptors. Thus,
exercise was caused by the stimulation of barore- positive pressure breathing is yet another example
ceptors (see fig. I), which were activated by a re- where competition occurs between the thermore-
Exercise, Performance and Temperature Control 13

gulatory system and the system controlling blood right position than in the supine position. The ef-
pressure. In conditions where cardiac filling is fect of exercise was to exaggerate these postural dif-
compromised, such as positive pressure breathing, ferences. Thus, in the upright position, the greater
blood pressure maintenance prevails at the ex- blood pooling in the lower extremities also reduces
pense of temperature regulation. cardiac return. An increased vasoconstrictor baro-
receptor output may then contribute to the de-
2.6.4 Postural Considerations crease in slope of the forearm blood flow-core tem-
The effect of blood pooling on the control of perature relationship in the upright posture.
skin blood flow is evident when skin blood flow One factor which may aid in the maintenance
responses are compared for the same individuals of cardiac return during upright exercise in the heat,
in different postures. In the upright posture, over was described by Bevegard et al. (1977). They
70%of the blood volume is located in vessels below showed that decreases in right atrial pressure may
heart level, primarily in the veins. Thus, upright increase the sensitivity of the arterial barorecep-
humans have a particularly difficult time ensuring tors. Thus, cutaneous vasodilatation and reduc-
adequate venous return under conditions of high tions in plasma volume during exercise in the heat
body temperatures, and must rely on the muscle may result in an increased sensitivity of the skin
pump action of the legs to maintain venous return vasculature to high-pressure baroreceptor-induced
(Rowell, I977b). The influence of posture at rest vasoconstriction.
and during exercise on the skin blood flow-core
temperature relationship is illustrated in figure 4. 3. Control of Evaporative Heat Loss
Johnson et al. (1974) demonstrated that at rest 3.1 Contribution of Insensible Perspiration
for any given core temperature, a lower slope of to Total Evaporation during Exercise
the skin blood flow response occurred in the up-
At rest in a comfortable environment, evapor-
ative heat loss accounts for approximately 20 to
25% of the total heat loss. Evaporative heat is lost
via two channels of insensible perspiration; cutan-
eous evaporation resulting in water losses of about
18 4 to 13 g/h, and respiratory evaporation, resulting
in a further loss of 10 to 15 g/h. During exercise,
15 respiratory water loss increases by up to 10-fold in
proportion to increases in metabolic rate (Mitchell
C et aI., 1972).
I However, the contribution of respiratory water
E 9

loss to the overall heat balance during severe ex-
6 ercise, or exercise in a warm environment is al-
u. most negligible compared to the water loss
3 through sweating, or sensible perspiration. For ex-
ample, during exercise at an intensity requiring 2
36.5 37.0 37.5 38.0 38.5 litres of oxygen uptake per minute, in a 30°C en-
r., 1°C) vironment with a water vapour pressure of
IOmm Hg, the water loss through the respiratory
tract would be calculated at 78 g/h. Total water
Fig 4. Effect of posture on the forearm blood flow (FBF)-oeso-
phageal temperature (Tos) relationship. Regression lines are
losses under similar conditions for subjects exer-
drawn from data from one typical subject during supine and cising in our laboratory average between 1000 g/h
upright rest and exercise. [Adapted from Johnson et al.• 1974.] and 2000 g/h.
Exercise, Performance and Temperature Control 14

