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Faiz Rangari - 8976530729 Digital Image Processing


Module 1: Digital Image Processing Fundamentals

1. Differentiate between 8 connectivity and m connectivity. 05
2. Differentiate between special and tonal resolution. 06
3. What do you mean by zero memory operations? 05
Dec 2014
1. Differentiate between spatial and tonal resolution. 05
2. Short Note on Color models 05
Dec 2013
1. Justify that “Reduction in spatial resolution results in checker board
2. Short Note on Isopreference curves 05
1. Short note on pixel connectivity. 05
2. Short note on spatial resolution. 05
Dec 2012
1. Quality of the picture depends on the number of pixels and the number
of grey levels that represent the picture – State True / False and 05
2. Short Note on Image Sampling 05
3. Short Note on JPEG 05
4. Short Note on Connectivity of Pixels
1. Explain digital image sampling and quantization. 05
2. Differentiate between point processing and mask processing. 05
3. For the pixels p and q as shown in the figure with coordinates (1, 1)
and (4, 4) find:
(i) Euclidean distance
(ii) City block distance
(iii) Chess board distance


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ETRX/VII/EQ Prof. Faiz Rangari - 8976530729 Digital Image Processing
Dec 2011
1. Quality of the picture depends on the number of pixels and the number
of grey levels that represent the picture – State True / False and 05
2. What do you understand by sampling and quantization w.r.t. Digital
Image Processing? How will you convert an analog image into digital 10

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ETRX/VII/EQ Prof. Faiz Rangari - 8976530729 Digital Image Processing
Module 2: Image Enhancement

1. Justify the statement: “Laplacian Filter is a High pass filter”. 05
2. Explain the following enhancement operations and draw the graph of
transformation function.
i) Dynamic range compression
ii) Gray Level Slicing
3. Perform histogram equalization on the following image histogram and
plot original and equalized histograms.

Gray Level 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 10
No. of Pixels 550 300 0 0 0 200 325 225

4. With the help of a neat block diagram, explain the working of

homomorphic filter.
Dec 2014
1. Why is the sum of co-efficients of a high pass filter mask Zero? 05
2. Give 3x3 masks for laplacian filter, horizontal, vertical, +45and -
45line detectors.
3. Explain the following enhancement operations and draw the graph of
transformation function.
i) Clipping
ii) Bit plain Slicing
4. Perform histogram equalization on the following image histogram and
plot original and equalized histograms.
Gray Level 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
No. of Pixels 200 300 500 350 250 0 0 0
5. With the help of a neat block diagram, explain the working of
homomorphic filter.
Dec 2013
1. Justify that Butterworth low pass filter is preferred to Ideal low pass
2. The Gray level distribution of an image is shown in the table below.
Perform histogram equalization and plot original and equalized
Gray Level 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Frequency of 0 50 100 200 400 200 50 0

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ETRX/VII/EQ Prof. Faiz Rangari - 8976530729 Digital Image Processing
3. With the help of a neat block diagram, explain the working of
homomorphic filter.
4. A 5x5 image segment is shown below. Perform bit plain slicing and
low pass filtering on the same.

6 7 6 6 7
0 0 0 1 2
1 1 1 2 3
4 5 5 4 2
6 6 6 7 7

1. Justify that “Low pass filter is an averaging filter”. 05
2. Justify that “High pass filter enhances edges”. 05
3. Perform histogram equalization on a digital image whose histogram is
given below:

Gray Level 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 10
No. of Pixels 05 35 150 310 290 150 30 30

4. With the help of a neat block diagram, explain homomorphic filter. 10

5. Explain in brief the operations of contrast stretching and image
6. Short note on High boost filter. 05
Dec 2012
1. The principle operation of median filter is to force points with distinct
intensities to be more like their neighbours – State True / False and 05
2. An image represented 8 bit/pixel has following gray level distribution.
Perform histogram equalization on the following image histogram and
plot original and equalized histograms.
Gray Level 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
No. of Pixels 128 75 280 416 635 1058 820 684