3.2 The Sweat Gland the cholinergic and adrenergic controls.

Kuno (1965) reported that adrenergic input po-
Apocrine and eccrine sweat glands have been tentiates cholinergic actions, while Terada (1966)
identified in the human, and they differ both mor- reported inhibition of sweating by adrenergic fibres.
phologically and functionally. Apocrine glands are However, both authors agree that during exercise,
derived from hair follicles, and their secretion rate adrenergic input increases total sweat output. Cal-
is slow and contains relatively large quantities of cium is required for both cholinergic and e-adre-
organic substances. They do not become functional nergically-mediated sweating. One hypothesis sug-
until puberty, suggesting a secondary sexual func- gests that acetylcholine (ACH), may function to
tion (Elizondo, 1977). increase calcium permeability into the sweat gland
Eccrine sweat glands on the other hand are the clear cell. {3-Receptor sweating is believed to work
true thermal sweat glands, and are therefore the through release of cyclic-AMP which is thought to
focus of discussion for the remainder of this article. increase intracellular stores of calcium (Sato and
There are 2 to 5 million eccrine glands distributed Sato, 1981).
on the body surface. They develop from the epi-
dermis and are functional from infancy (Kuno, 3.4 Mechanism of Sweat Secretion
1956). Each gland consists of a simple tubular
structure containing a single-layered secretory coil Sweat secretion is an active 2-stage process, in-
and a double-layered duct. The secretory coil is volving secretion and reabsorption of sodium ions.
composed of 3 primary cell types - clear (secretory First, sodium ions are actively transported into the
cells), dark (mucoid cells), and myoepithelial cells. secretory coil and water passively follows, resulting
Clear cells are believed to be involved in the active in an isotonic precursor fluid in the coil. This fluid
secretion of the precursor fluid of sweat, while the is then transported into the sweat gland duct where
function of the dark cells is still unknown. The role sodium is actively reabsorbed in an excess of water.
of the myoepithelial cells in sweat secretion is still The slower the sweat rate, the longer the transit
debated. Their contraction is not believed to be ne- time of the fluid in the sweat gland duct and the
cessary for sweat secretion (Sato, 1977). The sweat
gland duct is coiled at first, but becomes straighter
as it reaches the epidermis. It appears that the
proximal (coiled) area of the duct is the more ac- 1.0
tive region, containing high Na/K ATPase activity. E0
c- 0.8
3.3 Eccrine Gland Innervation Ci
:c- 0.6
Efferent nerves involved in the sweating reflex E

originate in the hypothalamus and descend through
the brain stem and spinal tract, crossing at various ~ 0.4
heights and ending in the lateral hom where new Q)
en 0.2
neurons start. Non-myelinated class C, sympath-
etic cholinergic fibres, are involved in sweating and
were first described by Dale and Feldberg (1934). 37.0 37.6 38.2 38.8
In addition, there is evidence of the presence of a r., lOG)
network of sympathetic adrenergic nerve fibres
Fig 5. Effect of mean skin temperature (Ts ) and oesophageal
(Sato, 1977). Both a- and {3-adrenergic receptors are temperature (Te s ) on local sweat rate, with the skin temperature
present in the human sweat gland, and there is con- under the sweat capsule being 34.8°C. Data is taken from one
siderable controversy over the interaction between typical subject. [From Nadel et aI., 1971.]
Exercise, Performance and Temperature Control 15

greater the amount of sodium reabsorbed, resulting din E 1• Bradykinin was once postulated to be an
in a more hypotonic sweat (Sato, 1977). important mediator in sweat production (Fox,
1958). Although locally released bradykinin may
3.5 Factors Affecting Sweat Output increase local blood flow and thus increase sweat
output, increases in sweating have been described
3.5.1 Neural, Hormonal and without an increase in bradykinin (Brengelmann et
Mechanical Factors aI., 1981). Aldosterone affects sweat secretion by
Neural, hormonal, and mechanical factors all altering sodium reabsorption in the sweat duct. Its
interact to regulate the volume and composition of role in sodium secretion in the sweat coil is still
sweat. The principal efferent signal which stimu- uncertain (Sato, 1977).
lates sweat production is sympathetic cholinergic Antidiuretic hormone is often postulated to im-
output from the anterior hypothalamus. This neural pair sweat output. However, most efforts to dem-
output is largely initiated in response to afferent onstrate a direct local action of ADH on either iso-
input, proportional to the deep body temperature. lated glands or on in vivo glands have failed to
Above a threshold core temperature, a linear re- demonstrate an inhibitory action. A central action
lationship exists between sweat output and the rise of ADH in the hypothalamus has also been hy-
in core temperature (see fig. 5). The sensors for this pothesised (Fortney et aI., 1981, Senay, 1979), and
core temperature signal have been postulated to alterations in hypothalamic ADH concentrations
exist in the anterior hypothalamus, in other areas have been reported following conditions of heat
of the brain, in the spinal cord, and in the viscera. stress in animals (Epstein, 1983). Definitive studies
Also shown in figure 5, is the effect of changes in proving a direct central action of ADH on sweating
mean skin temperature (Ts) , on the sweating re- are required. Prostaglandin E) has been shown to
sponse. Increasing ambient temperature will in- have an inhibitory effect on sweat secretion (Eli-
crease mean skin temperature, resulting in a par- zondo, 1977) but its physiological role is still un-
allel shift in the sweat rate to core temperature defined.
3.5.4 Specific Ions and Osmolality
3.5.2 Adrenergic Innervation Specific ions and/or changes in blood or cere-
Adrenergic innervation alters sweat output, but brospinal fluid osmolality have been postulated to
as mentioned above, the effect is controversial. alter sweat production. Nielsen (1974a) suggested
Circulating adrenergic substances such as adrena- that either sodium ions alone or the sodium: cal-
line (epinephrine) also alter sweat output, and are cium ratio alters sweating in humans. The author
involved in the total exercise sweat response. Sato reported that sweating was inhibited after drinking
(1973) reported that in the isolated in vitro sweat hypertonic saline solutions, and increased after
gland, both methylcholine and adrenaline pro- drinking l.5litres of water (Nielson, 1974b). Sweat
duced precursor sweat at comparable rates. They rate changes were attributed to the peripheral ac-
postulated that the low, in vivo secretory response tion of plasma osmolality or specific ions in either
to adrenaline, which is reported to be only one- altering the sensitivity of the sweat glands to a given
tenth that of acetylcholine, can probably be ex- neural input, or the secretion-absorption process in
plained by the strong vasoconstrictor effect of ad- the sweat gland. A direct central action of osmo-
renaline on the periglandular blood vessels. lality on the hypothalamus was also suggested.
Nielsen (1974a) next studied whether the
3.5.3 Other Humoral Agents changes in sweat rate following ingestion of hy-
Other humoral agents which have been shown pertonic saline, were caused by the change in os-
to alter sweat output include bradykinin, aldoster- molality per se, or by a direct action of specific
one, antidiuretic hormone (ADH), and prostaglan- ions. Subjects drank solutions of either hypertonic
Exercise, Performance and Temperature Control 16

sodium chloride or calcium chloride. Although Kamon (1983) showed that hidromeiosis was ac-
plasma osmolality was increased after subjects companied by decreases in the number of active
drank both solutions, only after drinking sodium sweat glands and also in the average output of ac-
chloride was sweating inhibited, suggesting a direct tive sweat glands, suggestinga progressive blockage
action of the sodium ions. Feldberg et al. (1970) of sweat gland pores as the epidermal cells increase
suggested that alteration in temperature regulation in size.
may occur through changes in the sodium : cal- Another unproven theory is that hidromeiosis
cium ratio. Doris and Baker (1982) recently pub- is caused by an alteration in central neural pro-
lished a study which supports a role for central os- cesses whereby a prolonged elevation of body core
moreceptors in evaporative cooling. Water was temperature results in depression in the sensitivity
infused into the lateral cerebral ventricle of heat- or effectiveness of the sweating reflex (Collins et
stressed cats. Evaporative cooling increased, de- aI., 1965).
spite no alteration in the sodium : calcium ratio.
Therefore, the role of specific ions and/or osmo- 4. Effects of Physical Training on
lality on temperature regulation is still an ongoing Thermoregulation
research problem.
Although it is generally accepted that physical
3.6 Mechanical Factors in Alteration of training improves heat tolerance, it is often diffi-
Sweat Rate cult to separate the effects of training from heat
acclimatisation, since most individuals experience
When an individual is abruptly exposed to a hot pronounced elevation in body temperatures during
environment or performs severe exercise, the training. A controversy exists. as to whether re-
sweating rate increases and reaches maximal val- peated elevation in core temperature during exer-
ues within 1 to 3 hours, but then progressively de- cise in a cool environment may result in heat ac-
creases with continued exposure, even though both climatisation, as suggested by Piwonka et al. (1965).
rectal and skin temperatures remain elevated. This Although training may reduce thermoregulatory
decline in sweating has been defined as the phen- strain during short heat exposures, Strydom et a1.
omenon of hidromeiosis. Previously, it was thought (1966) showed that during exposures to hot wet
that this sweat rate depression was due to a conditions for longer than about 2 hours, the bene-
'fatigue' of the sweat glands, possibly due to a lack ficial effects of training on heat tolerance were no
of neurotransmitters or fuel needed for the sweat- longer adequate.
ing process.
However, hidromeiosis is now thought to occur 4.1. Mechanisms of Thermoregulatory
because of a mechanical blockage of the sweat ducts Balance
caused by a swelling of epidermal cells. Evidence
to support the mechanical blockage theory was The mechanisms by which physical training im-
provided by Brown and Sargent (1965). First they proves thermoregulatory balance are 2-fold; through
exercised subjects in a hot humid environment un- improved sweating and improved skin perfusion.
til sweat depression was evident. When these sub- Firstly, as illustrated in figure 6, sweat output in-
jects were then transferred to a hot dry environ- creases. Nadel et a1. (1974) and Henane et a1. (1977)
ment their sweat rate recovered, presumably reported that sweat output increased with training
because sweat was now able to evaporate from the both through reductions in the core temperature
skin surface, because of drying of the epidermal threshold for sweating and through increased
cells. Candas et al. (1983) and Nadel et al. (1973a) sweatingsensitivity, as evidenced by a steeper slope
also presented evidence that sweating efficiency is of the sweat rate-core temperature relationship. In
related to the degree of skin wetness, and Frye and a study comparing athletes to untrained non-ath-
Exercise, Performance and Temperature Control 17