3. Explain Homomorphic filtering. 10

4. Apply following image enhancement techniques on the given image:
i) Digital Negative
ii) Bit Plain Slicing 10
iii) Thresholding

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ETRX/VII/EQ Prof. Faiz Rangari - 8976530729 Digital Image Processing

2 1 3 7 4
4 5 2 0 1
3 5 1 4 6
0 4 0 2 3
2 1 6 1 4

5. Give following masks of 3x3 and explain their usefulness in image

i) Sobel
ii) Roberts
iii) Low Pass Filter
iv) Prewitt
v) Laplacian

6. Short note on Filtering in frequency domain 05

1. Explain various image enhancement Technique in spatial domain. 10
2. Explain various image enhancement Technique in frequency domain. 10
Dec 2011
1. “Low pass filter is a smoothening filter”. – State True / False and
2. “Median filter is used to remove salt and pepper noise”. – State True /
False and Justify.
3. An image segment of 4x4 size with 3 bits/pixel is shown below,
perform the following operation
i) Image Negative
ii) Bit Plain Slicing

0 7 1 2 10
2 5 3 2
1 4 5 6
3 2 5 2

4. Discuss advantages of homomorphic filtering. Also explain the steps of

homomorphic filtering with the help of a neat block diagram.
5. Compare between contrast stretching and histogram equalization. 10

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ETRX/VII/EQ Prof. Faiz Rangari - 8976530729 Digital Image Processing
Module 3: Image Segmentation and Representation

1. Explain the method of edge linking using Hough Transform. 10
2. Explain why it is difficult to threshold images with poor illumination 10
3. Short Note on Movements 05
4. Short Note on Motion based segmentation 05
5. What are Fourier descriptors? Explain how a 2 dimensional boundary
is represented using Fourier descriptors.
Dec 2014
1. Perform region splitting and merging on the image segment shown
below. Draw the quad tree. Briefly explain the method used.


2. What are chain codes? Obtain 4 connected and 8 connected chain coes
for the boundary shown below:


Dec 2013
1. Justify that it is difficult to segment poorly illuminated images. 05
2. What is segmentation? With the help of examples explain
segmentation based on similarity.
3. Short Note on Chain code. 05
4. Explain the following with examples:
a. Signature. 10
b. Fourier descriptors.

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ETRX/VII/EQ Prof. Faiz Rangari - 8976530729 Digital Image Processing
1. Explain in detail edge linking using graph theoretic method. 10
2. Explain region based segmentation. 10
Dec 2012
1. Poorly illuminated image can be easily segmented - State True/ False
and Justify.
2. Chain code can be made in variant to translation and rotation - State
True/ False and Justify.
3. Explain segmentation based on discontinuity and similarity. 10
4. Obtain 4 directional chain codefor the image shown below. Find first
difference and circular first difference


1. Describe the operators for detecting the diagonal edges in an image. 05
2. Explain the splitting and merging techniques for image segmentation
with the help of an example.
3. Discuss various representation schemes of digital image processing. 10
Dec 2011
1. Name different types of image segmentation techniques. Explain the
splitting and merging techniques with the help of an example.
2. How will you detect following in a digital image:
i) Point
ii) Line 10
iii) Edge

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ETRX/VII/EQ Prof. Faiz Rangari - 8976530729 Digital Image Processing
Module 4: Binary Image Processing

Dec 2014
1. Explain dilation and erosion in brief. 05
2. Given 8x8 image segment, perform erosion using the structuring
element shown

1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1
Structuring Element:
1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 0 0 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 10
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 0 0 1 1 1
1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1
1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1

3. Short Note on Opening and Closing 05

Dec 2013
1. With the help of a suitable example explain following morphological
i) Dilation 10
ii) Erosion

Dec 2012
1. Short Note on Dilation and Erosion 05
1. With the help of a suitable example explain following morphological
i) Dilation
ii) Erosion
iii) Opening
iv) Closing
Dec 2011
1. Short Note on Dilation and Erosion 05

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ETRX/VII/EQ Prof. Faiz Rangari - 8976530729 Digital Image Processing
Module 5: Image Transform