letes, Kobayashi et a1. (1980) reported only lower perature is elevated significantly through a reduc-
sweating thresholds in the athletes, with no differ- tion in the vasodilatory threshold without signifi-
ences in the sweat rate slope. cant change in the slope of the skin blood flow-
Isolated sweat glands from individuals who de- core temperature relationship (see fig. 6).
scribed themselves as fit and good sweaters, were
found to be larger, and to show a greater sensitivity 4.2. Effects of Heat Acclimatisation on
to methacholine administration than the sweat Thermoregulation
glands from non-fit subjects (Sato and Sato, 1983).
These results suggest that physical training may Two of the classic indices of heat acclimatisa-
structurally modify sweat glands, increasing their tion are a reduction in deep body temperature, and
sweat output. Addditionally, it is possible that reduced skin temperatures for a given absolute level
training may alter central neural processes which of exercise. Kuno (1956) argued that the enhanced
control sweating, although such a mechanism has sweat output following heat acclimatisation was
not been described. caused by a central modification of the sweating
The second mechanism by which physical train- response. However, Ito and Adachi (1934),and Fox
ing improves heat tolerance is through alteration et a1. (1964) supported a local peripheral modifi-
in the control of skin blood flow. Following phy- cation of the sweat glands following heat exposure.
sical training, skin blood flow at a given core tem- Both peripheral and central changes in sweat gland
function probably occur during heat acclimatisa-
_ Pre-training
Another problem is whether the increase in
s: 0.8
.-- Post-training sweat output during heat acclimatisation is a result
._.- Post-acclimatisation
c: I of an increase in the number of active sweat glands,
'E 0.6 i
i , or an increase in the output of individual glands.
Ci i I
~ i
Accordingto the work of Collins et a1. (1965), sweat
~ 0.4 i I
output increases solely as a result of an increased
CD i I
s: i
.8. i I
output, without significant recruitment of glands.
~ 0.2 i I
Kuno (1956) reported that recruitment of active
i I
i I
I sweat glands is possible only in the first 2 years of
o/ life.
10 , Dobson (1960) presented morphological evi-
,/ ,/ dence of a change in sweat gland function follow-
8 ing heat acclimatisation. Prior to heat acclimatis-
'2 /i / ' "
I ./ ,/
ation depletion of glycogen occurs in the secretory
6 I I cells of sweat glands after a single bout of vigorous
.I " I I
sweating and glycogen levels are rapidly restored
4 .i/
during recovery. After heat acclimatisation, gly-
• I
u, cogen depletion was no longer observed even after
very vigorous sweating, suggesting a metabolic al-
0 teration in sweat gland function.
37.0 38.0 38.5
While physical training increased the slope of
the sweat rate-core temperature relationship and
tended to reduce the sweating threshold, the com-
Fig 6. Representation of the data from local sweatingand fore-
arm blood flow (FBF) responses during exercise: (a) before
bination of training and heat acclimatisation re-
training (-), (b) after training (----), and (c) after acclimatis- sulted in further slight increases in slope and a sig-
ation (_....._._J. [After Roberts et aI., 1977]. nificant decrease in threshold (Nadel et al., 1973b).
Exercise, Performance and Temperature Control 18

For the skin blood flow response, both physical Table I. Effect of varying skin temperatures on maximum oxy-
training and/or heat acclimatisation lowered the gen uptake- (\102 max)

vasodilatory threshold without significantly alter- Water perfusion 0.5 28 45

ing the slope of the skin blood-flow-core temper- temperature (0C)
ature relationship (Roberts et al., 1977). Figure 6
\10 2 rna, 3.05 ± 0.34 3.03 ± 0.37 2.98 ± 0.31
summarises the thermoregulatory changes follow- (L/min)
ing training and acclimatisation.
Mean skin 30.9 ± 0.6 34.6 ± 0.3 36.6 ± 0.2
5. Effects of a Hot Environment on (0C)
Maximal Exercise Performance Oesophageal 37.9 ± 0.3 38.0 ± 0.1 38.3 ± 0.3
Rowell (1974) extensively reviewed the adjust- at \10 2 max (0C)
ments in the central circulation accompanying ex- Heart rate at 175 ± 4 177 ± 4 178 ± 4
ercise in the heat. Maximal oxygen uptake is gen- \10 2 rna,
erally unaffected when ambient temperature is (beats/min)
elevated and table I presents data from an experi-
a All values are mean ± SO; n = 4.
ment in our laboratory supporting this point.
Treadmill maximal oxygen uptake was determined
in 4 subjects who wore suits perfused from head higher heart rate for a given exercise intensity and
to foot with OSC, 28.0·C and 45.0·C water. De- greater subjective feelings of fatigue. When exercise
spite the varying skin temperatures, maximum is prolonged in a hot environment, heart rate val-
oxygen uptake was not significantly different in ues may reach nearly maximal levels and increases
these 3 conditions. Thus, in short-lasting severe ex- in heart rate can no longer compensate for the re-
ercise,ambient temperatures in this range have little duced cardiac filling. When this happens, the nor-
effect on maximal exercise performance. The in- mal linear relationship between oxygen uptake and
tense vasoconstrictor response during maximal ex- cardiac output is no longer maintained and an in-
ercise probably counteracts the vasodilatory action tense vasoconstriction occurs in a last-ditch effort
induced in high ambient conditions, preventing a to maintain central blood volume. Skin blanching,
decreased exercise tolerance because of increased expecially around the mouth is evident, and col-
blood volume in the skin. However, in exercise of lapse is imminent unless the exercise is stopped.
longer duration, or during exercise in which body These detrimental effects of heat on submaximal
core temperatures are elevated before the onset of exercise performance are even more pronounced in
testing, exercise tolerance decreases (Rowell, 1974). subjects who begin exercising in a hypohydrated
This is probably due to the increased distribution state.
of blood away from the central blood volume, thus
reducing the maximum cardiac output. 7. Conclusion

6. Effects of a Hot Environment on Prolonged exercise in hot environments im-

Submaximal Exercise Performance poses an added risk of heat-induced injury, espe-
cially for unfit or unacclimatised individuals.
The more rapid rise in deep body and skin tem- The ACSM has recently revised its position
peratures in a hot environment will result in a stand on the prevention of thermal injuries during
greater loss of plasma volume through increased distance running (ACSM, 1984). The new position
sweat losses and also a greater redistribution of the statement has been expanded to include recom-
central blood volume towards the skin. Both ef- mendations to prevent heat strain in a general
fects act to reduce cardiac filling, resulting in a community of 'fun joggers' rather than the hard
Exercise, Performance and Temperature Control 19

core athlete. The new guidelines recommend that internal temperatures. Journal of Applied Physiology: Respir-
ation. Environmental and Exercise Physiology 43: 790-794
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dex). Prolonged exercise in such conditions should of resting man in hot humid environments. European Journal
of Applied Physiology 50: 223-234 (1983).
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formed, then fluid intake should be encouraged at training by drugs and thermal stress. Archives of Environ-
mental Health 2: 407-422 (1965).
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Additional work is needed to understand the endo- (Ed.) International Review of Physiology: Environmental
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