1. Calculate the 2-D DFT and Hadamard transform of the image segment
shown below using matrix multiplication method.

0 0 1 4
1 1 1 4
1 0 1 0
0 2 0 2
2. Explain the importance of Kernel separability property of 2-D DFT in
implementing 2-D FFT
3. Short Note on Wavelet transform 05
Dec 2014
1. Calculate the Hadamardtransform of the image segment

2 3 1 4
f(x,y)= 2 1 1 4 05
1 3 4 4
3 3 2 2
2. State any 2 properties of 2-D DFT. 05
3. Obtain the 16 basis images of Hadamard transform 10
Dec 2013
1. Justify that “Dynamic range compression is used in displaying the four
year transform of an image”.
2. Obtain the 2-D DFT of the image segment shown below using any one
fast algorithm

0 0 1 1 05
1 2 0 0
1 0 1 1
2 0 1 0
3. State and prove periodicity and translation properties of 2-D DFT.
Write the transformation matrices for Hadamard and Four year 10
transforms for N=4.
4. Short Note on Hough Tranform. 05

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ETRX/VII/EQ Prof. Faiz Rangari - 8976530729 Digital Image Processing
1. DCT is highly suitable for transform coding. 05
2. State and prove any two Properties of 2D DFT in detail. 10
3. Explain how 2D DFT can be computed using 1D DFT twice. 10
4. Short note on Walsh Transform. 05
Dec 2012
1. For a 2x2 tranform A and the image U, compute transformed image V
and the basis image.


2. List any 2 properties od 2-D DFT and prove any one of them. 10
1. Define Hadamard Transform. Write the Hadamard Matrix for N=8. 05
2. Define Haar Transform. Compute the Haar basis for N=2. 10
3. Explain the Properties of 2-D DFT in detail. 10
Dec 2011
1. What do you understand by Hadamard Transform? Write 4x4
Hadamard Matrix. Discuss application of Hadamard Transform.
2. Define 2-D DFT. Explain the Properties of 2-D DFT in detail. 10

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ETRX/VII/EQ Prof. Faiz Rangari - 8976530729 Digital Image Processing
Module 6: Image Compression

1. What is truncated Huffman code? 05
2. Explain in detail the types of data redundancies seen in digital image. 10
3. Explain how Huffman code removes coding redundancy. 10
Dec 2014
1. Compare Huffman coding and Arithmetic coding 05
2. A source emits 6 symbols with following probabilities


Construct the Huffman code. Calculate the average code word Length and
coding efficiencies.
3. Explain in detail the types of data redundancies seen in digital image. 10
Dec 2013
1. Justify that “Huffman coding is a lossless compression techniques”. 05
2. What are the different types of data redundancies seen in digital
image? Explain in detail.
3. A source emits 6 symbols with following probabilities as shown in the
table below. Construct the Huffman code and coding efficiency.


1. Lossy compression gives higher compression ratio. 05
2. RLE does not always result in image compression. 05
3. What are redundancies found in digital images? How are they
4. Draw the block diagram for transform coding for image data
compression and explain the same.
5. Generate the Huffman code for the symbol probabilities shown below:
Symbol a b c d
Probabilities 0.1 0.2 0.4 0.3
6. Short note on IGS coding. 05

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ETRX/VII/EQ Prof. Faiz Rangari - 8976530729 Digital Image Processing
Dec 2012
1. All image compression techniques are invertible– State True/ False
and Justify.
2. Obtain Huffman code for the word “COMMITTEE”. 10
3. What are the different types of data redundancies seen in digital
image? Explain how they can be reduced / eliminated.
1. Obtain Huffman code for the word “COMMITTEE” and calculate
entropy, average code word length and code efficiency.
2. Explain image compression model with the help of a neat block
3. Short Note on Lossy Compression. 10
4. Short Note on Text Compression. 10
Dec 2011
1. Huffman coding is a lossless compression techniques – State True/
False and Justify.
2. Name and explain different types of Redundancies in digital image. 10
3. Explain image compression model with the help of a neat block
4. Short Note on Lossless Compression. 05

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